Ireland's Birth Stories

A platform for women to share their experiences with pregnancy and birth without feeling shy about the detail <p>Become a supporter at <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href=""></a>.</p> <br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>

EP157 Judith PT2/2 Early Pregnancy supported by IVF clinic, Hospital Care, Induction, Positive Birth

In this week's episode on the Ireland's Birth Stories podcast I share my chat with Judith who talks me through her pregnancy with Rian. Judith was monitioredclosley throughout her pregnancy right from the very early stage to the moment Rian came Ito the world. She also discovered her cervix was measuring short therefore had a stitch inserted to ensure baby was safe and sound for as long as possible. Judith then revisit the final few weeks, her deciosn to have an induction and the birth of her last baby, Rian.Support the podcastBuy Me A CoffeeThis episode was brought to you by *Birth Baby Beyond*Book your free doula consultation via their website or visit their Instagram for further information. Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP156 Judith PT1/2, Years of TTC, Serendipitous Moments, IVF

This week on the Ireland's Birth Stories podcast I’m sharing my chat with @anirishmammy who talks me through the last few years of her life TTC. Judith has been very open on her own IG page but here we really go through each of the treatments she underwent, how she felt mentally moving from a place of acceptance to deciding to try one last time and the toll it took on her body. Judith and I spoke back in 2021 and have always stayed in touch rooting for one another. We had this connection but she also experienced the power of women united through a visit in Greece.Support the podcastBuy Me A Coffee Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP155 Charlotte, Two Births, C-section, VBAC

This episode was brought to you by *Birth Baby Beyond*Book your free doula consultation via their website or visit their Instagram for further information. EP155 Charlotte, Two Births, C-section, Birth Preparation, VBACIn this week's episode I share my chat with Charlotte who revisited reach of her two births with me, We chat about TTC, pregnancy sickness and her first birth which resulted in a C-section. Her second pregnancy and birth looked very different. She invested so much time in her preparation and was supported in her choice by her consultant. Thanks so much Charlotte for sharing your story Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP154 - Justine, Second Birth, Homebirth

This episode was brought to you by *Birth Baby Beyond*Book your free doula consultation via their website or visit their Instagram for further information.In this episode I share my chat with @justinekingxx She revisits TTC, discovering she was pregnant and her decision to have a homebirth. Justine also shares a difficult time in her families life as her dad overcame some heath issues but she also discusses how difficult it was to stay focused on what was imminent. The birth of her boy! A gorgeous episode demonstrating the power of support from family to midwives and also how incredible the arrival of a new family member can be for everyone. Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP153 - Emma pt2/2, Second pregnancy & Birth, Epidural, Breastfeeding, Life with Two under Two

his episode was brought to you by *Birth Baby Beyond*Book your free doula consultation via their website or visit their Instagram for further information.In this week's episode I share the second part of Emmas story. Emma shares discovering she was pregnant soon after the birth of her first boy. She reminisces over feeling the need to work things out logically, how do naps work with two young babies? She then shares Shay's birth which was very different to her first experience. Emma also chats about extended breastfeeding and life with two kids at just 13 months apart. Thanks so much Emma Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP152 - Emma (pt1/2) First Pregnancy, Sickness, Induction, Instrumental Birth,

This episode was brought to you by *Birth Baby Beyond*Book your free doula consultation via their website or visit their Instagram for further information.EP152 - Emma (PT1/2) First Pregnancy, Sickness, Induction, Hormonal Shift (Breastfeeding) This week I share my chat with Emma. Again I have decided to split our chat into two episodes. In part one Emma shares discovering she was pregnant and struggling with pregnancy sickness. We then chat through Emma’s induction which was a really tough few days. A decision was made to bring Emma’s baby into the world via C-section but a midwife examined her just one last time which completely changed everything. We also chat about that hormonal shift which can be felt as breastfeeding wants/needs change for baby. Thank you Emma for sharing as much as you did. Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP151 - Karla PT2, Major Surgery, Termination, Pregnancy Loss, Positive Birth

In this week’s episode I share the second part of Karla’s story. This part of Karla’s story is pretty tough listening up until the 35 minute mark. She talks us through major surgery through Covid and her experience with termination. Karla then shares the birth of her second daughter which is such a gorgeous, positive experience surrounded by midwives who were there to support her through it all. They stood back and let her do her thing. As I say in the introduction of Karla’s story from 15-33 minutes she revisits her experience with termination. I know this will connect with some of you but for others who aren’t in a place to listen I don’t want you to miss the birth of Lyla, hence the reason I have shared that time stamp. Thanks for sharing Karla Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP150 (PT1/2) - Karla, Two Pregnancies, Miscarriage, One Birth, Assisted Delivery (vacuum)

This week I’m sharing part one of two episodes. Karla shares so much of her life with us over these two episodes from suffering loss, birthing each of her girls, termination and over coming major surgery. This week we chat about Karla’s experience with her first miscarriage which is really tough to revisit. We then chat through her daughter’s birth, Kora. In the hospital Karla was surrounded by women who were really rooting for her. They gave her space, time and support. She did need some assistance at the latter stages of labour but thankfully all was well and Kora was up onto her chest a few moments later. Karla experienced that high, the one we wish every woman could experience but not all of us do immediately. Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP149 - Áine, Two Pregnancies, One Birth, Miscarriage, Homebirth (Perspective of a midwife)

I had the pleasure of not only sitting with Áine revisiting Cora’s birth in person but also meeting the lady herself. Áine shared so much with us. We chat about her first pregnancy which unfortunately ended in a miscarriage. As for many of us, this led to a roller coaster of emotions. Áine shares what she did to help navigate life through pregnancy loss. We then chat about her second pregnancy which thankfully went to full term. Áine shares her perspective as a midwife through pregnancy, opting for a homebirth and how difficult it can be to take that midwife hat off. When it was go time, it all happened super quick in the end and she was surrounded by everyone that was important to her. Support Áine received after suffering a miscarriage was through Orlagh ReidYou can help support the podcast via the link below which gives you access to each episode ad-freeThanks for you support Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP148 - Brana, Pregnancy & Caregiving, Child Loss, Early Pregnancy Loss, Connecting with Pregnancy through Grief, Labouring at Home, Motherhood, Support

In this episode Brana shares the birth of her second daughter Riyah. We also chat about Evie, Brana's first daughter who sadly passed away weeks before Riyah came into the world. Below I have linked our first chat from 2022 when Brana talked us through Evie's birth but also her suffering the loss of a pregnancy at 10 weeks gestation. Brana shares so much with with us in both of our chats.Thanks BranaEP99 - Evie's Story Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP147 - Emma, Pre-Eclampsia, Birth at 35 weeks, C-section, Navigating Early Motherhood with Depression In this episode

In this episode I share my chat with Emma who talks me through her pregnancy and the birth of her son Robin. Emma is also incredibly open about her struggles with depression. Unfortunately Emma’s medical team discovered she had severe pre-eclampsia so she was admitted to hospital at 34 weeks. Her son came into the world 5 weeks premature, thankfully healthy with a short stay in NICU. Emma talks us through a crippling depressive episode at 4 months postpartum, again being so honest with us. She remarks on the support she had from family, the medical professionals who gave her what needed at just the right time (some not so much!) and the moment she felt the darkness lifting. I’ve no doubt some of my listeners will relate to Emma’s story but I do want you to listen with caution. This episode might not be for you at the moment but will always be here if/when you are ready.  Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP146 - Megan, First Pregnancy, Homebirth, Currently Pregnancy

In this week's episode I chat to Megan who talked me through the birth of her first baby at home. Megan's first choice wasn't homebirth but after attending an antenatal class she was inspired. She talks us through preparation which included keeping the fact she was having a homebirth under wraps as a means of protecting her space. Megan then talks me through the birth of her first boy which is just gorgeous. Enjoy Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP145 - Aoife & Ciara, Reciprocal IVF, Water labour, Conversations Navigating Care

In this episode I share my chat with Aoife and her wife Ciara. Together they share their experience bringing their daughter Rua into the world. They chose reciprocal IVF which is relatively new to Ireland so it's a great opportunity to be given such first hand insight into the such a new form of IVF. Together they made informed decisions which best suited what they wanted throughout conception, pregnancy and birth. I love listen to a couple share their story, it's such a rare opportunity to be a part of something so intimate.Thanks @ciarajharrison & Aoife Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP144 - Erin, Second Birth, Hospital Birth (Pool Labour), Breastfeeding

In this episode I share my chat with Erin who talks me through her second birth story. In Oct 2021 I shared Erins first birth story which was so different. Erin prepared so much for this birth ensuring she was confident in her decisions when creating her birth plan. We also talk about adjusting to life as a mum of two and over coming breastfeeding obstacles. Thanks @vodkatearserin Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP143 - Shauna, Two Pregnancies & Births, Traumatic Birth, 3rd Degree Tear, Retained Products, Recovery, Second Birth Positive Story

In this episode I share Shauna's story. Shauna's first story is hard to0 here, she really suffered not only throughout the birth of her son but for months following his arrival. She suffered physically and mentally but finally found the strength to start healing with the support of professionals. Shauna later gave birth to her second child, a little girl. This time her story was very different being supported by so many HCP's that had her best interests at heart. Thank you Shauna Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP142 - Edel, Three Births, One Hospital Birth, One Unplanned Homebirth, One Planned Homebirth

In this week's episode I share my chat with Edel who talks me though her three birth stories. Edel gave birth to her first little girl in a hospital as planned. She then gave birth unexpectedly at home with her second girl. Although this wasn't the plan, Edel was so calm as she created the perfect environment to lean into labour and enjoy the experience as much has she could. She was supported by her husband as the ambulance made its way to her home. She then decided to opt for a planned homebirth on her third pregnancy. Another gorgeous story shared.Thanks Edel Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP141 - Sarah, Birth at 31 Weeks, NICU, Positive Births, Support

In this week's episode I share my chat with Sarah who talks me through her two birth stories. Sarah gave birth to her first little girl at 31 weeks gestation. Despite the worry and stress the birth of her daughter was really positive with the support of a medical team that continued to communicate with her. She then shares her second experience which again she loved but unfortunately she felt the support wasn't there with her midwife. Sarah also shares life in the early days of motherhood.Thanks @sorcha_rose Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP140 - Julie, Two Pregnancies, One Birth, Epidural

In this week's episode I share my chat with Julie who talks me through her two pregnancies and one birth. Julie also shares her level of preparation which thankfully came in handy while giving birth. She also shares how tough it can be in labour in a busy hospital. Her preparation absolutely enabled her to regain focus and also to give her husband the confidence to advocate for her. Enjoy Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP139 - Aimee, Four Pregnancies, Three Births, TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons), Miscarriage, Positive C-section

In this weeks episode I share Aimee's story of four pregnancies and three births. Aimee shares a profoundly sad part of her story surrounding the loss of her baby boy after a diagnosis of fatal fetal abnormalities. She share the day, weeks and months following this incredibly tough period of her life. Aimee then goes on to share her most recent birth story which was a beautiful positive Caesarean birth.Thank you so much Aimee!Within this link are many supports to help not only you but those around you navigating the loss of a child. Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


EP138 - Sinead D, Pregnancy Sickness, Positive Induction

Sinead shares her second birth story following her first story in 2021 EP104 - Sinead D. Thankfully this experience was very different. She was surrounded by such a great team also supported by a doula who she was in touch with throughout labour. Sinead also chats about life postnatally which is equally as important to hear. Enjoy Become a supporter at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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