DiscoverIrish Mythology Podcast
Irish Mythology Podcast
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Irish Mythology Podcast

Author: Marcas O hUiscín

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Marcas and Stephie adapt and retell famous, and not so famous stories from Irish Mythology and Folklore.

Each episode features a dramatic reading of one of these tales, along with a deep dive into the original versions that they are adapted from.

Encounter mighty warriors, druids, witches, demons, monsters, gods, fairies, ghosts, saints, and scholars as we travel to magical locations in the Irish otherworld - below the ground, under the sea, in the sky and beyond the realm of comprehension.

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33 Episodes
The Milesians are coming! Discover the mythical ancestors of the Gaelic Irish and their journey from the city known today as A Coruña in Galicia. Íth sees a mysterious island across the sea from atop his father's tower in the north west Iberian settlement of Brigantia. Despite the discouragement of the elders, he and his nephew Míl forge a plan to sail to this magical land that one day will be known as Ireland. We talk about the Book of Invasions, real life prehistoric migrations, the place lore of Galicia, the camino, generational conflict and, unlikely church music. credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Story Adaptation: Marcas Ó hUiscín Story Narration: Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh  Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All other sounds Creative Commons
We talk about the relevance of Irish Mythology in a time of climate crisis, the meaning of The Second Battle of Moytura, ancient Irish calendar customs, astrological agriculture, and M People. Bres faces trial for treason! Does the Fomorian collaborator have anything to offer in return for his life? The Dagda, Lugh and, Ogma travel to The Hebridies to take back The Dagda’s harp and the stolen cattle herd of Ireland. Starring: Lugh, Bres, The Dagda, Ogma, Éire, Elatha. Co Starring: Máeltne Mórbrethach, Loch Half Green, Fomorian Goat Man, Fomorian Man Goat. A cautionary tale on why you shouldn’t hang the magic harp you stole on the wall of your banqueting hall. credits Written, presented and produced by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Story Adaptation: Marcas Ó hUiscín Story Narration: Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence Main story background music by szegvari, MusicByMisterbates, and Andrewkn. All other sounds Creative Commons
The walking dead, a talking corpse, a journey to the otherworld!  Join Nera as he accepts a Halloween challenge that ends up being a lot more than he bargained for.  We talk horror in Irish mythology, the good people, the restless dead and time travel! Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All other sounds Creative Commons Sponsored by McCaffrey Crafts
The Fomorians are under attack! The invaders' plan to conquer Ireland has been severely disrupted by none other than the daughter of their king, Indech Mac Dé Domhnainn. Just when they think they think they are through the worst, they face a new foe, The Morrígan, the deadliest goddess of them all.  We talk about The Morrígan, death on the battlefield, the boundaries between our world and the otherworld, and who Jeff Goldbloom could play in the movie adaptation of this story.  Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Story: Marcas Ó hUiscín Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence   Cinematic Music-03 by Michael-DB (4.0) Tension in the air: Steven F. Allen - AuDioChosis All other sounds Creative Commons Sponsored by McCaffrey Crafts
The Fomorians are on their way and Lugh wants to fight, but the other gods are keeping him from the battle. Convinced his destiny is to defeat the sinister Balor, he bides his time and prepares his fellow deities for the coming confrontation.  We talk about the concept of destiny and ask "what would a Fomorian victory mean for Ireland?" credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Story: Marcas Ó hUiscín Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence Cinematic Music-03 by Michael-DB (4.0) Lugh, Lugh, Lugh by Marcas Ó hUiscín All other sounds Creative Commons Sponsored by McCaffrey Crafts
The Fomorians are ready to march to meet the Tuath Dé in Battle but their battle plans omitted a plan to ask the land spirits for permission to cross their territory. Will their lack of respect come back to bite them? Starring: Balor, Bres, Elatha, Indech Mac Dé Domhnan, and his unnamed daughter. Co-Starring various Fomorians, the forest, a river. A cautionary tale on why you should always make sure your family aren’t mad at you before you need their help. credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Story: Marcas Ó hUiscín Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence Cinematic Music-03 from on freesound (4.0) ending music for war game in vr soundtrack v2 .mp3 by on Freesound (4.0) RDIOLyraCloudMusic.mp3 Global Warming Studios Albuquerque, NM on Freesound (3.0) marching boots.wav from (4.0) Crowd of extras in a waiting room from (3.0) Crowd of extras in a waiting room from (3.0) All other sounds cc 0 licence from Sponsored by McCaffrey Crafts
The episode contains some explicit content.  The Dagda is on a mission. He travels to the west to scout the invading Fomorian armies, but it's not all business for the supreme father. On his way, he meets up with The Morrígan for their annual tryst and later on, he hooks up with an unlikely lover. All's fair in love, war and sorcery.  We talk censorship, sex in mythology, the Tao of The Dagda, Ancient Mesopotamian smut and the Greek god Pan.  Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from Sponsored by McCaffrey Crafts 
We examine the curious folklore around the figure of St. Sheelah who isn't mentioned in Patrick's writings or in the works of his hagiographers. We travel to Newfoundland, Canada and Australia in search of answers. Written, presented and produced  by  Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh and Marcas Ó hUiscín. With special thanks to Theresa O'Keefe and Dymphna Lonergan. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence)
We talk about that old Irish harbinger of death, the Banshee, her connections with Badbh and the Morrigan, the tradition of keening at funerals and Professor of folklore, Patricia Lysaght's extensive research on the topic. credits Written, presented and produced  by Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh and Marcas Ó hUiscín. Music – Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from
The Judgement of Lugh

The Judgement of Lugh


Lugh is about to lead the Tuath Dé to war, but first he wants to bring his father's killers to justice.  We talk Lugh's epithets, ridiculous fines and reading the fine print.  credits Spnspored by Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. This episode is sponsored by McCaffrey Crafts Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence) All sounds cc licence from
Balor, a giant who lives in an invisible tower, commands one of the most fearsome armies that has ever been. He is prosperous, respected and feared, but there is something in his past that torments him. When Bres and the druid Lobais return to Balor's island stronghold from mainland Ireland  reporting the rise of a new hero, the skeletons in his closet grow new flesh. We talk Balor, his supposedly evil eye, place lore, prophecy, sleep paralysis, Assasin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids, the 90's Balor PC RPG, Sauron in Lord of the Rings, Finn Balor in the WWE, and American Gods.  credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Story: Marcas Ó hUiscín Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence) All sounds cc licence from
The Rise of Lugh

The Rise of Lugh


Lugh goes to Tara to claim his place in the hall of the gods but first he will have to prove his value to them. To do this he must win at an ancient Irish version of chess called fidchell and undergo a test of strength from Ogma. We talk about Lugh, the festival of Lughnasadh, the continental celtic god Lugus, and the Welsh mythological figure Lleu Llaw Gyffes. Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence) All sounds cc licence from except "chanting Lugh's name", by Marcas O'hUiscín.
Bres and the Fomorians are raiding Ireland but Nuada doesn't want to drag the Tuath Dé into another war. Lugh and Bodbh Dearg take matters into their own hands and organise the riders of the sidhe into a resistance militia. We also talk placelore, Lughnasadh and what archaeology can tell us about the worship of Lugh. credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from except "riders of the sidhe chanting Lugh's name", by Marcas O'hUiscín,
Vikings! Fish! Goat headed men! Sliding into DM's Medieval style! A clue to the biggest mystery in Irish Mythology! Bres has lost the kingship of the Tuath Dé and now he's throwing a strop, but he has a plan. Maybe his estranged father and his people the Fomorian's can help him. He already knows one of them, a sinister figure known as Balor. Before anything can happen, he has to find his dad and the only one who can help is his mother, the Goddess Éire (EIriu). We talk Viking influence on Irish Mythology, misinterpreted poetry and the creation of deities, a disused Irish word that might reveal the identity of... Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from
Midir loses an eye while trying to break up a fight; Dian Cecht works some healing magic; Aengus goes up to Down to woo Étaín for Midir; The Dagda fights an Octopus; WB Yeats is CANCELLED! We ask if Aengus really was a god of love and/or a god of poetry and how he came to be associated with these things and we talk about family and networks of mutual aid. There's a lot to unpack in this episode, the penultimate chapter in the first sub-tale of The Woing of Étain.  Support our work and get access to bonus content on our Patreon. credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from
Patrick has had a lot of success spreading the word of God in Ireland, but one native deity and his followers are not going without a fight. Who will win this epic confrontation? Patrick versus Crom Cruach; This time it's biblical! We talk Patrick, Cromm Cruach, hagiography, human sacrifice, Lóegaire mac Néill, and the different ways Christianity and native Irish Paganism interacted. We also make a bit of time to talk old St. Patrick's Day customs.  credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from 
Aengus believes he is the son of Midir, his foster father, but gets a rude awakening when a jealous Fir Bolg youth tells him otherwise. On finding out his father is actually The Dagda, the King in the Sidhe, he sets out to meet him and claim a Sidhe of his own. There's one slight problem though; Someone already occupies the mound The Dagda had in mind for his son. That someone is the husband of Aengus's mother, the one The Dagda had already duped when he had an affair with Boann.  A cautionary tale on why you should read the fine print of any contract.  credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from
Brigid returns from tending her flock to see women huddled around the hearth with only a bit of bread between them. A bit of divine magic might be just what the doctor ordered.  We talk about the goddess Brigid, Saint Brigid, how they are connected and why she is the patron of the festival of Imbolc, also known as St. Brigid's Day or Lá Fheile Bride.  credits Written, presented and produced  by Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh and Marcas Ó hUiscín. Story: Stéphanie Ní Thiarnaigh Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from Except Music for a film by EvanJones4 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence on
The Dagda has got his groove back, but though his power is restored, he longs for Boann, goddess and wife of his steward, Elcmar. He makes use of his control of the Sun and time to not only make a tryst possible, but to hide the conception and birth of a son. Despite the title, Étain doesn’t appear in today’s story as she isn’t introduced until later in the Saga. We ask: What was The Dagda’s role in myth and in the old pagan religion? Why is this story associated with the Winter Solstice? Does this story hint at the remnant of a pre-Celtic religious tradition? What was the significance of Newgrange for ancient astronomers? Could the Egyptian Book of the Dead help us interpret the importance of the Solstice at Newgrange for the dead? credits Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from
The Dagda Strikes Back

The Dagda Strikes Back


The Dagda has had enough of Bres's demands of his labour and Cridenbel's demands of his hospitality. Now, with the help of a magical child and a satirist, The Dagda Strikes Back. A cautionary tale outlining why you should always give your guests something decent with their cuppa. Written, presented and produced  by Marcas Ó hUiscín and Stephanie Ní Thiarnaigh. Music - Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 public licence All sounds cc licence from (except Door - Stone - Large - by DWO Boyle attribution licence at freesound)
Comments (1)

Lucia Gilmore

Very informative guys, kept me company on my socially isolated walk 👍

May 12th