Aired 6/6/2014 The Greedy Corporations and Billionaires stole our country. A little over 3 years later things are worse. If don't do it soon we will be extinct.
I am going to piss off a lot of people. If I disappear I may be in Gitmo or some other prison somewhere in the world. We have to speak out about what our government and others are doing to the world and its people.I would say we have to take our government back but it was never ours. Our country is based on lies. We the people are pawns in a chess game that is killing us. Now it's people of color, the mentally ill and the poor. The middle class is dwindling and soon all that will be left is the rich who will fall too because of their greed
Talk about the right, left, government and our fearless leaders. Who runs our country, the rich or the people? Originally aired on Blog Talk Radio 8/20/2014.
I have spent a lot of time in the streets and know many homeless people. ; This is a composite of those that I know