
<p>Ishavasyopanishad (or Isha Upanishad) is one of the ten principal upanishads which present the essence and culmination of all knowledge found within India's most ancient and sacred texts; the vedas. It focuses on the oneness of all creation, the illusion of multiplicity, and the need to carry out one's duties in the world with detachment. It contains just 18 verses.<br><br>It is believed that listening to the upanishads is the first step towards discovering our unique spiritual path to liberation. In 2020, Sri Madhusudan Sai gave a series of talks over the course of a month, which methodically and thoroughly explained the significance of the Ishavasyopanishad and its relevance to us in our lives. This podcast series is compiled from those talks.</p>

4. I am brahman

In this final episode, Sri Madhusudan Sai explains more on the different levels of knowledge, and if used correctly, how they lead us to the ultimate liberation that comes from ātmavidyā - realising one's true divine nature as brahman. This realisation of "I am brahman" has to permeate every cell and become one's entire existence.The episode also touches upon the role of brahmacarya, sannyasa, and the significance of pursuing spiritual wisdom instead of getting trapped in materialistic desire...


3. How to live in oneness with all

In this third episode, Sri Madhusudan Sai provides some background on where this ancient scripture came from. The episode goes deeper into two major questions:1.⁠ ⁠How can someone do their everyday duties while realising that everything is truly one reality (brahman)?2.⁠ ⁠Why did the perfect, limitless brahman create our limited senses and minds? What was the purpose?His insights clearly answer these profound questions that puzzle spiritual seekers. His explanations go beyond the intelle...


2. Achieving the ultimate goal

In this episode, Sri Madhusudan Sai delves deeper into the core teachings of the Ishavasyopanishad. He explains about avidyā and vidyā, karmakāṇḍa (ritualistic actions) and upāsanākāṇḍa (ceremonies of worship), how far they can take you in life, while emphasising that the ultimate goal of mokṣa can only be achieved through brahmavidyā - the realisation of the supreme brahman. His commentary continues to explain the nature of the immortal atman, transcending attachments and aversions, sel...


1. Live selflessly through sacrifice

In this first episode, Sri Madhusudan Sai unpacks the wisdom contained in the first two verses of the Ishavasyopanishad. He explains concepts like the all-pervading and infinite nature of Brahman, the importance of living selflessly through sacrifice, and how one can attain liberation even while carrying out worldly duties. This episode sets the tone for the series by giving the listener a taste of the Upanishadic insights that hold the keys to leading a life of purpose and meaning.


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