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Israel: State of a Nation

Author: State of a Nation Podcast

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Israeli spokesman Eylon Levy has been the global media’s #1 address for understanding Israel’s perspective in the October 7 War with Hamas. In the brand-new State of a Nation podcast, Eylon brings his idiosyncratic blend of “eloquence and ability to transmit outrage” (The Times) and “rhetorical tour de force” (The Guardian) to his exclusive channel, to explore the most pressing questions facing the Jewish state – and all with patience and panache. 

State of a Nation takes you into the spokesperson’s briefing notes, delving into the real stories and their surprising details. The series invites listeners into insider conversations with thinkers, policymakers, and media personalities — conversations that take you between the lines and beyond the headlines. 

Listen, watch and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.



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27 Episodes
Since October 7, Israel has been saying it’s fighting FOR humanity, on the frontlines of humanity, but in the information war—Israel’s own humanity is being called into question. And that charge is being led by NGOs with ideological agendas that pass themselves off as great defenders of humanity, with names like Save the Children, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International. They have been active combatants in the information war against Israel. Amplifying some of the worst lies and propaganda ...
Hamas is waging two wars against Israel. There is a physical war and there is an information war, which is no less important. Because Hamas has been waging a brutal psyops campaign against Israel, spreading lie by lie to poison global public opinion against Israel. And that information war is designed to make Israel’s friends turn against it, fracture its alliances, and leave it weaker and more isolated on the global stage. And with misinformation running rampant across the internet, now is m...
Bernard Henri Levy, or BHL, is a French philosopher, journalist, filmmaker, and public intellectual. He’s a leading member of the Nouveaux Philosophes movement, but not up in an ivory tower, traveling to warzones to bear witness and write history. His latest book, Solitude of Israel, is set for release in English later this year, reflecting on thoughts that have troubled him since October 7. When Hamas shocked the world with the October 7 Massacre, Israel felt embraced as never before. W...
Link to Montana Tucker socials: There is little doubt that Israel is losing the global battle for the hearts and minds of Gen Z. From US campuses to the streets of London and Amsterdam, the young people of the West are increasingly siding with the death squads of Hamas. And if it’s not some passing radical phase, cosplaying revolutionaries.With increasing numbers chanting for the destruction of Israel, the need for advocates to tell the real story is critical. To sho...
It’s been eight months since the October 7 Massacre, and still the residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz, a mile away from Gaza, have not had time to mourn. This tight-knit community was the hardest hit, with over a quarter of its people massacred or abducted on October 7.Professor. Jonathan Dekel-Chen and his family were residents of Kibbutz Nir-Oz. He wasn’t at home that gruesome weekend. But his son Sagui Dekel-Chen, 35, a US-Israeli citizen, was taken hostage as he fought to hold back the terrorist...
Student radicals protesting on campuses around the world, Israel condemned for everything that’s wrong with the world. I hope you’re having deja-vu. The massive anti-Israel protest movement didn’t come out of nowhere, and its accusations against the Jewish state are nothing new. They have deep roots. And for that, we have to go back to Soviet Russia, to see how the USSR planted the seeds of the ideological movement that has captured Western campuses and is weaponizing them against the Jews.&n...
The United States’ support for Israel was considered, to use a phrase of President Biden, ironclad. But that has been thrown into question by the US administration’s historic decision to suspend a delivery of weapons to Israel in order to pressure it not to wage a major offensive against Hamas in Rafah. The announcement sounded alarm bells about the nature of the US-Israel alliance. About Israel’s strategic dependence on Washington and what Israel needs to do to maintain its military independ...
Yakov Katz, a veteran military correspondent and author, delves into the complexities and strategic innovations of the IDF's urban warfare tactics in Gaza. Western militaries are keenly observing and learning from Israel's response to new forms of warfare, where the battlefield extends below the surface and involves combatants disguised as civilians. Katz explains the moral and technological challenges faced by the IDF, emphasizing their efforts to adhere to international law under...
This Yom HaShoah bears a special significance in the history of the Jewish people. In the wake of the single deadliest day for Jews since the Shoah, October 7th looms as an ominous reminder that Jews must remember their past to ensure it does not repeat.In this Remembrance Day special episode of State of a Nation, we are fortunate enough to hear the living testimony of man who experienced first-hand the depths of human depravity.Dr Arnold Clevs recounts the harrowing details of his numerous b...
Iran’s massive, unprecedented missile and drone attack on April 13 was a game changer. Iran had spent decades in the shadows working to arm and deploy a global network of terrorists and militias. On April 13, it stepped out of the shadows, putting its true murderous intent on display for the world to see. The right honourable Suella Braverman was the British Home Secretary when the Iran-sponsored October 7 Massacre happened. She joins Eylon Levy on State of a Nation during a special...
October 7 was the moment the music died. Rockets in the sky, death squads on their way. Hamas’ invasion of Israel had begun. The partygoers at the Nova Music Festival, a trance party just five kilometers from the Gaza Strip, were sitting ducks. Terrorists gunned them down as they fled for their lives, burned people alive in their cars as they tried to escape, and lobbed grenades into concrete shelters to blow them limb from limb. Unknown numbers were r*ped, even gang r*ped in the most horrifi...
Somewhat overshadowed by the Gaza war, Hezbollah has been consistently firing rockets at Israeli towns since October 7, forcing the mass evacuation of more than 60,000 Israeli civilians, and a no-man’s-land security perimeter inside Israeli territory.So far, Hezbollah’s aggression has not broken out into a larger war. But Israel now faces a strategic and moral problem. Will it be forced into a full-scale escalation in Lebanon before it can send its citizens home and its children to school? Or...
Why does the media seem so hostile to basic facts about Israel?UK journalist and author Melanie Phillips has spent decades among the top echelons of British Press, writing for The Guardian, The Times and the New Statesman, and she’s been calling out mainstream media bias against Israel long before October 7. But the PR war that Israel is battling isn’t just hurt by media bias; the onus is also on Israel to dispute a propagandist narrative, and call out lies when it hears them. Melan...
At the Hillel International Israel Summit held this year in Atlanta, Georgia, 800 Jewish student leaders from across the United States and Canada gathered alongside prominent Israel community leaders and subject matter experts. Eylon was invited to give the keynote address, and while there, he took the opportunity to engage in a discussion with three distinguished student leaders—Charlie Covit from Harvard University, Talia Dror from Cornell, and Maya Makarovsky from MIT. Their conversation d...
US Representative Ritchie Torres could easily be a multiple card carrying member of the intersectional Left: a gay Afro-Latino son on a Puerto Rican father, he grew up in public housing in the Bronx, the very Borough he now represents in Congress.Yet Representative Torres is one of the most poignant critics of this corrosive movement that has taken over larges swathes of the Democratic Party, and consistently and proudly takes its proponents to task for their hypocrisy and antisemitism.Torres...
With a sharp tongue, sharper wit, and encyclopedic knowledge of history, Douglas Murray seems to relish in dismantling the politically correct hypocrisies of our era. Bestselling author, journalist and public intellectual, Douglas Murray is the West's the most insightful critic, and its fiercest defender.In Part 2, Douglas dives deeper into the sinister implicit and explicit threats employed to influence media, academia and political policy.Stay up to date at:www.stateofanationpodcast.c...
Elon Gold: the Leonard Cohen of the October 7 war, a title he vehemently rejects and, well, we don’t disagree.In this special unfunny Purim episode, Eylon & Elon sit down for a cringey pre-game discussion (Elon had an actual comedy show to get to) about the Jewish ability to make jokes in dark times, the differences between Israeli humor and Jewish humor, and a competition on who can interrupt the other more: Eylon or his guest. Elon also test-drives his Douglas Murray impersonation ...
In this episode, Eylon Levy is joined by Dr. Shany Mor to discuss a recurring pattern in Arab history, which sees the launching of a war against Israel accompanied by intense jubilation and excitement. The terrible defeat which then follows, time after time, prompts the immediate adoption of a victim narrative, and, most concerningly, a total re-writing of history: forgetting why there was a war in the first place, and clearing the slate for the next attack. Without lessons learned, can we ev...
TRIGGER WARNING: Sensitive themes are discussed in this conversation including graphic descriptions of sexual violence. Viewer discretion is advised. Women’s Rights expert and advocate Ayelet Razin Bet Or has been razor-focused on a singular mission since the horrors of October 7 – fighting on behalf of the victims of gender-based violence.In this episode taped for International Women’s Day 2024, Ayelet sits down with Eylon to review evidence of Hamas’ sexual violence as a weapon of war ...
With a sharp tongue, sharper wit, and encyclopedic knowledge of history, Douglas Murray seems to relish in dismantling the politically correct hypocrisies of our era. Bestselling author, journalist and public intellectual, Douglas Murray is the West's the most insightful critic, and its fiercest defender.In Part 1, he joins Eylon Levy in studio for an illuminating dissection of the motivations of Israel’s allies and enemies in the West; whether the West could and would fight for its very exis...
Comments (1)

lisa kurtz

thought-provoking episode.

Mar 20th