It's All BS

A podcast where we examine the the "truths" we've created so that we can define success on our own terms. There's a lot of B.S. out there ... and now there's me, Belinda Smith. To the adventure...

Season 2 - #42 Finale

Hi, I'm Belinda.Season two has come to an end, and I've been reflecting on all the wonderful episodes we've had thus far. While we're on hiatus, I invite you to go back and enjoy Season 1 and Season 2.Also<Please come and check out Unhooked Groupthink. It's a no- commitment space where you get to be in a "room" with 6 other like-minded people and talk about what maters to you.Click Here for all the deets!See ya' on the other side. :-)


Season 2 - #41 You Got Pushback on Your Idea: Now What?

Have you ever gotten pushback on something that was really important to you? When you choose to put your work into the world, you are 100% allowing the world to make a decision about whether or not they like your work, and sometimes that comes with feedback, criticism or pushback. So in this episode of It’s All BS we’re diving into what to do when that happens. We talk about:🔹 The difference between criticism and pushback and why those don’t make someone a “hater”🔹 Recognizing the personal lens and funnel of perception🔹 4 real life examples of pushback I’ve faced🔹 Why you shouldn’t take it personallyWe can respect criticism or pushback, but when it happens around something that we really believe in, they can take a seat in the back and just watch it happen. 🔥Find out More about Groupthink HereP.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #40 Unhooked Groupthink

I am so beyond excited to introduce you to one of the top amazing ideas that I have been able to be a part of.  🎉If you haven’t heard about Unhooked Groupthink yet (or if you’re curious to learn more about it), then this episode is for you! We talk about:🔹 What is Unhooked Groupthink🔹 How it works and why you need to be there🔹 Some practical applications🔹 Why 7 heads are better than 1🔹 Coaching, conversation, and communityCheck out Unhooked Groupthink HERE. I think you’ll love the conversation! 💕P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #39 Why You Should Get Your Hiney in the Chair

Procrastination is something that many of us struggle with. Sometimes there are things we want to try or start, but we keep putting it off and putting it off. Maybe it’s doing more hiking and camping, learning to crochet, or incorporating meditation into our daily routines. Whatever it is, we put it off, and then before we know it, another year has passed without doing the thing we want to do. In business there are many different things that can lead you to procrastinate. So in this episode of It’s All BS, we’re diving into why you should get your hiney in the chair. We talk about:🔹 The #1 thing that can get in the way of trying to do our creative thing🔹 Why now is the time to bet on yourself🔹 Letting go of perfectionism🔹 Why you have to participate if you want it to happenIt’s time to stop putting things off and go get what you want. ✨ P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #38 You Can't Have it Both Ways

We’re switching things up a bit today and talking about something that’s a little different than usual.Everywhere in our lives we are surrounded by beauty images that sell the ideal of beauty: what we define as beauty and how we see it. This is what you need to look like to feel and to be beautiful, and we’re all supposed to be skinny with a perfect body. 🙄Lately there has been a lot of buzz around a medication injection for weight loss called Wegovy, and everyone seems to have an opinion about it. Many people have taken it with great success, but there has also been push back and a certain stigma around weight loss resulting from this medication. Often the same people who criticize people for being overweight are the same ones who criticize them for losing weight through the aid of this medication. In this episode of It’s All BS, we’re diving into why you can't have it both ways.We talk about: 🔹 Recognizing our programming🔹 Why getting help is not cheating🔹 How there is no winning with some people🔹 Why we should stay in our own laneHave you heard of Wegovy or known anyone who has taken it? I’d love to hear what you think! P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season #2 - #37 Go Ahead, Be a Bridge

Sometimes people are put specifically in your world at the exact right time.I was introduced to my song-writer friend Carrie through some friends. She was very talented, and I knew she needed to be around people who could make her even sharper. Around that same time, my other friend Joel was looking for a new writer to invite to his retreat, and I shared with him that she would be a great fit. She went, and it basically changed her entire life.Carrie won her very first BMI award this week. 🎉 BMI awards are prestigious awards based on the amount of plays your song received in a year.Her achievements are all her own, but I feel so amazingly humbled that I got to make those connections and she got to live out something that she dreamed about.So in this episode of It’s All BS, I’m sharing why you should go ahead and be a bridge. We talk about: 🔹 What it means to be a bridge🔹 Being a part of a community 🔹 Building relationships organically🔹 Perfecting your craftOne of the best feelings you will ever have is the humility that comes with knowing you had a part in someone’s dream coming true. 💕P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #36 Can it be More Simple?

What would our business and lives be like if we looked through the lens of simplicity?Are we making things more difficult than they need to be?Are we doing too many things?Can it be more simple?In today’s episode of It’s All BS we talk about:🔹 What can you take off your list🔹 Being more conscientious🔹 How simpler could make you feel🔹 Finding mental balanceI would be interested in hearing your thoughts on simplicity and what that means to you. Does it sound better or worse?P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #35 What if it's Not Working?

In today’s episode of It’s All BS, I want to talk about something that I have experienced personally, and I know it affects all of us, especially brand-new coaches trying to build their business. You want to build your business, and you want to keep doing things you love. You get online and see everyone talk about how good everything is. But what if you are doing everything you know how to do, putting everything you have into it, and it’s still not working?In this episode we talk about:🔹 Why it’s not working🔹 Paying attention to the behind-the-scenes things🔹 Why you don’t have to make yourself wrong🔹 How social media is curated🔹 Why it’s ok to change your mindAlways remember, this is yours. You get to do whatever you want with it. 💕P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #34 3 Important Lessons You Should Learn Right Now

I work a lot in the online space and coaching industry. If you come to me with a dream, I’m going to help you chase it. And I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I have made and have seen others make. There has been a recent shift in the online space, and I have been noticing some things that are just not ok. So in today’s episode of It’s All BS, I’m sharing 3 important lessons you should learn right now. We talk about: 🔹 A recent rift in the online space and how it relates to you🔹 Why knowing less is better🔹 Having gratitude for the one who brought you to the table🔹 What to do when you screw upWhatever it is that you are going through and however it needs to play out, just be careful about what you say and how you behave, because chances are, at some point it’s going to come back around.  You want to make sure that you’ve made your decisions with care and thoughtfulness.P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #33 Servant or Leader: Which One are You?

What comes to mind when you hear the word “servant”? What about “leader”?When I hear the word servant, I can’t help but think of Downton Abbey. 😏 The staff was in so much service to the residents and their guests. Their entire job revolved around someone else and making sure that they looked good. I’ve been thinking a lot about the application of those two words and where we fall within that spectrum of servant or leader in life and in business.So in today’s episode of It’s All BS, we’re exploring… servant or leader: which one are you?We talk about:🔹 How successful businesses start out🔹 Something more important than money in business🔹 How serving yourself can serve others🔹 How everybody can flourishThink about where you want to be, where you are, and how you can make sure that you are excelling and showing up the best that you can every single day. Then also invite whoever else you are working with to show up in that exact same way. P.S. "I'm with stupid." Still makes me laugh.P.P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #32 Why You will be Happier when you Stop Watching Other People

The other day I was waiting in the car while a friend went into the store. We were parked near a very busy intersection, and I was just watching out the window as I waited. Across the many lanes of traffic, I noticed a young guy walking down the sidewalk wearing big, noise canceling headphones. As he walked, I kept waiting for him to look behind him or look around for people or cars or anything he might need to be aware of. For the entire time that he was in my line of sight, he did not so much as glance over his shoulder to see if someone was behind him.It really got me thinking about what a fascinatingly different experience this guy has than a lot of my female friends and I have. I would never in a million years put on noise canceling headphones and walk down the street or anywhere without being able to hear my surroundings. And it started to make me angry that I have to have those thoughts of safety when other people don’t. I was starting to worry about why I didn’t have what somebody else had.We tend to do this in life, in business, and in relationships. So in today’s episode of It’s All BS, we’re discussing why you will be happier when you stop watching other people. We talk about: 🔹 Staying in your own lane🔹 How to keep your brain safe from needing to compare🔹 Understanding your unique abilities and YOU-ness🔹 Why following someone else’s path will not get you the same thingsYou’re doing an amazing job being you, and I promise with all my heart that no one can be as good at being you as YOU. 💕P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #31 Yes, It's a Mountain. Here's Why You Should Keep Climbing

Often, in the many facets of our life, we face mountains. Sometimes when we face it, we know that if we can just scale that mountain, we’re going to get to the other side, and it’s going to be awesome. We may face valleys, but we will press on. And then there will be other mountains to climb. So we continue on, one foot in front of the other. Sometimes you face a mountain so high, the top may even be hidden from your view. The path may look steep and rocky. You may not even see a place to take your next step. But what if your mountain could speak? What if the obstacle you are facing was an entity that could actually encourage you?In today’s episode of It’s All BS, we’re discussing your mountain, and why you should keep climbing.We talk about:🔹 Enjoying the view from the top🔹 Shifting your perspective🔹 Allowing your “mountain” to cheer you on🔹 How you get to choose where you areSometimes when you are climbing, it really is just you and the mountain. This is your road to walk. Your mountain and I will be cheering for you. 💕 P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #30 Are You Playing Offense or Defense with Your Clients?

When I got my first job, I was so excited to just be there. But whether or not I thought about it at that time, my employer and I had entered into a partnership. When we are in a partnership, whether business or relationship, there is give and take. We look at what you can provide to me and what I can provide to you in order to make this an equal exchange.  Everyone needs each other on the same level.But what happens if things start to feel out of balance? This has come up in conversations with several clients lately. So today we’re diving in to find out if you are playing offense or defense with your clients. We talk about:🔹 What does it mean to be on the offensive or defensive🔹 Respecting the partnership line🔹 Power dynamic shifts🔹 How to keep the partnership goingAre you playing offense or defense with your business, or are you honoring the partnership and encouraging and inviting your client to also honor the partnership. Everything gets so much simpler when everyone is working in partnership, and everyone is working towards the same goal within the partnership. 💕P.S. I know there's something something weird with the mic, but I'm not changing it. <3P.P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #29 I Will Hold You Up

Today I’m doing something a little different. If you are familiar with me or this podcast, then you probably know that I am a song writer. There is a particular song that I wrote that has been coming up a lot lately. The song was written as kind of a theme song for a book that I love called The Funeral Dress by Susan Greg Gilmore.I know several friends and acquaintances who are dealing with grief and loss. There are a lot of times where I think we need to make sure that we are truly holding each other up. When we have a moment where we can speak into somebody or help somebody along, I really believe we need to take those opportunities to share experiences.So today I am actually going to play you a song. I thought that maybe we could all listen to this one and just be reminded that we are in this together. 💕I Will Hold You UpWritten by Belinda Smith7th Row Music/BMI


Season 2 - #28 3 Lessons I've Learned So You Don't Have To

Hello Beautifuls! There are lessons to be learned all throughout life. Last week we talked about things we can learn from timeshare salespeople. This week I’ve been thinking about things we can learn from the people we know and also about the lessons I have learned myself, not just in sales, but in creativity and in my own life.In this episode of It’s All BS, I want to talk to you about 3 lessons I've learned so you don't have to.We talk about:🔹 Gathering data🔹 Why you shouldn’t become dependent on feedback from others🔹 Valuing yourself and your energy🔹 How persistence pays offI’m sharing these lessons, so that you can take some of this information and apply it to your own life. Maybe it will spark something, and maybe you will be able to recognize some things in your own life that could potentially change. 💕P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #27 What We Can All Learn from Timeshare Salespeople

Recently, I was asked by a new friend about a timeshare. When it comes to timeshares, I know people on both sides of the debate, those who love them and those who have tried everything to try to get out of them. I also know people who think timeshare associates are complete slime, and all the salespeople are disgusting. There is an entire circle around this, and I’m not here to convince you either way. It makes no difference to me, and it’s really beside the point.However, in order to share this lesson with you, I want to tell you about my recent experience… how it came about, how it ended, and all the things in between.In this episode we talk about:🔹 What it means to leverage relationships🔹 Things to notice about sales techniques🔹 Recognizing emotional manipulation🔹 When people don’t respect your “no”🔹 How NOT to do salesWhen I looked at it all and all the parts of that experience, I thought about how a lot of us work for ourselves. We’re responsible for the marketing, and for the sales, and for the follow-ups. It comes straight down to us. And there is a way to do it to get the people that you want to work with, a way to keep people neutral, and a way to repel people. Decide before you get into it which one you want to be. P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #26 What Needs to be Said

This is going to be short and to the point today. Just a few days after burying 3 children and 3 adults after a mass shooting here in Nashville, there was another mass shooting in a bank in Louisville.Meanwhile, our governor in Tennessee is focusing on banning drag queens “to protect the children”.My heart is heavy, so today, I offer you all I have.Courtesy of Martin Niemöller.Love and light to you, Beautifuls. 


Season 2 - #25 The Main Secret I Tell My Clients

Hello Beautifuls! Welcome to It’s All BS, the podcast about success and mindset where I’m on a mission to help you get unhooked from what’s keeping you from having the life you want.  If you follow me on social media, you may have seen a simple quote that I made and decided to sprinkle in here and there. I first put it out a few years ago, and I share it from time to time. What’s interesting is how many people have reached out on the days I have shared it and thanked me because they needed to hear that. The people who are supposed to see it, see it on that day. So in todays’ episode I’m sharing the main secret I tell my clients, and this just may be the message you need to hear today. We talk about: 🔹 Feeling like we need permission and encouragement to proceed🔹 Finding your own pace🔹 Why it doesn’t matter what it looks like to anyone else🔹 The key to the entire journeyYou are awesome, and I hope this helps you and encourages you to keep going! 💕P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #24 Why You Need the People Around You to Shine

Last year I saw a solo artist on America’s Got Talent that really blew me away. He had the perfect marriage of voice, writing, melody, and the whole thing. I looked him up online and saw that he was actually the lead singer of a band called the Nicotine Dolls who just so happened to be making their first stop on tour in Nashville. I wasn’t sure how well he would transfer from solo artist to band but decided to go see them perform. When I heard the entire band together, it was perfect. He was crazy talented on his own, but when you add the band, the background vocals, and the musicians, his voice was perfect with it. You may be fantastic on your own. You may be crazy talented. You may be that person who stands out. But in today’s episode of It’s All BS, we’re talking about why you need the people around you to shine.We discuss:🔹 Why you need the right people around you🔹 How things can be even better than you expect them to be🔹 Creating the whole package 🔹 Supporting those who support youI encourage you to make sure that the people in your life are absolutely doing the very best that they can do, that they are supporting you however you need to be supported, and that you are also supporting them. 💕And if you haven’t heard of the Nicotine Dolls, go check them out on TikTok and Instagram!P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


Season 2 - #23 Meet Eileen West, my First Scholarship Recipient

Hello Beautifuls! I have a very special guest today, and I’m excited for you to meet Eileen West, my first scholarship recipient. Eileen found out about me and my scholarship from a mutual friend and decided to apply. She didn’t know me, and she didn’t think she would win, but she decided to take a chance anyway. Now, Eileen and I have been working together for several years, and today Eileen is a successful transformational mindset coach for women at The Mind-Body Badass. In this episode we talk about:🔹 How Eileen’s transformations started by cleaning off her desk🔹 Creating evidence for yourself🔹 Why you shouldn’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed on the first try  🔹 How there is never a “good time” to start 🔹 Overcoming limiting beliefsHere’s what Eileen had to say about her experience as a scholarship winner: “The Principles that I have learned from you are applicable in every part of life, not just in business or losing 20 pounds.  It’s applicable everywhere.”Eileen is truly a badass and such an inspiration! Tune in to the full episode to learn more about her incredible journey, and be sure to visit her website and follow her on Instagram!P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!


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