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It's All Consciousness with Miriam Knight
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It's All Consciousness with Miriam Knight

Author: The Miriam Knight Show

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Asking top authors the big questions about science, consciousness, body-mind health, spirituality, metaphysics and cosmic connection.
25 Episodes
Cynthia Sue Larson, best-selling author, speaker, and radio host helps people visualize and access whole new worlds of possibility. She has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, and a Doctor of Divinity. Her website is Cynthia reviews: The Logic of Chance by Alberto Ramon; The Compassion Revolution by Amy Leigh Mercree; Born Aware by Diane Brandon; The Everything Answer Book by Amit Goswami Brent Marchant has been a lifelong movie fan and student of metaphysics, and author of Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies and Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction. He blogs at Brent reviews: "A Ghost Story," "The Journey," "Beatriz at Dinner" and "The Big Sick." Miriam Knight reviews: The Children of Willesden Lane: Beyond the Kindertransport: A Memoir of Music, Love and Survival by Mona Golabek and Lee Cohen
Fauzia Burke talks about building your online brand, how to expand your author platform, and the most strategic ways to fit blogging and social media into a busy schedule. More at
Jude Currivan

Jude Currivan


Recent scientific discoveries show that the information that upholds all of our modern technologies is exactly the same as the universal in-formation that underpins, pervades, and is all we call physical reality. Dr. Jude Currivan is the author of “The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation.”
T!m Freke is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality and a pioneering philosopher who has written over thirty books that have established his reputation as a scholar and free-thinker. Tim’s latest book is Soul Story: Evolution and the Purpose of Life. Website:
Ziad Masri integrates the best of science and spirituality in his new book, Reality Unveiled, to provide a coherent explanation of the workings of the Cosmos that makes sense and addresses the deepest questions.
Why do we choose to live in a world of pain, suffering and chaos? Why are we here and what is our purpose? Can we move beyond fear to live a life of love? Renowned Spiritual Medium James Van Praagh offers profound answers. More at
The body’s connective tissue acts like fiber-optic cables communicating around the body. When they’re stuck there is pain and dysfunction. In her book Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia, Ronelle Wood chronicles her path to discovering the life-changing technique of Myofascial Release Therapy. Website:
We all know energy levels directly affect our physical health, but clinical psychologist and energy psychology expert Dr. David Feinstein and energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden know just how much this matters for relationships too. In their new book, THE ENERGIES OF LOVE – Invisible Keys to a Fulfilling Partnership, they provide a step-by-step framework for how to navigate emotional storms and minefields and achieve and maintain a more loving bond with those we care about most. Take a free quiz on their website to discover your Energetic Stress Style and what that means for your relationships:
Ken Elliott is an award winning artist & author who has taught thousands of people simple techniques for how to manifest items both big and small, and create the life that they desire. His book is called Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. Website:
Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a top-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time. His new book is called Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal. More at:
Barbara Marx Hubbard is a prolific educator, futurist and visionary pioneer in the field of conscious evolution. She has authored seven books, including Conscious Evolution, her seminal work, Emergence, and The Evolutionary Journey. She is one of the great elders of this time.
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister, is an astute and knowledgeable observer of the world scene. He talks about his book, "Light At the End of the Tunnel," an insider’s view of those who hold the real power and how they manipulate world politics and finance; the truth behind global warming and the source of the technologies that could save our planet.
Dr. Terry L. Wahls, an internal medicine physician, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2000, but she was determined to get out of her wheelchair and designed a new treatment that focused on supplying the cells with micronutrients from fresh food so they could have the energy to heal the body.
Gregg Braden is a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. His new book, Deep Truth, invites us to find the common ground that bridges some of the passionately held truths that divide us.
Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D, is the author of the highly acclaimed book, Touching the Light. Dr. Meg hosts Cosmic Particles internet radio show, and is the author of many bestselling books, including The Secret History of Consciousness and The Children of Now.
Neale Donald Walsch’s work has touched the lives of millions through his Conversations with God books. Neale believes that everyone is having conversations with God all the time, and that the question is not: To whom does God talk? The question is: Who listens? His own decision to listen and to articulate God’s messages changed his whole life, and he believes the world would change overnight if only a fraction of its people embraced God’s most important message of all: You’ve got me all wrong. This is also the tagline to his latest book, “God’s Message to the World: You’ve got me all wrong.
Anita Moorjani's memoir, Dying To Be Me, describes her journey from cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing. Her NDE gave her such insight into her true power and her disease that she was able to reverse it within weeks to become cancer free.
Not only are we not alone in the universe, We've Never Been Alone according to interdisciplinary cosmologist and scholar Paul Von Ward. In this interview he discusses his book that lays out A History of Extraterrestrial Intervention, covering some of the most provocative and fascinating questions facing civilization today.
Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu is a Taiwanese Psychiatrist who has been achieving remarkable results in relieving cancer patients of their illness using mind-body techniques. Dr. Hsu has used the principles of Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts, to develop the techniques he uses to treat physical illness at the Seth Holistic Clinic in Taipei, that he founded.
Dr. Ervin Laszlo, the world-renowned author and philosopher of science, speaks with us about a momentous paradigm shift happening now in the scientific community that he explains in his books, The Akasha Paradigm in Science and Birth of the Akasha Paradigm. Dr. Laszlo’s work has focused on what others have called the zero-point field or the quantum vacuum, and what he has called “the Akashic Field,” borrowing a term from Sanskrit.