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It Gets Weird

Author: Nile and Kyle

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Longtime friends Nile and Kyle are the leading conspiracy, cryptozoology, and paranormal experts in their fields. Well, at least in their apartment. Join them and a revolving door of friends every Sunday for a deep dive into the curious, the unexplained, and the outright weird.
427 Episodes
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, Kyle tells Nile all about the story of Donald Shrum and his harrowing all-nighter fending off a group of strange humanoid aliens! Can a cigar-shaped mothership UFO, a small saucer scout ship, a pack of five or six humanoid goggle-eyed aliens, and a vapor-expelling robot take down natural born survivalist Don Shrum? What about the fishy intrigue of the missile manufacturing company Shrum and his buddies worked for and their controversial toxic chemical misuse? What really happened that night? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, long-time friend of the show Collin joins the Weird Boys to learn about Jane Adams and the Devil Baby haunting of Hull House! How does the story of a "devil baby" travel across the midwest United States and why did thousands of people flock to Hull House to catch a glimpse of this mythical monster? Who is Jane Adams and how did her settlement house become a notoriously haunted spot in downtown Chicago? All this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we conclude the story of Sidney Gottlieb, the so-called "Poisoner in Chief" who operated the CIA's super secret MK-ULTRA program from the shadows. Was the hippie counter-culture movement the result of a CIA-funded LSD operation? How did the freaks over at the CIA create actual James Bond-style spy gadgets like suicide pills and instant-kill poison assassination kits? All this and much more at the end of the terrifying story of Sidney Gottlieb!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we continue our journey into the life and work of the CIA's mad chemist, Sidney Gottlieb. How did Gottlieb end up working on MK-ULTRA with all the spooks and kooks that came with it? And how exactly did they pull off this disturbing mind control conspiracy without the public's knowledge? We discuss all this and much more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we begin a psychedelic journey into the truth behind the man who ended up running the infamous MK-ULTRA program. How did an unassuming but fastidious Bronx boy earn the nickname "Poisoner in Chief?" What weird historical crap had to happen to bring MK-ULTRA into being? And how did the secret agents involved justify all this maniacal stuff to themselves? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, Nile and Jules finish the Encounters docuseries together. In episode three we get the story of an alien experience in a small Welsh school, known as the Broad Haven Triangle. Then in the final episode we learn about the mysterious Lights Over Fukushima, the strange UFO sightings that followed the 2011 nuclear disaster. Does the Spielberg-produced UFO-themed series stick the landing? What kind of new Jules lore do we learn? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Jules fills in for Kyle as we tackle a UFO documentary mini-series put out by Netflix by way of Amblin Television. We discuss the two cases involved in these episodes - the Dublin/Stephenville mass UFO sighting and the Ariel School UFO case - and how they're presented by the documentary. Jules gets to learn how UFO cases handle information from law enforcement and the frustrating lack of proof for anything. Most important of all is the question: does Jules want to finish this docuseries based off the first 2 episodes?
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile tells Kyle the story of Elva Zona Heaster Shue, a woman who is more popularly remembered as...the Greenbrier Ghost. Did Elva's summoned spirit give testimony to her killer? Can ghost testimony even hold up in a court of law? Yes, apparently - a man was jailed for the rest of his life after the ghost accused him. Was Elva murdered, or is there a less sensational explanation for this whole paranormal mess? We discuss all this and much more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Kyle reached into the big dang cryptid grab bag and pulled out a handful of stories about humanoid cryptids! Is there a bite-sized bigfoot throwing apples at picnickers in Pennsylvania? How about a devil entity that bestows bad luck dice to an unsuspecting Arkansas family? Or perhaps tales of a wild Monkey Man from Singapore is more your speed? We discuss all this and much more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we get into the second half of our discussion about the Law of One, the Ra Material, and the related works of Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert, and Jim McCarty at Love and Light Research. This week we're asking the big question of everybody's mind: who has to die? Is it Don? Jim? Kyle? God forbid, Nile? We discuss the rituals used to channel Ra, the prophetic novel The Crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweeetwater, and so much more.
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we begin our journey into Love and Light Research, their principle of the Law of One, and the findings recorded in the Ra Material. What are densities and how do they differ from dimensions? How did Genghis Khan become middle management for the fourth density? How do extraterrestrials get channeled to produce such amazing material? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we conclude our investigation into a conspiracy we've come to know as the "Alien Deception." With the collaboration between interdimensional aliens, the Vatican, world governments, and a shadowy elite cabal, a grand deception is being pulled on the human race. What will happen when a mass demonic UFO abduction occurs and how does the human-alien hybridization program factor into it? All of this is true - the Bible tells us so! We discuss all this and so much more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we get into part two of our series on a conspiracy theory we've come to call "The Alien Deception." In this one, we discuss a whole lot of brain-melting Biblical literalism used to fit the idea of alien-human hybrids into scripture. We also get into talking donkeys that can see the spirit world, Christian ufology, and some conspiracy fan fiction. All this and much more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we begin a deep dive into fringe religious conspiracy content once again with a story referred to as the Alien Deception. How are all the conspiracy theorists holding up now that the whole Grusch "whistleblower" stuff has gone down? Has the Vatican been collaborating with the US government on secret UFO stuff since before even Roswell? Does the Vatican have a giant telescope named LUCIFER? We discuss all this and much more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we learned about the man who discovered the planet (or is it?) Pluto! Did you know that amateur astronomer Clyde Tombaugh not only discovered Pluto but also had some interesting UFO experiences? Was Clyde the exact right type of guy to report on UFO experiences? Did the CIA try to do him like they did the Big Bopper? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we decided to mix up the formula a little bit and watch a sort-of-documentary, sort-of-mockumentary, sort-of-reality, sort-of-fiction film. We watched and discussed the 2016 movie Operation Avalanche, co-starring the director and writer of the film, Matt Johnson. How exactly did the two CIA agents come up with a plan to fake the moon landing? How does a blending of reality and fiction lend to a conspiracy theory narrative? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we discuss what may be the most cryptid-dense area of Africa: the Congo! We've also discussed many stories of dinosaur cryptids that survived to the present day, but this time...we're talkin' T. Rex, baby! That's right. Does a Tyrannosaurus Rex cryptid stalk the swamps of the Congo? Can this thing rip a rhinoceros to shreds like it's nothing? Can it please do it to these big game exotic hunters, too? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile tells the story of the poltergeist'd up haunted artifact known as "Danny's bed." Did one antique trader bring a confluence of ghosts into his house? Did a specter called Uncle Sam appear and absolutely trash this dude's house? What about a kind lady spirit who likes to set the table and tidy the house? How about the spirit of a beloved local celebrity girl? Seriously, how do ghosts even work, anyway? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we venture into a "yokai-esque" territory with a story about gut bug monsters from medieval Japan! Do little devilish monsters live inside our bodies that influence our health and give us diseases? The answer is yes - science confirms it. But what kinds of bugs? Sinister little beetle men who snitch about your misdeeds to the gods? Turtle clumps that wear little hats to protect themselves from acupuncture medicine? How's your gut bacteria feeling these days? We discuss all this and more!
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile brings to the table three fascinating stories of aliens with a running theme: silver. All three stories - the Falkville Metal Man, the Risley Silver Humanoid, and the aluminum-clad extraterrestrial abductors of José Antonio da Silva! The stories run from hoax-y to eerie, but all are decidedly very interesting. We discuss all this and much more!
Comments (42)

Chad Becker

Rumble is good. it has come a long way. Don't laugh at something just because you're too brainwashed by MSM to see the truth right in front of your face.

May 10th
Reply (1)

Chad Becker

Anti-Qers who know know nothing of Q crack me up. Can't wait for the real truth to put them to shame. Save the children? Not these people.

Jun 21st

Mona Hejazi

fun job sirs! I like it (◠‿◕) .

Jun 26th

En!gma Master

what is it boy? no! not the Men in Black?! something went down now Lenin's back?!! done with Marx- so he's selling crack?!!! quick! take me to that villain's shack! 1st call NASDAQ, ask for some cognac it's time for the insomniac counterattack. and the codename for this mission jack? henceforth it will be Project Bon-vivant Bolshevák~ ʕっ•̀ᴥ•ʔっ ... ★★★★

Jun 18th

Chad Becker

You're way off base with what the drug does to you. In college we did a study in it and it's effects.

May 25th

Andrew Clavin

talking shite too many unfunny tangents nope

Mar 16th

Hoyt Payne

love listening to this show reminds me of when i would trip and talk conspiracies with my friends at nite

Feb 7th

Hoyt Payne

love the show. bring back the girl from late 2018 sometime please

Jan 13th
Reply (1)

Armando Chinchilla

not a bad podcast if you want to laugh... or at least not take the subject serious. If you are looking for a serious point of view look elsewhere

Aug 31st

Upt Dm

complete fuckin douche bags

Aug 14th

Geoff Friesen

Episode's sound is terrible!! Otherwise i like the show

Aug 5th

Ayla Montange

ah! can you guys do one about moldavite please

Jul 29th
Reply (1)

mad flavor

host get way to distracted. stay on topic could be good.

May 21st

Chad Becker

Very disrespectful to the family that lost a kid. Wow.

May 14th

Chad Becker

Devil's Head is what my girl gives me. She's amazing at it!!

May 14th


Kyle Resnik ...I think you put to much tar tar on your waffles!!!

May 10th

Kris Phillips

I like it. Keep up the good work.

Feb 5th

Nunya Bizzness

look into things a little from both sides before you talk about them so do don't sound like such fools. This is my opinion. Take it in or simply sht it out your craphole. Have a nice day.

Jan 29th


these guys are bad and have very little to no info

Jan 2nd
Reply (4)

Hurricane McLean

lolz to feeding weed brownies to a t-rex (not much will happen) 🤣

Dec 31st