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Italian language

Author: Ilaria Ziccardi

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Learn Italian listening to these podcasts in Italian.
You will find many tips and information useful to learn this beautiful language!
226 Episodes
In today's episode called "6 Proverbi italiani sulla donna", I will talk about 6 well-known Italian proverbs, all about women.I’ve decided to discuss this topic because International Women's Day is approaching and, I want to share various aspects of Italian culture with you, even those that are not so positive.If you are curious to know more, keep reading! :)Read the script here!______________________________You can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:La storia di San ValentinoaudioscriptIl vocabolario di San ValentinoaudioscriptIl Festival di SanremoaudioscriptIl FantaSanremoaudioscript__________________________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In today's episode, I’ll share 8 Italian proverbs that will help you talk about every kind of love.If you’re curious to learn more about this topic, keep reading! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:La storia di San ValentinoaudioscriptIl vocabolario di San ValentinoaudioscriptIl Festival di SanremoaudioscriptIl FantaSanremoaudioscript__________________________________
Grazie dei Fiori

Grazie dei Fiori


In today's episode, I'll talk about the first winner of the Sanremo Music Contest, explain why it was chosen, and discuss the differences between the voting mechanisms of the first edition and today's contest. If you're a Sanremo fan and want to know more, keep reading! :)Read the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Il Festival di SanremoaudioscriptIl FantaSanremoaudioscriptBene o buono?audioscriptMeglio, migliore, peggio, peggioreaudioscript__________________________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Maschile o Femminile?

Maschile o Femminile?


It's not always easy to determine whether an Italian word is masculine or feminine, right? Today I want to share some tips with you, so please pay attention to the groups or categories I'll discuss! :)Read the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Quando non si usano gli articoli in italiano?audioscriptQuando non si usano gli articoli in italiano?audioscriptBene o buono?audioscriptMeglio, migliore, peggio, peggioreaudioscript__________________________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In Italy, we learn to communicate differently depending on the context and the people involved, starting from a very early age. If you want to understand how formal we are when we speak to others, keep listening to this audio! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Come ci si rivolge agli altri nel contesto scolastivoaudioscriptFare o rendere?audioscriptParla in modo più forbitoaudioscriptChiedere e rispondere in italianoaudioscript_____________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In this episode, I'll discuss common Italian verbs that are often misused. If you want to learn which ones they are and how to avoid mistakes when using them, keep listening to this audio! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Ausiliari con i verbi modali:audioscriptFare o rendere?audioscriptParla in modo più forbitoaudioscriptChiedere e rispondere in italianoaudioscript_____________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In this episode, I'll talk about how to discuss birthdays in Italian: the verbs you need to use, the questions to ask to learn more about the people you're talking to, and much more.So, if you're interested in this topic, keep listening! :)Read the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Come dire a qualcuno che una persona è mortaaudioscriptCome parlare della nascita in italianoaudioscriptCome rivolgersi agli altri nel contesto scolasticoaudioscript___________________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Il Brindisi Perfetto

Il Brindisi Perfetto


Is there a way to make a perfect toast? Are there rules we can follow while we celebrate? Of course, there are. According to etiquette, there is a way to make a perfect toast and in today's article titled "Il brindisi Perfetto", you'll find out more! :)Read the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Natale in Italia:audioscriptCapodanno in Italia:audioscriptPortafortuna di Capodanno:audioscript________________________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Piero Angela

Piero Angela


In today's episode, I decided to talk about Piero Angela, a great figure at this time of year because, in just a few days, we’ll celebrate the anniversary of his birth. He left an indelible mark as he helped spread scientific knowledge among Italians. If you're curious and want to know more, keep listening! :)Read the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Alberto Manzi:audioscriptAlberto Sordi:audioscriptAlessandro Manzoni:audioscriptI 70 anni della RAIaudioscript_____________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
L'Origine del Presepe

L'Origine del Presepe


In today's episode, titled "L’origine del Presepe", I am going to discuss the origin of the nativity scene. Where did this idea come from? Who first thought of it? If you want to know more, keep reading!Find the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:I presepi di Natale:audioscriptNatale in Italia:audioscriptIl vocabolario di Nataleaudioscript__________________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Infatti o In realtà?

Infatti o In realtà?


In today's episode titled "Infatti or In realtà?", I will explain how to use these two terms in Italian. I will also share some common mistakes my students make.Finally, to provide you with all the information you need to use Infatti and in realtà properly, I'll give you some example sentences that I hope will help you better understand these concepts! :)Read the script here! can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Ciò in italiano:audioscriptTale in ItalianoaudioscriptCioè in italianoaudioscript_____________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Alternative a Fare

Alternative a Fare


In today's episode titled 'Alternative to Fare', I'll suggest some verbs to replace the overused verb fare in Italian. If you want your Italian to sound a little more sophisticated, choose the alternatives I’ll propose to you! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:30 espressioni con il verbo fare:audioscriptFare o rendere?audioscriptParla in modo più forbitoaudioscriptChiedere e rispondere in italianoaudioscript_____________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Dovere in italiano

Dovere in italiano


In today's episode, I want to discuss the uses of dovere in Italian. When using this verb, you need to pay close attention because, in Italian, dovere can be translated as "must," "to have to," or "to need."If you want to learn everything about dovere in Italian, keep reading! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Ausiliari con i verbi modali:audioscriptTale in ItalianoaudioscriptCioè in italianoaudioscript_____________________On my website: ilazed.comfree exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
La Calza dei Morti

La Calza dei Morti


In today's article, I'll discuss a particular tradition, La Calza dei Morti (the Dead's Socks), which is typical of certain areas of southern Italy, including the one where I live.If you're curious to know more, keep reading this article! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Esiste halloween in Italia?audioscript10 espressioni italiane "da brividi":audioscriptSembra Halloween ma non è!audioscript____________________________On my website: exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In today’s episode, I’ll discuss 10 expressions perfect for Halloween because they contain the words “sangue” (blood) and “more” (death). But don’t get me wrong: you can actually use these 10 sentences year-round, as long as it’s at the right time and situation. So, if you’re curious to learn more, keep listening! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:10 espressioni di Dante ancora usate oggi:audioscript10 espressioni italiane "da brividi":audioscript6 espressioni italiane... di tendenza!audioscript____________________________On my website: exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In today’s article, titled “Ausiliari con i verbi modali,” I am going to delve into the use of auxiliary verbs in Italian, focusing on the modal verbs dovere, potere, and volere.If you want to discover how these verbs work and learn more about this topic, keep reading the following lines! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Come scegliere l'ausiliare giusto?script: audio: che accettano entrambi gli ausiliari:script: audio: simili dal significato diverso:script: my website: exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
Who is the patron saint of Italy? In today's episode called "Chi è il patrono d'Italia?", I'll tell you all about the patron saint of Italy. If you're curious and want to learn more, keep Listening! :)Read the script: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________Listen to the story of other great Italian characters:Il maestro Manzi:audio: Rodari:audio: Sordi:audio: more about the Italian language and culture!!ilazed.com___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In today's episode, titled "Verbi che accettano entrambi gli ausiliari," I am going to delve into the use of auxiliary verbs in Italian, continuing the explanation of this topic.Today, I will discuss specific Italian verbs that can take both auxiliary verbs, essere and avere.If you want to discover these verbs and learn more about this topic, keep reading the following lines! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Come scegliere l'ausiliare giusto?script: audio: in italiano:script: simili dal significato diverso:script: my website: exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials:
In today's episode called "Come scegliere l'ausiliare giusto?", I'll explain how to choose the correct auxiliary verb between "essere" and "avere" in Italian.This is a challenge that Italian learners frequently face, which is why I've decided to delve into this topic. My goal is to provide you with the tools to master this aspect of the Italian language and help you achieve the fluency you desire! :)Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Verbi simili a piacere:script: in italiano:script: simili dal significato diverso:script: my website: exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials: you want to learn Italian with me?You can find me on:- languatalk
In today's article, I will discuss some prepositions commonly used with the word "tempo" in Italian. Why should you know them? Because if you memorize and use these combinations, you'll reach fluency and sound more natural in your spoken Italian.Read the script here: can book a trial lesson with me by writing an email at: or on:www.ilazed.comlanguatalk__________________________You might be interested in:Combiniamo le parole italiane:audio: preposizioni di tempo:audio: preposizioni italiane:audio: my website: exercisestips for learning Italianexplanation of the Italian languageinfo and curiosity about the Italian culture___________________________Follow me on my socials: you want to learn Italian with me?You can find me on:- languatalk