I am exhausted from the endless tsunami of stupidity that, for more than three years now, has washed away any semblance of a shared foundation of indisputable facts upon which all of us, regardless of political beliefs or affiliation, must agree.
I hope these words motivate you to get out the vote this November, and to then remain engaged in the political process, regardless of the outcome. I failed to do so during President Obama's time in office, and realized far too late that only by doing so could we have kept things from getting as bad as they now are. I don't plan to make that mistake again, and I hope you don't either.
Just imagine what it would have been like to have a president willing to do the absolute bare minimum required to prevent this catastrophe.
Listen, I was willing to put it all behind me … the entire four-year-long grift and deadly disaster that has been the Trump presidency. I just wanted Donald Trump gone. As far as I was concerned, he and his entire cult could go spend the rest of their sad lives crying “No fair!” at the clouds while he bilked them out of more money with whatever new scam he could devise. Good riddance.All of that changed on Wednesday.Original transcript here:https://jonzal.com/2021/01/09/there-must-be-a-reckon...