James Aims Business

Business Tips to boost sales, lower costs, increase profits and minimise tax by UK accountant James Fairchild. Chartered Management Accountant James gives tips relevant to both established businesses and start-ups, as well as investors and side hustlers. The contents of this podcast gives general case information which, whilst believed valid at the time of recording, can change and may not be the appropriate decision for your specific circumstances. You are advised to seek specific advice from an accountant, solicitor or financial adviser, as the case may be. The author, creator and the various podcast apps or websites have no liability for any reliance on the content herein. Content is aimed principally at England.

Redundancy and Starting Your Own Business

James gives some pointers to consider, when at the point of considering accepting redundancy and starting your own business.


Universal Credit for DIrectors and Furlough Extension to end October

James talks about a universal credit point, when someone who is an "employee" of their ltd co (for HMRC purposes) may yet be "self employed" for DWP purposes.We then discuss the extension to the furlough scheme, and James shares a draft letter he has made available for business owners to issue to their staff, covering matters such as Furlough rotation, holiday pay while on furlough, and starting to think about the future. This letter can be accessed at http://tiny.cc/furloughjames and we hope listeners may find it useful


New Microphone - Challenger Banks and Travel Money - two brief coronavirus updates

First episode with new Rode microphone. In this episode James refers to two updates today regarding the pandemic:bounce back loans - see https://www.british-business-bank.co.uk/ourpartners/coronavirus-business-interruption-loan-schemes/bounce-back-loans/eligibility checker for the self-employed income support scheme https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/self-employment-support/enter-unique-taxpayer-referenceThe bulk of the episode is on challenger banks and the various different cards and products intended to make overseas spending cheaper.


Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - Direction

James talks about the CJRS ministerial direction from Rishi Sunak to HMRC, and the other announcements from last week.James also suggests some matters that may have the potential to be the source of future employment tribunal cases.


Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Detailed Guidance and New Tax Year Points

James talks about the recently-issued guidance to this scheme, which clarifies a number of points. He also mentions some changes as a result of being in the 2020/2021 tax year.


ISAs (last day of the tax year)

A brief chat around the different types of ISA, and in particlular a reminder to subscribers that tonight is the last day of the fiscal.


Support for Businesses and People

James gives an overview of the support available at this time: Small business grant funding grants for retail/leisure business interruption loan scheme deferring HMRC payments statutory sick pay furlough leave self-employed income support James also highlights an issue around the last director of a business, and tells people about some school Maths videos he has shared on his facebook page www.facebook.com/weeklyfd that may help parents as they settle into home schooling.


Chaos and Disarray

James gives some comments on the current state of play of coronavirus, some snippets from last weeks' budget, and gives updates (which have made previous podcast content already out of date) on statutory sick pay and IR35.


Coronavirus - statutory sick pay changes

Chartered Management Accountant James gives some thoughts around the terrible pandemic that is coronavirus


Capital Gains Tax Changes April 2020

James explains the changes to capital gains tax that take effect on 6th April 2020, and suggestions to mitigate their effect in respect of those who own investment properties in which they have previously lived.


High Speed Two

In this special episode, James gives some thoughts around the HS2 project which has been given the go-ahead in full.


IR35 and off-payroll working

In this episode, Chartered Management Accountant James talks about some of the changes happening to IR35 in April.


The Green Pound

Chartered Management Accountant James gives his perspective on the green pound - veganism, vegetarianism, ethical investing and recycling and sustainability


Property - some thoughts for people starting out

In this episode, chartered management accountant James Fairchild gives some thoughts aimed at the budding property investor. James covers the rent a room allowance of £7,500, the property allowance of £1,000 as well as some thoughts for people considering purchase of a buy to let property. James also gives some words of caution around the plethora of training courses aimed at property investors, as well as providing tips from a number of successful investors. This episode also refers to a matter around a person who was in a negative equity situation who sadly suffered a life-changing road accident. For clarity, the family have given permission for this to be included anonymously in this podcast episode. James will return to the theme of property in a future episode.



Chartered Management Accountant James gives information around apprenticeships and how they can benefit businesses across all sectors. He explains the Apprenticeship Levy, implores businesses to increase the wage of their apprentice beyond the minimum (£3.90, increasing to £4.15 in April) in order to retain the good people, and gives some pointers for when an apprenticeship may not be the best choice.


Tips for your Tax Return

Chartered Management Accountant James gives some points to consider when completing your tax return, with tips aimed at everyone, and then some specific points for employees, the self-employed, property investors and around pensions.


Electric cars and their financial benefits and incentives

Chartered management accountant James gives some pointers to consider when making a new vehicle decision, particularly around the incentives and support that is available whether to businesses or private purchasers of electric vehicles.


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