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Jamonieah Podcast

Author: Jamonieah James

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Welcome to Jamonieah Podcast. I believe the voice is the most powerful tool ever created, I speak about different themes and subjects and express some of my insights into different concepts and realities in life.Feel free to reach out to me on social media if you need to clarify anything or to suggest a topic of discussion.
77 Episodes
To Win Souls, Forgo Personal Gain, June 18I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:12, 13, NKJV. BLJ 181.1In every age Satan has sought to impair the efforts of God's servants by introducing into the church a spirit of fanaticism. Thus it was in Paul's day, and thus it was in later centuries during the time of the Reformation. Wycliffe, Luther, and many others who blessed the world by their influence and their faith encountered the wiles by which the enemy seeks to lead into fanaticism overzealous, unbalanced, and unsanctified minds. BLJ 181.2Misguided souls have taught that the attainment of true holiness carries the mind above all earthly thoughts and leads men and women to refrain wholly from labor. Others, taking extreme views of certain texts of Scripture, have taught that it is a sin to work - that Christians should take no thought concerning the temporal welfare of themselves or their families, but should devote their lives wholly to spiritual things. The teaching and example of the apostle Paul are a rebuke to such extreme views.... BLJ 181.3When Paul first visited Corinth, he found himself among a people who were suspicious of the motives of strangers. The Greeks on the seacoast were keen traders. So long had they trained themselves in sharp business practices, that they had come to believe that gain was godliness, and that to make money, whether by fair means or foul, was commendable. Paul was acquainted with their characteristics, and he would give them no occasion for saying that he preached the gospel in order to enrich himself. He might justly have claimed support from his Corinthian hearers; but this right he was willing to forgo, lest his usefulness and success as a minister should be injured by the unjust suspicion that he was preaching the gospel for gain. He would seek to remove all occasion for misrepresentation, that the force of his message might not be lost. - The Acts of the Apostles, 348, 349. BLJ 181.4
Just sharing my thoughts on creation day number two, when the sky or atmosphere was created, Join and enjoy, you can also find this cast on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcats etc by simply typing in Powertry.
Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light


This is the third episode dealing with how we can effectively reflect the image of God in our every day life.Everything we see in creation except the blight if seen and evil reflects God. WE WERE CREATED TO DO THE SAME.SHINE(Still learning how to use this microphone thing)
Secondary introductory episode to the Image of God series, so amazing insights await, in the next episode we will go straight into the heart of the message, exploring the beauty of reflecting God, the highest calling ever.You can also listen to the Present Podcast at
New Series focussing on the spiritual aspect of looking at success and human fulfillment and purpose. This series will be based on the book of Genesis, a book written by Moses, a scholar-poet, and philosopher who was expected to replace Pharaoh.
Processing Human Hate

Processing Human Hate


I was born a refugee and spent most of my life as one, I am an example of what human hatred can do and the impact it has. Besides genocide, there are many other heinous crimes men commit out of hatred, but I am convinced more than ever that that hatred is not purely human, it's accompanied by the spirit of evil. One cannot look at Genocide, Racism, Xenophobia, Terrorism and fail to see Satan, the Devil who is behind all this episode I suggest that we need God to be human and that in his absentia we become brute beasts which explain how all these crimes happened and happen. My prayer is that you seek God and be truly human.
I did a short spoken word video shortly after April Fools day, speaking about how we might actually all be living in April fools life.In this episode I speak a little about that, exposing some deceptions that we consume as truth.don't forget to see  the poem here:
Connection Failed

Connection Failed


We are the most connected but yet the most disconnected generation ever. Loneliness is still the second cause of deaths in the world and many people who are doing drugs or even those who commit suicide mostly go that route because they lack genuine connection in their lives.We can not make a change unless we connect.First Video podcast-its Episode 4 but i said 3,silly me ,connection failedcheck out video form here and dont forget to subscribe -
In this episide i speak about something that is close to my heart,Love. I believe love is the strongest force in the universe and as such is potential for good if understood or for worse if misunderstood. I understand love to be a principale of selflessness,one that extends and springs from the very character and person  of God.
here are four most important questions that we share as humans and how we answer these questions determines a big deal the entire synopsis of our lives , meaning and destiny .Join me as we expound these questions.For more good topis check out my site :
A Netflix Christmas comedy special which portrays Jesus Christ as a gay man has prompted outrage in Brazil's Christian community, leading to an online petition to have it removed – which has gained more than two million signatures. ... It alleges that the special is offensive to Christians.What does this mean for Christians who actually use Netflix , is there  some percieved or untended hypocrisy,considering the fact that Netlix has hundreds of other movies on their platform that are just as blasphemous.Think with me here .
Jesus the Servant

Jesus the Servant


Jesus Christ is the King of Kings,the Lord of Lords,yet he chose to be the Servant,not just to God ,but also to us,in this we see that God is truly love. Listen to our Evangeliving podcast-
Hold Fast

Hold Fast


There circumstances that make you lose hope in God,the enemy causes us to believe that ,its not worth it to be like Jesus,or its not possible because of our own weaknessmness.In times like these we are to hold fast the profession of our faith,because God did not lie ,when he said that he loved us and that he wants all to be
Walking with God,having a relationship with Him requires faith,sometimes things may look desperate and worse,and as much as we cannot ignore the fact that there is pain, pressure, and problems,we must always set our minds on things above, on the hope that Christ promised, because God cannot lie.
The simultaneous divinity and humanity of Jesus,makes him able to save us and give us every other blessing from His father,in him dwelleth the fullness of God,Jesus is able to save us,its a matter of whether we are willing.