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Jeff Christianson Archive

Author: Jeff Christianson

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Jeff Christianson Ministries
Jeff is a grateful husband; applauding dad; indebted worshiper; online Bible teacher; and the blessed pastor of the remarkable folks at Calvary Chapel Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

Twitter @jchristianson
Txt. (970) 510-0055
47 Episodes
JAMES 4  1 What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?   2 You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.  3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.  4 You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.  5 Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us”?  6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 
Ephesians 4:1-4 New Living Translation (NLT) Unity in the Body 4 Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. 2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. 3 Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. 4 For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future.
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Conclusion: (Colossians 3:14 NKJV) (14) But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. (1 Peter 4:8 NKJV) (8) And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins." (John 13:34-35 NKJV) (34) "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. (35) "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10 NKJV) (9) But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; (10) and indeed you do so toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, that you increase more and more; (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 NKJV) (12) And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, (13) so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and F
Love: 1 John 4

Love: 1 John 4


D. Love As Related to Its Source (1 John 4:7-19 NKJV) (7) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (8) He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (9) In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. (10) In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (11) Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (12) No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. (13) By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. (14) And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. (15) Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. (16) And we have known and believ
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