Jesus Loves Me by Hardwired for Life

Hardwired for Life’s Jesus Loves Me Podcast was created to build relationship with Jesus, and for the unified reconciliation of love to and from Jesus, self and others. We believe in teaching and living foundations of love through relationship with Jesus, family, community, worship, and justice. Our goal is to equip and affirm our listeners, the new and mature Christian, as well as the non-believer. We live to glorify God while helping people passionately pursue Him, feel valued, and create positive change in their lives. We are hardwired as humans with foundational needs, such as love, creativity, and purpose. To acquire these needs we must focus on our intimate relationship with Jesus.

Jonathan Salcedo Testimony: E17

Listen as Sharon and Jana talk with Jonathan about his powerful story as he transitioned from serious gang life to a life in Christ Jesus. Jon’s walk is now spirit-filled and on fire.


Yvonne Salcedo Testimonial: E16

Listen as Sharon and Jana speak with Yvonne about her miraculous life and spiritual path as she walked out of gang life, abuse, and self-destruction. Yvonne is now a powerful woman of God.


Biblical Healing: E15

Healing has such a controversial history, but the Bible is very clear on its meaning today. Listen as Jana and Sharon discuss the ins-n-outs of healing in the Christian church as believers in Christ Jesus. Healing may not mean what you think.


Creativity & Imagination: E14

God made us to be creative and gave us the imagination to solve problems and develop new ideas. Jana and Sharon discuss the importance of creativity and our imagination in our lives as Christian Believers.


Out of the Box: E13

From the renaissance to today we are learning and inventing new things. We are getting out of the boxes of our own making and growing and maturing in Christ Jesus. Sharon and Jana discuss what getting out of the box is to Believers today.


Grace: E12

Jana and Sharon discuss grace in God’s Kingdom and how it impacts our lives as Christian Believers. Learn about the difference between grace and mercy with wisdom and understanding.


Friends Come to Chat: E11

Sharon and Jana have a conversation with friends, Yvonne and Jonathan about what is going on right now in God’s Kingdom. Listen as we talk about the spiritual and supernatural realm and all the God has for us this coming season.


Trust: E10

Jana and Sharon talk about what it means to trust God, ourselves and others from a Biblical perspective. Trust can be a challenge and we must be willing to risk it for our relationships.


Lukewarm: E9

Jana and Sharon talk about being lukewarm. We often find ourselves far away from God without realizing it. During this time of worldwide crisis are we waiting for God to act, or are we going to lean into Him? 


Majesty: E8

Sharon and Jana talk about God’s majesty all around us. It’s infused in our daily lives and is to be reverenced with awe and wonder. His majesty comes in His glory, but do we respect it and honor Him for it? And is majesty accessible to everyone?


Unoffendable: E6

In this episode Sharon and Jana talk about the reality of being offended or unoffendable after Jana breaks her leg and bones in both feet. Jana is very medicated which brings a little extra humor into a very serious discussion.


The Fruit of the Spirit: E7

Sharon and Jana talk about what the Fruit of the Spirit are, why we need them in or lives, and how we get them. They go into depth regarding each one of the nine fruit while giving real-world examples of the fruit in our lives.


The Lords Prayer: E5

Jana and Sharon discuss the Lord’s prayer line-by-line to facilitate a greater understanding of how Jesus taught us to pray daily. We look at Jesus as our Provider, God as omnipresent, and spiritual warfare.


The Will of God: E4

Sharon and Jana discuss what God’s will is and how we can discover it on our own in Scripture. The Bible is full of key indicators of what God’s will is. We must be able to recognize the will of God as we study the Word and implement it in our lives.


Prayer: E3

There are many was we can pray to build intimacy and relationship with God. We can be persistent, caring, and aligned with God’s will and plan for ourselves and others. Sharon and Jana discuss how to pray and what to expect in this episode.


Intimacy & Relationship: E2

Sharon & Jana discuss how much Jesus loves you. They walk through Scripture and find that Jesus wants you with Himself and will always find you when you stray. Jesus id the Good Shepherd and He laid down His life for you as we should lay down our life for our brother and sisters.


Introduction: E1

Sharon and Jana talk about their new Podcast and why they decided to launch it. It’s all about the love of Jesus. Jesus is the foundation for life. The Bible says Jesus Christ is the secret, the key for all of us to live a peaceful, wise and righteous life with God. Receiving Jesus’ love is a step in the right direction as we walk out our salvation.


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