Jewish History With Rabbi Nachum Meth

Jewish History With Rabbi Nachum Meth

A podcast that explores the unlikely story of Jewish history: tragedy and triumph, persecution and perseverance, mankind and miracles.

Crash Course In Jewish History - 3

Jewish history is a story of tragedy and triumph, persecution and perseverance, mankind and miracles. Join us for part three in a five-part series outlining the major events, themes, lessons, and trends of Jewish history.


Crash Course In Jewish History - 2

Jewish history is a story of tragedy and triumph, persecution and perseverance, mankind and miracles. Join us for part two in a five-part series outlining the major events, themes, lessons, and trends of Jewish history.


Crash Course In Jewish History - 1

Jewish history is a story of tragedy and triumph, persecution and perseverance, mankind and miracles. Join us for part one in a five-part series outlining the major events, themes, lessons, and trends of Jewish history.


Theodore Roosevelt And The Jews

Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most popular and polarizing presidents, and throughout his life he had many connections with the Jewish community, and in this class we have a fascinating conversation about TR and the Jews.


Reb Moshe

It’s hard to describe the influence that Rabbi Moshe Feinstein has had on world Jewry in general, and the United States Jewish community in specific.  In this class, we take a closer look a the life and impact of this great giant.


The Vilna Gaon

The Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Eliyahu Kramer, is of the most historically significant Jews of the last thousand years.  His genius is beyond description, and his impact on Jewish life reverberates until today.  In this class we talk about the life and legacy of Vilna Gaon.


Darwin & Evolution: A Torah Perspective

How old is the universe? Does the Torah agree with Darwinian Evolution? Does science contradict the Torah’s Genesis narrative? Although we usually stick to history oil this show, we invite you to a Torah-based discussion about Charles Darwin and Evolution.


Being Jewish In A Non-Jewish World

Antisemitism and Assimilation have been the two greatest challenges to Judaism throughout Jewish History.  And Christmas is a great way to spark the conversation.  In this class we talk about the obstacles to being jewish in a non jewish world. As always, please like and share this podcast, ask a question or leave a comment.


Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was the great leader of German Jewry in the 19th century, and His remarkable leadership and heroism during a turbulent time is both inspiring and relevant for us today. In this class we look at the life and times of Rabbi Hirsch, his biography, his accomplishments, his struggles  his values, and his ideals.


The Jews Of The American Revolution

What was life like for Jews during the Revolutionary War? What role did they have in the war? In this episode, we discuss the history of and lessons from the Jews of the American Revolution.


Israel Under Attack: A Jewish Response

The recent attacks in Israel have left us all shaken.  What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to respond? The truth is, this is hardly the first time the Jewish people have been in crisis. In this class, we look for a Jewish Response to Israel Under Attack.


Rabbi Yisroel Salanter And The Mussar Movement

On the one had, historically speaking we have very little left from Rabbi Yisroel Salanter.  He wrote only a few essays and letters, and just a handful of articles.  On the other hand, there is very little in Jewish life both during his lifetime as well as today that has not been significantly influenced by Rabbi Yisroel Salanter.  In this episode, we take a look at this remarkable person as well as the movement that he created.


The Jews Of Colonial America

Who were the first Jews to settle America, and why did they come? What was life like for Jews in North America in the 17th and 18th Century? In this class we discuss the history of and and lessons from the Jews of Colonial America. 


The Jewish Experience During The Great Depression

In many ways the Jewish experience during the Great Depression was no different than others, yet in some ways it was entirely unique.  How was the Jewish community affected? What are the Depression’s lingering impacts? What lessons can we learn today?  In this class, we take a closer look at the Jewish Experience during the Great Depression.


Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan: The Chofetz Chaim

The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen Kagan, was the gadol hador - the great leader of his generation.  In this class, we take a closer look at the Chofetz Chaim: a biography of his life, and the remarkable legacies he left and that are still with us today.


The Six Day War

A Miracle In Our Day: The Story & Lessons Of The Six Day WarThe IDF’s miraculous success during the Six Day War baffle historians, and the ramifications of the war still shape Israel today.  In this class,  Rabbi Meth offers an informative and inspiring discussion about the war.


Harry Truman And The Jews

From local politics to the formation of the State Of Israel, Harry Truman had many significant Jewish relationships.  In this class, Rabbi Meth discusses the 33rd president’s fascinating Jewish connections.


Albert Einstein’s Jewish Universe

Albert Einstein’s wisdom and genius revolutionized the way mankind looks at the universe, and the impact of his discoveries transformed modern society.   In this class we discuss the complex relationship between Einstein and his Judaism.


The Mortara Affair

In 1858, a six-year-old boy was abducted from his home.  Who were the kidnappers? The Catholic Church! The tragic story of Edgardo Mortara is one of the most heinous examples of papal antisemitism in modern times.


Abraham Lincoln And The Jews

Although Lincoln is universally remembered as the martyred hero who saved the Union in its darkest hours, his relations with the Jews are not as well known.  In this class we discuss  Abraham Lincoln’s many fascinating Jewish connections.


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