

Author: Jgsf1987

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I say what I think.
Я говорю что думаю.
This is the official Podcast of Jgsf1987
Это официальный Подкаст из Jgsf1987
11 Episodes
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer, blogger/vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest posts go to my blog at: You can also check out my vlogs at: 2022 and 2024 are going to be very interesting given the way the 2020 Census played out, and with the Afghanistan withdrawl being thrown into the mix, it could help to insulate President Joe Biden's Democratic Congress from the usual midterm bloodbath. We really need to be attentive to the Republican Party's continually growing extremism, and attack its roots so that it doesn't have the room to spread. You can help to support this podcast here on Anchor:, or on: Patreon: Paypal: Follow me on social media here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:
I'm Jgsf1987, a blogger/vlogger and podcaster, to see my latest posts go to my blog at:  You can help support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: Joe Biden's recent successes have given him an edge on the Republicans in Congress and across the country, but there's still more that needs to be done. The Republicans, as many can see, have a real credibility problem - both with the electorate and their base. We are looking at a real likelihood of the Democrats performing better than expected in next year's midterm, barring some act of God. Biden is also benefiting from having smoothed out many of the bumps that were initially hit in the COVID-19 vaccines' rollouts, and now more people are becoming eligible for receiving it on a faster timeline than was initially estimated. Even with the vaccine, we're still going to have to deal with COVID-19's many various strains throughout the year and possibly decade. Additionally in California, Gavin Newsome has come bouncing back, too. Even with this recall effort against him, people are against it for the most part. It was a likely dud upon arrival with the electorate here in the state as the people driving the recall have so far not offered anything resembling an alternative to Newsome's program. The podcaster (Jgsf1987) holds the view that this recall election is a waste of time. Newsome's up for re-election next year, so what's the point in recalling him? Follow me on Social Media here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer/blogger, vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest thoughts go to my blog at: You can also follow my podcast here: You can help support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: This is my take from President Joe Biden's first week in office, and how the dynamics have been playing out. While former president Donald Trump's 2nd impeachment trial doesn't start until 02/08, I did highlight how I think that a significant number of Senate Republicans may vote to convict Trump so that he can't run again in 2024. By no means is this going to be the end of Trumpism, however, as the extremism that drives it is still spreading across the country. The fact that there are Republicans willing to take a stand against Trumpist extremism is an advantage for all of us, as their support will be key in containing this virus before it consumes us all. You can follow me on these social media sites: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:
I'm Jgsf1987, a blogger/vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest thoughts go to my blog at: This is a brief preface of what we're about to see within the next couple of months, and possibly later in the year 2021. It also outlines the reasons behind the Republicans, under Donald Trump's lead, are still hellbent on fighting to overturn the result of the 2020 election; and also who was likely to join in with Trump's staunchest allies in objecting to the final vote tally and certification on January 6. It should go without saying that we're not out of the woods just yet, and that we're just getting started with the post-Trump turbulence. You can help support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: Follow me on Social Media here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer/blogger, vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest thoughts go to my blog at: I want to apologize for my being off in reading this year's dynamics, I let my cynicism get the better of me, given the history of dirty tricks the Republican Party's been pulling since 1968. So far, as events have unfolded, Joe Biden will likely be designated as the winner when the electoral college, and Donald Trump will most likely be out of office in January. I referenced a couple of articles in this podcast, which I'm sorry that I can't remember off the top of my head. Yeah, I also burped in the middle a few times, sorry. Just watch what Congress does over the next couple of weeks or so, with regards to COVID-19 aid. I know that I incorrectly mentioned that there would be no compromise, as there is a compromise bill being taken up in the Senate. You can help support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: You can also follow me on social media here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Periscope: YouTube: Для русскоговорящих, следите меня здесь: ВК: ОК: Recorded: 11/30/2020
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer/blogger, vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest thoughts, go to my blog at: I'll admit right off the bat that I was wrong in my reading of some of this year's election's dynamics, as some of them had not come to pass. (i.e., the Republicans recapturing control of the US House of Representatives and regaining their lost federal trifacta). Some dynamics are slowly beginning to play themselves out, meaning that we're not entirely out of the woods yet. I want to make a note to you, my esteemed listeners, watch what the state legislatures will do in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, with regards to selecting their respective states electors for the electoral college vote in December. The reason for me to say to watch those 6 states closley is that their legislatures are controlled by Republicans, many of whom are strongly beholdened to President Donald Trump, who the Trump campaign is pushing to override their states' popular vote and appoint electors that will vote for the president in December. I also need to make a second correction, as for when the last time was that a state's legislature appointed electors to the electoral college rather than giving the voters the final say through the popular vote. I was right the 1st time, the last time this happened was in 1876, not 1868, in Colorado; the legislature appointed the state's electors rather than letting the popular vote decide which slate of electors would vote in the electoral college. You can help support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: Follow me here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Periscope: YouTube: Twitch: Pinterest:
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer/blogger and vlogger. To see my latest posts go to my blog at: The Republicans are setting themselves up for victory in November by exploiting a loophole in the Constitution. I need to make a correctionsas I cited the wrong part of it with regards to the appointment of electors by state legislatures: It's not the 12th Amendment, it's Article II, Section I that gives them that authority. 8 of the 14 battleground states (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin) have Republican-controlled legislatures who will most likely bypass their state's popular vote. Another correction I need to make is when the last time a state had its legislature appoint its electors, which was in 1868, not 1876. The state that did this was Florida when shooting its then 3 electoral votes over to Ulysses Simpson Grant. The Huffington Post article that I referenced in this podcast is this one: The podcast was recorded on 10/26/2020. You can help support this podcast on both: Patreon: Paypal: You can follow me here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Periscope: YouTube: LinkedIn:
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer, blogger/vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest thought-filled posts go to my blog at:  It's no secret that as the election draws near, the race is really beginning to take off against Donald Trump. Even though the polls are swinging in Joe Biden's favor, it still makes me a little leary, though. The reason is simple, polls have been off. I do have one correction to make, however; when I said that the Biden/Harris ticket is losing the support of  Black and Latinx/Hispanic voters under the age of 45, I was mistaken. Apparently, Biden's level of support has grown more solid from those demographic groups than I initially realized, and that was thanks to the outcomes of both the Biden and Trump townhalls on both ABC News and NBC News respectively. That doesn't necessarily mean that the Biden/Harris ticket has this election in the bag as they clearly don't. The fact is that the Trump/Pence ticket has all the resources of the federal government to still wreak havoc on the election, which they're doing right now. Trump has made exceedingly clear that he doesn't intend to give up the presidency if Biden wins big on November 3rd. Not only that he's going to use the fed's resources to find ways of invalidating any of the votes cast against him, especially in the 10 major battleground states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin; all of whom have Republican-controlled legistlatures who will try to overrule their respective states' popular vote and appoint their own slate of electors, instead. It may be unfair, but it's not unconstitutional as the 12th Amendment does give state legislatures the authority to do so (an authorized power that they haven't exercised since 1876). You can help support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: You can also follow me on: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer, blogger/vlogger and podcaster. To see what my latest thoughts are go to my blog at:  The President and First Lady having contracted COVID-19 is the new talk in town all over the United States of America. I'm worried about what some of the President's more violent core supporters are planning to do should something happen to him. And hopefully, this is enough to get the nay-sayers to quit arguing that the virus is a hoax, as COVID is no hoax in the slightest. Hopefully the President gets well enough to the point where the Administration doesn't have to invoke the 25th Amendment. Also, some thoughts on the smoke creeping up to me here in California's San Francisco Bay Area. I also alluded to some other worries that the Republicans will attempt to exploit Kamala Harris' record as San Francisco's District Attorney and California's Attorney General to make the Biden/Harris ticket (and the Democratic Party at-large) look like complete hypocrites. You can help to support this podcast on: Patreon: Paypal: You can also follow me on Social Media here: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:
I'm Jgsf1987, a writer/blogger, vlogger and podcaster. To see my latest thoughts go to my blog at:  My take on how events have been playing out since Ruth Bader Ginsburg's tragic passing on Friday, September 18, 2020. The fact is that the Democrats are pulling no stops this time, which is a good thing, to derail the Republicans' effort to fill her seat before America has a chance to grieve and mourn her. If you have any stories about how she inspired you, put them forward, I'd love to hear them. This was recorded on the night of Saturday, September 19, 2020.  Follow me here:  Instagram:  Facebook:  Twitter:  Periscope:  YouTube:
An introduction of who I am and my introductory highlights of the dynamics to watch for in the 2020 presidential election. I have a tendency to ramble, I know, and I'm sorry about that. But for the most part, you'll find it easy enough to follow as time goes on. You can follow me on the following sites here: Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: