Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love

<p><b>Journeys Through Change inspires women to step into change with ease and grace. Your host, Noelle Van, an empowerment and change management coach who spent years coaching innovators and leaders at Apple and Sony, brings a fun and engaging perspective on how to navigate change along with inspiring and provocative conversations with women who have taken a leap into the unknown to create a life of greater joy, fulfillment and success.<br></b><br></p><p><b>Whether you’re contemplating a change in your career, relationship, health, lifestyle or anything in between, nothing is off the table. If you think you’re ready for change but need that extra little nudge to make it happen, this will motivate you to let go of the excuses and say yes to possibility in all areas of your life. </b></p><p><br><br></p>

Taking Accountability and Letting Go of Victimhood

Today’s topic is something I think we can all relate to (whether we want to or not), and that is taking accountability in our own lives. It's often something that becomes more apparent with time because as we get older, we begin to see more clearly how everything is connected and how our decisions create our outcomes. As we mature, it becomes easier to accept that we have a greater hand to play in shaping our lives than we ever felt we did when we were younger. But let's face it: it takes a c...


Beth Jones: Making it Her Mission to Heal Generational Trauma

Content Warning: This episode has a brief mention of sexual abuse.The memories of our past are a blueprint for how we live our lives today. They give us a glimpse into who we are and often shape our choices as we move into adulthood. They paint the picture of our experience within our family, but how much do they actually tell us about the generations that came before us? Hint: it has more of an impact than you might think. Beth Jones experienced this firsthand when a hypnotherapy session bro...


Lessons in Self-Leadership

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we can continue to empower ourselves and each other to get out of our own way and make the pivotal changes that we know will make our lives better. From a distance, it seems so simple but when we let our inner voice get in the way, it can feel so difficult. That’s why I decided to sit down one-on-one with you today as I dive into the concept of self-leadership, shedding light on how confronting our self-doubt and trusting the universe can pave the way...


Kristen Swinehart: From Attorney to Psychic Medium- How to Trust Your Intuition and Follow Your True Calling

I always say the power of this podcast has been the remarkable women behind the remarkable stories. These are women who have not only experienced change in their lives but have ultimately transformed how they view themselves, their inner gifts, and the power they have to create their own path. Today’s guest is another incredible woman to add to the list as she made several life pivots that took her from law school to a practicing medium, helping people connect with their loved ones after they...


Finding Your Courage to Make it Happen

Courage is often difficult to build, especially when change happens to us unexpectedly. When facing the unknown, our insecurity often soars and fear can creep in pretty quickly when we don’t know where a shift in our lives will take us. But know this– courage is not only needed to initiate and navigate change, but it helps you get past what’s holding you back. Courage is the driving force that moves you toward where you want to go in life. This week on Journeys Through Change, I am wrapping u...


Gianine Strang: How She Learned to Teach Others to Heal Past Trauma Through Movement

Our bodies are not just vessels to carry us through life, they are reservoirs of wisdom and emotion. Every experience, every trauma, and every joy we encounter leaves its mark on our bodies. Like silent witnesses, our bodies store this energy, often manifesting as discomfort or unease when left untreated. Gianine Strang learned this firsthand after spending years undoing the trauma she unknowingly held in her body. And once she found the key to healing, she began teaching others how to do it ...


Become Unstoppable by Strengthening Your Resilience

The topic of resiliency is one of my favorites to talk about because like it or not, it has everything to do with how we cope with our world when the ground is constantly shifting beneath our feet. Our ability to be resilient at any time can either make or break our experience in life, powering us through or stopping us in our tracks. This week on Journeys Through Change, I continue my series covering the 6 pillars outlined in my Change Maker Series as I discuss becoming unstoppable by streng...


Jamie Varon: Her Journey to Becoming a Published Author and the Voice of Inspiration for Women to Live with Intention

When we try to understand– let alone describe our personal transformation to others, it can be a challenge because our path is often riddled with layers of complexity. It requires time and distance for us to gain enough perspective to make sense of all that we’ve learned. Today’s guest is no stranger to this level of complex transformation as she made the decision to claim her own happiness and shift her life towards fulfilled alignment. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Jamie Va...


A Different Approach to Self-Care

When we think about self-care, it often conjures images of spas, bubble baths, and quick fixes. But real self-care dives deeper into the patterns that shape our daily routines and mental wellness. This week on Journeys Through Change, I am continuing my series covering the 6 pillars outlined in my Change Maker Series as I share a different approach to self-care!Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you sign up now AND use the discount code NEW20 for 20% off your Day by Daybook® here .I...


Hera McLeod : How Domestic Violence and Her Son’s Murder Have Made Family Court Reform and Child Protection Her Life’s Mission

Content Warning: This episode contains mentions of domestic violence, child abuse, suspected homicides, and the murder of an infant. When an unthinkable tragedy happens, we wonder how the human psyche can process trauma and regain the strength to carry on. Today’s guest, Hera McLeod had to find out the hard way after the tragic loss of her 15-month-old son at the hands of his father. She bravely joins us on the podcast to share her story and advocate for change in our justice system. Th...


Building Confidence to Step Into Something New

Confidence is tricky. Especially for those of us learning more about the habits we’ve formed while growing up and trying to let go of the old behaviors holding us back. But confidence is one of the 6 pillars to building the foundation for creating change in our lives. This week on Journeys Through Change, I am continuing my series covering the 6 pillars outlined in my Change Maker Series as I talk about building confidence to step into something new.Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you ...


Kelsey Moreira: How Sobriety Led Her to Forbes 30 Under 30 and Breaking the Stigma Around Mental Health and Addiction Recovery

For any of us who have experienced a pivotal moment in our past and made a decision that (over time) proved to be of greater significance than we ever thought possible, we understand what true transformation feels like. Today’s guest is no stranger to this feeling after her decision to get sober mixed with her sheer drive and determination led to a series of serendipitous moments on her path to success. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Kelsey Moreira and I are talking about how ...


How to Create a Mindset that Propels you Forward

Have you ever noticed how a single negative thought can create a cascade of self-doubt, crushing your courage and curiosity and derailing everything in its wake? That’s because our mind is SO powerful. One of the biggest tenets of becoming a changemaker is mastering your mindset. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m sharing how to create a mindset that propels you forward!Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you sign up now AND use the discount code NEW20 for 20% off your Day by Dayboo...


Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo: How Healing her Chronic Pain Helped Her Super Charge Her Energy and Communication Work with Children and Families

Content Warning: This episode has a brief mention of suicidal ideations and sexual assault. When you think about your life, do you ever wonder how many twists and turns got you to where you are today? Thinking about the richness of our lives is not often easy. But if you were to recognize some of the experiences you've had along the way for what they really were, stepping stones to get you to where you are today, would even the painful ones feel worth it? The truth is, there are no mista...


Linda Sivertsen: From College Dropout to NYT Best Selling Author and Book Mama, Inspiring Writers to Follow Their Muse and Put Their Work Out Into the World

We talk a lot on the podcast about listening to those subtle whispers that call to us to step into unfamiliar territory and see what’s on the other side. For some, these whispers come out of nowhere leading them to make sweeping changes. For others like Linda Sivertsen, they may have been there since childhood, increasing in volume as they grow closer and closer to their destiny. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Linda Sivertsen shares how she went from being a college dropout to...


How to Make a Commitment to Change that Sticks

One of the first key tenets of becoming a change maker, or in other words, someone who invites possibility into your life, is being able to make and keep a commitment to yourself to make it happen. Keeping a commitment is one of the most important things you can do to strengthen your resolve and start building the muscle you need to stick with the process of any change long enough to get to the other side and reap the benefits. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m sharing how to make a c...


Joy Hoover: From Building a National Non-Profit to Creating a Personal Safety Cosmetics Line to Fight Sexual Assault and Violence

Content Warning: This episode mentions sex trafficking, sexual assault, and violence. Sex trafficking, sexual assault, and violence are an all too common reality for individuals working in the adult entertainment and sex work industry. After hearing the stories of countless individuals in her chair as a hair and makeup artist, today’s guest Joy Hoover set out to do something about it and has been on a mission to empower and protect women ever since. This week on Journeys Through Change, ...


Becoming a Change Maker in Your Own Life

We talk about change all the time on the podcast and listen to other women’s stories of change, but hearing others' experiences is one thing, and learning to navigate change in your own life is quite another. That’s where the Change Maker Series comes in! This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m giving you a preview of my 6-week series designed to help you build confidence and resilience, tackle life changes effectively, and become a Change Maker in your own life.In this episode, I’m sh...


Mercedes Maidana: How a Traumatic Brain Injury Halted Her Professional Surfing Career and Led Her to a Life Beyond her Wildest Dreams

Content Warning: This episode discusses thoughts of death as a result of a traumatic brain injury. When we think about “having it all” it brings to mind being at the pinnacle of our career or at an ultimate high in our life where we feel we have reached the summit. But nothing in life is promised and what happens when that all comes crashing down leaving us to rebuild our life? That is exactly what happened to Mercedes Maidana after a surfing accident changed the course of her life in a ...


Unlock Your Motivation by Discovering Your Drive Type

Understanding your drive type is important, especially as you create an action plan for change. Knowing what motivates you is the first step in choosing the behaviors or activities that keep your mindset, engagement, and stamina strong when you need them most. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m talking about unlocking your motivation by discovering your drive type.Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Day Book, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort of those ...


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