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Joy Colour Impact & Dogs

Author: J Nichole Smith

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The unconventional show for entrepreneurs, executives and serial success-seekers who want to use their time, energy and privilege to create more joy, freedom and positive impact - but are generally allergic to doing things the ‘normal’ way.
34 Episodes
What does passive income actually mean to you?Chances are, in a conversation about 'passive income' what you might really mean is time freedom. You want to take the pressure off of 'hourly rate' work... so that you can continue to earn more income and create more wealth, while also claiming more joy, more spaciousness, and maybe even 'time away' for things like maternity leave, holiday, personal growth and general wellbeing. In this episode we're going to discuss the difference between Passive Income vs. a Scalable Business ModelWhat is the differenceWhich is right for you?What do these definitions have to do with '1:1' and '1 to many' productsCan you live on passive income alone... do you want to? Do you have the skill-set to build a Passive Income business? What does building a brand have to do with Passive Income What do you need to know if you're jumping from a local or in-person service-based business into 'Passive Income'This is an absolutely essential episode if you've tried and struggled to build and launch a course, membership or audience online and are wondering what you're doing wrong. Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
Welcome to part 2 of our '10 lessons from Necker Island' (for the first 5 lessons, check out the previous episode)I was invited to Necker Island as a member of The Collective, an impact mastermind for women entrepreneurs led by Natalie MacNeil that is an official partner of Richard Branson’s Virgin Unite. It's a tremendous honor to have the opportunity not once, but twice (so far) to visit this enchanted place, and to do so in the company of more than 30 other curious, creative women who are making major waves in their own communities and businesses.In this episode, I'm going to take you along on my recent trip to Necker, and share the second set: 6 -10 insights and lessons I brought back with me from this magic place... including my biggest takeaway from Richard Branson himself.Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
Have you heard of Necker Island?How about Sir Richard Branson?If you're a serial entrepreneur like me, if you have ever sought out examples of entrepreneurs who have taken massive risks, again and again, and won - there may be no better example than Sir Richard Branson.. founder of the Virgin Group.I've been fascinated with Richard's "Screw it, Let's Do it" attitude since I very first discovered him I read every book I could find on his life and businesses... but never could I have guessed way back than (at least 15+ years ago) that I'd have a chance to visit Necker, his private island (his full-time home) - but also spend days and days in his company, listening to his anecdotes, stories, advice and jokes... and absorbing the profoundly transformative energy of Necker Island and its intrepid owner, Sir Richard Branson.I was invited to Necker Island as a member of The Collective, an impact mastermind for women entrepreneurs led by Natalie MacNeil that is an official partner of Richard Branson’s Virgin Unite. It's a tremendous honor to have the opportunity not once, but twice (so far) to visit this enchanted place, and to do so in the company of more than 30 other curious, creative women who are making major waves in their own communities and businesses.In this episode, I'm going to take you along on my recent trip to Necker, and share the first 5 of 10 insights and lessons I brought back with me.If you want to see some of the photos from Necker, be sure to visit my instagram highlights:!Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
You might be contemplating a rebrand... but how do you know if now is the right time?Or maybe you haven't even been considering a rebrand... but you've got some discomfort or confusion you haven't yet diagnosed... and you're starting to wonder if maybe it's time to double-down on brand (building a personal brand, tightening-up your messaging or positioning, or simply up-leveling the first impression you make online) In this episode I'm sharing 10 reasons you should definitely consider in order to identify if brand is actually the #1 strategy you should be investing time, energy and money in right now (or not).Want to chat it out? Book a free call and let's find the right way to support your brand makeover: APPLY NOW: the colour quiz - with me further here -
Come along with me for a critique of an evening with Elizabeth Gilbert, author of 'Eat, Pray, Love' and 'Big Magic.' Let's explore Liz's description of 'Purpose Anxiety' and the profound alternative she recommends to the pursuit of a 'purpose-driven' life. In this episode I reflect on the intricate dance between creativity, fear, risk-taking, purpose and presence. What is the cross-over between being 'purpose driven' and doing less harm... how does that fit in with a joy first life, and being more present in our lives.Do I agree with Liz Gilbert's call to action when she says ''Why are we all trying to make our mark on the world? It seems to me that the world has been eloquently requesting for some time that we stop trying to make marks on her.... or is it in direct conflict with what I believe? Tune-in to find out... TakeawaysHow Liz Gilbert defines Purpose anxiety and its oppositeWhat is the cross-over between more purpose and doing less harm? Can we actively do less harm without being purpose-driven?Where does our purpose come from, should we be anxious about finding it? What is the role of presence in a joy first life? What about the role of presence in creativity? Purpose can guide our decisions and actions, helping us prioritize what aligns with our values and make a positive impact in the world.Genius is not an identity, but a supernatural force that flows through us; it is not something we possess, but something that visits us.Embracing the mystery of life and being open to the unknown can bring meaning and joy to our lives.Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
'Get Visible' - one of the most buzzy and commonly peddled sales pitches in the online entrepreneurial world.Why is it that so many business owners need help with 'visibility' - why is it such a struggle?Today we unravel why so many trailblazing and brilliant Founders struggle to step into the spotlight.... But here's the twist: it's not actually about time, money, know-how or missed opportunities. It's about something much deeper. Join me as we explore the root cause of why so many people behind the brand don't get the recognition or attention they deserve (and what to do about it).In this episode we'll Explore:The real reason you're not getting visibleWhat can help overcome the fear of being visible.What simple strategy can help clear imposter syndrome.A successful combo of actions that has helped build confidence for our clients who struggled to 'get seen'Episode Links:Take the colour quiz - with me further here - https://www.jnicholesmith.comTakeawaysTake the colour quiz - with me further here -
Today's podcast topic gets me super fired-up because it's a powerful trend that most people thing is fabulous, but is actually just not good for our wellbeing. This topic might seem a bit superficial at first... but it has really deep roots travel from a bit sad to actually really toxic.The Cult of NeutralNeutral is not as aspirational as we make it out to be: white-beige spaces are not the recipe for a joy first life.We'll Explore: Where our obsession with neutral colors comes fromThe shadow side of neutral - and the darker places it can leadThe connections between our fears and our reliance on neutral The role picking a lane, and taking a stand play in a strong and authentic brandHow taking risks and embracing color (your colors) can lead to more joy and self-expression.Episode links:Take the Quiz: the colour quiz - with me further here -
If you're obsessing over the 'how' in your business... You may feel a little lost... You might feel like you're constantly chasing your tail... You probably feel stuck in this anxious 'don't know' 'can't see it' energy... You probably change your mind and priorities often 🌪 (which creates chaos)... You're probably drawing the same lists and mind maps over and over again... You're probably focused on getting that little bit faster, or little bit more profitable, or that little bit more productive each day (but not getting ahead)... If what you're currently doing isn't working, or you're uncomfortable or stagnant in a business that is working, but is no longer fulfilling... Then what you're probably focused on right now is the wrong thing: If you're obsessing over the 'next step' in your business through the lens of what is the product, what is the price... If you're obsessing over a plan, but don't know where you're trying to go... If you think you know where you want to go, but fear you'll never get there... If you have never had the PROOF that you CAN do it or have it, but are still committed to trying... Today's episode is definitely for you. I will break down what you need to start (and what you should stop right now) in order to shift your energy and attention in a more productive way, to achieve more ease, more focus, and better results overall. I will also share the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me to push-past the 'impossible' changes I've made in my life, as well as what I see happen with my clients who push-past plateaus to actually achieve huge wins and big changes in their life and business. Spoiler: It's not the how, the plan, or obsessing over the product or service... Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
A rebrand is more than just a fresh coat of paint; it’s achieving that wholeness, that cohesion that all business owners crave so desperately. In your zone of genius, what’s that one topic that people bring up again and again? Whenever I chat with someone about branding, there’s one concept that’s a near constant – cohesion. We all want that missing link that brings all the disparate parts of your business together into a united whole. Cohesion gives us that high-vibration feeling, full of joy, synergy, synchronicity, and flow. It gifts your brand a magnetic attraction. But like all good things, it’s hard to find. Don’t worry, I’m not gatekeeping! In today’s show, I’m sharing my foolproof, 5-step system for: creating cohesion in your brand. I’m also diving into: What cohesion looks like in your business The emotional impact of color harmony How brand cohesion earns you loyal customers Tips for sticking to a cohesive brand design Episode links: Take the color type quiz DIY your rebrand Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
“Instinctively we know what joy is and where to get it. . . but what does seem to evade most of those who are born into the capitalist ‘eat, sleep, shop, please, perform, produce’ lifestyle, is how to make time for it.”  -J.Nichole Smith We are raised to live in fear. We uphold money, status, and power, terrified of what will become of us if we fail to achieve them. This is about survival... But at what cost? Instead of enduring misery, counting down the days to retirement, never knowing your full potential, hiding the magical parts of who you are, or staying in situations that are deeply unhealthy or unfulfilling, I want you to feel safe choosing a Joy-First life. Choose Joy-First. My mission is to start a global movement of good-hearted humans who simply want peace, ease, and freedom for all, while also acknowledging the severity of the massive craters we’ve already dug for all humanity to climb its way out of… Today I'm going to share one simple challenge with three repeatable actions for you to 'try-on' choosing 'Joy-First' as a lifestyle and decion-making paradigm.  Ready?? In today’s podcast, I’m breaking down my legacy work: What is Joy-First and what makes it so powerful One universal desire we all seem to share Where our fear-first mindset comes from and why its' so damaging One radical decision to help you life a longer, happier life What choosing joy looks like (and what it doesn't) SPOILER: Joy doesn't meaning hedonism, or just doing what feels good all the time ;) Let's Go!Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
What is Color Harmony and Why Should You Care? “Most of the time we don't actively recognize 'harmony'… it's just a good feeling we get. The same is true when it's missing... things just feel 'off'” Newsflash – color is energy. What if I told you that being able to achieve color harmony in your brand, wardrobe and the environments you occupy can totally transform your experience and results? It might seem like a stretch... I mean... in reality, color doesn’t actually exist. Colors are wavelengths. The way the energy of color enters our body through our eyes and brain holds tremendous power to make us feel. heal and act. But as we set about to understand how color works - we mostly assume it's all about each individual hue? What can I wear to appear confident? What color should I paint my office to be more productive? What color should I use in my logo to seem warm and caring? As we follow our curiosity down the color psychology rabbit-hole, devouring splashy infographics telling us how blue = trust...  what most people don't realize is that the individual color is far less important than the group of colors that are present together. Yes, the psychology of individual colors is important - but the way that colors combine to create harmony (or not) -  now that’s an even mightier force... Especially when you'tr trying to create instant trust and credibility online. In today's episode I’m going to explain this concept of colour harmony and share how you can use it to create a brand that is not only more authentic to you... but also creates more predicitable responses with your ideal client. I’ll break down: What is color harmony What is color psychology The way color and light relate to natural cycles around us Share the connection between color groups and personality types Give you some quick tips to achieve color harmony in your brand Plus, explore how to craft a brand that is harmonious not just in color, but across all aspects of your business... and the why of how this is possibly THE most important thing you can do right now to get more of the right clients. Episode links: Take the Color Types quiz Watch this podcast in video format Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
Today is a special, honest, raw peek into the REAL shiz that happens in the growth phase of an ambitious, imperfect business. I have a confession... Well, 4 confessions, really In this episode: I'm sharing my word for the year and the difficult choices it's sparked off Getting really vulnerable about some things going on in my world Explore the 'immediate gratification' vs. 'sustainable consistency' Sharing a temporary change that's happening straight-away for this podcast What is currently driving my big, hairy, scary goals - and what the sacrifices are... I hope you'll enjoy this unconventional, un-edited, super honest episode. Like it? Leave us a review, and don't forget to subscribe! Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
“By age 12, many children become set in their beliefs—giving parents a decade to mold the learning process, so that it decreases racial bias and improves cultural understanding.” – Do you consider racism to be an “adults-only” kind of issue? If so, buckle up. As white parents, it's past time to talk to our kids about racial bias. Whether your child is 2 or 12, it’s never too early (or too late) to start these conversations. The point is, the conversation starts now. Otherwise, we’re complicit in the harm. In this episode of Dealing With Whiteness, I talk with Dr.Lynne Maureen Hurdle and Justin Na’im Hurdle-Price, breaking down: How do you talk to kids about racism? Spoiler alert – there’s no cheat sheet. We’re also exploring: The age children begin developing racial biases Why white parents need to teach their children about race When to start talking about racism How white children can show allyship to their peers Plus, hear from Dr. Lynne and Justin about their experiences growing up in a system that upholds whiteness and labels any variation as “other.” Want to know more about the great work Dr.Lynne and Justin are doing to hold space for courageous conversations like this one? Find them here: Web: Lynne Maureen Hurdle  | On the Matter of Race Insta: @conflictcloser Episode links: Learn more about Talking to Children About Racial Bias. Listen to Justin’s experience growing up in white, privatized institutions: Introduction to Dealing with Whiteness Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
Today I am thrilled to share this converation with one of my dearest friends, mentors, sisters – Dr. Romie Mushtaq. Today we talk about joy, The Busy Brain Cure (Dr. Romie’s new book - just released this week and already a bestseller on Amazon and Audible!!), colour psychology and a few things in between... (including how I was involved in getting this book ready for it's big launch!) Dr. Romie shares her heartfelt mission and her positive impact goals We'll explore the rollercoaster process of writing a book for a 'big 5' publisher We'll find out if Dr.Romie is team cat or team dog We'll hear a bit about 'busy brain' and how it manifests Explore how we 'Type A' people can achieve success without sacrificing mental and physical well-being Dr. Romie knows that a world where success is achieved without chronic stress and burnout is possible and she's giving us the cure...  You'll love this super fun episode with signature Dr.Romie 'real talk' and some really honest conversations about achieving, burnout, redemption and purpose. I think these kinds of conversations with influential, impact-focused women like Dr. Romie should be essential listening!! What you will hear in this episode: 04:14 What is bringing Dr. Romie joy today 07:00 How crossed we paths and what we thought when we first met 08:55 Meet the Aunties 10:52 Feeling like an odd person out 11:08 We ‘judge a book by it’s cover’ 11:35 We discuss where brain science and Eastern traditions merge 12:20 The importance of belonging 13:40 Discover the inspiration for Dr. Romie’s book 14:00 The Myth of Writing a Book 16:20 The Journey of Writing a Book 23:25 Traditional Publishing vs Self-Publishing 34:39 Developing Thought Leadership 36:54 Finding Your Why (and what role Nic had in helping Romie polish hers) 42:28 Disrupting traditional Brain and Mental Health paradigms 43:42 A Vision for a World without Chronic Stress Who is Dr Romie Mushtaq? Dr. Romie is also the Chief Wellness Officer for Evolution Hospitality, where she scaled a mindfulness and wellness program to over 7,000 employees. Her expertise is featured in the national media such as NPR, NBC, TED Talks, and Forbes, and you can find the cure for your busy brain at And if you wanna find her on social media, you can find her at Dr. Romie. I encourage you to do that because she is a delight to follow. If you want to dive a bit further into Dr Romie’s world you can find her here: View loads of great video content: here Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
This could be the most important podcast I do this year. Not a bad way to begin, eh? This episode is a must for any business owner who will be building a brand or rebranding this year. This 60 minutes could save you MONTHS of pain and THOUSANDS in financial investment if you listen carefully and take just 20% of the advice in this episode. In this episode I break-down the 6 Stages of a Rebrand (yes, it's the same for a new brand) to help you do it properly, efficiently and most importantly... strategically. You'll disover what the stages of a rebrand are, how to navigate each one (avoiding the most common mistakes we see businesses make) and tons of practical, actionable, POWERFUL guidance for anyone thinking about embarking upon building a brand or rebranding an existing business. In this juicy conversation we'll cover: The difference between a strategic rebrand and visual rebrand What actually is 'positioning' and what is made up of Who you'll need to help you with your rebrand The 6 stages of a strategic Rebrand What you need to get started The #1 most powerful tool you have to get more predictable (and desireable) outcomes in your brand/business What role your 'why' has in helping you make more money How to use the psychographics (over demographics) to find and convert your ideal clients How to use psychology without sterotyping people Which traditional part of a rebrand is basically irrelevent What pricing has to do with your brand and how to get it right The most important question you need to answer to have a successful rebrand The biggest pitfall most business owners make when it comes to their products & services What are the three most important visual elements of your brand? When and why should you consider a name change? What's the best angle for finding your niche-within-a-niche or 'micro-niche'? Where to start when rolling out your rebrand (Big launch? Soft launch? Which is better?) and lots, LOTS more... Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
New Year, New You, right? Well, maybe not. Although the stats tell us resolutions do mostly work ( contrary to popular belief 40-46% of New Year’s resolved will be successful at six months)... it's not setting them that matters... but something else entirely that we'll discuss in this episode. As we enter into this season traditionally laden with fresh starts and heavy expectations of big transformations and huge change - I want to offer you an alternate ambition: JOY. Starting the year with more joy in little but significant ways. In this episode I'm going to share my top winning 'joy hacks' to help you kick-off 2024 with more ease, joy and spaciousness...  A totally delightful, fully achievable little list to glow-up your January (and beyond). I’m confident at least one of these ideas will lift you up, lighten your load or help to create your best, most joy-filled year yet. LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE: Our Year Ahead Spread workshop: Buy tarot cards: Some info about Year Ahead Spread: Dr Romie’s brilliant book The Busy Brain Cure: Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
Welcome Dr Angela Lauria! Someone I’m privileged to call my friend and personal inspiration, and indeed a visionary in the spaces of publishing, autism and entrepreneurship.Dr Angela Lauria is an author, podcaster, speaker, and Autistic advocate helping unlock the power of neurodiversity at work. In this this delightful, straight-talking podcast, we manage to cover a LOT…The celebration of autistic cultureHaving a vision and pivotingTensions of balancing career goals and personal lifeCats vs. dogs (!)How AI is helping the book-writing world, especially for neurodiverse folkLovely discussion around giving yourself permission to do things that bring you joy, that really ignite your passion (even if those around you may think you’re nuts!)Oh yes, and of course color: Angela shares with us the simplicity it brings her life!plus loads more…These kinds of conversations with influential, impact-focused women should be essential listening!!When the world is trying to convince us that everyone who has wealth and influence is shit, capitalism is broken, and it's impossible for women to be satisfied or accepted - it's nice to chat with real people - wildflowers who have broken through - to hear that actually doing it your own way can work.Chatting with Angela reminds us that it's safe to:Create your own autistic accommodationsBe a real go-getter even when those around you aren’tFollow your heartDo things that really matter to youBe a woman who evolves, changes her mind and continually growsWho is Dr Angela Lauria?Dr Angela Lauria has helped almost 2,000 entrepreneurs write, publish, and promote their books, and she has been doing it since 1994. Her clients have been responsible for over 10 million books read and $100 million in cumulative revenue.Angela was named one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s top 10 most inspiring entrepreneurs to watch – one of only 2 women on the list! And she was ranked #60 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur 360.f you want to dive a bit further into Angela’s world you can find her here:https://www.angelalauria.comThe Autism Culture podcast: hereInstagram: @drangelalauriaFacebook: @drangelalauriaTake the colour quiz - with me further here -
In this episode of the Joy Colour Impact (& Dogs) podcast, we discuss partnerships in business, is it a good idea to venture into business alone or with a partner(s). Much like marriages, partnerships require a delicate balance of chemistry and compromise. Conflicts are bound to arise, but don't always mean it's the end. In this episode we'll discuss the secret to keeping your partnership bond strong. I'll share some details from my *very* recent experience buying back ownership in one of my businesses. For the first time ever, I'm going in deep on my partnerships (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and sharing my thoughts: do I still think... after all the drama... that it's worth it?Take the colour quiz - with me further here -
Today in this very important ‘Dealing with Whiteness’ episode with Dr. Lynne Maureen-Hurdle and Justin Hurdle-Price  - we’re diving into a really touchy topic. We’re discussing the word: Woke. As we explore where this word comes from, how it’s being [inappropriately] used and the impact on society, in particular, the black community - and our guests personally. Now if you’re like me I was when I first got introduced to the topic in today’s episode, you might feel surprised. But the fact is, the way this word is used today is SO far from where it originated, that it’s become deeply offensive. You’ll hear how and why Justin considers it a slur - and urges white people to stop saying it. Like Now. In this episode we will: Discover where the word ‘Woke’ came from and its original definition… which you might not expect. Understand why feelings of anger, frustration and disgust are associated with the misappropriation of the word ‘Woke’. Explore a powerful and recent example from US women’s basketball (and politics) where black culture being misunderstood plus white fragility played out in International media Focus on the most important thing white people can do to show their care and allyship Plus we’ll talk about what white people can do to actually be ‘down’ with the black community (hint: it does not include calling yourself  ‘woke’! WANT TO GO A STEP FURTHER? Dr. Lynne and Justin Nai'im have created a free resource for you called The Five Mistakes White People Make When It Comes To Anti-Racism and you can access it here... *** We all have work to do when it comes to dismantling racism, but it is not all the same work. As White people, we must learn about it and work with BIPOC to disrupt it and create a better society.** Wanna know more about the great work Dr.Lynne and Justin are doing to hold space for courageous conversations like this one? Find them here: Web: Insta: @conflictcloserTake the colour quiz - with me further here -
To me the word professional is the enemy of a good brand and, in most cases is the enemy of any kind of personality. In today's podcast, we explore the intersection of creativity, self-expression, and entrepreneurship. Join me as we dive deep into the impact of professionalism on our ability to show up authentically in our businesses and personal lives. How the system trains us to value professionalism over authentic self-expression The power of embracing our unique quirks and passions in building a successful brand Break free from the limitations of professionalism and step into your true self Tune in if you are interested in challenging the norm and embracing the power of authenticity in your work and personal life. Links: perfectionism episode: Take the colour quiz - with me further here -