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Judge and Jeremy
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Judge and Jeremy

Author: Judge and Jeremy

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A true crime podcast that balances crime and murder with semi-related nonsense from the Back Porch.
34 Episodes
Ep.034 - Humphrey and Laney

Ep.034 - Humphrey and Laney


Domestic violence is no joke.  It seems that every local news station around the country reports this kind of crime all too often.   This week we take a look at the number of lives ruined by the selfish, murderous act of one person.  
We all make mistakes.  But sadly, some people are so depressed and devastated by their mistakes, that they consider suicide.   This week we look at a man in Virginia who is a cold blooded killer.  And he knows that he doesn't deserve to live.  In fact, he wants to die.   But instead of considering suicide,  he forced the hand of Virginia's government.  A government that was unwilling to sentence him to death.  This is Robert Gleason's story. 
Men like Stalin and Hitler held racist visions which proved to be devastating to the world.   Even decades later, they have influenced many individuals to act out on their hatred.   This episode takes a look at one particular person in late 70's that destroyed many lives...and could've potentially been much worse.
Ep.031 - Up From The Grave

Ep.031 - Up From The Grave


A lot of people associate Alabama with grits and gridiron.  But just like every other state, there are ruthless men there who don't give a second thought to taking what isn't whatever means necessary.  And if they have to kill someone in the process,  so be it.   
Ep.030 - Maury Travis

Ep.030 - Maury Travis


Some creeps are easy to spot.  Others blend into the background and don't raise any suspicions about themselves.  Those are the ones that nightmares are made of.
That old saying, "Follow your gut feeling," holds some merit.  But sometimes that gut is wrong.   In this case, the police investigation gets a little too much tunnel vision going on,  and it proves to be very costly.
Ep.028 - Altemio C. Sanchez

Ep.028 - Altemio C. Sanchez


Jogging, riding bikes, getting some fresh air.   These are just a few great activities to enjoy in the summer months.   But let this tragic story be a reminder to take a friend with you the next time you hit the trail.  Being fit and healthy isn't always enough when you're fighting off a murderer. 
John Norman Collins faces his accusers in court.  But is the evidence convincing enough?   How many victims did he allegedly kill?   Or was there another murderer working the Michigan area at this time?
In this first of a two part series, we take a look at the murders that terrified the communities of Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor during the late 60's.   You can't judge a book by its cover...and you can't let the "All-American" boy with his charming looks give you a sense of safety and security.
LOTS of musicians come to Nashville with big dreams.  But this guy was definitely dreaming if he thought he was going to be the next Garth Brooks.  The people who came in contact with him weren't necessarily musicians, but because of Reid, their dreams...and lives.... were senselessly taken from them. 
Concoctions, or confabulations.  In the end, they amount to nothing more than lies.  But as we all know, lies have a way of catching up to you.   But who in their right mind lies about being a member of one of the most powerful families in the world?  This guy.
Some secrets are taken to the grave.  Some unanswered questions are as well.  For one family in Virginia, the truth they searched for would never emerge. 
Sometimes,  people kill out of passion.   Sometimes,  it's out of revenge. Then there's other times that the only reason is just for the hunt.
They left the violence in Miami only to come face to face with a Tennessee rest area.   The occult, demons, vampires, and Ah satan.
No, this isn't a twisted tale about Ted Bundy's sister.   However, Ted somehow manages to make his presence known in this tragic tale.
Some people live their life in such a way that communities name a road after them.   Others have buildings or parks named after them.   But this fool got the state of Texas to name brand new laws after him.
How frustrating is it that so many murders in America go unsolved?  The stretch of highway between Houston and Galveston has long been a dumping site for murder victims.   Most of these victims' assailants have never been identified and brought to justice.  In this episode, we take a microscopic look at 4 of these cases which occurred in League City, Texas.  
Vacations are supposed to be a relaxing break from your usual daily routine. Having fun and making some memories are expected.   But, when a few friends from Kentucky make a road trip to "the big T.N.,"  they engage in some activities that most would consider far from fun and relaxing.   Memories were probably made, but in the end, many lives have been ruined.
Kidnapper, rapist, torturer, murderer.   This type of person is not worthy of compassion.  But in order to survive, one victim was able to beat overwhelming odds against her, by showing a sort of friendship to someone who didn't deserve it.  This is a story of terrible evil....and a story to leave you feeling incredible admiration.
We would feel terrible if our next crime story upset your stomach and kept you from enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner.   So we're just going to kick it on the back porch this week!  Hope you'll join us!   Be sure to listen for our announcement!
Comments (10)

shannon catlin

my children play a lot of soccer which means my husband and i travel just as much. He doesn't look forward to the drive because I like to listen to podcasts. I finally found one that he LOVES as much as I do. The best one I have found. You sometimes make me cry from laughter.

Oct 30th
Reply (1)

Megan Smetzer

please come back 😉

Nov 8th

Sue M Gable

ugg need more of this podcast how about a reboot?

Oct 11th

Adriel Morelock

Love this podcast! I love the Southern accent because I am from NC! Great podcast for true crime. They tell the stories respectfully for the victims and their families. Give it a listen. You won't be disappointed!

Sep 2nd

Rose Johnson

Love this podcast! I just found it!

Jun 18th

Dylan Demellweek

anyone who finds this now just be aware they have decided to stop making the podcast unfortunately.

Dec 6th
Reply (1)

Toni Diane

The first podcast that I've heard that is comparable to Sword & Scale. You haven't done any shows since July though. Where'd you go?

Nov 11th

Heather Marie Kennedy

when are you making another podcast! miss you!

Oct 29th