Judy Ley Allen Mexico Centered

The "Judy Ley Allen Mexico Centered" podcast features interviews with academics, former government officials and other experts on issues central to the U.S.-Mexico relation. The podcast is hosted by the Baker Institute's Center for the United States and Mexico at Rice University in Houston, Texas. For more information on our work, please visit https://www.bakerinstitute.org/center-for-the-united-states-and-mexico/

Episode 75: Mexico's Elections: The Results (Guest: Lorena Becerra)

Tony Payan sits down with Lorena Becerra, political analyst and CEO of Lorena Becerra Encuestas, to analyze the results of Mexico’s presidential election on June 2, 2024.  For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on X/Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "U.S.-Mexico Update."


Episode 74: Mexico's Post-Presidential Election Scenarios (Guest: Javier Martin Reyes)

In this episode we sit down with Javier Martin Reyes, researcher at the Institute for Legal Research at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) for a conversation on Mexico's post-presidential election scenarios and their possible legal consequences. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on X/Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "U.S.-Mexico Update."  


Episode 73: Mexico's Presidential Elections, the Candidates, Continuity and the Binational Relation (Guest: Carlos Bravo Regidor)

As Mexico's current presidential administration approaches its final days, key questions about the country’s future arise. Some of the critical challenges facing Mexico range from political to democratic principles, such as the growing poverty rate, the state of public safety, and the U.S.–Mexico binational relationship. How will the next presidential administration tackle these issues?  In this episode we have a wide-ranging conversation with Carlos Bravo Regidor, a political analyst for media outlets Expansión Política, Gatopardo, ForoTV, and Radio Fórmula. Joined by the Center for the U.S. and Mexico Director Tony Payan, the two discussed Mexico’s challenges and opportunities for the next presidential administration.  For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on X/Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "U.S.-Mexico Update."


Episode 72: The 2024 Presidential Elections in Mexico (Guests: Tony Payan, Ivan Rodriguez Sanchez; Edward M. Emmett)

We're back! After a hiatus of almost 2 years the Mexico Centered podcast returns...and just in time for Mexico's 2024 presidential elections. In this episode, a crossover with the Baker Institute's Baker Briefing podcast, host and Baker Institute fellow Edward M. Emmett sits down with Tony Payan, director, and Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez, scholar, of the Baker Institute Center for the U.S. and Mexico, to look ahead at Mexico's 2024 elections.  For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on X/Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "U.S.-Mexico Update."


Episode 71: Hosting Mexico Centered (Guests: Tony Payan and Enrique Quezada)

In his final episode as host, Enrique Quezada sits down with Tony Payan, director of the Baker Institute Center for the U.S. and Mexico, to look back at how the podcast started and the role it has played at the Center. Enrique talks about preparing for interviews and the behind-the-scenes work to produce Mexico Centered. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 70: Trans-border Collaboration Across the Rio Grande (Guests: Bob Krumenaker, superintendent of Big Bend National Park, and Javier Ochoa, subdirector of the protected areas Maderas del Carmen and Ocampo)

Bob Krumenaker, superintendent of Big Bend National Park, and Javier Ochoa, subdirector of the protected areas Maderas del Carmen and Ocampo, talk about the different models of conservation the U.S. and Mexico have, their day-to-day activities, and the numerous ways in which they collaborate across the border to the benefit of the ecosystem they share. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 69: The Significance of Mexico's 2022 Local Elections (Guest: Alejandro Cruz, director of special studies at BGC Ulises Beltrán y Asociados)

Alejandro Cruz, director of special studies at BGC Ulises Beltrán y Asociados and an expert in local elections in Mexico, discusses the results of the June 2022 local elections in Mexico and their significance for the López Obrador administration and the president’s party. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 68: The Dream of a Binational Park (Guest: Francisco Cantú, writer, translator, and author)

Francisco Cantú, author of The Line Becomes a River, discusses his recent article for Audubon Magazine where he wrote about a grand dream for an international park encompassing Big Bend on the U.S side and Santa Elena and Maderas del Carmen on the Mexican side. Cantú talks about what he learned during his visit about the different approaches of the two countries when it comes to conservation and the current cooperation that happens across the Rio Grande. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 67: Mexico's National Guard and Public Safety (Guest: Richard Kilroy)

Richard J. Kilroy, nonresident scholar at the Center for the United States and Mexico and associate professor of politics at Coastal Carolina University, discusses the role of Mexico’s National Guard in President López Obrador’s public safety strategy. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 66: The Dangers of Being a Journalist in Mexico (Guest: Peniley Ramírez)

Peniley Ramírez, investigative journalist and columnist for the newspaper Reforma, talks about the dangers of being a journalist in Mexico, the mechanisms in place to protect journalists, and the relationship between Lopez Obrador and the media. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 65: 2021 Annual Roundup (Guest: Tony Payan)

Tony Payan, director of the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico, discusses what happened in 2021 to Mexico’s economy, politics, public health, and to the binational relationship with the United States. He also sets out expectations for 2022. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications." Happy Holidays!


Episode 64: Binational Healthcare: A conversation with Houston Methodist Hospital (Jose Nuñez, VP, Global Development at Houston Methodist’s Global Health Care Services)

José Núñez, the vice president for Global Development at Houston Methodist’s Global Health Care Services, talks about how Mexican patients access healthcare services in the United States, what Houston Methodist’s partnerships with the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey and Mexico City’s ABC Medical Center entail, and how the coronavirus pandemic affected these services and collaborations. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 63: A Conversation with Consul General Alicia Kerber Palma

Alicia Kerber Palma, consul general of Mexico in Houston since 2019, talks about her time in the Mexican Foreign Service, the programs and services provided by Mexico’s Consulate General in Houston, feminist foreign policy, and the binational relationship. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 62: El Problema del Crimen Organizado en México (Guest: Eduardo Guerrero)

This podcast is in Spanish. Eduardo Guerrero, socio fundador y director de Lantia Consultores y Lantia Intelligence, habla sobre la complicada situación de seguridad nacional y el incremento en la violencia relacionada al crimen organizado en México. Para mayor información sobre el Centro para Estados Unidos y México del Instituto Baker, visite nuestra página web: https://www.bakerinstitute.org/USMEX


Episode 61: The Aftermath of Mexico's 2021 Midterm Elections (Guest: Tony Payan)

Tony Payan, the Françoise and Edward Djerejian Fellow for Mexico Studies and director of the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico at Rice University, discusses the implications of the 2021 midterm elections for Mexico’s president, the president's party, the opposition, and electoral institutions. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 60: Mexico's 2021 Midterm Elections (Guest: Javier Martin Reyes)

On June 6, Mexico will hold its midterm elections. A total of 21,368 elected positions will be on the ballot, making this the largest single-day election in Mexico’s history. The results will define Mexico’s political landscape through at least 2024, and may also determine whether President López Obrador and his political party, MORENA, will continue to hold the majority of power. Javier Martin Reyes, Professor of Constitutional Law, Election Law and Judicial Politics at CIDE, joins us to discuss the upcoming midterm elections. He will also join us -alongside other experts- in an upcoming virtual event on May 29, For more info and to register visit: https://www.bakerinstitute.org/events/2226/ For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.  


Episode 59: Data for U.S.-Mexico Border Studies: Challenges in Data Collection and Distribution (Guests: James Gerber and Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Cota)

James Gerber, professor emeritus of economics at San Diego State University, and Eduardo Mendoza, professor in the Department of Economic Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, discuss the challenges in making comparisons between sub-national units across the U.S.-Mexico border with existing data. They offer recommendations for future data collection efforts to help answer questions about economic and social integration at the border region. Their research can be found in the edited volume "Binational Commons" available at Amazon. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website at https://www.bakerinstitute.org/USMEX , and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 58: The Path to Permanent Residency for DREAMers (Guest: Catherine Glazer)

Catherine Glazer, U.S. immigration attorney, discusses what the current path to permanent residency is, the obstacles for DACA recipients, and potential avenues the current administration could pursue to grant permanent legal status to Dreamers. Glazer is the author of the recently published research paper "The Materialization of a Dream: Creating a Pathway to Permanent Residency for DACA recipients” published by the Center for the United States and Mexico. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website at https://www.bakerinstitute.org/USMEX , and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 57: The Growth of Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship in Mexico (Guest: Vincent Speranza)

Vincent Speranza, Managing Director of Endeavor Mexico, discusses the growth of venture capital and entrepreneurship in Mexico, the role of Endeavor in supporting entrepreneurs, and the challenges and opportunities during the pandemic. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website at https://www.bakerinstitute.org/USMEX , and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Episode 56: Expectations for Mexico in 2021 (Guest: Tony Payan)

Tony Payan, director of the Baker Institute’s Center for the United States and Mexico, discusses the expectations for Mexico in 2021 in regard to the country's economy, politics, public health, and the binational relationship with the United States under the Biden administration. For more information on the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico visit our website at https://www.bakerinstitute.org/USMEX , and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To join our mailing list, please subscribe here and make sure to opt-in to "Center for the U.S. and Mexico Communications."


Kat Toledo

No tienes este podcast en versión español?

07-22 Reply

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