Jumpstart Your Instructional Design Career

<p><b>**On break and returning early 2024**<br><br></b>Thinking about becoming an Instructional Designer (ID) but have no idea how to get started? Instructional Design is a field that is high in demand, very flexible, highly lucrative, and provides you with a great work-life balance (say bye to being overworked and underpaid)! Join Jill Davidian, 21-year corporate Instructional Design veteran and host of Jumpstart Your Instructional Design Career! Jill has worked in many different industries including finance, health care, oil and gas, manufacturing, and even with the United Nations. She has helped over 500 new Instructional Designers launch their ID careers with corporate giants like Google and Amazon, as well as smaller companies. Each week she brings real talk, advice and inspiration, and interviews to help budding IDs stand out from the crowd and get that first job. Whether you are trying to figure out if Instructional Design is right for you, or you are ready to create a portfolio and rework your resume, you are in the right place to jumpstart your Instructional Design career. </p>

27: What Needs To Be in Your ID Portfolio To Get Hired

You know you need to have a portfolio, but what the heck do you put in it? The truth is, if you're not already an experienced ID, you'll have to start from scratch. Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Understand how to create a portfolio that speaks to the job you wantLearn exactly which deliverables you need in your portfolio to help you stand out with hiring managersFull Show Notes Here!Resources and Links Mentioned: Listen to the episodes: What is an Instructional De...


26: What Job Titles Should You Look For When You Apply

Have you started the hunt for a corporate instructional design position? Finding your first ID job can be overwhelming and confusing, especially with the various titles that pop up when searching online job platforms. In this episode, I'm discussing what to search for when looking for a job in corporate instructional design.Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Understand how to successfully search for corporate instructional design jobs and what keywords you should be usingExplore the ...


25: Why Instructional Design is Recession-Proof

Is the current economy making you hesitant to start your career in instructional design? Despite the possibility of a recession, the eLearning industry is booming - and I'll tell you why.In this episode, I'm shedding light on why the instructional design industry is recession-proof, so you can feel more at ease as you embark on or continue your journey in corporate instructional design.Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Discover the unique advantages that instructional design has ove...


24: The Importance of Feedback in Landing an ID Job

How well do you handle constructive criticism? While receiving feedback can be scary and deflating, it's critical to the instructional design process. In this episode, I discuss how proper feedback will set you up for success as a new instructional designer. Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Learn why feedback is essential during the learning process and how it helps to prepare you for your careerUnderstand why who you receive feedback from mattersExplore how to eliminate ...


23: Demystifying the ID Project Kickoff Meeting

You've been assigned your first ID project. Now what? First, you'll want to establish the project's direction and develop the learning solution. To do this, you'll conduct a kickoff meeting.In this episode, I'm reviewing instructional design project kickoff meetings and what you can expect during the process. You'll learn the details of your role in these meetings and the critical questions you should ask to ensure a confident start to your project. Top reasons to listen to the entire ep...


22: The Corporate Instructional Design Hiring Process

In this episode, I'm reviewing the hiring process for corporate instructional design. We'll go through each phase of the process and what happens after receiving an offer so that you can level set your expectations as you apply and work to get your first job in corporate ID.Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Understand how long the hiring process can take and why applying is a numbers gameExplore the multiple steps of the interview processLearn what happens when you receive an offer ...


21: How Long Does it Take to Become an Instructional Designer?

How long does it take to become an instructional designer? Transitioning careers requires thoughtful planning, especially if you have a time-bound job like teaching. In this episode, I'm discussing the timeline of becoming an instructional designer. You'll learn the three phases of the transition process and what you need to consider when preparing for your career change to have as smooth of a transition as possible.Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Learn the three stages of be...


20: Questions to Ask When Considering an Instructional Design Academy

Are you thinking about joining an instructional design academy? Instructional design programs will help you develop the practical skills needed to build your portfolio and stand out in the industry. But with multiple academies to choose from, how do you know which one, if any, is best for you? In this episode, I'm sharing the questions to consider when choosing an instructional design academy. Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Explore the benefits of enrolling in an instru...


19: Should I Get a Master's Degree in Instructional Design?

Should you get a master's degree in instructional design? While having a degree can look good on paper, if you're planning to go into corporate ID, then a master's degree may not be the best option.In this episode, I'm going over why you don't need a master's degree to succeed in corporate instructional design. I'll share the pros and cons of having a degree and what you should do instead to land your first job. Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Explore the purpose of a master'...


18: Getting Volunteer Instructional Design Experience

When you’re just starting in corporate instructional design, having a portfolio is crucial to help you stand out, but nothing compares to having experience with an actual client. So how do you get this experience if you’ve never had a job in the field? In this episode, we’re going over how to use volunteer projects to gain experience in corporate instructional design. I’ll share the benefits of completing a volunteer project, how to find these opportunities, and what to do once you get i...


17: 4 Things You Need to Get Hired as an Instructional Designer

How do you get hired as an instructional designer for the first time without any formal experience? You may be looking at job postings, seeing hundreds of applications, and thinking there is no way to compete with everyone. But the truth is, most people applying for jobs in instructional design will never be hired simply because they aren’t doing the prep work.Top reasons to listen:Discover how to get hired as an instructional designer with no formal experience. Learn how to prepare your...


16: Articulate Storyline vs. Rise

The two most-used eLearning development tools in corporate instructional design are Articulate Storyline and Articulate Rise. While both tools come from the same company, they have quite a few distinctions and serve very different purposes.In this episode, we’re comparing Articulate Storyline and Rise. You’ll learn the primary purpose of each program, the learning curves, and other significant differences so that you can feel confident deciding which tool to use for your first project.Top rea...


15: What is an Instructional Design Portfolio

As instructional designers, we have the unique advantage of submitting portfolios to potential employers - yes, advantage! While it may seem daunting to create, a portfolio allows us to showcase our skills and is especially important when you’re just starting in the field.In this episode, I’m reviewing why you need a portfolio as a new corporate instructional designer. I’ll share the benefits of having a portfolio and how to use a portfolio to prove your skills and get hired.Top reasons to li...


14: Understanding the SAM Framework & How it Compares to ADDIE

You may already be familiar with the ADDIE corporate ID framework, but what about the SAM model? As you begin to apply for jobs, it’s crucial to understand both frameworks. Learning these methods is fundamental to corporate instructional design, and as you grow into your career, it will provide an excellent jumping-off point to develop your own methods and preferred practices. In this episode, we’re exploring the differences between the ADDIE and SAM models, and how they’re applied...


13: Do I need to buy a new computer for ID work?

Do you need to buy a new computer to learn the programs for corporate instructional design work? The short answer: no! But you do need to ensure your computer has the appropriate specs to set you up for success when you’re first learning and beyond.In this episode, I’m reviewing the computer requirements for corporate ID work. I’ll share what computer systems and specs you need while learning instructional design and eLearning development and what happens after you secure a job or contract.&n...


12: The Software Programs You Must Learn to be Hired as a Corporate ID

Job postings for corporate ID positions often include a laundry list of tools and software. As someone new to the field, it’s hard to know which programs are essential. Reading the job descriptions can be overwhelming, and you may think you’ll never be able to learn all of these programs. The good news is you don’t have to!In this episode, I’m going over the software programs you must learn to be hired as a corporate instructional designer or eLearning developer. I’ll explain why job descript...


11. The Different Types of Learning Delivery Methods

Understanding the various training delivery methods we design and develop as corporate instructional designers is crucial. This knowledge allows you to decide which modalities you may want to focus on as a corporate ID and determine the proper delivery methods for the learning you’re designing. In this episode, we’re exploring the different learning delivery methods in corporate instructional design.Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:Understand the different learning delivery modalit...


10: My Thoughts on the Recent Layoffs and How They Affect Instructional Design

With layoffs being a major headline in the news, you’re probably questioning if now is really the best time to transition into a corporate career. It’s natural to be hesitant about making such a big decision, and especially scary when considering the current state of our economy.In this episode, I’m sharing my thoughts on the recent layoffs and what this means for those transitioning into corporate ID. I’ll share my experience navigating through the 2008-2009 recession and shed light on this ...


9: Full-Time vs. Contract Instructional Design Work

What’s the difference between full-time and contract work in corporate instructional design? Many people don’t realize the variety of opportunities available in the field of corporate ID or that it’s not a requirement to work 40 hours a week if you don’t want to. A huge advantage of being a corporate instructional designer is the ability to choose the type of work that matches your career goals and lifestyle. In this episode, we’re exploring full-time vs. contract work in corporate instructio...


8: How to Write a Design Document

The design document is a key component of the instructional design process, and it’s important to understand its significance before starting your career in corporate ID. You’ll not only need to have a sample in your portfolio, but you’ll need to be able to discuss this deliverable during interviews to demonstrate your understanding of the ID process.In this episode, we’re learning how to write a design document. We’re discussing in detail what it is, how it’s used, and most importantly, how ...


Leslie Van Ael

Jill!! Thank you for this gem of a podcast. I transitioned into ID a year ago and have been compiling bits and pieces of knowledge over the past year through work experience and self-study. >> I see all that come together amazingly in this podcast. Everything you describe is exactly like that in corporate ID. << At the start of my career I was overwhelmed (workflows, documents, best practices,…) - this podcast would’ve been exactly what I needed then. But… at this stage, your words of wisdom actually empower me: I recognize aspects, enjoy your additional insights, and see where I can continue to make improvements! I wish I had the means to join your online course - I am sure it is topclass! - but for now this podcast will do the trick to keep me moving along! Went through the first 10 episodes with immense excitement and a hunger to learn in no more than a week (!) and took plenty of applicable tips with me to keep me inspired until more episodes appear! Keep up the terrific work!

01-28 Reply

Tara Wolff

I've been taking the Freedom workshop class since Monday, and I am so thankful for Jill and her team! I'm learning so much and I can hardly believe she offers so much for free!! This is the beginning of my new beginning, and I can hardly wait to see where I am in 5 years!

01-18 Reply

Dawn Young

This was my favorite of the first 5 episodes. Very helpful in determining if this is a good fit for me, which I think it is 🙂

01-16 Reply

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