Juntos We Shine

Juntos We Shine
Author: Target, Univision, Popsugar, Uforia Podcasts
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They are trailblazers in ways great and small, embracing life and those around them to help bring a better tomorrow. They forge their own path, inspiring their communities with new ideas and new ways of thinking. Ideas that bring optimism and shine a light on the importance of together, because “Juntos We Shine.”Hosted by Andrea Chediak & Karina Banda, and brought to you by Target, this bilingual original podcast series is dedicated to showcasing the stories of remarkable everyday women and men who are committed to making a difference in their communities. We invite you to be moved and inspired by the stories you hear.
18 Episodes
Rosario Dawson is a firm believer that the journey of life is its own destination and that every day and action should be fully experienced and savored with humor, grace and conviction. Through her work on and off screen, the actress, singer, activist and fashion designer has devoted herself to pushing back against injustice and bigotry all over the world. She’s on the board of V-Day, a global organization to combat violence against women; she co-founded Voto Latino to encourage Latinos to be more engaged citizens and she’s active in numerous other organizations. Rosario began fighting for social change at a young age, inspired by the example of a long line of brave and trailblazing women in her family, including her grandmother and mother, whom she honors at every turn by telling their stories. And she uses her multiple platforms to show that it’s possible to help the world be a better place by simply doing the best you can, one person at a time.
Alberth Elis pasó su niñez jugando futbol en uno de los barrios más peligrosos de San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Muchos de sus compañeros de infancia fueron víctimas de violencia o drogas y algunos terminaron en la cárcel. Pero desde muy temprana edad, los padres de Alberth le inculcaron a él y su hermano el amor y disciplina por el futbol y la importancia de cumplir con sus estudios. Así fue como el joven delantero empezó a jugar en las ligas profesionales, donde logró anotar goles que llevarían a su país a las olimpiadas de 2016. En Brasil anotó múltiples goles, incluyendo el gol triunfador contra Corea del Sur que los colocó en el cuarto lugar. Ahora, a sus 23 años, juega con los Houston Dynamos, donde también ha obtenido triunfos importantes para el equipo de la MLS. A pesar del éxito y fama, Alberth mantiene los pies sobre la tierra y nunca se olvida de sus raíces. Por eso, su nueva misión es apostar por el futuro de otros jóvenes como él, donando computadoras a escuelas de bajos recursos y compartiendo su tiempo con ellos para inspirarlos a que realicen sus sueños.
Como hijo y nieto de una dinastía musical en Puerto Rico, Pedro Capó se crio rodeado de música y sabía que ese también sería su destino. Aun así, estaba convencido que para encontrar su voz, tendría que alejarse de la influencia de su legendario abuelo y papá, los dos Bobby Capó, y empezar de cero por sus propios méritos. Así fue como Pedro buscó su camino, primero en Minnesota y luego en Nueva York, cantando en clubs nocturnos y en las calles de la gran manzana y luego protagonizando en varias producciones musicales. Poco a poco, sus esfuerzos empezaron a dar fruto y logró establecer su nombre entre los grandes cantantes latinoamericanos. Hace poco, su mega-éxito Calma, ganó dos premios Grammys Latinos y el video musical que hizo con Farruko ha batido records mundiales, con más de mil millones de visitas en You Tube y millones más en otras plataformas.
Adrienne Bailon Houghton was discovered at the age of 14 by Ricky Martin when she was singing in a church choir. She went on to have a string of successes with the girl group 3LW before becoming an actress, entertainer, entrepreneur, co-host on the popular daytime television talk show, "The Real," as well as host of her own show on YouTube, "All Things Adrienne." She uses her multiple platforms to celebrate Latinidad and spread the message that the key to success is not being afraid to show the real you, finding an authentic voice, taking chances and embracing your roots.
A sus 22 años, Roselyn Sánchez había adquirido fama en su natal Puerto Rico, no solo porque había ganado varios concursos de belleza, sino por ser una de las estrellas mas reconocidas de un programa estelar. Sin embargo, decidió salir de su zona de confort y apostar todo por una carrera en Hollywood. Con mucha tenacidad y esfuerzo lo logró y también encontró el compañero perfecto en el actor, Eric Winter. Roselyn sabía que quería tener una familia, pero no encontraba el momento conveniente hasta que al cumplir 35 años se dio la tarea de buscar el balance. Hoy en día, posee la sabiduría de llevar las riendas de su vida como madre, esposa y actriz.
Justina Machado’s lives by the motto that “It’s Never too Late.” After working for years as a supporting actor in popular television series, including HBO’s “Six Feet Under” and USA’s “The Queen of the South,” she landed her first lead role when she was in her early 40’s in the critically acclaimed show “One Day at A Time.” Like her on-screen character, Penelope Alvarez, in the re-imagined series from the 70’s, Machado is passionate about challenging stereotypes about what it means to be a Latinx family. She is especially proud to be part of a show that made its name by showcasing representation in all its forms, from PTSD, immigration, addiction, LGBQT, all of which she believes can help change the narrative. And because “it’s never too late,” she will be making her directorial debut next season as the show moves from Netflix to its new home at Pop TV.
Although the word entrepreneurship was not part of their vocabulary, from the time they were in high school, best friends Patty Rodriguez and Ariana Stein, began dreaming up ways that they could create successful business ventures, from hot dog stands to clothing lines. Their zeal for innovation finally paid off when they launched a publishing house to produce bilingual books for kids, which they named, Lil Libros. Born out of their desire to share their culture and heritage with their own children, the intrepid first-generation Mexican Americans tapped into an unexplored market. Today, their bilingual picture book series is hugely successful, but Patty and Ariana say that it might never have come to fruition if they hadn’t overcome their fear of failure and given themselves permission to reach for the stars.
Starting next Monday, we're bringing you a fresh batch of new episodes you won't want to miss out on!
Kelsey Martinez was born into a family of die-hard athletes in Pueblo, Colorado. There wasn't a sport that she and her siblings didn't love from the time they were children and their parents encouraged them to play them all. But it was a professional football that won Kelsey over when one of the best coaches in the NFL, Jon Gruden, recruited her and her boss, coach Tom Shaw, to become part of the coaching inner circle of the Oakland Raiders. Kelsey knew that she would be the first female strength training coach in the history of the franchise, and the first Latina coach in the NFL, but she says she had no idea how big a deal it really was until the press came calling and the male coaches on the team told her that with her talent she had paved the way for their daughters to one day fulfill their dreams. Now she is on a mission to help others be their best on and off the field
Elizabeth Acevedo discovered her love of words as a young child, making up elaborate stories that she would recite to anyone who would listen, including her neighbor’s plants.Infused with magic and the voices of the Caribbean, her poetry, performance art and best-selling novels Poet X and With the Fire on High have won her international acclaim, including the National Book Award and Carnegie Medal.Elizabeth says she is on a quest to redefine what it means to be a Latina in the U.S. and to create characters that allow young boys and girls to see themselves reflected in the pages and find pride in their heritage.
Valeria Hinojosa se ha planteado una ambiciosa misión: Conquistar los corazones y las mentes del publico para ayudar a salvar el planeta… La joven Boliviana dejo atrás una carrera bancaria para recorrer el mundo y enseñarle a sus seguidores como lograr un estilo de vida mas sostenible.
From the time she was 14 years-old Regina Merson dreamt of being a lawyer. She attended the best universities in the country and got a coveted job at top law firm. Years into a successful legal career, she realized that her true passion was elsewhere, and a new dream began to emerge: to create a beauty line designed for Latinas. With products that tap into her Mexican roots and ambitious new collaborations, Reina Rebelde embraces the combination of strength and beauty of Latinas everywhere.
Continuamos nuestra conversación con Victoria Alonso, la vicepresidente ejecutiva de los estudios Marvel, quien ha estado a cargo de 21 de las 22 películas del universo cinemático de Marvel, empezando con Iron Man. La más reciente, Avengers Endgame, tuvo el estreno mundial más exitoso en la historia. En este episodio, Victoria revela que empezó a trabajar en la franquicia de los superhéroes porque quería un cambio radical en su vida personal. Jamás se imaginó que sus logros en Hollywood la convertirían en una superheroína para la comunidad hispana.
Victoria Alonso llegó a Hollywood de su natal Argentina con grandes sueños y muchas ganas de aprender. Desempeñaba tres trabajos a la vez y le decía “si” a todo con tal de hacerse experta en las nuevas tecnologías cinematográficas. No solo logró su objetivo, sino que pasó a ser una de las fundadoras de los estudios Marvel. Como vicepresidente ejecutiva, Victoria ha participado en 21 de las 22 películas del universo cinemático de Marvel, empezando con Iron Man. La más reciente, Avengers Endgame ha sobrepasado todos los records de audiencia en la historia del cine.
Lisa Aldridge says she was born to help others and she’s convinced a little pampering can go a long way to lift the spirits of those who have fallen on hard times. That’s why the former pre-school teacher and her friend Kelle MacArthur launched The Beauty Board, a non-profit foundation in California that provides single moms and women who’ve been homeless with mini makeovers and spa days. She says that showing love, compassion and kindness to one person at a time can have a snowball effect and help make the world a better place.
Kellie Ann Jurado fell in love with learning as a young child in New Mexico. But the daughter of chili farmers never thought that she could become a scientist, until one day a female mentor showed her the way. She went on to get a PhD from Harvard in the elite field of microbiology and now, in her very own laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, she is doing cutting-edge work, discovering new viruses. She has made it her life’s mission to help other women and minorities achieve their dreams and embrace careers in science and technology.
A los 18 años, Albania Rosario llegó de la Republica Dominicana a Nueva York con grandes ilusiones de convertirse en una modelo de alta-costura. Pero mientras trabajaba como voluntaria en los eventos de Fashion Week, descubrió que los diseñadores Latinos no estaban representados. Esa fue la chispa que la inspiro a lanzar su propio evento, Uptown Fashion Week, para presentar a diseñadores nuevos y consagrados de toda América Latina. Hoy en día, Fashion Designers of Latin America está festejando su décimo aniversario y los eventos de Albania son una cita obligada. Grandes diseñadores y marcas se han unido a su causa de hacer el mundo de la moda más diverso e inclusivo.
Officially launching on Monday, August 12th.
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