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Just One Of The Guys – Two True Freaks

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A DiManzicorp Podcast Network
52 Episodes
After three years and nearly two hundred episodes, the end is finally here! Thank you…all of you, for downloading and listening to the final episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS. We’ve come a long way on this journey, from Hal walking the Earth like Kane from Kung Fu, John [...]
In this, the penultimate episode of Just One of the Guys, I and my Alpha and Omega co-host Thomas Deja take a look at issue 180 of Green Lantern. Having taken fellow GL John Stewart’s advice, Kyle heads out to L.A. to meet with his mother, eat an omelette, and [...]
As we draw closer and closer to the final story in the 1990’s Green Lantern run, Just One of the Guys takes a look at issue 179 of the book, where a weary, frustrated, and down right pissed off Kyle Rayner decides to go directly to the source of his [...]
Things start ramping up here on Just One of the Guys as we edge closer and closer to the end of Volume Three of Green Lantern. In issue 178, we get Kyle having to face down one of his greatest adversaries…no, not Grayven…or Purgatory…DEFINITELY not Ohm, but Fatality, the last [...]
We continue to barrel towards the final issue of volume three of Green Lantern here on Just One of the Guys as we take a look at issue 177, part two of the “Homecoming?” story. As a shadowy government official is securing the release of Green Lantern hunter Fatality, Kyle [...]
Hey everyone, and welcome back to episode 176 of Just One of the Guys: A Green Lantern Podcast. In today’s scrotum slashing episode, we begin our winding down of this era of Green Lantern comics with the much needed return of the author that introduced the character of Kyle Rayner [...]
After many weeks of enduring some of the worst stories in this run of Green Lantern, we finally reach the end of the Ben Raab era with issue #175, a double sized anniversary issue. With Kyle found out as Strawberry Shadowhawk, he has to finally face down Amon Sur, leader [...]
Still slogging through the Ben Raab run on Green Lantern, we’re finally nearing the end in issue 174 of the book. Now that Salmon Shadowhawk, a.k.a. Vasquez, a.k.a. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner has ingratiated himself with Amon Sur and the Black Circle, you’d think he wouldn’t do something stupid like [...]
Ben Raab…f*cking Ben Raab. In this latest episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS, we take a look at Green Lantern #173, part three of the “Wanted” storyline, wherein Strawberry Shadowhawk Kyle Rayner Vazquez Whatever finally infiltrates the Black Circle crime organization and reveals a look that even the 1990’s [...]
More pain is dealt out on today’s episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS, as we continue our look at the Ben Raab run on Green Lantern with issue 172 of the book. Kyle, in his Raspberry Shadowhawk disguise, tries to prove that he’s worthy for membership in the Black [...]
Nearing the end of the Green Lantern run on JUST ONE OF THE GUYS is kind of saddening…even worse is the fact that we have to talk about the last story arc in the Ben Raab era of the book. In Green Lantern #171, we begin the “Wanted” storyline, where [...]
Not even being in a remote location with no cell service and spotty wi-fi can stop me from bringing you the latest episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST. Although after finding out that the comic we are covering today, Green Lantern #170, is the four [...]
Thanks everyone for downloading the latest episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST, the show determined enough to continue its premise of covering all of the Green Lantern comics from June 1990 until November 2004, even through the very contentious Ben Raab run on the book. [...]
Our look at the Green Lantern books in the Benjamin Raab era hits a little bumpy patch with this week’s issue, a story entitled “Deicide”. While still on the lookout for Amon Sur and the Black Circle, Kyle runs across a planet that was terrorized by supposed rouge Green Lanterns, [...]
Ben Raab continues his run on Green Lantern with issue #167, part two of a story about “The Blind” a cosmic entity that likes to destroy suns, but is vastly different from the Sun Eater, I can certainly say that. Plus Kyle has to take on a female…male…I don’t know, [...]
Everything has changed again…except that it really hasn’t…all that much. Yes, I know that is a trite cliché, and I’m sorry I have to use it again, but things keep changing in the Green Lantern books, and so it also must on JUST ONE OF THE GUYS. This time out, [...]
Today on JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST we reach aonther endpoint. Not only for the Black Circle: Urban Knights crossover between Green Arrow and Green Lantern, but also for writer Judd Winick on his run on the book. After finding out the not too shocking revelation [...]
The Black Circle: Urban Knights story rolls along (you see…it’s a pun) on this Friday’s episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST. First, in Green Arrow #24 we get introduced to Amon Sur, son of the former GL of Sector 2814 and law enforcement officer in [...]
It’s nearly closing time for Judd Winick on the Green Lantern books, and Ben Raab is poised to step in and tell his stories. But before we get to that, we’ve got the final Green Lantern/Green Arrow crossover in the JUST ONE OF THE GUYS era, which surprisingly features books [...]
Oh dear Lord, is this how Judd Winick’s runn on Green Lantern is going to finish? Because if issue 161 of GREEN LANTERN is any indication, the writer who gave us the Power of Ion and Hate Crimes is just phoning it it. This time out on JUST ONE OF [...]