Just Wanna Fly

Welcome to Just Wanna Fly, join us on Wednesdays show as we have now opened it up to everyone. We interview guys & gals from all over, who have interest, or do fly, or get into the sky! From Paramotoring, Paragliding, Skydiving, Hot Air Ballooning or flying air planes. This show is to let others know that they aren't alone out there, and there are some amazing people that do some crazy fun stuff in this world. So listen in or join our show on Wednesday nights at 7pm central at www.ParamotorGirl.com

JUST WANNA FLY-93- Kevin Can Fly, Sherwood, Oregon

Let's welcome Kevin Can Fly, and hear about his recent trip to Salton Sea, and everything else he has been doing... A little about Kevin... 39yrs old, and has been flying anything since 1996, and picked up PPG in 2015. He is a Father of 3 cute girls (10, 6, 2)


JUST WANNA FLY - episode #86 -Shane Wyman, Blissfield Michigan PPG Pilot

Meet Shane Wyman... (Trevor Steele & Yordankes Garcia even dropped in) Lives in SE Michigan on what's left of a 4 generation farm. Been a skilled tradesman in the automotive industry for 29 years. Life long aviation crackhead, started building an airplane when I was 21. Did PPL training at 26 and 23 years later I'm flying paramotors! This will be a big year for me, turning 50 in May, starting a new business in hopes of starting a new career. I trained with Kyle O and plan to talk about that, my first 2 years in paramotoring, Bad Apples experience, meeting Hot Buttered Steve that sent me in a ticked off spin (he doesn't know about it so make sure you say something, it will drive him nuts!) And I'll talk about being around YouTubers for the first time. Wouldn't mind talking progression in the sport if there's time, my personal progression I mean


JUST WANNA FLY 85- Torry Pope from Libby Montana - self trained PPG Pilot

I'm a self trained pilot that soloed an fixed wing ultralight in 1992,I have always been interested in flight since I was young, I once built a homemade hang glider when I was 12 and tried to fly it. It kinda flew, !lol. I have 4 years of PPG flight under my belt and love the sport! I also built both of the trike setups that I flew and trained on.Im 52 years young, have a little boy that is 6, a 16 year old step son and 3 grown daughters.I was born in Escondido,California, but moved to Idaho when I was 7, and have pretty much lived in the PNW for most of my adult life, and now call Libby Montana home for 9 years now. When I'm not flying I like to go off roading in my Jeep Cherokee which I also built. Love snow wheelin! I am fond of the outdoors and like to hike and camp, love exploring new places.


#63 - JUST WANNA FLY - Martin Hathaway - Crocodile STOMP? PPG Pilot from Casselberry Florida

Who doesn't know MARTIN HATHAWAY... www.TomahawkTees.com I learned from Eric’s Dufour in 2003 at Flyby Ranch, in Wildwood Fl. I have flown Ppg in Prince Edward Island and lots of states Cape Cod to Salton Sea , Ca. , Glamis, Sedona, to name just a few Change of plans, as work had to cancel Sean Reeds special night, so Martin Hathaway was willing to step it up for us. So we can keep talking paramotor flying tonight, and he can show you some of the carbon fiber fenders and shrouds he has made for other paramotor fliers.  Let's ask him about the Crocodile Stomp that some Floridians have done in the past!!  #paramotor #paramotoring #trikeflying #flysafe #aviation #ppg #florida #wisconsin #mississippi #nebraska #podcasting #podcast #gators #justwannafly #paramotorgirl


Just Wanna Fly #69 - Meet Steve English (Paramotor Pilot) Mackeyville PA

I grew up watching the birds from the moment I could form memories, always wishing I could be up there with them. I have memories of building model planes and white wings, playing in the backyard with foamies, watching the planes land and take off from Piper Memorial Airport in Lock Haven, PA, all with dad. We shared a fondness for aviation. In college, I pursued my pilot's license with the intent to fly commercially. Got my PPL in the summer between freshmen and sophomore year in 2004. It was one of the proudest moments of my life, the next day after my checkride, I took my dad up as my first passenger...3 months later, I lost him to lung cancer. Fast forward to 2018, I haven't flown since 2005 and I come across Tucker's flight to McDonald's. At that moment, my life took a turn for the better and I knew I had to get back into flying through this. Eventually, I dove in and signed up for training 2 years later at AviatorPPG, and had another extremely moving moment with my first solo there. It was Judson's first class when he was an intern and I remember the hug from him and the rest of my new family at the time. That was summer 2020, my silver lining of the year. Since then, I have flown almost every chance I could, while wanting to share the joy with the world through pics and vids. JP Tulo is a big inspiration for the type of quick, catchy content I like to mess around with. In May, this year, I experienced the shared deep sadness from the loss of a dear friend, Jeff Chorba. Anytime he wasn't there, the question my parabuddies and I always asked was "what's Jeff up to, is he coming?" He mentored us, he laughed with us, he inspired us to be better pilots. Coping with his loss has brought us NEPA fliers closer together. I often think about what Jeff once told me over the phone, "we know the risks, but we do it anyway because if we deprive ourselves of that which we love, we also deprive ourselves of life." He and my Dad now share the view through my eyes of the awe this sport has to deliver.


JUST WANNA FLY-#68-Let's meet Aaron Eye from Potosi Missouri (PPG PILOT)

Let's meet Aaron Eye... Took my first flight when I was 8, the guy actually let me fly the plane and I was hooked! I started flying in 2015. I received my Sport pilot checkride in 2016 with only 24 hours! Lowest time pilot the school had ever had. In 2017 I bought a Cherokee with a friend to get our privates in. We sold it last year and I've just been solid Ppg since then, even though I have a couple quicksilvers.


JUST WANNA FLY - #67 Meet Cheryl Morgan - she does a LOT OF EVERYTHING this week!

Meet Cheryl Morgan - The code that I live by is: Don’t live with would’a, could’a, should’a done that - go ahead and do it! Short Bio: Grew up in Biloxi, Mississippi College in Jackson, MS Dental School in Birmingham, AL Specialty training in Prosthodontics in Buffalo, NY (if you know what that is without looking it up - you are a rock star). Joined the military on active duty afterwards. Spent 27 years on active duty in the military. Retired in October 2020. My career wasn’t the tradition for a Prosthodontist in the Army. I had the opportunity to deploy to Guatemala, Bosnia-Herzgovina, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Iraq. I got to spend three years as an exchange Officer with the British Military. I was the sole American Soldier on the base in Aldershot, United Kingdom (England) - which was the highlight of my career. My “Air Sports” career started after I finally got of school and had some free time. I started by making a tandem skydive in Louisa, Virigina. Skydiver History: United States Parachute Association Member D licensed Skydiver (the highest license you can obtain) Pro Rated Skydiver (spent 6 years on a demonstration team - Not the Golden Knights.) Have participated in large formation events - the largest was a 96 person formation Was a member of the North Carolina women’s largest formation (29 way) Have participated in competitive FS (Formation Skydiving) at the National level for about a half decade now. Have done 4-way, 8-way, 10-way and 16 way. A few years into skydiving, I became a pilot - why? That is a great question to ask me!! I don’t want to spoil the answer. Pilot: Private / Instrument / Commercial Pilot Ratings - Single Engine Land, Single Engine Sea, Tailwheel Endorsement, Complex Endorsement, Gyrocopter rating, Weight Shift Trike rating, SailPlane Rating Owned a PA24-260 (Piper Comanche) for 10 years Currently own a Moyes-Bailey Dragonfly C (used in ranching in Australia, and to tow up hang gliders in the US) BASE jumping: Have done bridge day in Fayetteville WV several years, so have my “S”. Want to get the others now that I have more time. Be sure to ask me about my Mom’s experience at my third bridge day. Paraglider: Learned to paraglide at Point of Mountain in SLC (thank you Milly for asking me to get in touch with Jade to do this podcast!). P3 paraglider Have flown in the US, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Morocco, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Colombia and Brazil. Ask me about my most memorable paragliding flight - at the Coupe Icare in St Hillaire, France. Hang Glider: H2 hang glider rating Got my H1 at Kitty Hawk on the dunes of NC. Got my H2 at Lookout Mountain in TN. Neat things I’ve gotten to do and I think others might find interesting: - Why I learned to fly a fixed wing airplane in the first place - England and experiences flying overseas - both fixed wing and sailplane - The story of buying and bringing back the Moyes-Bailey Dragonfly C from Cincinnati, - OH to Vass, NC. - My favorite paragliding flight in St Hilaire, France at the Coupe Icare - My Mom’s first tandem BASE jump - Wearing pony tails on my skydiving helmet - Why I am a big believer in the “Color = Joy” - Why I am deaf in my right ear (don’t want to spoil the surprise on this one....) - Why my skydiver friends thought I was crazy when I went wing walking on a biplane My nephew is at the US Air Force Academy and credits his wanting to be a pilot with a flight he took with me on his 9th birthday Links to videos (my husband Mike gets credit for the videos) Coupe Icare: https://youtu.be/Ui0CF51Ini8 Bringing the Dragonfly from Ohio to NC Video: https://youtu.be/gXYTYvKeqJE My 70 year old Mom at Bridge Day: https://youtu.be/2IVCqX8kCqg Wing Walking over Sequim, Washington: https://youtu.be/hJWj0cHgzHY Pigtails on skydiving helmet: https://youtu.be/SyIYWU6fON8 Fun Paragliding in Costa Rica: http://youtu.be/AdkrzUzTnOM What we did for some friends during the pandemic for Easter: https://youtube.com/shorts/bUw


JUST WANNA FLY #66 SANDIE GASKINS - PPG Pilot and Aviator Paramotor Employee

My name is Sandie Gaskins and I trained to fly in April of 2022 and I fell in love with the sport and community! I am also a Bad Apple #65. My call sign is Bubbles or Sassy Bubbles! My dad and uncle are also Bad Apples so paramotor runs in my blood! After training I knew I wanted to live this life and experience this community to the fullest so I moved down to Aviator Paramotor and now work for them!


#64 - JUST WANNA FLY - Bri Clark (PARAGLIDING PILOT) Salt Lake City, Utah

**Paraglider Pilot** Make sure you subscribe and hit the bell, so you don't miss this show  Bri is a P3 pilot and is a northwest transplant currently living in Salt Lake City. By day she works in marketing and by sunrise and sunset she flies. She’s been flying for just over a year and a half and enjoys big wings, small wings, and tandems (passenger though, not pilot)! She’s been a handful of places to fly thus far including Colombia and Hawaii but you’ll primarily find her in the foothills of the Wasatch.  #paragliding #aviation #flysafe #girlsthatfly #utah #wisconsin #nebraska #mississippi #flying #saltlakecity #marketing #paramotor #generalaviation #sunrisefly #tandem


#62- Meet Takeo & Masayo from San Jose, CA HANG GLIDER PILOTS & much MORE...

Takeo - Born in #chicocalifornia , he grew up in the South Bay of the #sanfrancisco  Bay Area.  Inherited an interest in remote control airplanes and helicoptors from his dad that culminated in joining the #usaf Reserve as a air transportation specialist in 1996.  In 2013 a friend bought a hang gliding lesson groupon and Takeo thought to tag along.  The friend quit after the first lesson and Takeo kept going!  3 years later his wife Masayo followed him into the sport.  In 2015 with hang gliding conquered Takeo returned to the world of #generalaviation  and soloed a 40 year old 7ECA #Citabria  To this day he flies #aerobatics  in his club's Super Decathlon.  To date, he has flown hang gliders in #japan,  #mexico and all around the US with an eye on making it a lifetime pursuit.  Masyo - She was born in #Matsuyama, Japan located on the Home Island of #Shikoku.  Developed an early interest in #aviation  which resulted in her taking a job at a local airport as a Passenger Service Agent.  Being surrounded by licensed professionals such as #pilots  and mechanics stirred in her a desire to pursue a similar path.  After diligently saving for 6 years she moved to the USA to pursue a #US FAA #Airframe&Powerplant license.   After completing a grueling 2 year program to finish out the license she got her degree in professional aeronautics from Embry-Riddle University.  With her husband pursuing #hanggliding , Masayo fulfilled the role of retrieval driver when she decided that she had the chops to fly herself.  Her first lesson was in June 2016 and was rated an intermediate pilot in April of 2018.  She is always recognizable aat flying sites for her bright, traffic-cone orange Wills Wing Sport 3-135.


#61 Girls Just Wanna Fly - Let's meet Jordan Honeyman PPG Pilot & Instructor from Logan Utah

My name is Jordan Honeyman. I’m 30 years old and have been in the paramotor world since 2008. Always been interested in aviation since a very young age. This was a great way to get involved with my dad when I was in high school. Nobody in my family was a pilot or into aviation so I was never able to be around aviation aside from movies and books. So I gravitated to PPG quite a bit. I have my Private Pilot License as well as I thought my career would take me that direction but just due to finances and other life and health factors, I stuck with PPG. I always though fixed wing was going to be main priority but in the past half decade, I’ve dedicated way more time to motoring than I ever thought I would. My full time job is for Appareo Aviation dealing with ADS-B equipment and more predominately Flight Data Recorders for commercial and medical aircraft. After I wrap work for the day, I start focusing on my other business with Braedin Butler and Alex Childers. Cache Valley Paramotor is our training and sales business for PPG. It’s been an absolute blast getting to teach and watch friends and new acquaintances understand and realize that they too can fly like we do. Getting to see those first flight smiles are what make it all worth it!


#59 -LIVE from EAA 2022 Oshkosh, Wisconsin

We take you to EAA, but please view this at the YouTube channel www.ParamotorGirl.com as the fireworks towards the end are AMAZING!  


#58 Meet Resurgence 1st female pilot, Navy Vet. Ariana & Army Vet Husband Willyam

Meet this awesome couple who now flies together, as Ariana was the 1st Resurgence female pilot selected, thanks to her husband nominating her, as she is a injured Navy Veteran.  Thank them both for their services in the Armed Forces!!


Girls Just Wanna Fly - #56 Let's meet PPG Pilots Karen & Steve Upp

Meet Karen & Steve Upp who are paramotor pilots, living on the road and loving life


Girls Just Wanna Fly -#56 LIVE from Northern Lights Paramotor FLY-In Wish you were here Jul 9, 2022, 06:30 PM

Showing you what our 1st Annual Fly-In that Eric and I hosted with Northern Lights Paramotor, in Tomahawk, Wisconsin.  Will we see you here next year??


#55 Just Wanna Fly - Open Mic Night

Let's just chat


#54 Paragliding/Hang glider from the Netherlands Daphne Schelkers

Join Daphne Schelkers as they talk about traveling full-time and being able to do hang gliding and paragliding where ever they go


Girls Just Wanna Fly-#53 General Aviation Pilot Deanna Harris Hicks, Owner/Chef Over the Moon

meet General Aviation Pilot Deanna Harris Hicks, plus she owns and is the Chef of her restaurant Over the Moon


JUST WANNA FLY -88- Sun 'N Fun Fly-In Talk & w/ Paul Czarnecki (PlanetPPG) & Robert Jedrzejczak

Paul - Retired from full time 15 yr instructor 1 year ago and a Sun 'n Fun announcer, which is the 2nd largest airshow in the world. Robert - Born as Robert Jedrzejczak, in Milwaukee Wisconsin, lived in the surrounding states until my parents split up when I was 8. At 10, I moved to California to live with my dad, where I learned to surf in Santa Maria California. I used to jump off the dunes near Pismo beach and didn't even know what parkour was. White water rafting and cliff jumping soon followed. Throughout my adventures I ended up in Florida where I was only able to surf during hurricanes because the gulf side has little waves. I made primetime news twice on SNN for surfing Hurricane Charlie and then Katrina. But I wanted more! So I started skydiving in Homestead FL at Skydive Miami. While attending the school, I kept seeing people flying paragliders near the dropzone. They were flying every day and in skydiving, if the plane ain't full of jumpers, it ain't flying. Then, one day on my way to work I saw a guy selling 2 paragliders on the side of the road. I introduced myself and he introduced me to Paul Czarnecki at PlanetPpg. I started flying paragliders in 2010 and haven't been back to my other adventures. I love flying! I have participated in Sun N Fun airshow! I have shared my love of the sport with others to carry on. I will live every day till the day I die!


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