K&M Watch: Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only version of the video podcast. See the video version here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp

K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5E08 Things Past

Sisko, Dax & Garak are thrown back in time to a traumatic moment in Odo's past. Can authoritarian Odo be forgiven? SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Last week's feedback 25:40 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 30:47 | Trivial Trivia 36:00 | Episode Discussion 1:11:27 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp #deepspacenine #ds9 #ds9review #deepspaceninereview


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5E07 Let He Who Is Without Sin

Keith and Mike are back! Time to go to the Rated-G Sex Planet where we find villains fit for Paw Patrol and Worf makes an a$$ of himself. SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Last week's feedback 22:14 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 26:45 | Trivial Trivia 32:04 | Episode Discussion 1:28:45 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp #deepspacenine #ds9 #ds9review #deepspaceninereview


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5E06 Trials and Tribble-ations

SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Last week's feedback 16:08 | Mail from Colin 26:10 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 32:38 | Trivial Trivia 44:31 | Episode Discussion 1:24:04 | The AlamarEmmys!


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5 E05 The Assignment

Keiko is possessed! O'Brien has to do engineering and Nog saves the day! Mike is REALLY excited. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Last week's feedback 19:25 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 26:18 | Trivial Trivia 31:50 | Episode Discussion 1:09:04 | The AlamarEmmys! SUBSCRIBE TO K&M Geekly: https://www.youtube.com/@KandMGeekly


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5 E04 Nor the Battle to the Strong

Jake writes a story and he wears a real big coat Bashir gets him in trouble -- daddy Sisko must now dote The Klingons make him poop his pants, but in the end there's hope Itttts the guy from PeeWee 00:00 | Introduction00:35 | Last week's feedback21:10 | About the Episode/Time Capsule25:50 | Trivial Trivia34:12 | Episode Discussion 1:20:45 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp SUBSCRIBE TO K&M Geekly: https://www.youtube.com/@KandMGeeklyPODCAST VERSION: https://OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5 E03 Looking For Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places

Who's being friend-zoned and who's getting some? It's Cyrano with Batleths! SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Keith and Mike chitchat/We Thank the Patrons! 21:30 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 27:03 | Trivial Trivia 31:55 | Episode Discussion 1:13:45 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5 E02 The Ship

The crew faces a life-or-death struggle after discovering a crashed Jem'Hadar warship. Sisko goes toe-to-toe with a worthy Vorta adversary. SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Keith and Mike chitchat/We Thank the Patrons! 18:30 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 24:22 | Trivial Trivia 32:00 | Episode Discussion 1:11:00 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S5 E01 Apocalypse Rising

The Federation and the Klingon Empire is at way. Kira is pregnant, Odo is a solid and the fate of the universe hangs on O'Brien's fake teeth. SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/ KandM00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Keith and Mike chitchat/We Thank the Patrons! 14:06 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 23:30 | Trivial Trivia 37:05 | Episode Discussion 1:23:36 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E25 Broken Link

SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. Odo suddenly falls ill and is forced to return to the Great Link for a cure. Meanwhile Garak is part wingman/part genocidal maniac. It's the season finale! 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Keith and Mike chitchat/We Thank the Patrons! 22:18 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 31:55 | Episode Discussion 1:24:35 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E24 Body Parts

Quark is diagnosed with a fatal disease. Kira is diagnosed with O'Brien's baby. By the end, it's a wonderful life and the Rules of Acquisition become the Suggestions of Acquisition! 00:00 | Introduction 00:35 | Keith and Mike chitchat/We Thank the Patrons! 19:25 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 23:35 | Trivial Trivia 29:45 | Episode Discussion 1:05:58 | The AlamarEmmys! SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E23 The Quickening

200 years ago the Dominion unleashed a plague on a planet of folks who look perfectly human cuz there were too many extras to do alien effects on. Luckily, Bashir is here to rescue them! 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 09:00 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 22:18 | Trivial Trivia 30:52 | Episode Discussion 1:05:37 | The AlamarEmmys! SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E22 To The Death

Jem Hadar troops attack DS9 and our heroes have to team up with some other Jem Hadar warriors to track them down. Cue full badass Sisko! Weyoun has landed! SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 09:44 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 15:08 | Trivial Trivia 29:09 | Episode Discussion 1:11:40 | The AlamarEmmys! Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E21 For the Cause

Cassidy Yates is giving root vegetable to terrorists... and Garak is rooting around Ziyel... hmm.... SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 09:34 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 14:46 | Trivial Trivia 20:09 | Episode Discussion 1:04:00 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E20 The Muse

It's one of the most reviled episodes of DS9 ever... but does it deserve its reputation? Jake's getting his brain sucked by a Creativity Vampire and Odo might be saving Lwaxana from the friendzone by marrying her. Also Jay Leno drops by and is predictably 'mid.' SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 05:52 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 11:49 | Trivial Trivia 25:26 | Episode Discussion 1:19:00 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E19 Shattered Mirror

You know that whole thing where your dead mom abducts you into a sexy parallel universe and instead of rescuing you, your dad plays pew-pew with a new ship with no regard to his or your survival? SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 12:08 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 17:50 | Trivial Trivia 19:15 | Episode Discussion 56:19 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E18 Hard Time

O'Brien grapples with the aftermath of a harrowing prison experience, delving into the complexities of trauma and recovery. Join us for a thought-provoking journey through the challenges of the human psyche and the transformative power of empathy. SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 04:05 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 08:47 | Trivial Trivia 19:15 | Episode Discussion 01:10:10 | The AlamarEmmys! Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E17 Rules of Engagement

Worf takes the center stage as his actions in battle come under intense scrutiny, making this courtroom drama a warp-speed thrill ride. Take directly to camera as Keith and Mike argue the merits of this Star Trek legal saga! SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 03:40 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 17:05 | Trivial Trivia 23:23 | Episode Discussion 01:06:00 | The AlamarEmmys! Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E16 Accession

Sisko confronts profound challenges when a lost Emissary returns, triggering a celestial dilemma that intertwines faith, prophecy, and the fabric of time. Miles and the Julien break up to make up while Keith and Mike battle the clock. SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 03:41 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 11:17 | Trivial Trivia 23:17 | Episode Discussion 01:12:50 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E15 Bar Association

Quark faces his toughest challenge yet: Unionizing employees and his own brother's newfound backbone. An interstellar twist on labor disputes, where phasers meet picket lines, and profit isn't always the final frontier! SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 07:25 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 16:15 | Trivial Trivia 24:35 | Episode Discussion 01:16:50 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


K&M Watch Deep Space Nine: S4E14 Sons of Mogh

Worf's brother Kurn shows up, not for a hang but for an honor-restoring demise - complete with incense! It's a blend of space opera 'Minesweeper' and sibling squabbles, proving that even in the final frontier, family drama is universal. SUPPORT OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/KandM Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat 12:30 | A Special Guest! 19:53 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 24:50 | Trivial Trivia 30:17 | Episode Discussion 01:10:08 | The AlamarEmmys! *This is an audio-only feed of K&M's Video Podcast found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLidGSKPjKhVLDXW-9SDCdmYZR7rvMCIfp


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