K-Drama Feuilleton

K-Drama Feuilleton

Two friends casually discuss and review K-Dramas from a leftie politics and historical-societal perspective. Max is a current PhDer in Korean Studies, while Celi holds a Master's in Modern Middle Eastern Studies. They met during a field trip to St Petersburg during their history undergrad and immediately bonded over their shared interest in all things Korean and all things history. There will be much laughter and banter, some legit stanning and swooning over all the gorgeous actors and of course some serious historical, political, societal, and fashion analysis by both of them. Some episodes will feature special guests ranging from music experts giving some analysis on OST and fashion specialists to Marxist economists penetrating through the swoony superstructure. Everything will be addressed and everything will be rooted in a shared and steadfast love for K-Dramas.

THE K2/Of Fairy Tales, AI's, And The Privatisation Of War

In this episode Celi and Maksu are discussing the action drama "The K2" and bitch about the privatisation of war under capitalism, private military contractors and why their use is very problematic, fairy tales, AI's, and of course the catholic church!Prepare for a wild ride!TW: DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS IF YOU'RE A FAN OF THE LATE POPE BENEDICT (R.I.P.) you might get offended...PS: If you want to learn more about all the crimes Blackwater committed in Iraq and beyond, check out Jeremy Scahill's&...


THE GLORY 1/On Reverse Confucian Rebels And Violent Women

Celi and Maksu are back from the deep and dark pit of wage-slavery induced k-drama podcast exile with a fresh out of the oven episode on The Glory!Join us for a recap of the drama, a rant on Netflix profit-greedy obsession with having to rip dramas in two parts and such the joy out of life, as well as Maksu's interesting philosophical take on a son who kills his father with too many flower bouquets (WILD!).Enjoy everyone! xxx


EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO/Of Kang Tae-Oh, Killer-Whales, and Kimbap

K-Drama Feuilleton Podcast is BACK!Strap yourselves in for season 2 with Maksu and Celi - carrying on with their banter on all things K-Drama and leftie politics.In this episode we're discussing THE drama of the summer is discussed: EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO. We're talking neurodiversity, representation, and swoon over Kang Tae-Oh.Enjoy everyone!


FIRST SEASON FINALEEEEE/So Long And Thanks For All The Drama

In this final episode of season 1 Celi and Maksu reminisce about the past year and all the dramas they've watched. Also in this episode: WWCW and a sneak preview of what you can expect in season two, which will start airing in October!Enjoy everyone and have a great summer (filled with kdramas and ice cream obsvly) !!


PART 2 SKYCASTLE / Indeed We All Lie

PART 2In this episode we are discussing the 2018/19 K-Drama classic Skycastle. Interestingly enough, recent discussions in Korean politics and media focus on the education sector once again, as one politician bribed professors to help his child publish an academic paper that would get her into a good university. One journalist is even using Skycastle as a reference, which highlights the big impact this drama had. In our analysis we focus on the different characters in the ‘castle’ and the edu...


PART 1 SKYCASTLE / Indeed We All Lie

PART 1 In this episode we are discussing the 2018/19 K-Drama classic Skycastle. Interestingly enough, recent discussions in Korean politics and media focus on the education sector once again, as one politician bribed professors to help his child publish an academic paper that would get her into a good university. One journalist is even using Skycastle as a reference, which highlights the big impact this drama had. In our analysis we focus on the different characters in the ‘castle’ and t...


TOMORROW/On Love Triangles With Ghosts And The Chaebol After Life

CW/TW: Suicide/Death/DepressionIn this episode Celi and Maksu are back discussing the representation of after life and supernatural beings in Korean dramas, such as Hotel del Luna, Tomorrow, Uncanny Counter, and Goblin/The Guardian Great And Lonely God. They are pondering over how the after life often seems to be represented as a cooperation or bureaucracy that deals with the fates of souls just like any other product is dealt with here on earth. We also touch upon some philosophical ide...


PART 2 GWINONG/On Representation Of Women In The Korean Countryside

PART 2In this episode our fabulous guest Snigdha shares parts of her recent research on representation of gwinong / gwichon women and marriage migrant women in the countryside. While many recent shows feature the gwinong women’s return to the countryside in search for a new life and self-fulfillment away from the city, the marriage migrants are largely underrepresented and stereotyped in Korean drama. We mostly discuss the movie ‘Little Forest’’ and the drama ‘Heaven’s Garden’, but many other...


PART 1 GWINONG/On Representation Of Women In The Korean Countryside

PART 1 In this episode our fabulous guest Snigdha shares parts of her recent research on representation of gwinong / gwichon women and marriage migrant women in the countryside. While many recent shows feature the gwinong women’s return to the countryside in search for a new life and self-fulfillment away from the city, the marriage migrants are largely underrepresented and stereotyped in Korean drama. We mostly discuss the movie ‘Little Forest’’ and the drama ‘Heaven’s Garden’, but many...


LOVE AND LEASHES/Let's Talk About Sex Baby (Aaaand Politics...)!

TW/CW: Abuse, Rape, Sexual ViolenceIn this episode it's aaaalll about sex and power and politics and BDSM and Michel Foucault and Silvia Federici and witches and capitalism and soooo many other things! Celi and Maksu are discussing the very hot BDSM romantic comedy "Love and Leashes" and are discussing the political significance of sex in a "Western" and also Korean context. Now get your whips ready, you're in for a ride...Enjoy everyone!Books: Silvia Federici: Caliban and the ...


DREAM HIGH/On Giraffes and Kim Soo Hyun's 3-Step-Evolution

TW: Abuse and Rape Firstly let me apologise for being a day late but yesterday, just as I was about to upload this episode, any podcasters worst nightmare happened and everything suddenly got deleted and hours of editing work just disappeared into the ether. After the breakdown that ensued I needed a small break from editing. But thanks to all your support and compassion I managed to edit everything again and so here it is our episode for this week where Maksu and I are taking a br...


✨HallyuReviewsSpecial✨/The Having-Met-Your-Love-As-A-Child-Already-Possibly-In-A-Traumatic-Context-Trope

K-DRAMA FEUILLETON PODCAST X HALLYUREVIEWSSPECIAL COLLABORATIONWe are so psyched about this episode because it’s a special collaboration with Lina from (you guessed it right!!) HallyuReviews, the coolest blog around, bringing you all the goss and updates on all things K. https://hallyureviews.wordpress.com/Twitter: @hallyurevIn this special collaboration episode Lina, Maksu and I are discussing a very common K-drama trope, namely the “met-your-true-love-as-a-child” trope. Have you ever f...


OUR BELOVED SUMMER/Our Traumatic Twenties...

In this episode Maksu and Celi review the newest K-Drama "Our Beloved Summer". You can look forward to discussions about what it means to go and grow through your twenties, evolving relationships, and yet again maany many coats (and sweaters this time as well...)Enjoy everyone!


WAEGUKIN/Tales Of A Foreign Actor In Korea

First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! We’re so happy to be back with our very first episode of 2022 and boooy it’s a good one! Have you ever wondered how it would feel like to be an actor* in South Korea? Well we certainly have (!) and in this episode we (and you) get to find out everything about it! We had the absolute pleasure talking to Pillip, who, not only speaks perfect Korean (what a star), but also was already on Korean TV and acted in not one, but two theatre plays dur...


HELLBOUND/If You Thought Covid Was Bad...

In this episode Maksu and Celi discuss the very controversial Netflix production HELLBOUND. You can look foward to lots of philosophical banter about free will, fear and cults. But of course not without swooning over Yoo Ah-In. Enjoy everyone!


KINGS AFFECTION/Gender Banter With Judith

In this episode Celi and Maksu are discussing the current hit drama "Kings Affection".In addition to reviewing the drama as per usual (yes including the category in which Maksu is ranting about what anachronisms you can find in this historical drama - you guessed right: it's football yet again) they'll also be focusing on Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity and HOW AMAZINGLY QUEER THIS DRAMA IS!Of course there will also be much of the obligatory swooning and nerdy references. ...


SQUID GAME/James On Why You Should Never P*** Off A Capitalist

WE'RE BACK!We apologise for the longer break but we're back with our long-awaited first ever GUEST EPISODE. And we're talking about Squid Game! If you were wondering what Marx and Lancan have to do with Squid Game then you're in the right place. Maksu and I have had the pleasure to talk through the global phenomenon of Squid Game with our resident Marx expert: James! Let us know how you liked the episode, lots of k-drama love and stay critical,Celi and Maksu



We don't have an episode for you this week, as we are gearing up for our extraordinary HALLOWEEN SPECIAL, which you can expect next Thursday, 28 October 2021. It's definitely worth the wait, we promise. Until then we'll be carving some pumpkins and watching some more kdramas (as always very critically)... Lots of kdrama-love and solidarity from Maksu and Celi


HOMETOWN CHACHACHA/Who Stole Them Slippers?!

Today's episode is about Celi's current obsession namely the very popular and very current drama “Hometown Chachacha”!In the first part Maksu and Celi talk a bit about their week (until 16:00 min).In the second half Maksu is interviewing Celi about Homecha, as he hasn’t seen it yet, so if you want to avoid spoilers, you can skip this part (until min 46:00).And finally in the third part Maksu and Celi discuss the age old divide between the city and the countryside or the center vs the peripher...


REPLY1997/Where is that sheep hiding?!

Helloo lovely listeners, we're back! We hope you didn't miss us last week, but out of scheduling and quality concerns we decided to release our episodes every two weeks instead of every week.Now in this episode we are reviewing the classic k-drama "Reply 1997". We are discussing the depiction of queer characters in this drama, as well as very shady grooming practices by older men, and more generally identity struggles of teenagers. Enjoy everyone! PS: We always love to hear from you - yo...


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