K9 Educators - To Save a Pets Life

<p>Love Pets? This is for you! By subscribing you will learn how to care for your Pet during an emergency.  Eric"Odie"Roth author of K9 MEDIC UNLEASHED and Dr Lisa Booth DVM will be covering a variety of subjects as it pertains to Pet care. <br>Podcasts will include actual case studies and we will have special guests to the podcast to talk about all things pets. We also do some product reviews to make sure you are purchasing the very best for your beloved pet. <br>By subscribing or taking one of our online courses you will have taken your first steps to be prepared as we will give you the tools to be confidant to handle any emergency involving your beloved pet. <br>We look forward to having you be a part of the K9Educators family! Online course information can be found at www.K9Educators.com</p>

Episode 23- Pet Photography and what you need to know!

Professional pet photography allows you to have high-quality images of your pet to cherish for years to come. From candid shots to posed portraits, a professional photographer can capture the unique personality and spirit of your pet in a way that phone snapshots just can't match. In this episode of To Save a Pet's Life, we speak with pet photographer Bonnie Sindlar. We discuss the benefits of hiring a professional, finding the right location for shoots, and debunking photography stereot...


Episode 21: Life of a Groomer

In this episode I spend some time with one of my former students Abby Davis. Abby has quite the passion and during one training course actually got blisters on her hands attempting revive my CPR manikins. Abby is now a professional groomer and will talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly side of grooming and how she ended up in this career field. Until next time- Never let fear be larger than your purpose!


Episode 20 - An interview with an Inmate.

Dog-training programs (DTPs) are the most common type of prison-based animal programs (Furst, 2006). The first successful prison-based animal program in the United States unintentionally began in 1975 at the Lima State Hospital in Ohio, when an inmate adopted an injured bird (Strimple, 2003). The staff noticed a change in the behavior of inmates on the ward, which led them to allow an animal therapy program. It was found that inmates in the ward with animals needed 50% less medication, fewer ...


Episode 19: A trip back in time to define my WHY!

Your "WHY" is a statement of purpose that describes why you do the work you do and the why you live the lifestyle you do. In this episode we will travel back in time and talk about an incident that happened many years ago and that helped define my why.In this episode we will visit with my previous neighbor Cassi Toth as we recall the events of that day. You can't plan when an emergency will happen, however you can plan for an emergency. Get Pet First-aid Certified ONLINE from K9 Educators!&nb...


Episode 18: Dogs and Fireworks - Part II

It is that time of year again! BOOM BOOM BANG! Dogs experience the world through their senses — nose, eyes, ears. The typical Fourth of July celebration can be overwhelming to them. In Episode 5 we talked about simple strategies for dog owners. We have asked Dog trainer Jennifer Skiba from Namastay training to come back to the show to dig in a little deeper.We hope you enjoy the episode! To speak with Jennifer she can be contacted at: www.namastaytraining.com


Episode 17: How Obedience Training Can Benefit Medical Situations with Your Dog

In this episode we talk with professional dog trainer Sam Williams. Sam talks about the importance of obedience training in a variety of setting including when you need to apply a first aid technique to your dog. Sam also talks about the difference between desensitization and training. "When you get a puppy, five minutes of your day should be spent desensitizing to touch and sound. This should be an uncomfortable experience turned positive" says Williams. Are you looking to be certified...


Episode 16: Andee, The 3 Legged Deaf Dog.

Join myself and trainer Sam Williams as we dedicate this episode to Andee the three legged deaf dog. My Guest Sam started working with horses at a young age and her love for animals has lead her to have a passion for training protection dogs. She also enjoys decoy work and is involved in many dog sports. At only 10 months old Andee an American Pit Bull Terrier has faced insurmountable challenges and continues to display a desire to live and thrive when most would say all hope was lost. ...


Episode 15: Turn Back Blow- An interview with author Roger O. Williams

In this podcast I am with Roger O. Williams, author of Turn Back Blow!Roger who was born in Jamaica took on animal cruelty single-handedly in his country. As a boy, he saw many dogs got poisoned, kicked and stoned for various reasons. In 2013 he decided to write his first novel (titled: Turn Back Blow) He wanted to bring awareness and show to his fellow Jamaican people--and other people from the Caribbean as well--that animals have feelings too, and to also show them the importance of a...


Episode 14: Water Intoxication

Join us in this case study involving Dog owner Susan Paulson. Susan lost her dog Kinetic to water intoxication, also known as Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a relatively rare but potentially fatal condition that is most commonly seen in dogs that love to play in the water. They tend to ingest large quantities of water very quickly. It can also happen when they “catch” pressurized water from sprinklers or hoses. Excessive amounts of water cause the body to lose sodium. The body’s cells be...


Episode 12: Blue Green Algae

Last summer, the news shocked dog owners across social media: three dogs died after playing in a pond in Wilmington, North Carolina, while another died after a swim in Lake Allatoona, Georgia, and three different dogs died after playing in a lake in Austin. What led to the deaths of all seven dogs? Likely, liver failure was brought on by ingesting water contaminated with toxic blue-green algae. Learn about this potent toxin and how to recognize the signs of intoxication and more importantly j...


Episode 11: Make your Dog Tilt Their Head

We often get questions on why puppies do this. In puppies their eyesight is not developed yet so they twist their head to see what sounds hit what ear so they can turn and focus with their more developed eyesight or in older dogs it may be an unfamiliar sound. I put this to the test and found a sound bite that had great results with my labradoodle Hank. Have fun and see if it works!


Episode 10: Hunting Dogs with Dan Ponce

In this episode our instructor Dan Ponce will talk about hunting dogs! Hunting dogs are on the move and things can happen fast as dogs are exposed with many threats to their health and safety. Hazards are at every turn and can include barbed wire, porcupines, skunks, ticks, bees, other animals or even traps set for other animals. Fixed objects such thick brush and sharp sticks that can impale and stumps that can cause dislocations. The weather can also play a signifiant role that that can cau...


Episode 9: Saving a Service Dogs Life

In this episode I will speak with Riley Mers. As a child Riley developed a dangerous food allergy to peanuts and spent her childhood with her service dog Rock'O. Her allergies were so sever she still has a scar on her foot from a time when a peanut shell slipped into her sandal at the park, burning her skin like an acid. Rock'O was trained to detect peanuts and keep her safe. Riley will also talk about what it was like growing up with a service dog and also some of the frustrations with...


Episode 8: Water Hemlock - Poison

Water hemlock is a highly poisonous plant found in many areas of North America and in parts of Europe. Ingestion of even a small amount can be lethal to your dog. Water Hemlock is thought to be the most poisonous range plant on the continent and exposure to the plant comes with a guarded prognosis. Learn about the plant and more importantly how to keep your dog safe!Get Pet First-aid Certified ONLINE from K9 Educators! Join Dr Lisa Booth DVM and our Paramedic instructors as this c...


Episode 7: Vaseline and Dogs

The good old question- Can I use Vaseline on my dog? We answer that question and dig into some alternatives. According to dermatologist Dr. Alan Dattner, the founder of HolisticDermatology.com, the components of oil removed during the making of petroleum jelly are, in some cases, canceer causing. While Vaseline itself, is highly refined and purified and classified as non-carcinogenic, the same is not known about all other brands. Stay away from any products that you can not deter...


Episode 6: Dogs and Seat Belts

Dwayne Caruth founder of Big Dog Seat Belt Company joins author Eric "Odie" Roth to talk seat belts and dog's. There are many things you should consider as more pet owners than ever are foregoing the kennel in favor of bringing their furry friends along on vacation and that means more time in the family sedan. In some states it is becoming law for your dog to have a seatbelt. A study by AAA and Kurgo conducted a study in 2011 and found 84 percent of pet owners don’t restrain their dogs on car...


Episode 5: Dogs and Fireworks- Strategies for Dog Owners!

Is your dog stressed by fireworks? Fireworks are a fun and exciting way to celebrate holidays like Independence Day. For dogs, though, those loud booms and flashing lights aren’t so fun and are dog gone frightening! Fireworks bring a whole new set of fears as they are closer to the ground, accompanied by sudden booms, flashes and burning smells. Dogs experience the world through their senses — nose, eyes, ears. The typical Fourth of July celebration can be overwhelming to them. Fortunat...


Episode 4: Foxtails in Dogs

Every pet parent loves to see their dog run in grass. However, there are some wild grasses that dogs should stay away from. Foxtails are grasses with seed awns that are extremely dangerous to dogs. That’s because the awns on foxtails are barbed, razor-sharp needles, designed to burrow into the ground with the seed. However, they can also burrow through a dog’s skin and enter soft tissue where they can cause serious injury, infection and even death.Get Pet First-aid Certified ONLINE from K9 Ed...


Episode 3: Pet First-aid Kits: What you need to know!

Eric "Odie" Roth author of K9 MEDIC and Paramedic Dan Ponce talk about the importance of having a Pet-First-aid Kit, the top 10 principles when it comes to having a complete kit and will tell you how to receive a recommended Pet First-aid list for free! There are many emergencies that may arise at home involving our pets and in those moments it is important to be fully prepared in order to act quickly and effectively. Having the proper knowledge and skills to react in these situat...


Episode 2: Skunks and Neutralizing Skunk Formula for Dogs

Skunks live all over the place, and if your dog gets curious about one, they may end up with a face full of stink. If your pooch gets sprayed, there are ways you can rid them of the scent without buying every can of tomato juice in the area. In this podcast we will go over the neutralizing formula, address some Skunk characteristics and more importantly the effects it has on your dog.You and download the Neutralizing Formula and a free copy of your First-aid Kit Supply list by visiting ...


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