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KTH Techtalks

Author: Hakan Soold

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Podcasts from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Interviews on research and innovations from KTH, sometimes with KTH:s partners. Podcasts are produced by the Communications Department at KTH.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH.

Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning.

Several national research centres are hosted by KTH. KTH is also a major partner in two out of three European Knowledge and Innovation Communities formed by the prestigious EU organization EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology); InnoEnergy within the field sustainable energy and EIT ICT Labs within information and communication research. Five strategic multidisciplinary research platforms have been formed to further enhance KTH’s attraction as a major strategic research partner.

KTH is an international university with many international researchers and students, especially at Master’s level. Extensive international research and educational exchange programmes allow for exchange with universities and colleges in Europe, the U.S. and Australia, but also increasingly in Asia. KTH is a partner in several international university networks such as CLUSTER and T.I.M.E.

KTH was founded in 1827 and the main campus is located in attractive, and now listed, buildings in central Stockholm since 1917. In addition, KTH and Stockholm University jointly offer study programmes and carry out research in biotechnology and physics at nearby AlbaNova University Center. The School of Information and Communication Technology is located on the Kista campus, in the northern part of Stockholm, and there are additional campuses located in Haninge, Flemingsberg and Södertälje in the southern metropolitan area.
10 Episodes
Playitfair – a game for recruitment Playitfair is a digital game for computers and cell phones intended to work as a tool for recruitment and competence development for companies and organisations. The game serves as a complement during the entire employee life cycle in an organisation – from when the employee is being recruited until he or she decides to move on to another job. Last year a prototype was developed. This year a commercial version of the game will be launched. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Britta Nordin Forsberg, talking about the game Playitfair.
A brighter program for innovation The KTH Innovation Brighter program is a startup program for business development. It is aimed at early stage startups that have a potential of reaching a global market. The program is run by KTH Innovation – a department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology that runs a pre-incubator. The Brighter program is four months long and the participants get to spend one week in of Silicon Valley. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Lisa Ericsson, Head of KTH Innovation, and Donnie Lygonis, Business Development Coach at KTH Innovation. At the time for the interview they´ve just got back from the USA where they – besides the week in Silicon Valley – also visited universities in Boston and New York, investigating the conditions for expanding the program for coming years. For more information on KTH Innovation, please visit For more information on KTH, please visit
Högtidsstund med KTH:s Akademiska Kapell Fredagen den 17 november 2017 gör KTH:s Akademiska Kapell ett av sina mest bejublade framträdanden under året: doktorspromotionen och professorsinstallationen i Konserthuset. ”Det kommer att bli en eftermiddag utöver det vanliga”, säger dirigenten Gunnar Julin. Gunnar Julin är director musices på KTH sedan 2002. Det var också då KTH:s Akademiska Kapell startades. Lyssna på en inspelning med KTH:s Akademiska Kapell där de framför ingångsmusiken som spelas vid promotions- och installationshögtiden: Sagan om Ringen. Ljudinspelning: Rasmus Lindgren Foto: Håkan Lindgren
A twelve-year program on smart and sustainable cities Viable Cities is a strategic innovation program on smart and sustainable cities, coordinated by KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The program has received funding of nearly a billion Swedish crowns – roughly 100 million Euros over a 12 year period – from the Swedish Energy Agency, Energimyndigheten, the innovation agency Vinnova and the research council Formas. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Olga Kordas – who is the head of the program – talking to Emina Pasic, Mimmi Magnusson from the Swedish Energy Agency about the program Viable Cities. In the photo: Mimmi Magnusson (the Swedish Energy Agency), Olga Kordas (KTH) and Emina Pasic (the Swedish Energy Agency). Photo: Marc Femenia
Gener och proteiner som är involverade de vanligaste cancrarna En forskargrupp på Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab, i Stockholm – flera av dem från KTH – har gjort en kartläggning av de gener och proteiner som är involverade i de sjutton vanligaste cancerformerna. Den här kartläggningen, Pathology Atlas, är en fortsättning på den kartläggning av människans samtliga proteiner, Human Proteome Atlas, som forskargruppen presenterade för några år sedan. I en artikel i Science, publicerad i mitten av augusti, beskriver forskarna vilka gener som är påslagna i olika cancertyper. Vad de har upptäckt är att i princip varje cancer är annorlunda jämfört med andra cancrar. Detta i sin tur påverkar patienters möjligheter att överleva en cancersjukdom. Resultaten väntas få stor betydelse för såväl diagnostisering som för behandling av cancer. Mathias Uhlén, professor på KTH, leder forskargruppen på SciLifeLab.
ManoMotion – a new software for virtual and augmented reality Imagine you could interact with various kinds of content in any virtual or augmented environment with real-life intuitiveness. Pick and grab objects, push buttons and other gesture-based interaction that we do in the physical space. Without any wearable sensro, glove or any extra hardware, besides your smartphone. Well this is possible now, thanks to a software from the startup company ManoMotion. This technology was developed during six years of research at KTH, done by Sharouz Yousefi together with professor Haibo Li. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Sharouz and Haibo talking about this new technology, the research behind it and the company, ManoMotion, they started in 2015. For more information on KTH, please visit
Moose rumen provides insights on the degradation of biomass Biofuel has been put forward as a green and renewable to alternative fossile fuels. However, the first biofuels got a lot of criticism since they were produced from food crops and the prodcution was done at the expense of growing food. An alternative to food crops is wood. But the degradation process of the biomass is a problem here. The current methods are not as cheap and efficient as they need to be for biofuel to be a competitive energy solution. Henrik Aspeborg and Anders Andersson, two biotechnology researchers at KTH, are part of an international research group that is studying the digestive system of the moose in order to identify enzymes that are suitable for degradation of biomass. Recently they had an article published in the scientific journal The ISME Journal: ”Ninety-nine de novo assembled genomes from the moose (Alces alces) rumen microbiome provide new insights into microbial plant biomass degradation”. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Henrik Aspeborg and Anders Andersson, talking about their research. For more information about KTH, please visit
Algae farming – a sustainable solution Cultivating algae for various purposes is being done to quite a large extent today, in research as well as in business. Seafarm is a research project where algae are being cultivated on the Swedish West Coast for use for a variety of purposes, food and biobased materials, for instance. Seafarm is a joint project between KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Chalmers in Gothenburg, Gothenburg University, Lund University, the Linné University and the research council Formas. Simris Alg is a Swedish company that cultivates algae in order to produce Omega-3 supplements as an alternative to Omega-3 supplements from fish – free from the heavy metals that you get in fish oil. In this episode we meet Fredrik Gröndahl, researcher at KTH who is the project leader of the research project Seafarm, and Fredrika Gullfot, founder of Simris Alg, talking about growing algae and what algae could be used for.
Gender Equality in technology – KTH and Scania: Anna Wahl and Sofia Wahlne Despite efforts from both academia and the industry, women are still underrepresented in technology education and the technology industry. In big tech companies such as Microsoft and Google women make up roughly 30 % of the workforce. At KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 34 % of the undergraduate students and 31 % of the graduate students are women. But only about 16 % of the professors at KTH are women. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Anna Wahl, Vice Rector at KTH with responsibility for gender equality, and Sofia Wahlne, Head of Labour Affairs at the Swedish transport company Scania. They discuss what is being done at KTH and at Scania in terms of gender equality and what efforts are made in order to make KTH and Scania more attractive workplaces for women.
At KTH Innovation early stage tech business ideas are tested KTH Innovation is a department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology that help researchers and students to commercialize their research results and business ideas. The KTH Innovation pre-incubator supports early stage tech based KTH projects with the potential to become viable companies. KTH is also one of the partners of H&M Foundation´s innovation challenge Global Change Award. And the first week in April the five winning teams in the challenge come to KTH. KTH Innovation run a boot camp week where the teams get the opportunity to test their ideas and determine what to focus on. In this episode of KTH Tech Talks we meet Gustav Notander and Ilias Bergström, talking about the innovation process at KTH Innovation and what the five winners of Global Change Award will get during the boot camp at KTH. Gustav Notander is a business coach at KTH Innovation. Ilias Bergström is a participant in KTH Innovation´s pre-incubator with his project The Wizard of Osc.
Comments (3)

Carpenter Carpenter

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Nov 17th

Elizabeth Gorgon

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Dec 20th

Denial Brown

Good podcast, it was useful to listen to. I recently studied the topic of green energy and solar panels in particular using the site I wanted to understand what benefits and payback period such solutions can offer

Nov 2nd