DiscoverKabhi Socha Hai - Science Podcast for Kids
Kabhi Socha Hai - Science Podcast for Kids

Kabhi Socha Hai - Science Podcast for Kids

Author: Chimes

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Are you a  curious kid? Do you like to know the logical and often the scientific reason behind things that happens around you? Does it ever wonder you that:
Why is sky blue in color?
How do birds fly?
Why is seawater salty?
How does an airplane fly?
Why are leaves green?

Well if you also tend to stress your mind to find the answers to such questions, then you are in the right place. “Kabhi Socha Hai” is a factual science podcast for kids. Each episode is 3-4 minutes long where we take on such an interesting topic head-on and provide a scientific and/or logical explanation that is easy to understand for young minds.

Delivered in Hindi, and a bit of English, this educational podcast is not only for kids but also for those inquisitive adults who would like to refresh their science basics and be prepared to act all knowledgable when kids pop these questions to them. 

All the episodes of this podcast series, “Kabhi Socha Hai” can be enjoyed on the Free Chimes Radio mobile apps – available on Google and Apple App stores.

Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment only. While we take precautions to ensure our explanations are factually correct as per the scientific and world understanding, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. We highly recommend listeners to do follow-on research if they are planning to use this information for any further analysis, research work, academic work or for quoting it in public domain.
216 Episodes
Everyone likes the seven colors of the rainbow but have you ever wondered what does the back of the rainbow looks like? Listen to the podcast to know all the details. Support the show: for privacy information.
A pencil is a handy tool with the help of which kids learn to write and lead is used in manufacturing the pencils. But do you know that lead is considered poisonous? Then why do we use it for making pencils? Listen in to know why this happens the show: for privacy information.
Often we feel pain in different parts of our body and headache is one of them. But have you ever thought that which part of the brain actually hurts in a headache? Or is it even the brain that is actually hurting during a headache? Listen in to know the answer. Support the show: for privacy information.
We like to drink juice. But have you ever thought if drinking juice gives more strength or eating the whole fruit? Which is better for our bodies? Listen to the podcast to know all the details. Support the show: for privacy information.
While the rainy season gives us relief from the scorching heat, on the other hand, the lightning in the sky scares the people. But have you ever wondered why lightning flashes in the sky? Listen in to know why this happens. Support the show: for privacy information.
Microwave Oven - one such invention that has made our life very easy. We can prepare or re-heat our food in minutes. But have you ever wondered how microwaves cook food without flames? Listen to the podcast to know all the details. Support the show: for privacy information.
We often see that when we try to dissolve sugar or anything else in the cold water, it takes time to dissolve completely whereas the same thing dissolves quickly in the hot water. Have you ever thought what is the reason behind this? Listen in to know the answer.   Support the show: for privacy information.
We all use white cotton clothes. But with time your favorite white cloth turns yellow and in that case, indigo is added to make the cloth white again. But why so? Have you ever thought? Listen to the podcast to know all the details. the show: for privacy information.
Albert Einstein is considered to be one of the great scientists that the world has ever seen. But it is said about him that he was weak in studies. Was it really so and if yes, then how did Einstein become a great scientist? Listen in to know the answer. Support the show: for privacy information.
Can air have shadow?

Can air have shadow?


Air is necessary for all of us - without breathing air, we will not be able to survive. But have you ever thought that a transparent thing like air can ever have a shadow? Listen in to know the answer. the show: for privacy information.
Petrol rates are increasing continuously and in such a situation, we are looking for many new alternate options for running automobiles. But there is a price to be paid for that too. Can it be that we can somehow make free energy machines and how do these free energy machines work? Listen in to know the answer. Support the show: for privacy information.
We love to eat sweets, cakes, pastries, candy, chocolates, and ice-creams. These are all foods that are rich in sugar. But have you ever thought that if we start eating only sweets or sugar, then what will happen and how it may affect our body? Listen in to know why this happens Support the show: for privacy information.
Sheep is a domesticated animal, specially bred for the wool it gives. Sheep wool i.e. its hairs, is always cut after the end of winter which is called shearing. But have you ever thought why sheep shearing is always done after the winter season? Listen in to know why this happens Support the show: for privacy information.
We often hear that inflation is increasing in the country or that poverty is increasing because people do not have money. So in such a situation, why does not the government print a lot of currency and distribute it among its people as by doing this everyone will have the money. But then why doesn't the government print money and give it to everyone? Have you ever thought? Listen in to know the answer. the show: for privacy information.
What is fish rain?

What is fish rain?


Very strange videos go viral on the internet. And we recetly saw one such strange video in which fish was raining from the sky. It was hard to believe. So in such a situation, we thought about whether it is possible to have a fish rain? Listen in to know why this happens. Support the show: for privacy information.
We often see that dust is seen on our electronic devices, especially on the screen of computers and television. Even if clean the surface, dust comes back on it again within a few hours. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Listen in to know the answer. Support the show: for privacy information.
Water is very important for our life and it is impossible for any human being to live without it. But have you ever wondered whether there is an organism that does not drink water in its lifetime? Listen in to know the answer. Support the show: for privacy information.
You must have often found that after some time the wheels of your car start to wear out and become completely flat. No matter how carefully you drive, after some time there is no grip left in the tire. But why so? Have you ever thought? Listen in to know why this happens Support the show: for privacy information.
Do you know there is only a limited supply of gold on this planet, and hence it is valued so much? But won't it be great if we could make gold from iron or any other element ? Kaching!! Easy money. But is this even possible? Listen in to know why this happens the show: for privacy information.
You must have often felt that while sitting on a moving Merry go round, your body starts falling outwards. And if you are careless, sometimes you can fall too. But why does this happen? Have you ever thought? Listen in to know why this happens the show: for privacy information.