Kali Mandir Satsang

Kali Mandir Satsang
Author: Kali Mandir
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Spiritual discourses given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram, a traditional Hindu temple, ashram, and seminary dedicated to the worship of the Divine Mother in Laguna Beach, California.
304 Episodes
Discourse by Revered Swami Chetananandaji Mahara, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and spiritual head of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 18 January 2025.
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, on names 320 through 325 of veres 40 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 28 December 2024.
सत्यवती धर्मनिष्ठा श्रेष्ठा निष्ठुरवादिनी ।
गरिष्ठा दुष्टसंहर्त्री विशिष्टा श्रेयसी घृणा ॥ ४०॥
satyavatī dharma-niṣṭhā śreṣṭhā niṣṭhura-vādinī ।
gariṣṭhā duṣṭa-saṃhartrī viśiṣṭā śreyasī ghṛṇā ॥ 40॥
satyavatī |320
dharma-niṣṭhā |321
śreṣthā |322
niṣṭhura-vādinī |323
gariṣṭhā |324
duṣa-saṁhartī |325
viśiṣṭā |326
Discourse by Pujya Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, given on Dattatreya Jayanti at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 14 December 2024.
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, on names 310 through 313 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 23 November 2024.
चार्वङ्गी चञ्चला लोलजिह्वा चारुचरित्रिणी |
त्रपा त्रपावती लज्जा विलज्जा ह्रीः रजोवती |३९|
cārvaṅgī cañcalā lola-jihvā cāru-caritriṇī |
trapā trapāvatī lajjā vilajjā hrīḥ rajovatī |39|
310. cārvaṅgī
311. cañcalā
312. lola-jihvā
313. cāru-caritriṇī
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, on names 314 through 319 of verese 39 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 7 December 2024.
चार्वङ्गी चञ्चला लोलजिह्वा चारुचरित्रिणी |
त्रपा त्रपावती लज्जा विलज्जा ह्रीः रजोवती |३९|
cārvaṅgī cañcalā lola-jihvā cāru-caritriṇī |
trapā trapāvatī lajjā vilajjā hrīḥ rajovatī |39|
314. trapā
315. trapāvatī
317. vilajjā
318. hrīḥ
319. rajovatī
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Swami Chetananandaji Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and spiritual head of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 17 February 2024.
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, on names 298 through 309 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 15 June 2024, followed by arati and kirtan.
कर्त्री हर्त्री पालयित्री शर्वरी तामसी दया |
तमिस्रा तामसी स्थाणुः स्थिरा धीरा तपस्विनी || ३८ ||
kartrī hartrī pālayitrī śarvarī tāmasī dayā |
tamisrā tāmasī sthāṇuḥ sthirā dhīrā tapasvinī || 38 ||
298. कर्त्री kartrī
299. हर्त्री hartrī
300. पालयित्री pālayitrī
301. शर्वरी śarvarī
302. तामसी tāmasī
303. दया dayā
304. तमिस्रा tamisrā
305. तामसी tāmasī
306. स्थाणुः sthāṇuḥ
307. स्थिरा sthirā
308. धीरा dhīrā
309. तपस्विनी tapasvinī
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Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, on names 293 and 294 from verse 37 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 18 May 2023.
293. siddhidā
294. siddhā
सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमाता शर्वाणी हरवल्लभा |
सर्वज्ञा सिद्धिदा सिद्धा भव्या भाव्या भयापहा || ३७ ||
sarveśvarī sarva-mātā śarvāṇī hara-vallabhā |
sarva-jñā siddhidā siddhā bhavyā bhāvyā bhayāpahā || 37 ||
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on name 293 from verse 37 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 11 May 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
293. siddhidā
सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमाता शर्वाणी हरवल्लभा |
सर्वज्ञा सिद्धिदा सिद्धा भव्या भाव्या भयापहा || ३७ ||
sarveśvarī sarva-mātā śarvāṇī hara-vallabhā |
sarva-jñā siddhidā siddhā bhavyā bhāvyā bhayāpahā || 37 ||
New moon worship of Ma Dakshineswari Kali.
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 290 through 292 from verse 37 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 4 May 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
290. śarvāṇī
291. hara-vallabhā
292. sarva-jñā
सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमाता शर्वाणी हरवल्लभा |
सर्वज्ञा सिद्धिदा सिद्ध भव्या भाव्या भयापहा || ३७ ||
sarveśvarī sarva-mātā śarvāṇī hara-vallabhā |
sarva-jñā siddhidā siddha bhavyā bhāvyā bhayāpahā || 37 ||
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 287 through 289 the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 27 April 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
287. pati-vratā
288. sarveśvarī
289. sarva-mātā
सूर्यात्मिका रुद्रपत्नी रौद्री स्त्री प्रकृइः पुमान् |
शक्तिः सूक्तिर्मतिर्माता भुक्तिर्मुक्तिः पतिव्रता || ३६ ||
sūryātmikā rudra-patnī raudrī strī prakṛiḥ pumān |
śaktiḥ sūktir-matir-mātā bhuktir-muktiḥ pati-vratā || 36 ||
सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमाता शर्वाणी हरवल्लभा |
सर्वज्ञा सिद्धिदा सिद्ध भव्या भाव्या भयापहा || ३७ ||
sarveśvarī sarva-mātā śarvāṇī hara-vallabhā |
sarva-jñā siddhidā siddha bhavyā bhāvyā bhayāpahā || 37 ||
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Swami Sarvadevananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and spiritual head of the Vedanta Society of Southern California and is associated centers, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 20 April 2024.
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 272 through 280 of verse 36 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 13 April 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
सूर्यात्मिका रुद्रपत्नी रौद्री स्त्री प्रकृइः पुमान् |
शक्तिः सूक्तिर्मतिर्माता भुक्तिर्मुक्तिः पतिव्रता |३६|
sūryātmikā rudra-patnī raudrī strī prakṛiḥ pumān |
śaktiḥ sūktir-matir-mātā bhuktir-muktiḥ pati-vratā || 36 ||
śaktiḥ | 281
sūktiḥ | 282
matiḥ | 283
mātā | 284
bhuktiḥ | 285
muktiḥ | 286
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 272 & 280 of verses 35 & 36 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 6 April 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
भ्रान्तिर्भवानी रुद्राणी मृडानी शत्रुमर्दिनी ।
उपेन्द्राणी महेन्द्राणी ज्योत्स्ना चन्द्रस्वरूपिणी ॥
bhrāntir-bhavānī rudrāṇī mṛḍānī śatru-mardinī |
upendrāṇī mahendrāṇī jyotsnā candra-svarūpiṇī || 35 ||
सूर्यात्मिका रुद्रपत्नी रौद्री स्त्री प्रकृइः पुमान् |
शक्तिः सूक्तिर्मतिर्माता भुक्तिर्मुक्तिः पतिव्रता |३६|
sūryātmikā rudra-patnī raudrī strī prakṛiḥ pumān |
śaktiḥ sūktir-matir-mātā bhuktir-muktiḥ pati-vratā ||
36 ||
272. upendrāṇī
273. mahendrāṇī
274. jyotsnā
275. candra-svarūpiṇī
276. sūryātmikā
277. rudra-patnī
278. raudrī
279. strī prakṛiḥ
280. pumān
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Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 263 & 267 of verse 34 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 30 March 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
भ्रान्तिर्भवानी रुद्राणी मृडानी शत्रुमर्दिनी ।
उपेन्द्राणी महेन्द्राणी ज्योत्स्ना चन्द्रस्वरूपिणी ॥
bhrāntir-bhavānī rudrāṇī mṛḍānī śatru-mardinī |
upendrāṇī mahendrāṇī jyotsnā candra-svarūpiṇī || 52 ||
267. bhrāntiḥ
268. bhavānī
269. rudrāṇī
270. mṛdānī
271. śatru-mardinī
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 263 & 267 of verse 34 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 23 March 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
पद्मा पद्मालया पद्ममुखी पद्मविभूषणा ।
डाकिनी शाकिनी क्षान्ता राकिणी रुधिरप्रिया ॥ ३४॥
padmā padmā-layā padma-mukhī padma-vibhūṣaṇā ।
ḍākinī śākinī kṣāntā rākiṇī rudhira-priyā ॥ 34॥2
63. ḍākinī
264. śākinī
265. kṣāntā
266. rākiṇī
267. rudhira-priyā
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 258 & 261 of verse 34 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 30 December 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
पद्मा पमालया पममखी पमवभषणा ।
डाकिनी शाकिनी क्षान्ता राकिणी रुधिर-प्रिया ॥ ३४॥
padmā padmā-layā padma-mukhī padma-vibhūṣaṇā ।
ḍākinī śākinī kṣāntā rākiṇī rudhira-priyā ॥ 34॥
258. padmā
259. padmā-layā
260. padma-mukhī
261. padma-vibhūṣaṇā
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 251 & 257 of verse 33 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 16 December 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.
सुनन्दा नन्दिनी स्तुत्या स्तवनीयस्वभाविनी |
रण्किणी भण्किनी चित्रा विचित्रा चित्ररूपिणी |३३|
sunandā nandinī stutyā stavanīya-svabhāvinī |
raṇkiṇī bhaṇkinī citrā vicitrā citra-rūpiṇī |33|
251. स्तुत्या stutyā
252. स्तवनीयस्वभाविनी stavanīya-svabhāvinī
253. रण्किणी raṇkiṇī
254. भण्किनी bhaṇkinī
255. चित्रा citrā
256. विचित्रा vicitrā
257. चित्ररूपिणी citra-rūpiṇī
Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Swami Sarvadevananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and spiritual head of the Vedanta Society of Southern California given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 9 December 2023. Pujya Swamiji speaks spontaneously on Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, spiritual consort of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
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