I met a Rabbi and he told me to become a people person. You do that by becoming curious.
Do you want to break the habit of forgetting your resolutions by February? Listen in! Dreams are carts. Gather the pieces and start assembling them one at a time.
Listen to hear the life changing revelation I got thanks to garlic.
Are you a stressor or a joy bringer? It's really that binary. Your intentions can and will betray you. Learn how to navigate this curious human condition.
This episode is inspired by lessons from the hit series, The Morning Show: The best part about the current times we’re in, these uncertain COVID times, is that it provides a way for you and I to get out. Out of the hamster wheel from hell. To reconfigure and change how we live our lives. We can start over and we have the internet to thank for that. We’re in the blossoming stages of the trust economy. I had to find the equation that leads to self-trust. How do you get to a place where you trust that you are a wholesome being who can make good decisions? Values + Decisions + Achievement = Self Trust
Do you feel like the year 2020 is crazy? So do most of us. This is why In the month of June, we're exploring the concept of the times. We are living in unprecedented times and we need to know how to navigate the uncertainty. In this episode, we dig deeper into cycles. Cycles are comforting. Cycles are helpful to identify. In this episode, we look at 3 cycles: 1. Violence Cycles in the world The 2012 article predicted a violent uprising in the US in 2020: https://www.livescience.com/22109-cycles-violence-2020.html 2. Economic cycles in the World Kondratieff Cycles observed that technology did not evolve linearly, but rather in leaps every 50 to 60 years. https://knowledge.insead.edu/strategy/the-next-cycle-of-capitalism-5226 3. Emotional cycles As the first few tentative steps are taken in the direction of becoming aware of what you feel and expressing it in a direct way without finding reasons and excuses, you will gain an understanding about yourself such as you never had before. There’s nothing new under the sun. Everything comes in cycles. Once we know the cycle we're in, we will know how to navigate life and win.
Do you ever think that your ordinary life and thoughts are underwhelming? So did I. We have been conditioned to think that ordinary people and lives are underwhelming. Your everyday thoughts and stories are profound. The ordinary is profound. When you finally start to realize this, you're well on your way to change-making. However, it is a process to become a changemaker. To others, it's an instinct but you don't have to rely on chance. You can take the steps you need to make a difference. We hear the story of Loise, A Kenyan wellness blogger turned human rights activist. You too can use what you have in your hand to start the wheels of change. The path to change-making involves: *Following your heartache or the problems that nag at you. *Checking your skills and environment. What do you have access to? *Speaking to people like you. Speak to people's intrinsic motivations. *Facing your fears and talking about them. Listen for more insights and inspiration. Become that change that you were born to bring.
In this season of changing times, we need all the help we can get in navigating uncertainty. 2020 has been strange but we can get through it and thrive. All we need is to have the right habits and things will start to make sense. On this episode, we explore why curiosity is an undervalued asset. COVID-19 has usurped how the world works. Curiosity can get you to the other side. This is how curiosity helps you navigate change: Curiosity connects you with people. Interested people are interesting. Curiosity opens up our world. It’s not always rosy but you eventually find your way. And... Curiosity improves your performance. The biggest breakthroughs in life come through asking questions to the right people The real question is, what will you do with this period of change? Will you sit and wait for someone to define the “New Normal” for you? Or will you start asking questions that help you co-create a new normal that works for you? Get the full article inspired by this episode on my Medium page. Share, subscribe, and see you next week on Friday.
Inspired by a talk by seasoned marketer and brand builder Dan Angima, this is a Provocation to choose the type of life you want to live, the type of pain you want to relieve in others and the cross that you would chose to bear to do this.
It's the last day of the 1st half of 2019. Are you proud of what you've been able to accomplish so far? Are you looking back? Counting and acknowledging all your small wins gives you fuel for going after the audacious stuff.
Today's episode is my way of passing on a cosmic hug from the universe. Starting something is scary and one needs all the reassurance you can get Months of podcasting can sometimes feel thankless and I got reassurance from a nomination for an award in Nairobi. I don't care if I win it but all that matters is that I have renewed energy to continue. I want to share that with you and encourage you too. Listen till the end on the anchor app. I've added a really cool song that I love.
How does it feel when it rains in Nairobi? Thoughts from a frustrated drenched Nairobian (Nairobi resident)
The quest to realign is not a simple one. It requires answering and asking difficult questions. To others and most importantly, yourself. Realigning is an internal job.
The difference between you and the next level is fbe questions you ask. Permit yourself to ask different questions and level up.
Thankyou for this! I feel a pump of joy and energy when I listen to your content!