Karolina Eleonóra

Quantum Healing, making the Shift to 5D and raising one's personal frequency.

The Emotion Code: An Introduction

www.karolinaeleonora.com Introduction to The Emotion Code and how I work with it. • Muscle testing • Chakra cleansing • How I remove Money Blocks • Romance & Intimacy Blocks • 93% of humans have a Heart Wall • What happens when the Heart Wall is gone! • Different Age Group Healing: Pre-Natal - Blocks to adulthood, responsibility, accepting society etc. 0-6 Age Group - Blocks to saying Yes or No, group issues, identity issues. 7-14 Age Group - Blocks to forming friendships, belonging etc Teenage Group - Blocks to Shadow & Light, self-sabotage etc


What Is The Heart Wall?

This pod feature a more in-depth information about the Heart Wall. • Did you know that 93% of all humans have a Heart wall? • Why it is vital to release this wall to gain full access to life and yourself. • What are the effects that some of my clients can report after releasing their Heart wall? • All the different materials your Heart Wall can be made up of (mine was green leafs) and how the subconscious mind use symbolism to create a barrier against perceived dangers. • What happens when your suppressed negative experiences are being released? For more info and to book a session, please visit: www.karolinaeleonora.com


The Heart Wall Q & A

We go through the most asked questions about the Heart Wall session: • Why living with a Heart Wall effects every area of your life negatively. • How do you know if you have a Heart Wall? • How does the Heart Wall session work? • What happens when your suppressed negative experiences are being released? • What you need to do before and after this session. • ...And more. Please visit my webpage for more info and to book a session. www.karolinaeleonora.com


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