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Kate Markland - Biology of Business
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Kate Markland - Biology of Business

Author: Kate Markland

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Welcome, to the Biology of Business podcast where Kate interviews people who fascinate her.

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123 Episodes
What should the team and I wear in the clinic? Live Q+A Ask Me Anything about Running Your Healthcare Practice Join Lunchtime Live’s with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ&A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Good afternoon and welcome to The Clinic Owners Business Club Lunchtime live with Celia Champion and myself, Kate Markland on Thursday 3rd December. So I'm sure you want to know, just like I do. What sorts of Gin Celia had in last night's advent calendar? Celia Champion: It was an excellent, apple and spice. It was absolutely gorgeous. Did you have another chocolate brussel sprout? Kate: We have an Advent Train and my six year old has decided to be the elf and has put chocolate brussel sprouts throughout it. This is much to his delight as he knows I don't like sprouts, but still every Christmas day, I have to have one to keep granny happy. Anyway, today is Thursday and where this week is going? It seems to be flying by and on Thursdays we answering any questions. And this particular question has come in and I know full well, it consumed an awful lot of time and conversation in my clinic too. So I think it's important to answer the question....   What Should The Team As I Wear In The Practice? So I really think from my own experience, it's something that you do have to make a decision about and that you do have to have guidelines in place because if you don't, you will get tested on them. Celia Champion: I think it's a very personal choice. So I think you need to think about want to be projecting about your practice and your clothing is going to be part of that. So it's part of your brand. Work out what your kind of key core values are, and what you want people to be saying about you when they come into your practice. Maybe you want them to be saying that your professional or your clinical, your casual, you're comfortable family friendly environment, you've got all those kinds of things are going to guide you as to what attire you might be wanting to wear. I've seen so many different things in practices. You know, I've seen people wear shirts and ties, people wearing clinical tunics, clinical coats, or you get a lot of clinics that have branded polo shirts and more kind of sporting gear. So if you're very sport orientated clinics, then maybe you'd go down that route. I suppose the one kind of thing that one needs to just be careful with around the clothing is if you're insisting for your self-employed to be wearing your branded clothing, that could contribute to suggest that they should be employed rather than self-employed, which is obviously a different conversation altogether, but it is something that you need to consider when you're supplying uniforms, whether you charge for them, whether you get them to wear branded stuff. Kate Markland: It really made a big difference for me when we had some very clear guidelines.  And initially I remember writing guidelines, I put down the position of the business on piercings, on tattoos, on hairstyles. And I remember at the time thinking really does it really needs to be this detailed, but it does. It does because you will get tested on those details at some point in time. And at least if you've got a guideline or a policy about it, you've got something to refer back to and just help make it clear for everybody so that you reduce awkward conversations that need to have, with team members.   Celia Champion: What Kate was saying about being very clear about it and outlining it, that should be discussed in the interview stage already so that the people that are going to accept any position that you're offering already know what is expected. And then the other thing with clothing is, unfortunately, some people just don't have the same level of standards. So you know, you, you do have to maybe be a bit clear about, how often you change your shirts, that you have to iron your shirts and tucking in. I know it sounds, like surely that's common sense. There is no such thing as common sense, your standard is something different from someone else's probably. Kate Markland: And what we have to remember is clients know, from other services, how to judge what we wear, whether our skirting boards are clean and how we present ourselves, but they don't know how to judge or assess our clinical skills. But they can very quickly form an opinion on whether you look smart, professional, clean, and tidy, whether they feel safe in your hands by how you're presenting yourself. Celia Champion: Hopefully that helps. We will be back on Monday for marketing Monday. Have a brilliant weekend. Kate Markland: And we'll look forward to hearing about what Gin you get in your advent calendar over the weekends Celia take care, have a great time. Bye-bye.
Time is your most important asset! Feel like you never have enough time to get everything done? Today you will learn how to manage and prioritise your time. We will walk you through a step by step process that we help you 1. Stop putting out fires 2. Feel calm not chaotic 3. Have control and prioritise what needs doing 4. Have confidence delegating tasks Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Good afternoon and welcome to The Clinic Owners Lunchtime Live on 1st December. I hope your opened that 1st door on your advent calendar and had a lovely treat . I got a chocolate brussel sprout this morning. Celia Champion: I got a gin calendar this year, so I haven't opened mine yet. Mine will be opened every evening. It's a little bit early to start the day with I think. Kate Markland: Celia Champion and myself, Kate Markland are here to give you some hints and tips, advice, and support in terms of running your health care practice. And today we're talking about time and the fact that time is our most important asset. So I'm going to hand you over to Celia . Who's going to help explain this a little bit further, over to you Celia.   Celia Champion: Thank you. so we all have the same 86,400 seconds every 24 hours And we need to just really be able to make the most of it.  So I just want to talk through Stephen Covey's, time management quadrants, to give you a bit of an assistance in terms of just managing your time a little bit better. So there are four quadrants, we've got, things that are urgent and important, so they have deadlines things like your tax return, as an example, you know, you need to get it done by a certain time. so you just have to crack on and do them. So, a phone ringing is, you know, if it's a patient booking in, you're going to be taking that phone call because it's there and you're gonna be treating your patients. Celia Champion: Those are, you know, kind of can be seen as important and urgent to be, to be sorting out. So that's your first quadrant. The second quadrant are those things that are important, but there's no urgency to them. That quadrant is one of the most important quadrants that you need to look after because it's those things. That's like the planning, it's your marketing, it's your relationship building. It's all the things that you don't have to do. But if you do do them, you reduce the amount of urgent things on your desk. So those are the first two quadrants. And the third quadrant is the area that it's important to be done, but it's not important for you to be doing it. So it might be urgent, but it's not important that you, that you need to do it. So that quadrant is the area where you look at, what can I delegate And that's where you start looking at, how much is my time worth. So you can take an example of say, let's say you treat patients and you charge £50 per session, so if you treat a two patients, you'd be earning £100/hour, why would you then be doing the cleaning, which you can pay a lower fee per hour or the bookkeeping or those kinds of things. So it's really looking at what can you delegate and, and being really strict with yourself because sometimes, practice owners think, Oh, well, I'll just do it because it's much quicker. If I do it myself, instead of spending the time in the important not urgent quadrant. So rather take the time, train your staff so that you don't have to be doing those urgent things that aren't important for you to be doing. Celia Champion: And then number four, the quadrant number four is the area where it's not important and it's not urgent. It is those things that you really need to ditch, and you need to restrict yourself in that area as well. And sometimes doing a time and motion study for a week or so can really help you to work out what things you should not be doing. I was just speaking to a client this morning and she said , she knows that she needs to do like some, some of the stuff on LinkedIn and Twitter, but what she finds as she goes on and then it is kind of an hour later, and she's got lost down, just looking at things. She finds herself thinking, what am I actually sitting doing here. So, make sure that you are actually calculating how much time are you spending on those kinds of things. So, I hope that, if you sit down and just dedicate all your different tasks into those quadrants, that you will find that helpful. Kate Markland: You can find out all sort the things. If you list everything your doing, put them in those four quadrants, you can identify the things that you need to eliminate, that you can get rid of altogether. Some of the things that you can transfer and that's transfer, not abdicate.   As Celia described , you've got to make the time to organize what you're transferring. And I think the wonderful thing is, as a clinician is we're used to living almost like a school timetable of one hour, half hour, 45, 15 minutes slots. Can you do exactly the same with the remaining tasks So perhaps you need to block out some time, maybe a Wednesday afternoon or Tuesday afternoon to run, to do all your business administration, but can you put it into the same slots that you do with your clients, or it happens with the school timetable. So you know that between 1pm and 2pm is marketing between two and three is finances or whatever it is. So you're getting organized and using that great, healthy habit that you have of keeping to a schedule and applying that principle to, to the business administration. So we're back again tomorrow. Celia Champion: Tomorrow, we're going to be talking about whether it's a good time to be investing in your practice at the moment. Next Tuesday we'll be launching our book reviews. So we look forward to seeing you either tomorrow for our kind of talking about whether you should invest in your practice, and next week for training. And then we'll also be back on Thursday. So have a fantastic day and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Thanks for joining us. Kate Markland: Bye bye for now.
The Words We Use

The Words We Use


The Words We Use In today’s Lunchtime Live we help you create a message your clients can resonate with. We walk you through a step by step framework which will help you 1. Connect better with your clients and potential new clients 2. Feel confident with your message 3. Get buy in from clients 4. Ensure your clients feel confident in you Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Good afternoon and welcome to lunchtime. Live on 30th of November, I Kate Markland and I'm joined by Celia Champion.   Today we're talking about the words we use, and why they are important, to make sure that as clinicians and clinic owners that the messages we're putting out r esonate with our audience, it's very important that we are not communicating too much clinical language and not paying enough attention to thinking about the words and the language that our clients will resonate with, especially when it's in the written form. So today we're just going to take some time to think about how we can, apply a simple framework and some simple rules that we can follow to make sure our message resonates with our clients and potential clients over to users. Celia Champion: Yeah, so, we are a great fan of a book called building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. And in that he gives us a very simple framework to follow, to be able to get our message across, in the language of our clients. And so that they really understand where we're coming from and how we can help them. And he likens it as, as if you're creating a movie and there's seven clear steps in the scripting. so the first thing is you have a character. Now the character is often mistaken, as you think you're the character,   but actually the character is your client. So your patient is your character. So you really need to understand who your kind of key perfect patients are. So they, your character, and then they have a problem. And he has three different areas of the problem. Celia Champion: So they have an external problem, which would be their pain. So in the beginning , you're able to say , I work with   runners and understand that sometimes you might get running injuries, so you get a painful foot to a painful knee or painful hip, that causes an internal problem. So you're communicating with your patient that you understand that that pain causes an emotional problem for them as well, that they feel distressed about it. They feel upset that they can't do what they love doing. And then he also talks about a philosophical problem. And I think that that's really relevant in, this particular sector of private health care, because often the philosophical problem might be, Oh, well you're 60 or 70 or 80. You're bound to put up with pain. Oh, you've just had a baby you're bound to have to put up with pain. Celia Champion: Where as you as clinicians know that actually that's not true,   so you can help them. So you have to overcome, you have to help them overcome those philosophical problems. So you have a character who has a problem who meets a guide, which is you. And in meeting that guide, you need to put out your why, why they should come to you rather than someone else. And you know, why, why, why are you credible to being that person to help So you have the character who has a problem who meets a guide , who gives him a plan and calls into action. So you're giving them your advice about what the best treatment going forward is. And you're calling them to action as to what they need to do along the way that avoids failure and results in success. And so when, and when he talks about avoiding failure, it's not about scaremongering your, your patients. It's actually just saying, you know , we don't want you to feel frustrated that you can't go into your park runs. We want to help you get to the success of getting back on the road, running injury free. And just in that very succinct way, you can use that in your conversations. You can use that, in your marketing materials. Speaker 1: Wonderful. And I think there's a really lovely acronym that I had once that stuck with me. What's in it for me, FM. So constantly, if you thinking about it, when you're listening to the radio, you want the DJ to be talking to you rather than asked you. And I just remember reading a book by Alan Pease and it described having this concept of having a radio show. And you're always thinking about what's in it for me, FM what's in it for your audience. And so when we're writing, we're really conscious of cutting out all the, we, we, we, we, we were talking about you talking to you, just like, you'd like a good DJ to do, to you and talk you rather than at you. And it's very easy in your copy to look through. Sometimes if you've written something on your website , count all the times you have said we , rather than talking about you, talking about your potential client. Celia Champion: Good. So we hope that our short life has helped you, thinking about your messaging. We'd really encourage you to go and look at all your different messaging, the language that you use with your patients, but also what's on your website and in any of your marketing material. And,   and don't forget your social media too. So we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. If, when again, have a fantastic day. Kate Markland: Bye bye for now.
Is now the right time to reinvest in my practice? Today we will help you navigate uncertainty about reinvesting in your practice with confidence you will 1. Gain clarity on how to decide if now is the right time for you to reinvest in your practice 2. Identify what you should have in place to safeguard your reinvestment 3. Identify what else you could do with your practice profits Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Good afternoon and welcome it to The Clinic Owners Business Club, Lunchtime Live with Celia Champion and myself, Kate Markland on Wednesday, 2nd December. So yesterday Celia shared with us that she had a gin advent calendar. I've got a chocolate brussel sprout one . And last night you were going to open your gin door number one.   Celia Champion: I had a beautiful, Gin from from Devon. So it was really, really lovely. Kate Markland: Lovely. so today we're talking about whether now is the right time to reinvest in your practice. If you are creating profit in your practices, there are three things you can do with the profit. You can either pay down the debt, you can pay yourself a dividend as the owner, or you can reinvest back in your practice. And today we're just going to think about the things that you might want to consider if you are considering reinvesting in your practice, because obviously when you make that decision, there's also the opportunity to perhaps make more money or make a bigger impact on your community. But there's also the potential to lose any money that you choose to reinvest in your practice as well. And you might wish you'd made one of the alternative decisions of paying down debt or paying yourself dividends or doing nothing and just letting cash accumulate. So over to you, Celia, for some tips to help the clinic owners decide whether now is the right time to reinvest in their practices. Celia Champion: I mean, obviously we've been through quite rocky roads, this whole year . So it pays, to be picky now as you decide if you're going to reinvest or not. But I have seen a lot of reinvestment in the clinics that we work with over the last few months. I've got some clients that have looked into different equipment that they might bring on board to broaden their services that they provide to clients. So, I've got a few clients that have invested in shockwave machines, few clients that have invested in IDD machines, and then also just other products and the services that those products relate to so that they can actually supply the products to patients. So, there is an, there's an element of investing in things that you can offer, you can broaden your services, but then I think that there's also been what I've seen, where we've actually seen quite a bit of investment in practice managers to have training so that they can take over more and more and more of the duties. There's a thing about investing in your team members now, so that they can support you in rebuilding your practice. If indeed, that is the case for you at the moment. Kate Markland: So what I'm hearing that is really making sure that you have the business functioning well and making sure that you are investing in a healthy business and good business operations. And that might be very, very low cost that might, in some cases, just the case of getting yourself organised. And perhaps before you're buying any expensive equipment or reinvesting in the services that your business operates, that you're making sure you conducted a listening project to know what's really important to your clients and what their needs are, as well as what your team requirements are, so that you're making informed decisions based on the numbers and based on what your clients are seeking rather than based on any assumption.   Celia Champion: In terms of, when you're looking at investing in marketing, it's important to make sure that you're recording where all your new patients come from so that you can make an informed decision. So if you are considering investing in Google ads find out from , other people that have done Google ads, what their return rate has been. That applies for any service that you're going to be outsourcing, get recommendations of a service providers, from people you know, and speak to a number of people before you decide on which supplier you'll be using. Kate Markland: Wonderful. So that way you're making sure you're measuring the return on investment for anything that you do and your money that you do reinvest in your business and you're using the best possible suppliers, so it is a very informed decision. Tomorrow we have a live Q&A . So if you've got any questions then do let Celia or I know, and we will answer any questions that come up. Next Wednesday, because Wednesday is all about wealth creation for you as clinic owners, we are speaking about the road to recovery and helping you start to plan or create a profit plan for 2021, have a wonderful afternoon. And we look forward to seeing you again at one o'clock tomorrow. Take care for now. Bye bye.  
Ask Us Anything, Live Q+A Feeling Stuck on some aspect of how to run your clinic, need help making a decision or inspiration on how to solve a problem ask us anything and we will answer it for you.... if you want to stay anonymous that’s cool too, just let us know. Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Hello and welcome to The Clinic Owner's Business Club, Lunchtime Live on Thursday 26th November, with Celia Champion as myself Kate Markland . We hope you're having a wonderful week, we are   taking time on Thursdays to think about all the things that we would like to be thankful for. And one of the things we're thankful for is for you guys, listening, watching, and tuning in through us and starting to ask us some questions. So on Thursdays going forwards, we're going to be doing a live Q&A to any questions that you've messaged us with or asked the group during the week, or if you want to join in, then you are welcome to hop on and send us any questions you'd like answering during the live. So, Celia, I know has a super question from somebody about how to evolve their team and their role within that team and restructure perhaps. Celia Champion: Yeah, so, I was asked the question about , how do they develop some of their internal team members, where they can see that they've really got, real, real potential but maybe lack confidence in, in taking on a different role , so really our solution to the question is to get them some of their own individual leadership coaching. Sometimes when I've worked with clinic owners, the clinic owner will, say things to their teams. And, you know, they'll say the same things that I would come in and say, and when I come in and say it, then suddenly the penny drops. So it's just kind of coming sometimes from an external voice can really be very powerful. And if you've got team members that you feel could really, you know, reach a higher potential, then give them that support and lift them blossom   Kate Markland: And that'll help give the team members opportunities to have a stronger voice and contribute to how the business evolves. Now, following on from that. Still related to team, we have another question that was related to what are the obvious risks that are in a practice. So somebody who has a single room of practice is just beginning to build their practice handbook, and they asked about what the risks were and wanted from us an opinion on what the potential risks were. They wanted to create, a catalog of potential risks and put policies in place to safeguard against them. Now, here in the UK, the CSP gives us great guidelines and standards that we need to meet, which makes sure if we do that, we cover most of the risks. One of the things that became really apparent to me though, was this isn't necessarily the case in all countries and people don't necessarily have this.  Kate Markland: And the person that asked this question is not based in the UK. So for a single room practice, yes, you can think about fires and all sorts of bloods and spillages, but one of the most obvious things for me was lone working. And that, that is a liability, especially if you've got single females working in your practice, in your premises, by themselves during the day or into the evening, you need to have in place some policy procedure so that they feel safe and the patients feel safe in their space too. It was an interesting question because it made me actually made me feel grateful for the CSP standards and policies and realise how meeting them ensures a lot of safeguarding.  Celia Champion: That's interesting. I was speaking to an Osteopath yesterday and they were kind of thinking about, whether they need their reception team going forward because they've all been on furlough for so long. They've put all these different processes and procedures in place where patients can book online. Patients can pay online. The osteopaths can rebook their patients in. So, a lot of the role of the reception team has become redundant. However, there will be an element of meet and greet, but the other big thing was that if the, if there was a single practitioner working on the own , in a standalone building actually to have   that receptionist there, the value of the receptionist is in that the team and clients are not in that lone working risky position. And so, that has actually led to their decision about what they'll do in the case of reception. They might not need all the hours that they had previously when there are several practitioners working, but on the occasions where there's only a sole practitioner, they will have some form of reception cover. so that, so that takes away that lone working risk. Kate Markland: Wonderful. So hopefully we've answered those questions and come in this week, if you have any questions for next Thursday, then do let us know. As like I say on Thursdays, we will now be doing live Q&A for you. So take care, have a wonderful, wonderful weekends, and we will see you on Monday for some more marketing tips take care and have a great weekend. Bye bye for now .          
Lunchtime Live’s with Celia and Kate Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Hello, and welcome to the clinic owners business club lunchtime live on Wednesday 25th November with Celia Champion and myself, Kate Markland. Today, we're talking about the importance of planning for profit in your practice. And if you remember yesterday, we started to talk about the 1% gains and the little gains that you can get incrementally over time. And that follows on really nicely to planning for profit. Celia how have you seen those principles applied to clinics to help them improve their profitability over time?   Celia Champion: I think it's just kind of just recognizing marginal gains. So if you just try and get one more new patient a week, eventually that adds up a few. if you just look at one, one specific supplier, you know, one a month and, and review it, those kinds of changes can add up. So it's just all those little small incremental changes that you make that actually make a big impact. It's not necessarily saying, Oh, well now we're going to ditch a whole lot of suppliers and it's actually just reviewing everything very, very meticulously and just looking for those marginal gains , obviously you want to still keep quality but when you're changing those marginal things, your bottom line can definitely improve Kate Markland: Wonderful Celia has mentioned that perfectly, that one of the things that we can look at immediately is suppliers and look at which supplier contracts we can either cut because we no longer need. Although the majority of people already have done that on the back of COVID, which sometimes can be just renegotiated because we need something different or perhaps it is time to swap telephone supply or broadband supply because you just never looked around before. With regard to revenue, looking at the revenue that each team member brings to the business because obviously team members have an impact on the health of your practice. And it's really important that as the owner, you understand what is, and then you can start looking at the what-if's, what are the things that that person needs to do to improve their performance or contribute differently to the team. And that might be some training, or it might be more financial understanding or awareness. It can be all sorts of different things.   Celia Champion: In terms of, in terms of pricing as well. W hen you're looking at putting your prices up, I know that practitioners agonize over it. but it isn't, it's necessary to do, you know, to make sure that you're actually keeping your business profitable. And even if you look, when you look at it and you'd say, well, I'm going to put it up a pound or two pounds. Let's say you treat 2000 treatments in a year when you put it up by one pound, it's making you an extra 2000 pounds in a year. And one pound is negligible. I would suggest looking at a bit of a higher increase, so, you know, five pounds, and then you suddenly looking and thinking, wow, if I'm doing five pound increase, that's going to make a 10,000 pounds, impact on my bottom line. I think we need to flag that it's not about you coming across as profiteering. It's about you making a healthy profit so that you can keep on treating patients. But you know, those small little gains, they all add up   Kate Markland: And many people and the many practice owners on the back of COVID are now in a position to starting to plan for 2021. And obviously hopefully for quite a different year from what 2020 has been. And once you've understood what you need your revenue to be, to meet all of your overheads, to meet all of your salary costs and to meet your personal revenue, you make sure that you're starting to build in a profit plan as well, so that your business is sustainable and can grow and can continue to contribute rather than the exact opposite, which is an awful lot of heartache and potentially going broke. So it's important that profitability is built into your business plan for the next year. And just, you can look at expenses, the amount of appointments you need to deliver the services that you're delivering and also the charging. And some of those things will need to change and will need to evolve. But just as we spoke about yesterday, there could be 1% gains. It can just be little things at a time. Celia Champion: Perfect. The other thing that I think practitioners can really, be changing, it's not a big impact, but it can make a small marginal impact is that a lot of practitioners get very excited about products. So they'll go to a conference and they'll see the latest product. And, you know, so they see the latest, or this is a great role of a foam roller, for your patients or the Sparky balls or the vitamins, or, you know, all those kinds of things. And you get all excited about them and you bring them into your practice because you really believe that they will add value to your patients, and then you don't sell them to your patients. So if you believe that every patient of yours or 80% of your patients would benefit from having a foam roller or benefit from a particular pillow or whatever it is that you sell, that you truly believe in, why are only 1% of your patients getting offered those things. So, you know, that can be a small marginal gain as well. And it would be far better having the products that you have in your clinic, in your client's homes, rather than in your store and covered just kind of gathering dust and not making you any money.   Kate Markland: Wonderful. So hopefully given you some hints and tips as you're planning for 2021 on the things that you can be thinking about to start making sure that your plan for next year ensures that your practice remains in gains in terms of profitability. So it's sustainable in the contribution it can make to your community. Tomorrow's Thursday and Thursday's is where we are always thankful. And we've been thinking about the positives that we deliver as clinicians to patients. And then also that, the value that we bring as a practice owners to our local communities as well, we're going to start answering any questions on the Thursdays to thank you for listening to us. So it's Live Q+A tomorrow. If you've got any questions, you'd like us to answer, then we will be answering them every single Thursday. Hope you've enjoyed the lives this week. And we will see you back at one o'clock tomorrow. Lunchtime, take care, have a brilliant day. Bye-bye Celia Champion: Bye.  
Building the 1% Mindset  Today we talk about how with the right mind set, action and patience the incremental impact of 1% gains will have  huge impact on you healthcare business. Lunchtime Live’s with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays No time to listen now? Click the arrow above to download the episode or you can find it on iTunes here Don’t miss out on the next episodes and some great expert guests to help grow your clinic or practice into a thriving business! All my podcasts are available here  – Listen Now! Or check out the transcript below Kate Markland: Hello, and welcome to lunchtime life on Tuesday 24th of November with myself, Kate Markland and Celia C hampion today, we're talking about the marginal gains, all the little one percents and what they add to, to help build the whole picture. So, Celia, you mentioned a wonderful book which describes just this and how it's been applied in sports and how you can apply the same thing to business. Celia Champion: Yeah, I read the book ages ago and actually it just came up in one of my success clubs last week. And, one of my clients had just read the book and she just said the penny just dropped for her. So she's been wanting to write a book for years and years and years, and it's always been like, it felt like such a big project. And when she reads the Atomic Habits by James Clear, and suddenly she realized that she just needs to be a writer and she needs to write every day. Celia Champion: And so she's just broken it down into that. You know, she's just writing 1% more every single day. T he whole book is all about the story of the British cycling team and, since 1908, they were just not really performing at all. To the extent actually, there's one of the big European bike, suppliers wouldn't supply the British team. So Dave Brailsford took over and he just was looking at this kind of the aggregation of marginal gains. And like he looked at all the tiny little elements where you could just make, say the sad d1e 1% better, the gel that they used, 1% better, the pillows that the cyclists use to sleep 1% better. And even like painting the inside of the truck, so that they could see the painted white so that they could see any kind of speck of dust that could obviously, you know, with the fine tuning of bikes could just be there, that little edge and all those things after five years, in the Beijing Olympics that the British cyclists did exceptionally well. Celia Champion: And again, and again, in the London Olympics, I think they took 60% of the medals and, so all those marginal gains that they worked over a period of time just added up, added up, added up and, and that's where I think a lot, a lot of the time you think that success means   that you have to do these big, great things, but actually it's just those marginal percentages that you can add into your daily, daily life. Just small little things that suddenly if you've done something. So like, another thing that comes to mind is the couch to 5k program. It's just that, you know, the first you start and you walk and you're running 30 seconds, and you're walking more than you're running. Then as you go through the weeks, you're running a bit more and a bit more and a bit more until after I think it's eight weeks, you're running five kilometers and it set marginal gain over that period of time. Celia Champion: It's not suddenly, you've found some magic bullets that you can put on your running shoes and suddenly run five km's if you've never run it before, but actually just in a short period of eight weeks, you or a runner. Kate Markland: Wonderful. And there's plenty of other examples for marginal gains have been shown to have huge, huge, and we can think about how we apply this with our patients as well. Quite often during rehabilitation patients might well get frustrated that they're not making progress rapidly as they would like to . You as the clinician can see the marginal gains and, you know, the value of that daily repetition, and again, and again and again, and then the penny drops for them and you know that's going to happen. And it's just applying that same knowledge that you have during a rehab program to your yourself and your business. I was just going to ask you to remind me what the book is called.   Celia Champion: It's called atomic habits by James Clear It's a, it's a really brilliant book. And, you know, I think as you were saying that rehab of patients, it's just also reminding the patient of the margin gains that they're making, because sometimes I'm sure you'll have patients that will have had treatment and they come in and, and you'll ask them, how have they been since the last time you saw them . And they said, Oh, I'm still in pain. And, but actually when you start asking them, have you been able to put your jacket on or you'll say Oh, I see that you're able to take your jacket off on your own today. And you know, so it's reminding your patients with those marginal gains, what we want to our client group, is for you to be able to apply those practices that you apply in your clinical side of your business, to your non-clinical side of your business. So what marginal gains, you know, what things can you do in your business to see those marginal gains over time Kate Markland: Wonderful. Thank you. So join us tomorrow lunch time, and tomorrow lunch time, we're going to be following on from this to be talking about planning for profit and what are the marginal gains that you can find there too. I'll pop a link to the book that Celia's discussed today, and we will see you tomorrow lunchtime to talk about planning for profits in your practice. Take care, have a great day. Bye bye for now.   To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan
Should I be creating content for my clinic? In this episode we discuss why content creation matters and give you some hints and tip for how you can create a content consistently and never run out of ideas.   Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays No time to listen now? Click the arrow above to download the episode or you can find it on iTunes here Don’t miss out on the next episodes and some great expert guests to help grow your clinic or practice into a thriving business! All my podcasts are available here  – Listen Now! Kate Markland:  Hello and welcome to Lunchtime Live. On Monday, 23rd of November, with Celia Champion and myself, Kate Markland. Today, we are talking all about content and why as clinicians and clinic owners, it's important that we're creating content. Good afternoon. Celia. Did you have a good weekend Celia Champion: We did indeed. Thank you very much. It was a bit cold and chilly, but it was really lovely and yeah, back to Monday, just go so quickly. Kate Markland: Yes I did lots of walking in and I feel a lot better for that, but yes, it's pretty drizzly. So, today we are thinking about why is it important that we create content because obviously it's something you and I are doing with these lunchtime lives. Yeah. Celia Champion: I mean, I think obviously we want to be able to get as much information out to our audience and just so our clients, physios, osteos, chiros, pods, know our philosophies as teachers. As clinic owners it's about how you can educate your patients and help them through your content. And I think, one of the main things is to actually put a plan in place because obviously you became a therapist because you want to be treating people and helping people, not really writing content. So as soon as you get busy, that's probably the first thing that goes. So having a kind of structure in place is really, really important that you just get into a bit of a flow of being able to just do that on a regular basis. So there's not kind of like feast and faminine Kate Markland: So content allows clients to get to know like, and trust you and as a clinician and your team as well. And it doesn't just have to be you as a clinic owner, that's creating content. It's something that you can involve your whole team in. And, and just to Celia says, perhaps having a calendar so that each person just has to create one piece of content a month, which really, as clinicians, quite often, we find writing quite difficult. Now I certainly do, but we can do things like using video and then get them transcribed too, and that can be written as a blog. So content allows clients to sample your expertise before they pick up the phone to you. And if you have a plan like Celia is saying it helps keep you to account and make it all a lot more manageable. Celia Champion: It's really interesting. Because I find whenever I speak to clients about, doing stuff on social media or writing newsletters, there's usually a kind of, Oh, how am I ever going to come up with content for 12 newsletters in a year Or how am I going to come up with content for three posts a week , and actually when you start just kind of listing all the different things that you could be doing with your content, it's so easy. I mean, you know, and if you, you know, once you've kind of exhausted what you thinking in your head about, you know, you could do top tips on various different things, actually just go on to . And there is an awareness day for absolutely everything. There's an awareness day, every single day there are awareness weeks. There's so many ideas over there that you can align yourself. Kate Markland: And there's another brilliant website called . And you can just type in back pain, neck pain, and it comes up with all the questions that people type into Google about their aches and pains. And then you can just simply answer every single one of them. There's a lot of questions that come up. You can simply start working through answering the questions that people are typing into Google about how you can help , and answering those will also help with your search engine optimization too.   Celia Champion: I was just gonna say as well that the content doesn't all have to be, medical and about physiotherapy or about, podiatry or, you know, whatever your profession is, make it about you guys as well. So, you know, bring the personality of your team into your social media, into newsletters, people buy people. So, you know, they want to get to know you as well when you don't have to share your deepest, darkest secrets, but, you know, just be a little bit human Kate Markland: As well. Wonderful. So thank you very much. H opefully we've given you some great tips why it's important that we're creating content so that potential clients and existing clients get to know like, and trust you and sample your expertise before they pick up the telephone. And we've given you some ideas of how to create a strategy or content calendar to help hold you to account. We'll see you tomorrow for Tuesday's training. So we'll see you tomorrow, lunchtime, and then we're here again on Wednesday or Thursday this week have a wonderful day guys. And hopefully you don't get too wet if you're going out for a run. Celia Champion: Yeah. Have a great Monday.     To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan
Uncover Your The Hidden Profits in Your Healthcare Practice  Kate and Celia chat about how to uncover your hidden profit and the identify the leaks which are costing you #WealthWednesdays Join Lunchtime Live’s with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays No time to listen now? Click the arrow above to download the episode or you can find it on iTunes here Don’t miss out on the next episodes and some great expert guests to help grow your clinic or practice into a thriving business! All my podcasts are available here  – Listen Now!  Or check out the transcript below Kate Markland: Good afternoon and welcome to Wednesday, 18th of November. Today we are talking about discovering the hidden profits in your healthcare business. Our theme on Wednesday is all about wealth, wealth creation in your clinic. So where are the hidden profits? So many clinicians and clinic owners run at breakeven or making a loss , or even just a very small profit and they might well not be playing themselves. Maybe even not as much as they could have been if they stayed in the public health sector and it is not okay, obviously. And it's also not sustainable. So today we want to be thinking about every Wednesday, how are you going to find more profit within your clinic so that you can reward yourself and reinvest. so today we are going where the obvious places to go find the hidden profits.   Celia Champion: Well, I think one of the key areas, as you know, in order to kind of make more money, is to put your prices up. A lot of clinic owners do not review their prices for awfully long time. And then when they do, they agonize over whether they're going to put them up or not, have a look at the different revenue streams of your business as well. So, are you heavily reliant on insurance? Are you getting paid enough for those insurance patients? How long are those insurance patients taking you compared to private patients? So stop look and seeing where you should be focusing more on. Self payers and then very obvious other place to look. Then it is just be very aware of all your expenses and, don't just be the person to renew your contracts year in, year out. Such as your telephones or your utilities, look around at your insurances, have a look around and see that you're all getting, the most competitive price for the service that you get. And I'm not saying that you should get the cheapest, because you still want to get the right service. So it is just making sure that you are getting the most competitive price for the type of service that you're offering. Kate Markland: I think one of the most effective ways to help cut costs is to share them, to list all of your expenses and share them with somebody else, because that helps you become really accountable and to explain why the expense is or isn't needed then you can reduce your expenses. But I think sharing expenses will help you challenge yourself and help them challenge you. So really do need that subscription or not that you just haven't renewed, just have a look around for bit.   Celia Champion: And I think the other thing to consider is looking at, your contacts with your team members. So, you know, I think a lot of clinics, the kind of standard model in the past has always been, associate model and some, some of the contracts are extortionately high in the favour of the associate, and it just does not make business sense to be paying an associate 60, 70% of the revenue because, you know, you've still got to sustain your business. You've got to make the business profitable so that you can continue operating. And, sometimes an employed model is a better, more cost effective model. And it certainly is worth looking into that as well. I've had a few clients that have changed over, and haven't looked back.   Kate Markland: The other thing that Celia brought up is looking at your income and your sources of revenue and having, a review of those. So looking at what your pricing structure is, and whether it can be addressed, adjusting your price for existing clients, but also reviewing the price and structure that you have for insurance companies and to have courage to stop. It is really worthwhile taking time to understand what your profitability is on each appointment, because then you can start to see which insurance companies are probably actually costing you to deliver the care to, and then will not have an issue. If you realize it's costing you to deliver some of those insurance appointments write to that insurance company within new pricing structure. And you can very firmly tell them as of the 1st of January, these are the prices . You take two charge. If you want my clinics still deliver with services, this is the prices or not, Celia Champion: Another probably indirect place where your profits might lie is how you are running your time. So if you're kind of thinking I'm going to save money by doing the cleaning, by doing the bookkeeping,   by doing every single job in the set under the sun in your clinic, actually what you're doing is you're detracting away from you being able to build your practice and get more patients through the door and, you know, build a much more sustainable business because you're spending your time. Cleaning for example you could get a cleaner for, I don't know, 15, 20 pounds an hour. You could get a bookkeeper for 20, 25 pounds an hour. And even if you just looked at that in terms of, if you could treat patients, instead of doing that, let's say if you're charging 50 pounds a session for your, treatment, you'd be earning a hundred pounds an hour compared to, using five hours to do your bookkeeping. So whilst you might think I'm not saving money actually in the long-term you are. So you need to also make short-term decisions for long-term benefits. Kate Markland: Wonderful. So if your looking at your pricing and have confidence to put your pricing structure where it should go, and have the confidence to understand the profitability on your insurance companies, on the contracts with them. And negotiate the same with your expenses, reviewing all their expenses and seeing what you can cut because it's unnecessary. Which of the contracts can you renegotiate or restructure and that's not just with expenses like the telephone but also with your team. And then finally having to look at where you're spending time, doing tasks that are low paid tasks. Somebody is far, far better off doing then you , so you can be doing higher revenue activities. I hope that's given you some tips and help to find new profits in your clinic. Tomorrow is continuing on the thankful thursday theme. And we're looking at all the things that we can be grateful for. So take care. I hope you enjoyed that and we'll see you tomorrow. Bye bye for now. Celia Champion: See you tomorrow. Bye.                   To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan
As clinicians and clinic owners, we can spend so much time caring for everybody else, our client, our team, our friends, our families that we often neglect ourselves! And it can cause a problem if we fail to find time for self-care!!     Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Hello, and welcome to Thursday 19th of November, on this gorgeous sunny autumn day the sun and the trees are looking absolutely wonderful. I hope it's bright blue skies wherever you a Celia Champion: And after 14 days of isolation, I can't wait to go from my run after this call.   Kate Markland: So, today we are talking about the importance of valuing yourself and that's absolutely perfect that Celia kicked off with the fact that she spends time today to prioritize the importance of going for a run. So as clinicians as we can spend so much time caring for everybody else, caring for our clients, our team, our friends, our families, we often neglect ourselves. And that can cause problem, because if we don't prioritize our own self care and valuing ourselves, we don't have anything left to contribute. Celia, what are your thoughts and tactics for clinic owners on figuring out how to look after themselves. Celia Champion: First of all, why is it important clinicians value themselves. Well, I think, I mean, I don't really like using this analogy, but I'm going to , you know, when you're on an airplane and they say, if something happens, oxygen masks drop down and you've got to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before you help your fellow passengers. And I think that, so it's a cliche, but it is so true because if you don't look after yourself, you're not going to be in a position to look after your patients. And, and also it's kind of being a little bit hypocritical in a way because you're just not walking your talk, if you're suggesting to your patients that they get better sleep or they have a better diet or they move better, and you're not doing that yourself. Celia Champion: I had an example of, plants. So it's not in terms of the, well, it is actually in terms of health, very much in terms of looking after yourself. So working with an osteopathic clinic and they were talking about how they, they find that their patients benefit from a certain regularity of treatment. And we're not asked that group of osteopaths, how often they have treatment. They say, Oh, we never have time for it. And that's a cycle. How do you get to recommend to your patients that they should have a certain regularity of treatment yet you don't prioritize it for yourself so, yeah, I'm a very, passionate listener to a podcast. And he talks about, moving better, sleeping better, resting better, eating better. It's just those four pillars that you'd really do need to take into consideration. Celia Champion: And it's, it's some, sometimes it's such obvious stuff, and those are the things that kind of slipped by the wayside. And you think, Oh, I'll just extend my clinical hours. And I mean, I've got one guy at the moment, he's not getting home before 11 o'clock at night because he's short-staffed so he's just packing in the patients, but he recognizes that it's, it's going to implode one day. And so you've really got to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. Kate Markland: If you think about a sport. So, anything where you're handling a fast car, or if you're not on it, you're really putting yourself at danger and others are danger as well. And you will start making stupid mistakes when you're tired, you'll make stupid mistakes.  If you were going to ride a motorbike or go in a fast car or do some sky diving, whatever you were going to do, where there's high risk if you're on it, you risk your life and you risk the lives of others.  Running a business, running a healthcare practice, I think it pays well to remember those principles. If you're not well-rested then what happens at the end of the day, you start making stupid mistakes and things go crash and bang, and that is not sustainable and not okay. We so often listen to what, goes on in our client's lives and give advice on rest, exercise and work-life habits. But its completely hypocritical if we are not applying the same principles to ourselves. So it's really important that we do value ourselves and take care of ourselves so that we have the resources and the energy to continue to contribute to our clients, to our team and to the health of our business and see it as Celia highlighted.   Kate Markland: Can you just list those four things again, that you mentioned that were critical? Celia Champion: Eating better, sleeping, better, resting better and moving better. And, I think it's just so easy to neglect ourselves. I could easily not run today because I've got a huge to do list at the moment, like loads of stuff to get done for our five day challenge coming up. And I could so easily think, Oh no, let me just crack on and listen to another section of the class that I'm doing about doing five day challenges. And, you know, I've got other things that I need to get done and I could so easy to just think, Oh no, I'm not going to go from a run now. Let me just crack on, and then I know what will happen..... Celia Champion: I'll have another app and another call this afternoon. It's going to be dark and I'm really not going to want to go and run. So, I've just got to actually be strict and say, right, just take this off an hour. And I also know that when I get back from their half an hour run, I will be so much more productive because it just gives you that energy and then you can really crack on. So I think we all, we all know that it's really good for us to do those things. And then we kind of put things off, put things off, and actually I know that I'll be more productive and I'll get more things done after I've now taken a break because I've been on calls the whole morning. I know that running is going to make me super powerful in the afternoon. Kate Markland: Wonderful. Well, we're going to let Celia head off and go and enjoy her run. We will see you again, Monday lunchtime, the theme of mondays is marketing and we're going to talk about communication and why it's really important.   So we look forward to seeing you tomorrow , Celia off you go and enjoy that run. Kate Markland: Bye bye for now.            As clinicians and clinic owners, we can spend so much time caring for everybody else, our client, our team, our friends, our families that we often neglect ourselves! And it can cause a problem if we fail to find time for self-care!! Join Lunchtime Live's with Celia and Kate Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays #AMA #LiveQ+A To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan Kate Markland: Hello, and welcome to Thursday 19th of November, on this gorgeous sunny autumn day the sun and the trees are looking absolutely wonderful. I hope it's bright blue skies wherever you a Celia Champion: And after 14 days of isolation, I can't wait to go from my run after this call. Kate Markland: So, today we are talking about the importance of valuing yourself and that's absolutely perfect that Celia kicked off with the fact that she spends time today to prioritize the importance of going for a run. So as clinicians as we can spend so much time caring for everybody else, caring for our clients, our team, our friends, our families, we often neglect ourselves. And that can cause problem, because if we don't prioritize our own self care and valuing ourselves, we don't have anything left to contribute. Celia, what are your thoughts and tactics for clinic owners on figuring out how to look after themselves. Celia Champion: First of all, why is it important clinicians value themselves. Well, I think, I mean, I don't really like using this analogy, but I'm going to , you know, when you're on an airplane and they say, if something happens, oxygen masks drop down and you've got to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before you help your fellow passengers. And I think that, so it's a cliche, but it is so true because if you don't look after yourself, you're not going to be in a position to look after your patients. And, and also it's kind of being a little bit hypocritical in a way because you're just not walking your talk, if you're suggesting to your patients that they get better sleep or they ha
Leadership Training 1-2-1's and Team Meetings In today's episode we discuss why you should and how your could set up regular team meetings and 1:2:1's in your clinic We share the benefits of having these and share some ideas on how you can implement them even if you and your team work different shifts Join Lunchtime Live’s with Celia and Kate  Monday to Thursday at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET. Come and join us: Monday = #MarketingMondays Tuesday = #TrainingTuesdays Wednesday = #WealthWednesdays Thursday = #ThankfulThursdays No time to listen now? Click the arrow above to download the episode or you can find it on iTunes here Don’t miss out on the next episodes and some great expert guests to help grow your clinic or practice into a thriving business! All my podcasts are available here  – Listen Now!  Or check out the transcript below Kate Markland: Good afternoon and welcome to your lunchtime live team huddle with myself, Kate Markland and Celia Champion. Hope you're enjoying these five minute chats to help give you some helpful hints and tips to improve the running of your practice and keep you sane during the second lockdown as well. So today is Tuesday and Tuesday means that we're going to do a mini training and the theme this week is on leadership. Something that's absolutely critical for all of us to get to through the uncertainty that we're seeing in the world at the moment. So we thought today we'd focus particularly on communication with our teams within one-to-one and how critical that is to the performance and unity of a small community, which is your team. So Celia, this topic was inspired by you. What do you believe is critical, with regards to the components of team meetings and team one-to-one Celia Champion: So, I mean, firstly, I think one's going to recognize that often a clinic owner is not in practice at the same time as their team and their associates. So often the kind of set it up is maybe the clinic owner will work alongside some of their team members, but they might not work on the same shift patterns as everybody. So I think firstly, it's really, really important to schedule those regular one to ones and try and make sure that you schedule them and don't push them out and push them out when you kind of think, Oh, I've got to just have another patient in a fit another patient in because your communication with your team is absolutely key. And you know what we don't want is you bringing people on board and being ships in the night and you never talking to each other and then kind of three to six months down the line, either your employee or your associate feels disgruntled and doesn't feel loved and looked after and they go and find somewhere else, or you're not happy with their performance, but actually the only reason you're not happy with your performance is , well, there are four different reasons why it could be.... . 1. They don't know what's expected of them. So you haven't sat down and really been clear about what the expectations are. 2. They don't know that they're not meeting expectations. So you might have set out the expectations, but you haven't actually said to them, look, you're not actually hitting the mark. Your capacity is only at 50% and we really want it to be at 75%, but you have never told them that. And they don't really know. 3. Is they can't meet expectations. So you need to then identify that , what training your team members need to be able to meet those expectations. And 4. Is unfortunately there will be some of these instances where they just won't meet expectations. And at that point, when you know that they're not going to meet your expectations, they're not going to, align to your values and how you want the patient journey and team experience to be, you need to invite them to go and express their talents elsewhere, but you need to be having those meetings and the communications for each of those stages. So setting expectations, making, letting them know that they're meeting them or they're not helping them with the training or finding someone that is better suited for your organization. Kate Markland: And that can also be resolved with really good recruitment in the beginning. So you've been really clear about what it is that you're looking for when you are interviewing and allowing the candidate to interview you. And then also having a thorough rigorous process in induction process is probably going to last between three and six months. It's going to take time for you to really learn, to operate together as a team. And I think one of the things that's critical to enable the consistency has to be just putting a team meeting in the diary. So whether that's five minutes every single day, or whether that's half an hour once a week, it doesn't, well, it does matter. But the most important thing I think is to begin with just getting some consistency and some rhythm so that everybody knows when they're going to see you and when they're going to have a chance to communicate and ask any questions and then setting up those one-to-ones, which in the beginning, I believe very much should be once a week. So people have chance to ask the questions over time. They might shift to fortnightly, monthly or quarterly. You've got to make time for your team just in the same way that you make time for your clients. And the more you can get things in a rhythm , the smoother they are and the less confusion there is, and the more certainty and consistency you're able to provide everybody. Celia Champion: And, just thinking and what you're saying about, you know , and the actual recruitment process. One of our sayings is hire slow and fire fast. So, you know, take your time to make sure that you get the right person and hire for attitude and train for skills. So, you know, it's really, really important. And I know that it's difficult in, in this climate to find, say, physios and osteos, and I know it's hard, but it's, it is much better to try and wait it out and get the right person on board. Than take someone on that doesn't really have the right attitude because a few months down the line, you're going to be kicking yourself. Kate Markland: Yeah. Just causing lots of headaches. Any questions about this, or would like any help with further hints and tips with regard to leadership and implementing team meetings and one-to-one's we ware very happy to answer for you. Tomorrow is Wednesday and tomorrow we talk all about wealth creation and I believe we set tomorrow's topic being about getting your pricing . So take care and we'll see you the same time tomorrow. Bye bye for now.     To find out more about The Clinic Owners Business Club: Join our amazing community of Clinicians and Clinic Owners on Facebook: And check out The Clinic Owners Business Club website: #Physio #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #pt #Podiatry #Osteopath #chiropractic #chiropractor #businesscoach #healthcarebusiness #physiotherapymarketingstrategy #physiotherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapyclinicmarketingstrategy #physicaltherapybusinessmodel #cashpt #physicaltherapybusinessplan #physiotherapybusinessmodel #physiotherapybusinessplan #physiotherapyprivatepracticebusinessplan  
What does your client journey look like? Kate Markland, Celia Champion, Dave James, Justin Blake discuss - the client journey in the clinic and before the client even arrives - the moments of truth which build trust - communicating the client journey to the client - the disconnect between what clients are buying and clinicians are selling Enjoy listening
Planning reopening and keeping in touch with clients Kate Markland is joined by Physiotherapists Chris Mallows, Lieve Moyaert, Neil Sleeman, Diane Farebrother and Nick Worth Lieve shares with us the reopening plan for her clinic in Belgium, what she has in place to keep herself and clients Covid safe. The conversation today centre's around - understanding the concerns our clients might be facing when we reopen physical clinic space - how to maintain communication your database on social media, by email and telephone - making sure to communicate the client is the hero, and it is their journey - Neil shares examples of what he has seen executed very well by Physiotherapy colleagues in Australia... stay to the end and he gives you the perfect tagline to use in your clinic client communication! Enjoy listening and we look forward to seeing you next week x
Blessings and positives found in Cirencester during a pandemic Matt Frost, Senior Pastor from Cirencester Baptist Church discusses with Kate Markland the positives he is observing in Cirencester as result of Coronavirus. He shares the creativity he is observing, the community connection and opportunity we all have to explore how we wish to spend our time and explore new activities and conversations from the safety of our homes.
Creativity, Innovation and The Cotswold Challenge Product Designer Nigel Chute shares what The Cotswold Challenge is - how it inspires and gives young people the opportunity to create and express themselves - the inspiration behind the challenge - the importance of collaboration in the creative process - mitigating risk with trust in self and others Nigel also gives insight into how dreams and inventions can come true, it's what he makes happen everyday.
Positives for community and small business in Cirencester Stephen Meyer, Business Navigator from Cirencester Growth Hub speaks to Kate Markland about the positives he is seeing the local Cirencester community including human connection and the level of support available for small businesses. Enjoy listening x
How to manage time and tasks and people Digital Marketing Manager Graeme McKee speaks with Kate Markland about how he manages many client task and projects to ensure timely completion. Graeme shares how he sets expectations, manages and supports clients to make a plan and translates their ideas and vision in to a language designers can understand and interpret. As well as strategy Graeme shares the tools he uses. Top Tips - Have a plan - Make sure you have the tools and resources for successful execution - Create a routine or rhythm to the day - Have the discipline to stick to the routine - Delegate with clear expectations
Innovating the health and fitness industry Kate Markland is joined by Maria Luke Cofounder of FixMe FixMe was born out of realisation that the wellbeing industry can be considered a precarious industry, is very informal and lacks work:life balance and economic stability for the practitioners. Maria and her colleague decided to address this with creation of FixMe, providing on-demand wellbeing with the benefit of convenience and quality for the client and stability for the practitioner. They are currently operational in Spain and Columbia with further expansions planned.
Dave James, Justin Blake and Kate Markland discuss how if you know your ideal client avatar you can - make informed assumptions on their personal quest - understand what is going on for them before they make contact with your clinic - show them the map of the journey they will go on to reach their destination - give certainty about how your clinic will support them to achieve the transformation they are seeking - communicate what will happen if there is a storm along the way build of trust. Dave explains this in the context Star Wars and the Art of Story Telling. Enjoy listening x
Scientist and religious leader, Iman Dr Usama Hasan discusses with Kate Markland - why positivity matters and how it is contagious - the blessings of Covid 19 and lockdown on a local, national and international level - our mortality - the preciousness of life and value of every human - the inner challenges and sacrifices made - appreciation and gratitude for humanity - loving thy neighbour and thy enemy - humans and man made items as part of nature - simple actions we can all take to spread a little joy Usama and Kate could talk all day and many topics are covered. Enjoy their conversation.
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