Kathy B

Hello there, I talk about manifestation, spiritual well being, money & success. I also share very calming meditations, affirmations & prayers to help you vibrate on your highest frequency. Every episode on this show is raw, fun, clear cut, powerfully healing and truly gold worthy. I am really looking forward to you joining me on this journey. See you around! 💋 Get 2 FREE e-books + 2 Masterclass + 1 workshop here : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value Check out my courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks

132 | Dating & men talk - naive women vs. cunning queen. Predators vs. protectors ✨

Let’s talk about men & dating. I wish I had a sister to tell me these things. Naive vs. cunning : there are naive women who end up wasting time in toxic relationships and there are cunning women who manifest their dreamiest, healthy and stable relationship. I talk about the two types of men that exist in the world - the predators and the protectors. I share 5 archetypes of each for you to be aware of them. PREDATORS CATEGORY 1.The sweet talker 2.The Peter Pan 3.The entitled mofo 4.The narcissistic abusive manipulator 5.The sad lil boy PROTECTORS CATEGORY 1.The leader 2.The protector himself 3.The observer 4.The generous giver 5.The doer “Villain era” 🌶️ spicy series can really help you becoming a cunning woman in dating phase - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1MiVgu2L6INvmcVUkrpbIG?si=JmLxWMQzRLmjGcmGPKKsAw 🍒 find me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


131 | How I manifested being happy 24/7 all day everyday - spiritual experiment (you can do it too!)

Time stamps ⬇️ 00:03 know that it is possible 00:23 what it means to be truly “happy” 01:18 happiness is created through your intentional choice 01:54 being happy has nothing to do with external factors, perfection is an illusion 02:49 how to handle undesired circumstances while choosing happiness 03:30 JUST ONE THING i did that made me happy 24/7 05:22 6 happiness affirmations Podcast episode 100 : happiest life affirmations to program your subconscious mind - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7fA56MCCjJtadN00hCP3k6?si=TUA4HIYiRAupGB_cw_P5Ag Podcast episode 7 : how to grow thicker skin and not let anything affect your beautiful bubble - https://open.spotify.com/episode/4gFNmb3Z2DuEGusIbQiBo9?si=LUZYeTcySL2lBGrHLErNKQ 👉🏽To manifest “anything and everything” with a solid step-by-step method… 🌌 Quantum manifestation course [QMC] : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#qmc 🔮Enchanted Ecstatic Expansion [EEE] course : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#eee ✨Daily manifestation practices [DMP] ebook : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#dmp 👉🏽To manifest anything with “structured journaling” techniques… 📓 Journaling manifestation course [JMC] : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#jc 📝 Quantum leap journaling [QLJ] workbook : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#qlj 👉🏽To manifest “wealth expansion”… 💰 Crack the cash code [CCC] course : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#ccc 💸 Trick your subconscious mind to hit your every money goal [TYSM] Masterclass : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#tysm 💎 Awaken your inner abundance [AYIA] workshop : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#ayia 👉🏽To tap into your sexy feminine energy & magnetism 🧲 🥀 Pleasure. Power. Prosperity. [PPP] course https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#ppp 🧚‍♀️Goddess guide [GG] workshop : to awaken the goddess within you https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#goddess-guide 👫🏽Balance your masculine and feminine energy : yin & Yang https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#f-m 🫦Oomph : discover the magic of your feminine sensuality : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#oomph


130 | Do negative emotions affect your manifestation? How to deal with it gracefully

Reassuring affirmations: 👉🏽 I relax. I accept. I don’t need to freak out, worry or react. 👉🏽 It will be workout for my benefit eventually 👉🏽I cannot mess anything up ever. 👉🏽I am right on track regardless of how I think or feel. 👉🏽I look inside instead of outside of me. 👉🏽I have everything I would ever need inside of me. 👉🏽No one and nothing can ever disturb my peace unless I myself allow it. 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks 🌹 A special gift for you 🌹 Self-love brand new ebook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12T3hVmLh17PgfXRh8XW6WxI84cfwznbu/view ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


129 | Biggest mistake people make that delays their manifestation

In this episode, I talk about the cycle that keeps many stuck from manifesting successfully and how to break the cycle to manifest ANYTHING instantly. Stop doing this ONE THING & see how your manifestation comes to you almost overnight ✨ Valentine’s Day ❤️🍓🌹💋 30% off on 3 courses of love manifestation 💌 1. Happily ever after (HEA) course to help you manifest blissful union with the love of your life 2. Love & Be loved (LBL) course to help you manifest loving & harmonious relationships with all around you 3. Healing the heart (HH) course to help you manifest trauma healing post heart break and tune into your highest frequency of love 30% off Valentine’s Day for 72 hours only : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks-3


128 | Get prioritised everywhere you go : princess treatment affirmations

Listen to these affirmations 3 times if you wish to be prioritised in work space, In family, in relationships, anywhere you go or by a specific person. I am everyone’s #1 priority. I am everyone’s #1 favourite human. Everyone is obsessed with me in the best & the healthiest way possible. I am the prize and trophy. I am a huge deal to people therefore they always prioritise me. Everywhere I go… people treat me like a queen. People stop and drop everything else when I show up. No one has any bad memories of me. Everything sees me as if I am angel on earth. I am always prioritised and chosen by my desired person. 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks 🌹 A special gift for you 🌹 Self-love brand new ebook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12T3hVmLh17PgfXRh8XW6WxI84cfwznbu/view ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


127 | Gracefully aging affirmations - the older you get, the sexier you get

Age gracefully with this mindset - I feel so confident in myself and my choices. I am sure and secure in myself. I always make the wisest and soul aligned decisions. The older I grow, the richer, hotter, stronger, healthier and wiser I get. I am meant to live my favourite life. I will always manifest a life for myself that is filled with peace, fulfilment and complete satisfaction in all areas of life. My existence alone makes people so excited and happy. Knowing my existence makes people feel so privileged. I am a literal sunshine personified. I am a happy go lucky ray of sunshine. I will forever stay bubbly, energetic, joyful, youthful & sexy at any age. I have complete freedom and sovereignty over what I wish to do in life. 🎁 7 FREE RESOURCES : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks 🌹 A special gift for you 🌹 Self-love brand new ebook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12T3hVmLh17PgfXRh8XW6WxI84cfwznbu/view ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


126 | Why I don’t want to marry or have kids

5 reasons why I don’t want to marry or have kids : 1. I believe in long term monogamous loving relationship. Personal freedom, together but marriage? It’s a lot of pressure, expectations and threatening to personal space/freedom/identity. 2. I enjoy my own company so much. As a free spirit, I love my freedom. I enjoy solitude, it’s blissful and peaceful. There’s no concept of loneliness in my world. 3. I am financially fully free. Gonna be that loaded filthy rich lady my whole life as a powerful manifestor who has programmed her subconscious mind and has a good saving + investment plans. Marriage and kids can be financially draining. 4. No stress. No responsibilities. No pressure. 5. Focusing on my spiritual evolution & life purpose. Pouring my energy & time into it fully. 5 fears to overcome to be unmarried and childfree by choice - 1. FOMO (Fear of missing out) : we humans want what we can’t have because we think the grass is greener. 2. Loneliness & misery : Getting married and having kids does not fill your inner void or secure you from loneliness and misery in life. In fact, it amplifies your inner void even more. 3. Regret : it’s better to regret not marrying and having kids than marrying under pressure and improperly raising children that will detest you. 4. No friends being there for you : you can always manifest your tribe at any age with the right positive mindset. 5. Unhappiness : happiness is an inner job. Being married or unmarried does not guarantee any happiness. You have to choose happiness for you daily. 🎁 7 FREE RESOURCES : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks 🌹 A special gift for you 🌹 Self-love brand new ebook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12T3hVmLh17PgfXRh8XW6WxI84cfwznbu/view ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


125 | FIVE (5) exciting signs that your manifestation is here any second now…

In this episode I share 5 exciting signs your manifestation is here any second now… 💃🏽✨ 🎁 7 FREE RESOURCES : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks 🌹 A special gift for you 🌹 Self-love brand new ebook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12T3hVmLh17PgfXRh8XW6WxI84cfwznbu/view ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


124 | Self-love challenge for 21 days : how to LOVE yourself 💗

Join me on this self-love challenge where I share 21 activities to express love to your own self in all the 5 love languages. This episode will help you to build nurturing habits like affirming, journaling, working out/yoga, cooking, being kind to yourself etc. A special gift for you 🌹 Self-love brand new ebook : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12T3hVmLh17PgfXRh8XW6WxI84cfwznbu/view 7 free resources 🎁 : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value Follow the self-love journey on my Instagram stories with me 💋 : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


123 | How to manifest healing & happiness for those you love : manifest for others easily

Do you hate to see others in pain? Do you want to secretly help the people you love by manifesting the best outcomes in their life for them? Do you want to learn how to manifest healing and happiness for those you care about? This episode will teach you how to manifest good things for the people you love and care about like your family members, friends, clients and colleagues, partner and even strangers. They don’t have to know about manifestation, you alone can manifest for them by affirming on their behalf. I share my experiences about instantly manifesting for other people. Together, let’s manifest a world where everyone is at peace, healed, happy and feeling the best. Earlybird 50% off sale on brand new “Happily ever after” course ends in 48 hours soon, join here - https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#happilyeverafter ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


122 | You can create or re-create your specific person however you desire

Knowing this will literally make your life so much more easier and all your relationships with other people will feel flowy, blissful and peaceful. There are infinite parallel worlds and infinite version of a person. Whether it’s your partner (your man/woman) or your family member or your friends or your boss or your colleague or your clients…. YOU DECIDE WHICH VERSION OF THEM SHOWS UP FOR YOU, desired or undesired version of them! ⚡️I teach EXACTLY HOW I do the shifts in people step by step in-depth in my brand new “HAPPILY EVER AFTER” course. 😌The amount of burden that you will be lifted off your shoulders is priceless. You’re just one click away - https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#happilyeverafter ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


121 | Overnight manifestation is possible : magic & fairytales are real

Time doesn’t matter. You can manifest in one moment. Magic is very real. Do you want fairy godmother’s magical energy to cast the spell for your happily ever after? You’re just one click away 👉🏽 https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#happilyeverafter


120 | How to manifest successfully when 3D is an awful shit show

This episode will help you to -trust the power in you -get your focus on the right thing -remain calm when expected to panic -overpower fears, doubts & limiting beliefs Hope you enjoy this story! Ready to live your happily ever after? 👇🏽 Click here to live your happily ever after : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#happilyeverafter


119 | Robotic affirming success stories

Robotic affirming has really helped me manifest - a package that was impossible to arrive before my flight - health symptoms disappearing away - Magnetic energy of my aura that attracts good people and compliments everywhere I go - Being energetic throughout the day - Fun experiences that makes life enjoyable 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


118 | How to find bliss in every situation (even the seemingly frustrated ones)

I tell my favourite Sufi story that will help you find bliss in every situation. If you resonate with my work and love my vibe, click the link below to work with me 💌 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks


117 | Ten mental health check-in questions : adulthood 101

Adulthood… work-life balance… family.. relationships… money… and amongst many other responsibilities… manintaining your sanity should be the utmost priority. Everytime I feel anxious or my mind is racey… I do this self check-in to get back to thriving mode and out the of the survival mode. 1. Am I well-groomed? Am I well-dressed? 2. Have I moved my body? 3. Have I eaten properly? Is my stomach full? 4. Have I taken my multivitamins & nervous system regulation homeopathic medicine? 5. Did I laugh out loud about something silly? 6. Did I socialise? Did I genuinely compliment people? 7. Who can I help right now? 8. When did I have a good orgasm? 9. Have I spent time in nature? 10. What’s the 1 thing I can get Excited about and get caught up in the thrill of it? FREE GIFTS 🎁 2 manifestation e-books + 2 manifestation Masterclasses + 1 manifestation workshop https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


116 | Secret of staying fit + how to be consistent with your workouts

Flow your way to fit (fitness course) : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#ff


115 | Soothing period experience affirmations

•My period is a very soothing and calming experience •My period is so easy breezy •I feel energised and amazing during my period •I get enough rest and nourishment during period •The world around me becomes gentler and kinder to me during my period •Time stops for me. Everything slows down so I can take my time. •I feel my feminine power and intuitively abilities strongly during my period •I honour my period, my blood is sacred, my body is sacred, my womb is sacred •I am perfectly healthy •I am so strong internally and externally •My hormones are balanced and I feel like a superwoman •My cycle is regular and always on time •I feel so healthy & strong •Everyone & I take great care of me [To connect more deeply with your period cycle, listen to my podcast episode 60] 🎁 FREE GIFTS 🎁 2 manifestation e-books + 2 manifestation Masterclasses + 1 manifestation workshop : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful e-books, workshops and courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#mmm


114 | Manifest ANY physical appearance changes *FREE MANIFESTATION MASTERCLASS*

In this episode, I teach you to manifest ANY & ALL physical appearance changes with 6 fun tips ✨ For example : ✨ Clear skin 💇🏽‍♀️ Thick hair 💪🏽 Weight loss/weight gain 👀 Brightness around eye area 🍑 abs and big booty 💗 Overall baddie level confidence for all your perfectly beautiful flaws that goes against societal beauty standards. I have changed my appearance many times and it’s not what you think. Everytime it was less about how it looks and more about how it feels to me. Many times, people ask to change a certain part of their body out of insecurity or under the pressure of societal beauty standards but instead universe gives them more self-confidence and positive body-image that fulfils them from within. Study shows that people who are insecure about their appearance still remain insecure even after the surgery because it wasn’t resolved from within so no amount of external change can make up for the inner unalignment. Hope this episode helps you! 🎁 FREE GIFTS 🎁 2 manifestation e-books + 2 manifestation Masterclasses + 1 manifestation workshop : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful e-books, workshops and courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#mmm


113 | Comparison, getting lost in other people’s timeline and robbing your own joy

I share the story about a girl who finds out there’s a better version of her in the world, she spends her whole life outdoing that half sister out of jealousy and faking this whole “picture perfect happy life”. In this episode, I talk about * How NOT to get lost in other peoples timeline * How to be obsessed with your own real life and not someone else’s social media presence * How to romanticise your own pace * How to be confident in your own castle as the QUEEN * How to peacefully stay in your own lane “Competition does not exist for me. In my lane, I am the best.” - Cristiano Ronaldo Hope you love listening to this. If this episode resonated with you, kindly L eave me a message on Instagram 💌 Short film link : https://youtu.be/-dToWCRBMPg 🎁 FREE GIFTS 🎁 2 manifestation e-books + 2 manifestation Masterclasses + 1 manifestation workshop https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#value 💎 Check out my powerful courses that can immensely support you : https://msha.ke/themetaphysicsmagic#top-picks ⚡️Follow the journey on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/themetaphysicsmagic/?hl=en


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