Kevin 英文不難

我用輕鬆聊天的方式教你英文,每週三、五早上更新。 -- Hosting provided by <a href="" target="_blank">SoundOn</a>

#433. 社群媒體 X(Twitter)要開發新市場

Elon Musk's company X, previously known as Twitter, is making big changes because it's not making as much money from ads as before. To fix this, the company plans to introduce peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, allowing users to send money directly to each other through the platform. This could open up new ways for the company to make money. 搭配詞: Making big changes 進行重大變革 The company is making big changes to its product line. **Open up **開放 The city decided to open up the park to the public after renovations. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#432. 德國檢方宣布破獲史上最大宗古柯鹼案

German prosecutors have announced their biggest-ever cocaine seizure. They found over 2,300 kilograms of cocaine in Hamburg. This is a major win in the fight against drug trafficking. Biggest-ever something 有史以來最大 Biggest ever animal Biggest ever diamond tallest ever building -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#432. 哈馬斯尋求「全面停止」加沙戰爭

Hamas has responded to a US-backed ceasefire plan for Gaza, but insists on an Israeli commitment to a permanent ceasefire. In their statement, Hamas and ally Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) expressed willingness to reach an agreement. The proposed plan, endorsed by the UN Security Council, calls for a six-week ceasefire leading to a permanent one. responded to 回應 Hamas has responded to the proposal. expressed willingness 表示願意 Hamas expressed willingness to reach a deal. endorsed by 獲得支持 The ceasefire plan was endorsed by the UN Security Council. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#431 韓國邊界衝突:南韓發射警告彈

According to local media reports, the South Korean Military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said around 20 North Korean soldiers crossed the military demarcation line that runs between the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separating the two countries. Local media 當地媒體  According to local media reports, the incident occurred early Sunday morning.  military demarcation line 軍事分界線 The soldiers crossed the military demarcation line into the Demilitarized Zone. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#430. 史嘉蕾·喬韓森控告 ChatGPT 未經授權使用她的聲音

Scarlett Johansson Sues OpenAI Over AI Voice May 2024 - Famous actress Scarlett Johansson is suing OpenAI, claiming they used a voice similar to hers without permission. What Happened? OpenAI released a new AI voice feature called "Sky" in their GPT-4o model. Many people noticed that Sky's voice sounded very much like Johansson's voice from the movie "Her," where she played an AI assistant. This caused a lot of discussions online​. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#429. 英文故事 #3

A middle aged married couple had been drinking and got into an argument. The woman eventually fell off the porch of their trailer into the bushes a few feet below. The wife wasn’t seriously hurt, just a couple of scratches. Except for what the man said looked like a piece of glass or pipe stuck in the woman's arm. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#428. 檢討週三程度檢測

很多學生單字量不錯,但精準度不足導致講出「不太自然」的句子, 下面哪些是母語者會講的英文? I consider myself is a laid-back person. 正確 > I consider myself a laid-back person. I think of myself friendly person. 正確 > I think of myself as a friendly person. I consider myself hard working. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#427. 口說英文 7 個錯誤提醒

10 題英文檢測已關閉 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#415. 口說文法:都是過去式 would come、came 有什麼差別?

常見搭配詞 Recently: recently release recently graduated recently moved recently acquired recently started Just: just finished just started just left just arrived just realized just about to ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#425. 詳細解說:現在完成式 vs. 過去簡單

簡單過去式 發生在過去「歷史事件」 or 明確時間點 "I went to New York two years ago." 現在完成式 (have/has + pp.) 過去經驗、動作 (1) 發生在過去,但我們沒有講什麼時候。 "I've been to Taipei a couple of times." -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#424. 描述工作的英文句型

聯成電腦X學無界 強強聯手:100%錄取設計名校!從設計培訓、作品集準備、托福課程,客製化留學規劃,為你做足準備!設計實力、語言能力一次提升!幫你省時省力,完美銜接海外熱門科系! ---- 進入領域 I got into this field because… I have been in this industry for…years. I’m enthusiastic about… I have been enthusiastic about… -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#423. 英文錯誤分析:形容食物

About the drink, I used to enjoy drinking coffee but now I don’t. And about the food, I used to eat a lot of meat, but now I don’t. about the food 關於食物 about the drink 關於飲料 英文不用講 about,這是中文「關於…」直接講就可以。 but now I love to eat some drink or food made by milk but now I love to have drinks or eat food made from milk 比較自然的講法會是 I love dairy products 或是直接講什麼 products,像是 cheese, butter -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#422. 單字比較:travel vs. journey vs. trip

Travel 使用: 通常是指跨越國家或是很長的距離。 範例: "She loves to travel." / "His job requires a lot of travel." 相關搭配詞 Travel agent  Travel expenses Travel insurance  Travel guide Travel plans Travel abroad ---- 4/22 我會在台大演講,分享近幾年教學,發現大家最容易錯的英文,以及讓你英文進步的正確觀念。 雖然標題是針對學生,但只要你有在學英文,或是想加強英文,都一定會從我演講的內容更了解怎麼學英文。最後也會有 QA 時間讓大家發問。 👉 演講詳情: - 時間:4/22(星期一)1:50 PM-3:20 PM(1:20開放報到) - 地點:台大外語教學暨資源中心(辛亥路校門進去,語言訓練測驗中心旁邊) - 場次:大學生該如何學好英文?(Tips for English Language Learning) 🎯 報名方式: 1. 點連結辦帳號 2. 登入後點下面的連結(右上有報名按鈕) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#421. I spend my time to accompany with my family… 這句為什麼錯?P.S. 參加 Kevin 英文演講、

On weekends, I spend most of my time to accompany with my family Spend my time / spend (most of) my time 是特定用法,後面通常接動名詞 → I spend most of my time accompanying with my family. I avoid eating meat. He suggests trying that new restaurant. I have a hard time learning math. ---- 4/22 我會在台大演講,分享近幾年教學,發現大家最容易錯的英文,以及讓你英文進步的正確觀念。 雖然標題是針對學生,但只要你有在學英文,或是想加強英文,都一定會從我演講的內容更了解怎麼學英文。最後也會有 QA 時間讓大家發問。 👉 演講詳情: - 時間:4/22(星期一)1:50 PM-3:20 PM(1:20開放報到) - 地點:台大外語教學暨資源中心(辛亥路校門進去,語言訓練測驗中心旁邊) - 場次:大學生該如何學好英文?(Tips for English Language Learning) 🎯 報名方式: 1. 點連結辦帳號 2. 登入後點下面的連結(右上有報名按鈕) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#420. 這幾個單字的後面記得加 Ving

介係詞:常接動名詞的介係詞包括 after, before, by, in, on, at, of, without, about: We decided to go for a walk after eating. I am interested in learning more about this. 動詞:特定動詞之後要接動名詞,尤其描述狀態的動詞。 Enjoy: I enjoy swimming. Avoid: Please avoid making loud noises. Consider: She considered moving abroad. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#419. 形容未來要注意的幾個文法

I think the biggest change in my life in the next five years will be change my job. → will be changing my job → will be that I change my job will be 後面不能直接用動詞 change,要用一個名詞(動名詞、或是名詞片語) I've been searching my passion for a long time → I've been searching for my passion for a long time -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#418. 如何跟外國人介紹台灣食物?

Sticky Rice Dumpling Alright so I am not going to go into the long history of the ZongZi, but rest assured that this tried and tested method of carbs is a true winner. Inside this one you’re going to find peanuts, fatty pork, chestnut, egg yolk, and a bit of mushroom thrown in their for good measure. Topped with coriander, and lashings of the red bottled sauce that’s on each table, and you’re flying high. --- 想看如何跟外國人介紹台灣食物,參考這個網站 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#417. 如何解決聽不懂語速快的英文?

當學習者程度還比較不足的時候,因為對英文不夠熟悉(e.g. 時態搭配、詞性變化、單字組合、發音、連音…),所以聽到的內容比較難內化(有點像在聽一組亂數)。概念其實滿簡單的,困難其實就是在知道哪些詞語和句型結構是一組,以及該如何歸納。這部分在自學的時候,可能就要多查字典,或是有老師直接告訴你 「這邊的句構是一組」、「這邊是一組」、「這個情況一定是這個文法時態,所以會是 have been + Ving」 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 YouTube:不出國也能精進英文口說,方法大公開 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#416. 現在進行式 vs. 現在「完成」進行式有什麼差別?

小考 填空格: "Right now, she __________ (to work) on a new project." "They __________ (to study) English for three years now." 選擇題: 哪一個是現在完成進行式? A) "He is watching TV." B) "He has been watching TV for two hours." 糾正錯誤: "She has been wait for the bus for 30 minutes." 選擇正確時態: "I _______ (to learn) Spanish since last year." 選擇使用現在進行式、現在完成進行式。 翻譯: "我從早上九點一直在寫報告。" -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


#414. 英文程度多益 300-600 同學容易犯的錯誤

在這一集的 Podcast 中,我們將探索英語學習者常見的語言錯誤,透過具體例子分析如何避免這些錯誤。從介系詞的搭配,單複數的正確形式到主詞與動詞的一致性,我們將一一解析。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn




07-24 Reply



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02-26 Reply


謝謝 對英文的學習又多了點方向

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