Kevin Bennett Is Snarling

<p>A psych professor's podcast about danger, deception, and desire. New episodes now!</p>

Serial Killer Psychology: Fact vs. Fantasy

In this episode, Dr. Bennett explores the fascinating topic of serial killers. Listen to him discuss his top 10 myths about serial homicide. **A podcast for curious & cool (but chronically stuck) over-analyzers, hosted by psychology professor Kevin Bennett. Don't get mad, get untangled!** Podcast Buzzsprout: https://kevinbennettissnarling.buzzsp... Podcast YouTube: Today Writing: ...


Thrill-Seeker and Risk-Taker Psychology

In this episode, Dr. Bennett discusses the exuberant and sometimes dangerous psychology of thrill seeking, a personality trait also known as risk taking and sensation seeking.Take this test to see if you are high or low on this personality dimension. For each item, you must choose A or B, depending on which best describes you. 1a.  I would like a job that requires a lot of traveling.1b.  I would prefer a job in one location. 2a.  I am invigorated by a brisk, cold day.2b.  I can’t wait to go inside on a cold day. 3a.  I get bored seeing the same old faces.3b.  I like the comfortable familiarity of everyday friends.4a.  I would prefer living in an ideal society in which everyone is safe secure,  & happy.4b.  I would have preferred living in the unsettled days of our history. 5a.  I sometimes like to do things that are a little bit frightening.5b.  A sensible person avoids activities that are dangerous.6a.  I would not like to be hypnotized.6b.  I would like to have the experience of being hypnotized.7a.  The most important goal in life is to live it to the fullest and experience as much as possible.7b.  The most important goal in life is to find peace and happiness.8a.  I would like to try parachute-jumping.8b.  I would not like to try jumping out of an airplane, with or without a parachute.9a.  I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it.9b.  I like to dive or jump right into the ocean or a cold pool.10a.  When I go on vacation, I prefer the comfort of a good room and bed.10b.  When I go on vacation, I prefer the change of camping out.11a.  I prefer people who are emotionally expressive even if they are a bit unstable.11b.  I prefer people who are calm and even tempered.12a.  A good painting should shock or jolt the senses.12b.  A good painting should give one a feeling of peace and security.13a.  People who ride motorcycles must have some kind of unconscious need to hurt themselves.13b.  I would like to drive or ride a motorcycle.Give yourself 1 point for each of these that you have circled:  1a, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8a, 9b, 10b, 11a, 12a, 13b**A podcast for curious & cool (but chronically stuck) over-analyzers, hosted by psychology professor Kevin Bennett. Don't get mad, get untangled!** Podcast Buzzsprout: https://kevinbennettissnarling.buzzsp... Podcast YouTube: Today Writing: ...


2-Minute Welcome Teaser: Enter the Snarl

A podcast for curious & cool (but chronically stuck) over-analyzers.The problem: It's getting harder and harder to make sense of the tangled world we inhabit. If this sounds familiar, unfortunately, it means you have entered the snarl... and you know the feeling is real:Everything is risky Tomorrow is scaryYou don’t belong here—argh! Now what?The solution: Don’t get mad,  get untangled! Fair warning: It's not for everyone. However, if you listen for a bit I am 87% sure you will dig it.  Are you ready to consume a psychology show for brainy people who give much more than a rat's patootie about the big things in life, but are struggling to come up with all the answers?Who are you? If you are like me, you are an over-analyzer. You always have been and always will be. Okay. Fine. Nothing wrong with that! Join me and a tenacious band of pathological followers **just like you** hellbent on discovering what it means to belong and not belong to the places that surround us.This is the perfect audio experience for those of us trying to answer the question, "How can I move forward and embrace all the wonders of tomorrow while holding onto the parts of the past that I love?"The answer to this question is what the podcast is all about.Priority numero uno: It all begins by looking at your own story through the lens of psychological belonging, the most fundamental human social desire.  Along the way we'll meet outrageous characters and hear some truly spellbinding stories. The roster includes surfer-turned-lifeguard Eddie Aikau, baby cages, devil possession, witches, John Snow and his work on Cholera, industrial moths, Phineas Gage’s brain, psychogeographers of the 1960s, satanic panics, bridge jumpers, Norwegian badass Fridtjof Nanson, Gunter’s chain, parental warning labels, Wild Bill Hickok, and Elanor Roosevelt. Basically, if you like personality, mental health, urban design, music, evolutionary science, and serial killers you will love Kevin Bennett is Snarling.w0RK2FmagGdpa1rpYgqV**A podcast for curious & cool (but chronically stuck) over-analyzers, hosted by psychology professor Kevin Bennett. Don't get mad, get untangled!** Podcast Buzzsprout: https://kevinbennettissnarling.buzzsp... Podcast YouTube: Today Writing: ...


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