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Kids BedTime Stories
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Kids BedTime Stories

Author: Megha Agrawal

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This podcast is for kids. It includes bed time stories for them. I am recording this podcast while helping my own kids to go to sleep. So stay tuned and enjoy stories.
32 Episodes
"The Little Seed's Big Dream" is a heartwarming tale set in a vibrant meadow where a tiny seed named Sammy dreams of becoming the most beautiful flower. Despite feeling small and insignificant, Sammy learns valuable lessons of self-belief and determination from wise old Grandpa Oak. Through perseverance and growth, Sammy's dream becomes a reality, inspiring others to believe in themselves and reach for their own aspirations. With themes of resilience and inner strength, this story encourages children to embrace their dreams and never underestimate the power of self-confidence.



How Pandavas turned ruins of Khandavaprastha into a great city of Indraprastha.
Draupadi's Swayamvara

Draupadi's Swayamvara


The amazing story of Draupadi's Swayamvara
The Lac palace

The Lac palace


The hardship on Pandavas in the hastinapur. However, they never lost hope and with their will and cleverness overcame all the difficulties.
Mahabharat - Kauravas and Pandavas learn about Warfare
Pandavas and Kauravas

Pandavas and Kauravas


This story is about Pandavas and Kauravas. Mahabharata epic revolves around them
This story is about how Mahabharata started. Hope you all will enjoy it.
This episode summarizes Mahabharata in a way kids can understand and learn from it. This is followed with nice learnings from the Mahabharata. Hope you all enjoy it.
Sanjaya got afraid and started running away from war. His mother then motivated him to fight back stronger. Agreeing to his mother's words, he attacked the army back without any fear and won the war.
Mahabharata teaches us some good lessons which we can apply in our day to day life. Let's learn from Mahabharata.
Our outlook makes all the difference between bad and good.
Two different stories about two warriors, Abhimanyu and Eklavya. Their stories teach us about valour, determination, will power and respect towards teachers.
Kindness brings joy

Kindness brings joy


Kindness is like a seed; when planted, it can transform the world around us.
Krishna and Yashoda

Krishna and Yashoda


Krishna and his mother Yashoda
Don’t try to cheat. You’ll end up paying for it regardless of how smart you think you are.
The proud rose

The proud rose


Never judge anyone with looks.
The golden touch

The golden touch


Greed will always lead to downfall.
The Boy cried wolf

The Boy cried wolf


The lie breaks the trust - And people stop trusting the one even when one is telling the truth.
Work is worship

Work is worship


This story is about lord Vishnu on how he taught Narada Muni about work and worship.
This is a father's day special on how Ghatotkacha met his father Bhima after 14 years.