A nurse-shaped hole in her heart drew Sandy Schutte back into health. Every decision she makes is guided by the question marked on her barometer - ‘Is the care good enough for my family?’ For Sandy, education is a vehicle for transformation, and that starts with her own team where she aims to give them wings to fly by finding their “giftings”. In this episode you’ll meet Sandy’s daughter Kerryn, who shares the impact of watching her mum support families in need, and you’ll hear the words of Sandy’s father Graham who shares a passion for learning. For more information and to access all episodes, visit https://kindnessmatters.wh.org.au/ Contact us at whpublicaffairs@wh.org.au.
A genuine commitment to providing the very best care for the community creates a clear drive and motivation for Natasha Toohey in the demanding and often unpredictable role of Executive Director Operations at Western Health. Strong values and a passion for baking are shared through the family which you’ll hear when we meet Natasha’s grandmother Valerie and her two sons Hugo, 12 and Oscar, 9. Across the generations, they’ve inspired each other to work hard, embrace opportunities and make a positive difference. For more information and to access all episodes, visit https://kindnessmatters.wh.org.au/. Contact us at whpublicaffairs@wh.org.au.
Eating all of the carbs and pulling out memes - these are just two of the strategies that radiographer Michael and pharmacist on the COVID ward, Paree, are using to survive the strange times that are preparing for a pandemic and its impact on our hospitals. Both work at Western Health’s Sunshine Hospital. In this episode we hear from Michael and Paree, but also Michael’s girlfriend, Sonya and Paree’s friend, Ruzana, about their experience - from the other side as they see those they care about, prepare for what might lie ahead. For more information and to access all episodes, visit https://kindnessmatters.wh.org.au/. Contact us at whpublicaffairs@wh.org.au
It’s a hectic household any day of the week at the home of Claire Moody and her three children, Frankie, 8, Floyd, 6 and Alba, 3. But it got a whole lot crazier when Claire had to switch from half time to more than full time overnight to support the hospital where she works as it prepared for COVID-19. Claire is a senior communications adviser at Western Health and has been carrying some heavy responsibilities while that planning has been underway. In this episode, we hear from Claire about her “struggle juggle” but you will also want to stay around to hear from her gorgeous children and what they have to say!For more information and to access all episodes, visit https://kindnessmatters.wh.org.au/. Contact us at whpublicaffairs@wh.org.au