King's Cross Church - Defiance

The King's Cross Church Podcast features sermons from King's Cross Church located in Defiance, Ohio.

The How of Peacemaking - Peacemaking

Outline: Four G’s of Peacemaking | I. Glorify God: How can I please and honor the Lord in this situation? | II. Get the log out of your eye: How can I show Jesus’ work in me by taking responsibility for my contribution to this conflict? | III. Gently restore: How can I lovingly serve others by helping them take responsibility for their contribution to this conflict? | IV. Go and be reconciled: How can I demonstrate God’s forgiveness and encourage a reasonable solution to this conflict?


The Heart of Peacemaking - Peacemaking

Outline: I. The Blessed Life is the Peaceable Life | II. The Heart of Conflict is Heart Desires | III. The Heart of Peacemaking is the Gospel


Let the Word of God Fuel Our Witness - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: Big Idea: Let the Word of God fuel our witness. | I. Trust the Word | II. Know the Word | III. Witness From the Word | IV. Plan for the Word


The Cosmic Christmas Story - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. The Child was Born into the Open Jaws of the Dragon, Rev 12:1-6 | II. But the Dragon Was Thrown Down and Conquered, Rev 12:7-17 | 1. How the Dragon Tries to Conquer, Rev 12:9-10 | 2. How the People of God Conquer, Rev 12:11


The Beast vs. the People Who Breathe Fire: A Drama About the Role of the Church in the World - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: Our role in this spiritual war is witness, and in the end, we will win. | Act I: The Measuring of God's People, Rev. 11:1-2 | Act II: The Prophetic Witness of God's People, Rev. 11:3-6 | Act III. The Beast Wars Against God's People, Rev. 11:7-14


The Angel and the Little Scroll - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Big Idea: From land to sea, take comfort in God's sovereignty. | Outline: I. Glory: From Darkness to Radiance (10:1) | II. Sovereignty: From Land to Sea (10:2-7) | III. Prophecy: From Sweet to Bitter (10:8-11)


The End of the World as We Know It - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: The Good News About God’s Judgment: I. God Is Just and His Judgments are Fixed (No Matter Our Opinions) | II. God’s Judgment Is an Answer to the Church’s Prayers | Trumpets 1-4: Creation Calamities Echo the Egyptian Plagues, Rev. 8:6-13 | Trumpets 5-6: Divinely Directed Demonic Destruction and Deception, Rev 9:1-19 | III. God’s Judgment Is Currently Avoidable


Assurance Amid Tribulation - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: Two Great Assurances in the Great Tribulation: | I. The Church Militant is Spiritually Protected, Rev. 7:1-8 | II. The Church Triumphant Will Be Eternally Comforted, Rev. 7:9-17


The Seals on the Scroll - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. Judgment Through the Four Horsemen (6:1-8) | II. Judgment Requested by the Restless Saints (6:9-12) | III. Judgment Through the Wrath of the Lamb (6:13-17)


The Lion and the Lamb - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. Look, a Scroll! Who is worthy to open it? Rev 5:1-4 | II. Look, a Lion! He is worthy as the Lamb! Rev 5:5-7 | III. Listen, a Song! Heaven and earth sings, He is worthy! Rev 5:8-14


A Window into God's Throne Room - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. A Window into the Throne Room | II. The Throne in the Center | III. Those Around the Throne | IV. Unceasing Worship Before the Throne


Letters to Conquerors (5-7) - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. A church can have a reputation of lively activity but be spiritually dead in their works, Rev. 3:1-6 | II. A church can be small and powerless and faithful to Jesus in their works, Rev. 3:7-13 | III. A church can have great wealth but be spiritually poor and lukewarm in their works, Rev. 3:14-22


Letters to Conquerors (1-4) - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: Big Idea: Find blessing in the commendation, correction, commands, and comfort of the living Christ. | I. Ephesus: In the midst of enduring, remember (to) love (2:1-7) | II. Smyrna: In the midst of tribulation, remember to be faithful (2:8-11) | III. Pergamum: In the midst of false teaching, remember pure doctrine (2:12-17) | IV. Thyatira: In the midst of worldliness, remember godliness (2:18-29)


A Vision of the Living Christ - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. To Be a Christian is to Suffer for Christ, Rev. 1:9-11 | II. A Social Imaginary of the Living Christ, Rev. 1:12-16 | III. Take Courage to Live Invincibly, Rev. 1:17-20


The Apocalypse - The Revelation of the One True King and the One True Kingdom

Outline: I. What is Revelation? | 1. An Apocalypse From and About Jesus Christ, vv. 1-2 | 2. A Prophecy to be Read, Heard, and Obeyed, v3 | 3. A Letter TO the Seven Churches, FOR Us, v4 | II. What is Revelation Doing? | 1. Revelation reveals the reality of the unseen realm | 2. Revelation reveals the rule of the One True King and the One True Kingdom | 3. Revelation brings comfort for God's people of every era | 4. Revelation calls out complacency about God's kingdom


Christ's Gifts to the Church - KCC Standalone Sermons

Outline: I. A Church Leader is a Gift to the Church | II. Our Church Leaders' Responsibility is to Equip You to Do the Work of Ministry | III. The Leadership of a Church's Responsibility is to Help You Mature as a Christ Follower


Free to Worship the God of Glory - Exodus

Outline: I. True Freedom, Exodus 1-19 | II. Freedom to Obey, Exodus 20-39 | III. Freedom to Experience God's Glory, Exodus 40


People with God's Presence - Exodus

Outline: The presence of God is at the very center of the good life. | I. The Tragedy of Going without God, Ex. 33:1-6 | II. The Necessity of God's Presence, Ex. 33:7-16 | III. The Glory of God Is the Goodness of His Heart, Ex. 34:1-9


Idol Factory - Exodus

Outline: I. Recognize Idols | Diagnostic questions to consider what idols might be controlling you: What do we fear most? What's in our nightmares? | What, if we lost it, would make life seem not worth living? | What do you comfort yourself with? | What makes us uncontrollably angry, anxious, or despondent? | How do you respond to unanswered prayers? | What do you think of with pride when you're doing something mindless? | What do I feel that I MUST have in order for life to feel significant? | What is your precious? | II. Replace Idols with Rejoicing in God


The Priesthood: Access to God's Presence - Exodus

Outline: I. Priestly Garments and the Priestly Ministry of Christ, Ex. 28 | II. Atoning Sacrifices and the Sacrifice of Christ, Ex. 29:1-30:10


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