King-Priest Ethos

<div>This podcast is purposed on expounding the things anent the kingdom of God, and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, both out of the old and new testament.<br><br></div>

Beyond Denominations: the Kingdom of God

This podcast episode explores the idea that the kingdom of God transcends denominational boundaries, emphasizing unity and inclusion. It presents the kingdom as a broader, divine concept that focuses on spiritual principles rather than human-made divisions. The message encourages believers to look beyond labels and work together towards a common goal of manifesting God's will on Earth. This unifying perspective is intended to foster cooperation among the church, regardless of their denominati...


The Doctrine of the Kingdom of God

The podcast discusses the doctrine of the kingdom of God, which is the central focus of Jesus' teachings and the Bible itself. It highlights the importance of understanding and following the doctrine of God, which is not just about learning but also about living according to God's will. The episode emphasizes that the doctrine of the kingdom of God is not just a set of teachings but a way of life, and it provides insights into what this doctrine entails, including the importance of avoiding s...


An Altar in Egypt

The podcast discusses the significance and symbolism of the altar in Egypt, exploring its historical, biblical, and scientific connections. It delves into the meaning of altars, the role of Egypt in the Bible, and the remarkable architectural and mathematical features of the Great Pyramid of Giza, highlighting its potential divine origins and prophetic implications.Key PointsAltars in the Bible[3:18] The altar is a place of exceeding joy, where the spirit realm connects with the physical real...



This podcast episode explores Sherah, a key figure in the construction of Beth-horon, and examines the historical and biblical significance of these cities, including their connections to figures like Joseph and Joshua. It highlights her legacy as an influential architect and the symbolic meaning of Beth-horon in representing freedom, sovereignty, and divine providence, linking these themes to the teachings of Jesus and the establishment of God's kingdom. Key PointsThe Significance of Ep...


Enemies, A Sign of Blessings

The podcast episode titled explores how adversities and opposition can serve as blessings. It emphasizes spiritual growth through facing enemies, using biblical principles to frame conflict as an opportunity for character development and resilience. The episode delves into how opposition often aligns with personal purpose and destiny, encouraging listeners to embrace challenges as part of God’s process.Key PointsUnderstanding Adversaries[00:44] Quotes from Che Guevara and Benjamin Franklin il...


The Mystery of the Twelve Foundation Stones

The podcast episode explores the symbolic significance of the twelve stones described in biblical scripture. It discusses their spiritual meaning, and how they represent different aspects of faith. The episode is a revision of an earlier one, delving into the layers of mystery behind these stones and their connection to the believer’s journey.Key PointsThe 12 Foundation Stones in Revelation[0:43] The speaker introduces the topic of the 12 foundation stones mentioned in Revelation 21, which de...


God’s Signet Ring

This episode delves into the symbolic meaning of a signet ring in a biblical context. The discussion emphasizes the authority and identity conferred upon believers as God’s representatives on earth. The host explores how this symbolism ties into the roles of kings and priests, reflecting on the spiritual implications for personal identity and purpose. The episode encourages listeners to embrace their divine calling with confidence and authority.Key PointsThe Significance of God's Signet Ring[...


The King Priest Strategy for Territorial Influence

The podcast episode discusses the biblical concept of the "king-priest" strategy for territorial influence and leadership. It explores various biblical figures, such as Adam, Melchizedek, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, and Esther, who embodied the dual roles of kingship and priesthood. The episode emphasizes the importance of aligning with God's will and walking in righteousness to achieve true prosperity and authority, as exemplified by these biblical characters. It also highlights the signif...


The Paramount Law of Love in the Kingdom

This podcast episode explores the foundational principle of love within the context of the Kingdom of God. It emphasizes how love is paramount in the saints’ life, guiding believers in their interactions and spiritual growth. The episode revisits key biblical teachings on love, illustrating its significance and application in daily living.Key PointsThe Paramount Law of Love in the Kingdom[0:21] Love is proclaimed as the highest law in the Kingdom, surpassing all other principles.[0:44] The me...


Heavenly Heirs: Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ

The podcast episode delves into the concept of spiritual inheritance within the faith. It explores what it means to be an heir in God's kingdom, discussing biblical perspectives on inheritance, identity, and the responsibilities that come with it. The episode aims to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of their spiritual heritage and its implications for their lives.Key PointsThe Rich Young Ruler and Priorities[0:56] Jesus challenges the Young Rich Ruler to sell his possessions and ...


Water, Spirit, and Fullers Soap: Entering the Kingdom of God

The podcast episode explores spiritual themes related to purification and transformation through the metaphors of water, spirit, and soap. It delves into how these elements symbolize the process of entering the Kingdom of God and emphasizes personal and spiritual cleansing.Key PointsThe Meaning of "Born of Water and the Spirit"[1:25] Exploring whether "born of water and the Spirit" refers to baptism or something deeper.[1:47] Distinguishing between a symbolic representation and a literal acti...


New Birth, New Sight: Seeing the Kingdom of God

The podcast episode delves into the spiritual concepts of rebirth and gaining new perspectives in understanding the kingdom of God. The discussion emphasizes the transformative process of spiritual awakening and its implications for personal growth and perception of divine principles.Key PointsThe Necessity of Spiritual Rebirth[0:45] Jesus tells Nicodemus that one must be "born again" to see the kingdom of God, explaining the difference between physical and spiritual birth.[1:32] Being "born ...


The Church and Israel: One Covenant, One People

The podcast episode discusses the concept of "one covenant, one people" between the church and Israel, addressing the current conflict between Israel, Palestine, and Hamas, and emphasizes prayer and salvation for both sides. It includes a reading from Galatians about peace and mercy for those following God's rule, explores the historical and biblical identity of Israel, and details historical persecutions of Jews, as well as theological viewpoints on papal authority and the Antichrist.Key Poi...


Abraham’s Seed

This episode of the King Priest Ethos podcast talks about the promise given to Abraham, how faith helps us receive God's blessings, and how believing in Jesus Christ makes us righteous. It highlights that faith has always been important, from the Old Testament to the New Testament.Key PointsAbraham's Lineage and the Covenant of Faith[0:44] The host explores Galatians 3:7-29, discussing Abraham's lineage and the importance of faith rather than physical descent.[1:22] As children of Abraham, be...


Jerusalem: The City & Throne of the Lord

The podcast episode discusses the biblical significance of Jerusalem as God’s city and throne, explores the origins of various nations and their biblical connections, emphasizes the prophetic role of Jerusalem in future events according to scripture.Key PointsThe Significance of Jerusalem in the Bible[0:21] The episode introduces the passage from Jeremiah 3:14-17, which describes Jerusalem as the "Throne of the Lord" and the place where all nations will be gathered.[1:42] The host explores th...


God’s Love for Zion Over Jacob

The podcast discusses the significance of Zion in biblical context, emphasizing that God’s love for Zion surpasses that for Jacob, and explores themes of unity between Jews and Gentiles, through faith in Christ, ultimately highlighting the spiritual citizenship in Jerusalem.Key PointsThe Significance of Zion[2:43] Zion is the city of God, situated on the holy mountains, and is beloved by the Lord more than the dwellings of Jacob.[4:40] Zion represents the heavenly realm, where believers from ...


Slaying the Giants in the Land

In this podcast episode, host Cush Chakari discussed the biblical story of men who’ve slain giants, emphasizing faith and courage in overcoming great challenges, and draws parallels to modern-day struggles and perseverance.Key PointsThe Origin of the Giants[0:43] The episode explores the possibility that Cain, rather than fallen angels, was the progenitor of the giants mentioned in Genesis 6.[1:45] The reasons presented include the biblical teachings on angels and marriage, Cain's actions and...


To Reign is to Suffer

In this episode of King Priest Ethos Podcast, host Cush Chakari discusses the inevitability of suffering as believers, emphasizing that enduring hardships and persecution for faith will ultimately lead to reigning with Christ in eternal glory.Key PointsSuffering and Reigning as Kings and Priests[0:21] Suffering and struggles are often accompanied by great achievements and success throughout history.[2:33] In the context of the kingdom of God, the call to reign as kings and priests carries the...


Jesus’ Original Message

This episode explores the essence of Jesus Christ's message, focusing on the gospel of the kingdom of God, its historical origins, unique qualities compared to traditional religions, and underscores its transformative impact, universal relevance, and the necessity of spiritual insight to grasp its profound mysteries. Key PointsThe Kingdom of God and Jesus' Message[0:20] Jesus' proclamation of the need for repentance, as the kingdom of heaven is at hand or has arrived, marks the beg...


From Pentecost to Azusa Street

This podcast episode discusses the origins of "Pentecostalism" and addresses criticisms of the so called "Pentecostal Church". It highlights the continuation of spiritual gifts throughout history and emphasizes their importance in the church today.Key PointsThe Pentecost Event and its Significance[0:26] The speaker wants to talk about Pentecost and the events that followed, leading up to the Azusa Street Revival in the early 1900s.[0:58] Pentecost was a pivotal moment when the disciples were ...


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