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Know Thyself

Author: Know Thyself

Subscribed: 666Played: 19,210


Know Thyself is dedicated to the exploration of the most rewarding task an individual can ever embark on: The journey to find one's Self. Our intention is to investigate the universal principals that have equipped our species to seek the treasure of all treasures, Self Knowledge. Through the investigation of Natural Law, Alchemy, The Occult, Hermeticism and all other Light Mystery School Traditions.
137 Episodes
The Moon: Wax On, Wax Off

The Moon: Wax On, Wax Off


In this episode our hots discuss the importance in understanding the moon cycles and how they evolve within us. By looking at cycles and patterns, we can unfold hidden truths within. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Spirit in Motion

Spirit in Motion


Season 4 Overview. In this episode our hosts present many of the topics that will be covered in the new season and how they will be integrated with the idea of energetic connection and the fundamentals of applying the principles discussed throughout the series.Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Contracts and Consent

Contracts and Consent


An Introduction to the Esoteric Significance of Contracts and the Spiritual Awareness of Our Consent. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Completing the Journey through the 12 Zodiac signs, our hosts look to celebrate this end, by returning to the beginning. Traveling from the Subjective First house to the incorporation into the collective of the 12th house, we look to trace the path of the initiate as they embark on the unfoldment of the soul. Although the episode states the end of the season, there will be one more episode investigating the 12th house of Pisces independently in the near future Support t...
The Lovers

The Lovers


Continuing with our journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot our hosts look to break down the Esoteric significance of The Lovers. Focusing on the idea of choice, the conscious and unconscious aspects and the ability to take charge of your path within. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
A breakdown of the esoteric significance of the movie The Lion King .Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
From Knowledge to Wisdom

From Knowledge to Wisdom


Our hosts have an open discussion about the importance of understanding the application of the topics discussed in the series. Truth, Love and Freedom are the foundational points that are at the center of it all. The true nurturing of the tree of wisdom bare the fruits we need to survive physically and spiritually. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Continuing our conversation about the Third Labor of Hercules, our hosts look further to discuss the esoteric significance of the sign Gemini.Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Continuing our journey through the Third Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Gemini. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained within this constellation. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
The Empress

The Empress


Continuing with our journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot our hosts look to break down the Esoteric significance of The Empress. Focusing on the idea of receptivity, nurturing passion and abundant creativity. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Continuing our journey through the Fifth Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Leo. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained within this constellation. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
The High Priestess

The High Priestess


Continuing with our journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot our hosts look to break down the Esoteric significance of The High Priestess. Focusing on the essential understanding of intuition and its role in the forever unfolding of the Universal Mysteries. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Embarking on the First Labor of Hercules, our hosts look to uncover the esoteric significance of the sign of Aries. Identifying the astrological correlations as well as the lessons contained within this constellation. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Introducing our series on The Tarot and The Fool's Journey, our hosts look to discuss the fundamental aspects of this symbolic system and how its application can assist the individual on their path of self-unfoldment. Part 1 of our 30 part series looks to explore all aspects of the Tarot from The Major Arcana to The Minor Arcana: and from The Fool to the World, and everything in between. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
The 12 Labors of Hercules

The 12 Labors of Hercules


The first of many conversations discussing the Esoteric Significance of The 12 Labors of Hercules and how this story relates to the unfolding story of Self. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
The Harvest of Life

The Harvest of Life


An open dialogue on past, present, and future topics covered on Know ThyselfSupport the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
2022-The Road Home

2022-The Road Home


The numerological significance of the year 2022 and its unique part and role In the evolution of ConsciousnessSupport the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
The Divine Will

The Divine Will


Reflecting on the season of Capricorn and its Astrological Significance to our self-development; our hosts look to further discuss the concept of The Divine Will and its application in The Alchemical Process. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Episode 79: Breaking down the Esoteric Significance of The Matrix Trilogy. Wake Up Neo, The Matrix has you. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
The Many Houses of God

The Many Houses of God


Episode 78: Our hosts look to explore the Alchemical Concept of "Squaring the Circle" and how our independent perspective of consciousness operates within this sea of electromagnetic energy. As well, as a deeper understanding of the Cosmic Marriage of Mother Nature and the Cosmic Father. Support the Show.Get a 4-hour Natal Chart Reading with Daniel
Comments (2)


Good stuff :)

Mar 29th
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