Kootenai Church: Adult Sunday School - 1 John

Kootenai Church: Adult Sunday School - 1 John

This series of messages is a verse by verse exposition of the book of 1 John by David Henke. For more sermon series and verse-by-verse expository preaching, please visit https://kootenaichurch.org and click on the KCC Audio Archive.

Certainties of Knowing the Truth (1 John 5:13-21)

Salvation provides any believer with a certain level of confidence that their faith is real. Being reminded of what those certainties are is the focus of this message. Knowing the truth provides confidence to confront any life situation a believer faces. John ends this book with a strong warning: "Guard yourself from idols." What are idols, and why is it important to avoid them? An exposition of 1 John 5:13-21. ★ Support this podcast ★


Three Witnesses of Jesus (1 John 5:6-12)

There is much division in the world and in the churches in Asia Minor. Why does this division exist, and how can believers live their lives in the midst of it all? To solidify the believer's faith in Jesus, John provides evidence that He came in the flesh. We will be looking at three more witnesses to the truth that Jesus is God. These pieces of evidence will destroy the argument that the Gnostic false teachers are bringing into the churches. An exposition of 1 John 5:6-12. ★ Support this podcast ★


New Life Overcomes the World (1 John 5:1-5)

The new birth is central to the Christian faith. In this lesson, we will discuss the new birth, and how it is that you become born of Him. Do you become born of Him because you made a decision or does God act first? We will discuss the evidence that proves you have been born of Him. For those that have the new birth, they will have victory over this world system. God is gracious and provides you with the faith to overcome all things. An exposition of 1 John 5:1-5. ★ Support this podcast ★


Believers Assurance (1 John 4:13-21)

How do you know that you belong to Jesus? What does it mean to have the assurance that you are living your lives for Him? Assurance comes from the Holy Spirit who lives in the believer, but how do you know you have it? Whoever is willing to confess Christ before the world is the one who is assured of their faith in Him. Assurance breeds confidence and strength in your life. From that, you will never fear or worry about the day of judgment. An exposition of 1 John 4:13-21. ★ Support this podcast ★


God's Love Manifested In Us (1 John 4:7-12)

Love for one another is a significant focus in the book of 1 John. From 1 John 4:7 to 4:21, this is the longest section where John addresses our love for one another. This passage today will focus our attention on the source of love and how you are manifesting that love to the world. Love should increase more and more as you see the day drawing near when Christ will rule the nations. An exposition of 1 John 4:7-12. ★ Support this podcast ★


Test the Spirits (1 John 4:1-6)

The book of John is written to warn against the false teaching that was infiltrating the churches in Asia Minor. The church is to be the defender of truth, and often times the attacks come from within. When that happens, how do we tell truth from error? What tests can we use to prove whether these teachers are from God or not? John gives us the answers in this passage.An exposition of 1 John 4:1-6. ★ Support this podcast ★


God is Greater Than Our Heart (1 John 3:19-24)

Loving those in the body of Christ is proof that we have passed from death into life. Through this love, we have assurance in our hearts that we are children of God. But sometimes our hearts condemn us into thinking that our actions are not in line with the word of God. When that happens, God comforts us because He knows the motives of our hearts and all things. We are to be reminded that when we love others, it brings confidence and boldness to come to Him in prayer, knowing that our actions are true. The Spirit living inside of us provides further assurance that we abide in Him. For it is the one who keeps His commandments who abides in Him. An exposition of 1 John 3:19-24. ★ Support this podcast ★


Love, The Mark of True Christians (1 John 3:11-18)

The Lord Jesus Christ on the cross is our ultimate example of love. True believers look at that model, and it motivates them to follow His lead in loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. Without that love, they become like Cain, who is of the evil one and killed his brother Abel. Those kinds of people are said to abide in death. It is incompatible for Christians to love like the world because their lives have been changed from death to life. Their new nature no longer has mastery over their lives. One way to tell is that they have an otherworldly love for their brothers and sisters in the Lord. They serve them the same way Christ served His disciples, demonstrating that true love is done with action. An exposition of 1 John 3:11-18. ★ Support this podcast ★


God’s Seed Grows a New Nature in Believers (1 John 3:4-10)

The distinguishing mark of authentic believers is that their lives reflect godly character. This passage illustrates the seriousness of sin, and how to tell the difference between Children of God and Children of the devil. The way of determining each is through their nature. A child of the devil can only produce a nature that is in opposition to God. But, a child of God, by the seed implanted in them, can produce the fruit of righteousness. Sin will always be present but it will not be a way of life. ★ Support this podcast ★


Living in Hope of Christ’s Return (1 John 2:28-3:3)

Every Christian should be living their lives with the expectation that one day they will meet Christ face to face. No one knows the day or the hour when that will happen, so the best approach is to always be practicing righteousness. Time is one aspect of life that we have dominion over. We should, and must, spend it wisely with an eye toward the future coming of Christ. How we live today matters to those around us, and when we meet our Savior in the clouds. ★ Support this podcast ★


Stick to the Basics (1 John 2:24-27)

Every believer throughout history believes in a certain set of doctrines. John illustrates in this lesson what those basic doctrines are and why we are to practice them. To hold to anything else is to open oneself up to being led astray by false teachers. These are the liars and antichrists that were trying to lead the believers in Asia Minor away from the simplicity and truth of God’s Word. These basic doctrines provide encouragement and hope for all believers at all times. An exposition of 1 John 2: 24-27. ★ Support this podcast ★


Know Truth from Lies (1 John 2:21-23)

We look at what it means to know the truth. The antichrists are on the scene denying the incarnation of Christ. So it’s vitally important to not only know the truth but be able to defend it against any lie. We look at the kinds of truth that the church must know and confess. An exposition of 1 John 2:21-23. ★ Support this podcast ★


Warning of the Antichrist (1 John 2:18-20)

A sign of the last days is that there are many antichrists that are a precursor to THE antichrist spoken of in Daniel and other passages. Who are the antichrists? What are their characteristics? What is the spirit of the antichrist? We answer these questions and more. An exposition of 1 John 2:18-20. ★ Support this podcast ★


Do Not Love the World (1 John 2:15-17)

What does loving the world mean? How do our choices in life draw us into a love for the world? John’s command to “not love the world” is another test of whether someone is an authentic Christian or an imposter. An exposition of 1 John 2:15-17. ★ Support this podcast ★


Three Stages of Growth (1 John 2:12-14)

John writes to three groups of believers in this letter. Children, young men, and Fathers are at various stages of their Christian life. Each group has qualities and characteristics that demonstrate their level of spiritual growth.  Daily we all should be striving to grow in our knowledge and become mature in our faith. An exposition of 1 John 2:12-14. ★ Support this podcast ★


Love the Brethren (1 John 2:7-11)

The greatest commandment that Christ gave His disciples was that they love God and their neighbor. This passage drives home the idea that those who are truly in Christ will have a deep abiding love for their brothers and sisters. The counterfeits and imposters are known because of their hatred for the brethren.  They say they love Jesus but their actions prove otherwise. An exposition of 1 John 2:7-11. ★ Support this podcast ★


Evidence of Faith, Part 2 (1 John 2:6)

There is a difference between true and false converts. John tells us how to know the difference between the two, and only those that “abide” in Him are His followers. They walk as Jesus walked because they love Him and have a desire to follow him. Imposters only say that they follow Him, but their actions tell a different story. An exposition of 1 John 2:6. ★ Support this podcast ★


Evidence of Faith, Part 1 (1 John 2:5)

The pressures of life produce behaviors that clearly prove the differences between true and false believers. True converts to Christianity demonstrate their faith through a unique love for their brothers and sisters in Christ. Their faith is established by their love for Christ and their willingness to follow Him no matter how challenging the times. An exposition 1 John 2:5. ★ Support this podcast ★


State of the Church in Asia Minor (Selected Scriptures)

1 John was written to Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor. The saints were being confronted by false teachers bringing another gospel into their midst. John encourages them to proclaim Christ and to stand strong in the face of opposition. Selected Scriptures: Acts 20:29-30; 2 Timothy 1:5-13,15; 1 John 1:18-19 ★ Support this podcast ★


Marks of True & False Believers (1 John 2:3-4)

The difference between true and false believers is how they live their lives. Is it possible to know whether someone is saved or not by observing how they live? An exposition of 1 John 2:3-4. ★ Support this podcast ★


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