Kooth Podcast

Join us as we chat about everything mental wellbeing from building self esteem, to letting out our lockdown frustrations - as well as some guided meditation. We're a safe and accepting place for all listeners, so take a break from everyday stresses to sit back and enjoy our fun and interesting episodes...

Fresh Start for School: The Student Voices Episode

We asked some students to share their thoughts on their own back to school worries. Listen to their advice!


Fresh Start for School: The Anxiety Episode

How can anxiety affect your learning? Is it normal to feel anxious about school? And how can my sleep also be impacted? Join us as we answer your questions about anxiety.


Fresh Start for School: The How to Prepare Episode

How can getting your school bag, stationery, and all your clothes ready for your first morning help you mentally? We've got you covered!


Fresh Start for School: The All About School Worries Episode

How do I find my way round my new school? What if I don't like my new teacher? How do I handle the pressure of good grades? We tackle your biggest worries around changes in the new school year.


Fresh Start For School: The Friendship Episode

Welcome to our Fresh Start for School podcast series! We’re kicking off our 5-day podcast series with The Friendship Episode. You might be thinking: What if I'm not in my friends' class? How can I reconnect with my old friends, or make new ones? What can I do if I feel left out of my group? Well, we’re going to be trying to answer some of your biggest friendship worries. Listen in as Dan chats to Kooth counsellor Catriona about all the tips and advice she has to offer.


Fresh Start for School: Guided Meditation

Get in the back to school mindset and take a 15-minute break from your worries in Kooth's relaxing guided meditation.


The Pressure of Hitting Life Milestones

This week, Beth is joined by Milly and Dan to talk about milestones: what they are, why they can make us feel pressure, and the importance of setting goals that are meaningful to you. 


Marvel, DC, Disabilities & Me

Comics are cooler than ever these days - and the cinemas are jam-packed with superhero movies. This week, we spoke to Anne, a former comic writer and editor who has worked on Marvel and DC comic books. She spoke to us about disabled representation, her own struggles, and how to create your very own character.


What to do when the world feels unsafe

Join Beth, Gemma, and Dan, as they talk about ways in which you can manage your feelings when things start feeling scary. Whether it's something in the news or something closer to home, this podcast is full of tips and advice from the Kooth team..


Showing Racism The Red Card: Kooth Podcast

Listen in as we to talk to Seth from Show Racism The Red Card about his work with the charity, experiences with racism, and hopes for the future.


Creative Writing Podcast: How to write poems

Welcome back to another Kooth Creative Writing Podcast!  In our latest episode we're going to be chatting all about poems.  They can often get a bad rap - and does anyone know how to start them? - so we'll be chatting to our resident writing experts on the Kooth team: Dr Katja Anja, Izzy, and Beth. From their history to tips on creating your own, listen in to find out more...


Disability football interview: an accessible game

Pan-disability football leagues are available up and down the country, providing a fun sporting outlet for those who might feel left out from sports. We spoke to the chair of a disability football league to give us more information about how it all works.


Art Attack: Putting Paintbrush to Paper

Art can be a daunting hobby to start - for some reason we all expect to be to be perfect artists with the first stroke of a brush. We're gonna be chatting about how to get started, why like any hobby art is a skill, and why we need to stop comparing our work to others!


Keeping busy over the holidays

This week, Beth is joined by Milly and Ben to get some tips on how to stay busy over the festive holidays. Caution: this episode contains terrible puns.


Busting Myths For Movember

Join Dan, Dez and Tom as they chat about some of the myths that young boys will hear growing up, from 'boys don't cry' to 'boys don't wear pink'.


Tackling our SAD

Join Beth, Ben, and Katja Anja as they discuss the challenges of the winter season, and the positive changes we can make to tackle seasonal sadness.


How To Build Self-Confidence

Join, Ben, Dan and Aisha, as they talk about self-confidence, what it means, how it differs for each of us, and what tips there are for building on it.


Breaking up with Friends

Join Beth, Ben, and Milly as they talk about what it's like to break up with friends, and some tips on how to look after yourself if it happens. 


What is 'Casual Racism'?

For this week's Kooth SnapPod the team is talking about having to deal with 'Casual' Racism. Join Aisha, Hannah, and Beth as they talk about how isolating these little everyday aggressions can be, how to speak up (and not feel guilty when you don't) if it's happening in your friendship group, as well as how you can safely deal with it.


Creative Writing Tips: So You’ve Started Writing, Now What?

Join us in this week's Kooth Podcast where we chat about our best creative writing tips. Beth, Katja-Anja, and Dan try to cover in their own messy ways: How proof reading is your best friend but worst enemy, the importance of world building in any fictional world, as well as how to learn to love your writing.


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