LDS & Loving Life

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doesn't automatically make navigating life easy. We still encounter hardship, confusion, doubt, fear and everything else under the sun. Being LDS doesn't prevent you from experiencing pain as the result of the actions of others. But it provides all that we NEED to go through life with peace and assurance. Confidence and enthusiasm.As a certified life coach, I have a host of amazing tools that can help you unlock your faith and start using it as your best tool. You will see incredible change in your life as you become intentional in discovering what you are capable of. Your potential as a child of God is limitless. Start living into that destiny now!

Success of Failure When Others Are Involved

Odds are you have been in a situation where you have some sort of responsibility for others, and could even answer to someone in authority for the actions or effectiveness of others.It can be easy to have our success and even our self worth tied up in what others do or don't do. A parent is a bad parent if a child misbehaves, a missionary is a bad missionary if they don't have people getting baptized, a small business owner isn't capable if they don't have people signing up as clients.There i...


What Are You Looking For?

Have you ever noticed that you find what you look for? That's because you are focused on finding that thing! (D'uh, you might say)This is true, not only for objects, but for every aspect of your life. And what you are focused on finding, is what you will find.If you are looking for the bad, the wrong, the hard, you will find that.But if you don't like how that feels, you can use a few simple steps to help change your focus.Happiness, gratitude, love, and whatever other feeling you would like ...


All YOUR Heart, Might, Mind and Strength

"Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly." What?? But don't you want to do your best?What if your best is pretty poor?You can keep the commandments, even if you can only do so poorly. Find out what that means in this episode!Ready to work with me, have questions, or podcast ideas?Sign up for coaching atwww.youare.limitless.caEmail me


Oh Remember Remember

Have you ever believed a lie? We all have. Sometimes the lie is about someone or something else, but a lot of the time, we believe lies about ourselves.Helaman 6:27 says (talking about Satan) "Yea, that same being who did plot with Cain, that if he would murder his brother Abel it should not be known unto the world."EVERYONE knows Cain killed Abel.Satan is a liar.Remember that, so that you can more easily remember that God is perfect at keeping His promises.The negative beliefs about you are ...


The One-Size-Fits-All Key to Prosperity

Prosperity and abundance are most often and most easily associated with temporal success, such as financial.However, the Lord teaches us in The Book of Mormon that if you will keep His commandments, you will prosper in the land. If you don't, the result is that you will be cut off from the presence of the Lord. (Alma 9:13)Prosperity is all about having the Spirit in your life. Tune in to get some tips to help you recognize how you are already prospering in the land, so that you can more easil...


Go Move Your Body

Movement is such an integral part of humanity, but we live in a world where most of us don't move as often as we know we should. But do you also move less than your body is asking you to move?Have you ever wanted to go walk, do a work out or a stretch, but had some reason why you couldn't do it?Society has taught us that you need to dress a certain way, look a certain way and dedicate a certain amount of time to doing a certain type of exercise.However, you can choose to move your body accord...


1 Small Thing You Can Do When Faith is Hard

It's been a bit of a rough go for me and that has impacted my spiritual care in my life. Can you relate?How about feeling like doing anything extra is just too much?But you still love God and still want to show your faith? (Or want to keep feeding your faith)I think there is one small thing that you can start doing now, and it is not going to add another task to your day, it's not going to require you to go somewhere different from where you are right now.Talk nicely to yourself. The way you ...


How To Recognize Overwhelm

Overwhelm is a part of your life- you may experience on occasion, or it may be a daily occurence.In this episode, I will share with you some key identifiers of what overwhelm feels like- how to recognize the sensations your body is giving you that ARE overwhelm.Once you can recognize it is overwhelm, you can use some of the keys I give you, to overcome it!Ready to work with me? Sign up for coaching atwww.youarelimitless.caOr, send me an email


2 Reasons Why Parenting is Harder When Your Husband is Home

This one is for all the moms who solo parent for a good portion of time.You have a groove, things are going smoothly... but then when your husband is home, it seems to all fall apart.How come bed time is easier when I'm the only parent? Shouldn't it be easier when my husband is home?I'll share with you two reasons why parenting may be a lot harder when your husband is home, and what you can do to start making things better!They revolve around expectations and communication.Give it a listen to...


Curiosity Can Quell Complaints

Curiosity is a powerful tool.Have you noticed yourself complaining a lot? Wondering why you, or someone else just can't seem to get things together? Are you feeling annoyed?If you would like to get out of that zone (because let's be honest, that isn't a super fun place to be in), try out a healthy dose of curiosity!Curiosity takes you from a blocked, angry frame of mind, to an open, learning frame of mind. When you are truly curious, the complaints stop. And you find some truly amazing insigh...


Rest: It IS Productive

Are you tired?I thought so. We seem to live in a perpetual state of exhaustion.Why?Maybe you need some day time rest.But you are super resistant to it. Or, you are all for it, but when you actually go to rest, you feel guilty, thinking about all of the things that you need to do.You are not alone!In this episode, I give you some ideas on how to look at resting in a new light, one that makes it one of the most productive things that you CAN do. After all, if you aren't able to physically, ment...


How To Fail

Who enjoys to fail?Not me!Yet, failure is such an important aspect to growth. So why is it so hard?It is often hard because you are making it mean so much about you and your worth and abilities. You personalize it.This episode is here to help you learn how to recognize what you are doing, and then how to purposefully choose to learn from your failures- so that you can ultimately be successful!If you are ready to work with me, sign up for coaching atwww.youarelimitless.caYou can also send me a...


The Work You're Called To Do

We are pretty familiar with the idea of having a church calling, and fulfilling that calling. But we are also all called to do things, directly from the Lord- something that you feel a great desire to do, or something that you are passionate about.I hope to help you learn to recognize that what you are feeling nudged to do is worthwhile and that you will be supported in working towards it!If you are ready to work with me, sign up at www.youarelimitless.caYou can also send me an email with que...


Some Thoughts About Faith

"Faith" is a concept that we talk about a LOT as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.But has it ever seemed a little bit challenging to describe or to grasp exactly HOW to use faith?This episode is all about how to put faith into the self coaching model. (Spoiler, it can go pretty much anywhere!)I'll share with you some personal examples of how faith in every part of the model has blessed me!If you are ready to work with me, I'd love to be your coach! YAY!!You can sign ...


The Most Worthwhile Conversations Are The Hardest

Hard conversations are just that... HARD! And since we love to avoid things that are hard, it can be easy to avoid having hard conversations.But the hardest conversations are the most important conversations to have. They require courage, humility, love, listening and the possibility of being hurt.But this is exactly what is needed in order to heal and grow.Tune in to learn more!If you have questions or podcast ideas, send them to me atyouarelimitlesscoaching@gmail.comIf you are ready to work...


Recognize Your Church Privilege With Humility and Grace

What is privilege? The ability to not have to think or worry about something.We all know there is privilege in the world, but what about at church?There are so many ways that we can be privileged within our membership of the church- advantages that some of us have that others don't.Leaning to recognize your privileges can help you to become more aware of others and to then be able to serve and help in a Christ-like way.If you are ready to work 1 on 1 with me, sign up for coaching at my websit...


A Simple Way To Make Your Scripture Study Powerful

Scripture study. Have you ever struggled to sit down and do it?Have you ever felt like you aren't getting much out of it?Have you ever wished you could get more out of it?Good news! You absolutely can make your scripture study a powerful experience every single time.And the key is incredible simple. "There is something God wants to tell me today!"This podcast will dive into why that simple belief will make your scripture study powerful!Ready to work with me one on one, so that you can truly L...


LDS & Not Loving Life

It is normal for all of us to have times in our lives when, despite having the gospel, and believing we "should" be happy, we are just unhappy.Without creating more shame and unhappiness about being unhappy, despite having the gospel in your life, can be a challenge, but that is what I hope this episode will help you with.Your thoughts are powerful and create your reality and what you experience in your life and at church.Learn how to recognize where your focus is and how to change your focus...


Your Have Done List

Who hasn't made a to do list before? It is almost the way that we as a society, have given ourselves to measure our success within a day.What if we turn that upside down?Make a HAVE DONE list.Put everything on it! All of the little things. You will be amazed at just how much you do!Ready for some coaching? Go towww.youarelimitless.caQuestions, or podcast ideas?


Simplify To Get More Out of Your Life

What does it mean to get more out of your day? More tasks? Getting everything done?Maybe.But I love to look at getting more out of your day as being getting more spirit, inspiration, divine guidance and the like, as the best kind of "more."This episode I will share with you some REALLY simple things you can do to make your day to day task list more simple- and of course, it includes turning it over to God. Who, more than anyone else, wants to fill you with more love, strength and inspiration!...


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