LEMIWorks! Podcast

Leadership Education Mentoring Institute is dedicated to promoting true educational and leadership principles that strengthen families, build communities, and provide opportunities for obtaining a leadership education for families. In pursuit of this mission, we’re establishing the LEMIWorks! Podcast. Each week in an episode, we will be alternating between classic calls focusing on the principles we are founded on, learning from the amazing leaders and mentors in our LEMI community, and highlighting some of the lives of our graduates.

Mentoring and Growth: Lessons from “The Rent Collector”

In the latest episode of LEMIWorks!, hosts Tatiana Fallon and Heidi Christianson, alongside guests Camille McCausland and Diana Petersen, dive into Cameron Wright’s The Rent Collector. The conversation brings to light how education, depicted as a beacon of hope in the novel, serves as a powerful catalyst for change and empowerment. Our guests share their rich mentoring experiences, linking the book’s profound messages to broader themes such as personal growth and societal roles. This episode not only sparks reflection on the transformative lessons from The Rent Collector but also underscores the significant impact we can have on those around us. Tune in to LEMIWorks! for more engaging discussions blending literature, personal growth, and professional development. We hope this episode inspires deeper reading experiences and sharing the transformative power of stories. Interested in learning more about LEMI and Leadership Education? Check out our free online course on our membership website – LEMI-U. You can register HERE. 00:00 Introduction to the Book Discussion01:14 Initial Impressions and Personal Impact03:23 Character Analysis: Sopeap Sin and Sang Ly06:06 The Power of Reading and Mentorship08:02 Personal Reflections and Broader Themes15:14 Transformative Books and Their Impact19:31 Sopeap’s Mentorship and Life Lessons27:31 The Power of Education in Overcoming Evil29:00 Balancing Family and Personal Growth31:28 The Impact of Feminism on Marriage Dynamics37:12 Teaching Deeper Understanding and Symbolism44:39 Creative Approaches to Engaging Students51:33 Concluding Thoughts and Reflections


Why Do We Read?

In this week’s episode Heidi and Tatiana delve into the profound significance of reading in a captivating discussion. They explore how books broaden horizons, provide emotional catharsis, and engage readers in critical thinking. Heidi reflects on her love for reading as a gateway to new perspectives. “Books transport us, allowing us to walk in someone else’s shoes,” she shares. Tatiana adds that great literature gives voice to the human experience, validating struggles and joys. The role of educators in facilitating meaningful literary discussions is stressed. Challenging students with complex texts promotes intellectual growth. “We must guide them through deeper themes and big questions,” Heidi explains. Tatiana highlights the need for beauty and creativity in the classroom, fostering freedom and inspiration through well-written works that ignite imagination. Drawing from literary examples and personal anecdotes, the pair offer strategies for deep textual engagement, such as journaling, creative writing, and Socratic discussions. This insightful conversation reminds us of reading’s enduring power in shaping minds, fostering empathy, and inspiring growth. Whether an educator, student, or literature lover, this discussion reignites passion for the written word’s transformative potential. Be sure to listen and share! 00:00 Opening Conversation and Updates 00:49 Exploring the Importance of Reading 04:02 Why We Ask Students to Read: A Deep Dive 06:20 The Power of Reading and Imagination 14:36 Discussing ‘The Rats of NIMH’ and Its Lessons 22:40 Challenging Reads and Their Impact on Growth 28:06 The Role of Community in Learning 31:13 The Power of Book Discussions: Critical Thinking and Articulation 31:54 Challenging the Status Quo in Education 32:48 The Role of a Mentor: Engage and Challenge 33:35 Preparing Students for Meaningful Discussions 35:35 Navigating Student Responses: The Art of Mentoring 38:01 The Importance of Critical Thinking in Reading 38:32 Experiencing and Analyzing Emotional Hijacking by Authors 44:53 Applying Critical Thinking to Historical Contexts and Personal Growth 49:01 Understanding Individual Perspectives and the Essence of Education 56:38 Concluding Thoughts on Mentorship and Education


Too Much Shakespeare? NEVER!

Why dive into four years of Shakespeare? In our latest episode, our brilliant Classical Acting trainer Jenny Forston passionately shares how Shakespeare’s works can transform students’ lives. Shakespeare’s plays are the bedrock of English language and culture, packed with rich linguistic and emotional experiences. Students don’t just learn language; they also develop emotional intelligence by exploring the complex relationships in his works. A four-year journey with Shakespeare is more than just an academic endeavor. It’s a transformative experience that fosters self-awareness, empathy, and personal growth. Students gain essential life skills, boost their confidence through public speaking, and build strong community bonds by performing and analyzing these timeless works together. In this episode, Jenny also unveils our updated Classical Acting manual, designed to deepen students’ engagement with Shakespeare. With fresh insights into performance, textual analysis, and community involvement, this manual helps students develop leadership, academic skills, and personal growth. Committing to Shakespeare isn’t just about studying a playwright. It’s about enriching students’ lives in every way—academically, emotionally, and socially. For homeschool parents and educators, investing in Shakespeare education brings transformative, lasting benefits for students, preparing them with essential skills for the future. 00:22 The Stress and Reward of Tech Week in Theater 01:54 The Lifelong Journey of Studying Shakespeare 02:32 Why Shakespeare? Exploring Its Unique Value 02:53 Shakespeare’s Impact on Language and Emotional Intelligence 07:25 Personal Growth Through Shakespearean Roles 10:33 Shakespeare Conquest: A Multi-Year Educational Journey 19:28 The Transformative Power of Shakespeare in Personal and Academic Growth 29:31 Building Community and Confidence Through Shakespeare 32:33 The Transformative Power of Shakespeare in Education 33:16 Building Community Through Shakespeare 37:13 The Lasting Impact of Classical Acting on Students 39:43 Deepening Understanding Through Repetition and Depth 41:53 The Universal Influence of Shakespeare 46:04 Personal Reflections on Shakespeare’s Impact 56:33 Classical Acting: A Comprehensive Approach to Learning


Classic Call – Understanding Human Nature

Join Aneladee and Tatiana in this captivating “Classic Call” that unpacks the profound impact of understanding human nature on governance and relationships. Drawing from historical thinkers and the founding fathers, they explain how these timeless insights shape our Constitution, personal lives, and the way we engage with the world. What You’ll Learn: The Constitution’s Foundations: Discover how our founders’ grasp of human nature deeply influenced the Constitution, providing valuable lessons that still hold true. Philosophers’ Perspectives: Aneladee and Tatiana explore Rousseau’s belief in inherent goodness and Augustine’s contrasting view, providing a modern take on their philosophies and their relevance in shaping society. Freedom & Control: Gain a fresh perspective on how societies can balance personal freedom and necessary regulation to foster positive contributions. Education’s Role: Understand how education shapes individuals to become engaged and effective members of society, underscoring its crucial role. Core Values: Reflect on how love, friendship, and understanding are foundational principles that uplift both society and personal relationships. This discussion is rich with actionable insights. Aneladee and Tatiana draw from diverse viewpoints to help you grasp what it means to understand human nature and why it matters. This isn’t just about looking back; it’s about learning how to approach governance, education, and relationships today. They guide you through a fresh understanding of human nature that will reshape how you see the world!


Navigating Colloquiums in Leadership Education

In the world of education, traditional methods often involve students passively receiving and repeating information. Leadership education, however, aims to engage learners actively—encouraging deep reading, critical thinking, and character growth. This week, we’re diving into these concepts on our podcast with three Pyramid Project trainers (Camille McCausland, Cassie Dixon, and Leah Hone) and our host, Heidi. They’ll explore effective ways to lead a book colloquium, using the classic “Carry on Mr. Bowditch” by Jean Lee Latham as a case study. The discussion isn’t just about listing facts from Nathaniel Bowditch’s life or dissecting the book’s literary elements. It’s about sparking a connection between the scholars and the story. Our trainers will share their insights on the critical role of preparation and curiosity, along with practical techniques like annotating and questioning. These strategies aren’t just about understanding the text but engaging with it actively, from noting new words to pinpointing impactful passages. This episode isn’t just a resource for Pyramid Project trainers; it’s also a treasure trove of inspiration for parents, mentors, and educators looking for dynamic ways to facilitate discussions and deepen engagement with literature. LINKS Carry on Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham TIMESTAMP 00:00 Welcome and Introduction to the Colloquium Discussion00:38 Preparing for Colloquiums: Insights and Strategies03:44 Engaging Scholars: Techniques and Anecdotes10:59 Transitioning to Public School Teaching: Applying Leadership Education Principles13:44 Deep Dive into ‘Carry On Mr. Bowditch’: Analyzing Themes and Learning Approaches21:59 Exploring the Capacity Triangle through Nathaniel Bowditch’s Journey28:25 Welcoming a New Trainer to the Team28:42 Exploring Personality Tests in Education30:22 The Evolution of Nat’s Social Skills33:37 Character Analysis and Personal Growth36:50 Navigating Challenges and Character Development41:56 Mentoring Techniques for Deep Learning46:37 Encouraging Self-Discovery and Critical Thinking49:32 Effective Strategies for Leading Colloquiums


Exploring Educational Philosophies

Tune into this week’s episode as hosts Tatiana Fallon and Heidi Christianson delve into the dynamic landscape of homeschooling methodologies. This episode provides a detailed look at four distinct educational approaches: classical education, leadership education, traditional education, and the Charlotte Mason method. They explore the evolution from the structured, history-focused classical method inspired by “The Well-Trained Mind” to the more fluid and flexible leadership education, which emphasizes child-led learning and real-world application. Join Tatiana and Heidi as they share personal stories and practical advice on integrating these methodologies to cultivate a rich, adaptable homeschooling environment. LINKS The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise Modern Miss Mason by Leah Boden Laddie: A True Blue Story by Gene Stratton-Porter Free to Learn by Peter Gray Little Britches#1: Father and I Were Ranchers by Ralph Moody Cynthia Hampton – A Guiding Star podcast episode 00:00 Welcome to Our Homeschooling Journey!00:06 The Evolution of Our Homeschooling Methods00:33 The Classical Education Experiment01:41 Adjusting to Reality: The Shift from Classical to Creative04:30 Embracing Leadership Education and Personalized Learning08:22 Reflecting on Educational Philosophies and Goals15:47 A Critical Look at Traditional Schooling Systems20:58 Choosing the Right Educational Path for Your Child28:25 The Importance of Vision in Education and Parenting30:22 Exploring Homeschooling Expectations and Realities31:09 The Journey of Personal Growth Through Homeschooling31:54 Responsibility and Education Models32:40 Embracing the Homeschooling Lifestyle34:00 The Importance of Reading and Experiential Learning36:57 Navigating Life’s Challenges While Homeschooling38:13 Managing Home and Education: A Balancing Act43:31 Leadership Education: A Personalized Approach49:23 Empowerment Through Intentional Parenting54:44 Vision and Legacy: The Long-Term Impact of Education


Fostering Student Engagement: A Fresh Perspective

In this week’s episode, hosts Tatiana Fallon and Heidi Christianson delve into a critical challenge facing today’s educators: student apathy. As seasoned educators themselves, Tatiana and Heidi engage in a knowledgeable and insightful discussion about the evolving dynamics of student motivation and engagement. Unlike past generations, today’s students often show a distinct lack of enthusiasm for traditional learning methods. Tatiana and Heidi stress the importance of understanding the unique motivators for each individual student to effectively counteract this growing trend of inaction. The conversation navigates through various strategies to rekindle a passion for learning. Key among these is the concept of self-motivation. The hosts discuss how self-motivation isn’t just a skill to be taught but a personal drive to be fostered within each student. They highlight the crucial role of accountability in maintaining motivation and how mentors can play a significant part in this process. Drawing on their backgrounds in education, Tatiana and Heidi explore how incorporating principles of autonomy, mastery, and purpose (see “Drive” by Daniel Pink) into teaching methods can significantly enhance student engagement. These elements help students feel in control of their learning journey, see the value in the skills they acquire, and understand the greater purpose behind their education. Perhaps the most poignant part of their discussion centers on the role of mentors. Both hosts agree that mentors have the unique capability to recognize and nurture potential in students, even when it may not be immediately obvious. This process requires patience, empathy, and a deep commitment to student development. This episode of the LEMIWorks Podcast is a must-listen for educators looking for practical and effective strategies to engage their students more deeply and combat the pervasive issue of apathy in education today. LINKS Wim Hof Ice Bath Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink Free to Learn by Peter Gray “The Power of Yet” by Carol Dweck The Giver by Louis Lowry 00:00 Opening Conversation: The Struggle of Doing Nothing00:40 Exploring Generational Challenges and Motivation01:30 Personal Strategies for Motivation and Accountability03:13 Cold Plunge Experiment: A Personal Motivation Story05:06 Understanding What Motivates Us and Our Kids05:34 The Power of Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose in Education07:34 Implementing Autonomy in Educational Projects13:12 The Importance of Failure and Growth Mindset23:36 Purpose and Parental Involvement in Education26:38 Rethinking Education: Obedience vs. Creativity26:47 The Crisis of Conformity in American Education28:25 Historical Perspectives on Education: Agrarian vs. Hunter-Gatherer Societies29:31 Visionary Education: Beyond Age and Standardized Testing30:51 Empowering Students: The Role of Play and Vision in Learning32:19 Addressing Apathy: Strategies for Engaged Teaching35:25 Understanding and Leveraging Classroom Dynamics37:48 Creative Interventions: Changing Classroom Culture42:23 The Mentor’s Role: Inspiring and Understanding Students47:05 Concluding Thoughts: The Power of Love in Education


From Blindsided to Enlightened: Transform Challenges into Triumphs

Discover the unseen hurdles of homeschooling through the eyes of Heidi Christianson and Tatiana Fallon, seasoned veterans who’ve been where you are now. From the initial jitters fueled by fear to the multifaceted demands on your wallet, heart, and time, homeschooling is no small feat. Yet, it’s one of the most rewarding journeys you can embark on. Dive into a compelling conversation about the transformative power of homeschooling done right, guided by the principles of the Leadership Education and LEMI. This isn’t just about hitting the books—it’s about nurturing character, competence, and a lifelong passion for learning. Learn how the backbone of a successful homeschooling experience lies in the strength of family and community ties, setting the stage for your child’s future achievements. Ready to transform your homeschooling journey from overwhelming to empowering? Let’s dive in. LINKS Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath The Status Game: On Human Life and How to Play It by Will Storr The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World by Simon Winchester The Chosen by Chaim Potok Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury 00:00 Introduction to Homeschooling Challenges and Solutions00:39 The Role of Fear in Starting Homeschooling02:33 Transitioning from Fear to a Love of Learning02:51 Personal Homeschooling Stories and Decisions03:47 The Ideal Approach to Homeschooling04:58 Embracing Leadership Education for Homeschooling06:19 The Power of Learning Through Fun and Projects08:58 The Importance of Loving to Learn14:35 Navigating the Status Game in Education27:44 Preparing Kids for an Uncertain Future35:51 Exploring the Impact of Leadership Education36:46 The Role of Family and Community in Leadership41:19 Personal Stories of Leadership and Family Dynamics46:08 The Importance of Reading Classics and Building Community46:17 LEMI’s Mission and the Value of Homeschooling53:16 The Transformative Power of Teaching and Learning01:10:09 Concluding Thoughts on Leadership Education and Its Broader Impact


Classic Call – Mastering Social Awareness

Imagine connecting deeply with those around you, mastering the art of seeing the unseen, and nurturing spaces where empathy and understanding flourish. That’s the essence of social awareness. Through the enlightening tales of Tiffany and Aneladee, we see the blueprint for not just leading but inspiring in our communities and homes. Ever heard about the church leader who, with his sheer presence, made everyone—from senators to the Harlem Globetrotters—feel incredibly seen? This isn’t about grand gestures but about making each interaction a moment of genuine connection. It’s a lesson for us: the most profound impacts come from making others feel truly valued. Tiffany and Aneladee’s wisdom is a treasure for us, homeschool parents and educators. It’s more than techniques; it’s about building a community of understanding, respect, and genuine connection. Let’s embrace these insights to enrich our teaching and lead with empathy, vulnerability, and strategic connection. Together, we’re not just educating; we’re shaping tomorrow’s compassionate leaders. Let’s make every lesson count! LINKS And There Was Light by Jaques Lusseyran7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen CoveyBonds that Make Us Free by C. Terry WarnerWhy Teenagers Act the Way They Do by G. Keith OlsonLeadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute 00:00 Diving Into Social Awareness: The Journey Begins00:10 Embracing the Vision of Building Statesmen01:27 The Courage to Teach and Lead Amidst Criticism02:39 Navigating Criticism and Embracing Imperfection05:09 Learning from Leaders: The Art of Making Meetings About Others10:17 The Power of Empathy and Understanding in Leadership10:25 The Impact of Seeing Others as Objects: The I-It Syndrome13:25 Exploring the Four Pillars of Social Awareness13:57 The Art of Match, Latch, and Lead in Social Situations14:40 Real-Life Applications of Social Awareness Skills22:13 Understanding Primal Empathy and Attunement30:57 Empathetic Accuracy and the Importance of Knowing Human Nature31:50 Understanding Empathetic Accuracy33:38 Navigating Social Dynamics and Relocation Challenges35:56 The Power of Social Cognition and Win-Win Solutions36:58 Exploring Social Orientations and Personal Growth44:37 Harnessing Stories for Strength and Resilience49:24 Empowering Children with Social Skills52:32 Mastering Match, Latch, and Lead Techniques58:20 Q&A Session: Insights into Personality Typing and Effective Communication


Embrace the Future: Insights from “The Fourth Turning is Here”

Kent and Amy Bowler, pioneers of Leadership Education, join Tatiana and Heidi as they unravel the pages of “The Fourth Turning is Here” by Neil Howe in our latest podcast episode. This conversation is more than a dialogue; it’s a deep dive into the essence of leadership in times of crisis and the pivotal role of nurturing resilient children in an era of uncertainty. We navigate the tumultuous waters of free will versus fear, the recurring nature of history, and the indomitable spirit of humanity to rise above its challenges. The Bowlers, with their rich insights, guide us through the storm, offering strategies for families to anchor themselves amidst societal shifts. They illuminate the path to harnessing personal agency, facing fear with fortitude, and carving out a future that embraces change with open arms and wise hearts. Tune in to this episode for a compelling narrative that bridges the gap between past wisdom and future possibilities, encouraging a well-rounded and proactive approach to personal development and intergenerational understanding. Discover the strength in choice and resilience as we together shape a promising horizon, even in the face of turmoil. LINKS The 4th Turning is Here  by Neil Howe Revolutionary Families – Kent & Amy Bowler – Free Parenting Workbook Kent & Amy’s Revolutionary Families Facebook Page Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Song – Beautiful Things by Benson Boone The Chosen TV Show American Crisis paper #1 The Diary of a CEO Podcast 00:00 Welcome to the Book Discussion: Diving into Leadership and Evolution 01:03 Exploring the Intricacies of Free Agency and Evolution 02:46 Generational Theories and the Impact of External Forces 05:19 The Influence of Society and Culture on Individual Choices 10:36 Parenting and Generational Challenges in Times of Crisis 19:49 Finding Inspiration and Agency in Historical Patterns 21:04 Reflecting on Personal Stories and the Cycles of History 25:42 Understanding the Natural Laws and Cyclical Nature of History 28:18 Exploring Human Evolution and Modern Challenges 28:49 The Impact of Technology on Natural Cycles 30:30 Cultural and Generational Cycles: Learning from History 31:42 Personal Reflections on Civil War and Societal Divisions 34:22 Navigating Polarization and Preparing the Next Generation 39:12 Confronting Fear and Embracing Hope for the Future 54:27 Strategies for Meaningful Colloquiums and Deep Listening


Cultivating Capable, Resilient Young Minds with Leadership Education

In an era of unprecedented challenges for children, Heidi and Tatiana, inspired by Abigail Shrier’s book “Bad Therapy,” offer insights into the evolving landscape of education, mentorship, and mental health. They highlight the necessity of balancing resilience building with the acknowledgment of genuine disabilities like dyslexia. They argue against the prevailing trend of over-labeling and under-empowering children, suggesting that recognizing each child’s unique potential is crucial. This leads them to propose leadership education as an alternative, emphasizing individual mentorship and the setting of personalized, achievable goals. The conversation underscores the importance of viewing each student as inherently capable and resilient. By encouraging personal responsibility and a proactive approach to challenges, Heidi and Tati call for a shift in perspective among educators and mentors. They envision an educational system that not only addresses mental health and learning challenges with innovative strategies but also cultivates a generation of empowered, compassionate, and capable leaders. LINKS Bad Therapy by Abigail Shrier Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis 00:00 Opening Conversation: Frustrations and Discoveries 00:17 Exploring the Premise of ‘Bad Therapy’ and Its Implications 02:25 Personal Struggles and the Dilemma of Disability vs. Resilience 04:46 The Role of Mentors in Navigating Education and Disabilities 10:31 Adjusting Educational Requirements: Flexibility vs. Standards 19:35 The Impact of High Expectations and the Value of Challenges 23:39 Redefining Success: Beyond Completing Projects 28:47 Vision, Mission, Abilities, Skills, and Knowledge in Education 31:29 Exploring Translogical Truths and Leadership Education 34:21 The Spectrum of Homeschooling: Unschooling to Tiger Moms 34:51 The Challenge of Balancing Rigor and Agency in Education 36:23 The Importance of Family Relationships and Healthy Communication 37:53 Mentoring Students with Anxiety: Strategies and Stories 49:28 The Power of Resilience and Overcoming Challenges 53:30 Embracing Leadership Education for All Abilities 59:39 The Journey of Mentorship: Learning, Growing, and Making an Impact


Ignite Curiosity – Cultivating Lifelong Learning

In the vibrant tapestry of homeschooling, we find an educational journey that champions curiosity and flexibility over rigid curriculums, much like the historical fight between AC and DC electricity—each a metaphor for the value of diverse learning approaches. Through personal stories, Tatiana and Heidi delve into the art of tailoring education to fit each child’s unique interests and needs, underscoring the importance of community and mentorship in enriching the homeschooling experience. This discussion goes beyond traditional education to highlight the significance of preparing children for an ever-changing future through a growth mindset. Emphasizing project-based learning and real-world applications, it advocates for an educational philosophy that fosters a genuine love for learning, aiming not just to prepare children for academic success but for life’s broader challenges. At its core, Heidi & Tati’s discussion promotes Leadership Education as the essence of homeschooling—a strategy that nurtures future leaders by leveraging curiosity, adaptability, and hands-on experiences. It’s a call to reimagine education as a journey of discovery, growth, and preparation for life’s infinite possibilities. 00:00 Introduction 00:15 The Fascinating History of Electricity 00:42 The Battle of Currents: Edison vs Tesla 02:39 The Impact of AC and DC Current in Modern Life 03:37 Applying Lessons from History to Homeschooling 04:13 Personal Homeschooling Experiences and Challenges 04:51 The Importance of Adapting to Each Child’s Needs 05:28 The Role of Leadership Education in Homeschooling 06:47 The Value of Flexibility and Community in Homeschooling 14:21 The Power of Project-Based Learning 18:39 The Importance of Lifelong Learning and Growth Mindset 25:23 The Role of Curiosity in Future Success 30:29 The Value of Community in Homeschooling 45:17 Conclusion: Embracing the Homeschooling Journey LINKS Reason to Believe – podcast – a physicist. Scientific aspect of what prayer actually does. Nurtured by Love – Suzuki 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families – Covey Personality isn’t Permanent – Ben Hardy Hidden Life of Trees -Peter Wohlleben Our Kids –  Robert Putnam Bowling Alone – Robert Putnam


Classic Call – Wind Beneath Our Wings

In this enlightening episode, Tiffany and Aneladee explore the critical elements of child development and education, focusing on the powerful interplay between initiative, submission, accountability, and mentorship. They delve into the pivotal stages of learning, from the Practice Scholar to the Apprentice Scholar phase, and how each stage is crucial in nurturing a child’s virtues and skills for life’s challenges. Discover how mentors, alongside parental guidance, play an indispensable role in guiding students through their educational journey, equipping them with the necessary tools for success. Learn about the significance of fostering an environment that encourages responsibility, purpose, and alignment with higher goals. They discuss how accountability and self-motivation are key drivers in a child’s development. Uncover the impact of parental involvement in mentoring and creating distraction-free spaces that not only boost productivity but also ensure moral alignment. They illustrate how initiative, mentorship, accountability, and a nurturing environment work together to build a solid foundation for lifelong learning and adaptation to life’s challenges. Join Aneladee and Tiffany as they dissect these themes, offering insights and strategies for parents, educators, and mentors alike, to foster a supportive atmosphere that enables children to thrive academically, personally, and morally. This episode is a must-listen for anyone invested in the fruitful development of the younger generation, equipping them with the tools to navigate and succeed in life’s multifaceted journey. 00:00 Introduction to the Virtues of Initiative and Submission01:16 The Importance of Understanding the Path02:22 The Journey through Core Phase06:29 The Transition to Practice Scholar Phase07:10 The Shift to Apprentice Scholar Phase07:20 Entering the Self-Directed Scholar Phase07:46 The Leap to Mentored Scholar Phase07:54 The Journey to Depth Phase and Mission Phase08:46 The Role of Initiative in Practice Scholar Phase09:53 The Role of Submission in Apprentice Scholar Phase10:03 The Balance of Initiative and Submission in Self-Directed Scholar Phase10:43 The Test of Submission in Mentored Scholar Phase11:22 The Power of Initiative in Self-Interest Projects17:56 The Importance of Parent Mentoring19:41 The Role of Peer Families and Teacher Mentors20:09 The Power of Initiative in Self-Directed Scholar Phase20:30 The Impact of Expectations on Scholar Phase30:07 The Importance of Submission in Mentored Scholar Phase39:38 The Balance of Initiative and Submission in Depth Phase and Mission Phase44:41 The Role of Initiative and Submission in Literature Characters46:35 The Night She Left Rochester: A Tale of Initiative and Submission47:00 The Submission to Helen Burns: A Lesson in Love47:22 George Washington: The Force of Personality and Virtue48:19 The Power of Character: A Discussion on Virtue48:53 The Dichotomy of Force and Virtue: Hitler vs Washington49:22 Moments of Submission in Jane’s Life50:38 The Dilemma of Submission: Choosing the Right Mentor50:44 Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Example of Initiative and Submission52:21 The Power of Initiative: ‘Send Me’53:12 The Power of Submission: ‘Thy Will Be Done’53:33 The Struggle of Submission: Choosing Your Mentor54:24 The Power of Virtue: A Discussion on Character Development01:15:41 The Parable of Talents: A Lesson in Initiative and Submission01:17:04 The Art of Flying: Balancing Initiative and Submission01:19:20 The Power of Time: Maximizing Initiative and Submission01:21:36 The Power of Accountability: A Key to Successful Submission01:23:17 The Power of Allegiance: A Key to Successful Initiative01:24:29 The Power of Expectations: A Key to Successful Initiative and Submission


Nate Bothwell – Unleashing Potential

Join us for a riveting discussion as Tatiana and Heidi sit down with Nate Bothwell, an alumnus of TJYC (now known as Quest) and an accomplished user experience designer (and the designer of the NEW LEMI Website – LEMIHomeschool.com!) In this episode, we delve into Bothwell’s educational path, his experience in public speaking, and his successful career in UX Design. Bothwell reminisces about his formative experiences with TJYC, including a memorable tale from a speech competition, showcasing how these early encounters have shaped his professional skill set. He also shares insights into his collaboration with Kathy Mellor, conducting seminars across the United States and creating the ‘Unleashing Your Voice’ and ‘Unleashing Your Choice’ manuals, which advocate for the cultivation of unique speaking styles. Further exploring his journey into UX design, Bothwell discusses how his background in the LEMI projects, especially Pyramid Project, has been instrumental in understanding client needs and developing effective digital solutions. Additionally, we discuss contemporary challenges such as the impact of AI and social media on society and individual expression, underscoring the significance of embracing one’s unique voice and the critical role mentors play in unlocking an individual’s potential. LINKS Nate’s website – Innate-Consulting.com Animal Farm by George Orwell Kaylie O’Harra’s LEMIWorks! Episode New LEMI Website – LEMIHomeschool.com . 00:00 Introduction and Guest Background00:40 Memories from TJYC and Quest01:08 The Art of Public Speaking04:05 Working with Kathy Mellor06:37 The Impact of Homeschooling08:17 The Power of Individuality10:53 The Influence of Social Media11:19 The Role of AI in Society14:08 The Importance of Understanding Different Worldviews30:30 The Impact of LEMI Projects on Career35:47 The Value of Unleashing Your Voice Program37:36 Conclusion


How do Moms do it?

Navigating the Challenges of Motherhood and Mentoring Join us on the LEMIWorks! Podcast as Heidi and Tati dive deep into the whirlwind journey of motherhood and mentorship. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of the trials and triumphs that come with parenting and guiding others, all through the lens of two seasoned moms who’ve been there, done that, and have the wisdom to prove it. Heidi and Tati don’t shy away from the tough stuff. They get real about the rollercoaster of emotions that parenting can evoke, especially during those high-stress times like the holiday season. It’s a candid look at the pressures to perform, to be everything to everyone, and how it can sometimes feel like you’re falling short. But it’s not all heavy hearts and tough talks. Our hosts share a beacon of hope in the form of strategies and personal insights that have helped them navigate the murky waters of mental health challenges. From recognizing their own limits to prioritizing what truly matters, changing their expectations, and harnessing the power of the ‘mind’s eye’, Heidi and Tati offer up a toolkit for battling anxiety and depression with grace. The biggest gem of wisdom they share? The art of letting go. The reminder that mothers, despite the societal pressure to do it all, really only need to do what they can. The rest, as Heidi and Tati beautifully put it, is in the hands of a higher power. So, if you’re feeling the weight of motherhood or mentorship, or if you’re just in need of some solid, soulful advice, tune in. This episode of the LEMIWorks! Podcast is a warm embrace, a friendly chat, and a reminder that you’re not alone in this journey. LINKS The 7th Sense by John Cooper RamoThe Five Love Languages by Gary ChapmanMan’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl 00:01 Introduction: The Challenges of Motherhood 00:20 Personal Experiences: Balancing Motherhood and Holidays 01:39 The Emotional Toll of Motherhood 03:18 Understanding the Modern World: The 7th Sense 04:23 The Plagues of Different Centuries 05:31 The Epidemic of Mental Health Issues 07:18 The Challenges of Homeschooling 08:18 Understanding Personal Limitations and Priorities 11:40 The Importance of Attachment Theory 18:03 The Role of Community and Mentors 22:27 Managing Expectations and Embracing Success 28:43 Changing Expectations and Embracing Self-Worth 29:10 The Power of ‘I am Enough’ 30:18 The Ideal vs. The Reality 31:02 The Importance of Love and Connection in Mentoring 32:17 Adjusting Expectations and Embracing Flexibility 32:26 The Power of Positive Self-Talk 39:30 The Importance of Understanding Roles in Mentoring 45:57 The Power of Inspiration in Mentoring 49:16 The Trenches of Motherhood and Mentoring 52:54 The Role of a Higher Power in Mentoring


Raising Kids in a Crisis

In this week’s episode, Tatiana and Heidi delve into the palpable fear and despair gripping many individuals amidst today’s turbulent world. They weave through history’s ebbs and flows, dissecting crisis stages and underlining the vital role of hope and endurance in the face of adversity. Their conversation illuminates the critical importance of community bonds, meaningful relationships, and effective parenting as navigational beacons through crises. Beyond the immediate, there’s a strong emphasis on cultivating a growth mindset, viewing challenges not as insurmountable obstacles but as stepping stones to personal and societal transformation. This dialogue isn’t just a discussion; it’s a clarion call to harness difficult moments as catalysts for change, growth, and a brighter future and where homeschooling fits into all of this. 00:00 Introduction 00:01 Discussing the Current State of America 01:14 Personal Experiences with Crisis 02:42 Studying the American Crisis Paper 04:18 Understanding Thomas Paine and His Works 06:16 Analyzing the American Crisis Paper 07:15 Understanding the Concept of Crisis 10:28 The Role of Hope and Change in Crisis 19:28 Personal Crisis and Growth 23:48 Understanding the Cycles of History 27:59 Homeschooling in a Crisis 29:56 The Struggles of the Current Generation 30:27 The Importance of Community in Homeschooling 31:03 Practical Tips for Homeschooling Parents 32:05 The Power of Community Support 32:17 Understanding the Cycles of History 33:43 The Role of Community in Crisis Management 35:07 The Value of Community in Personal Growth 37:38 The Importance of Perseverance in Crisis 39:56 The Power of Community in Overcoming Challenges 45:55 The Impact of Crisis on Personal Growth 48:33 The Role of Community in Overcoming Crisis 53:52 The Power of Perspective in Crisis 59:42 The Importance of Hope in Crisis 01:00:15 The Power of Individual Choices in Crisis 01:00:40 The Importance of Sharing Hope in Crisis 01:01:08 Conclusion: Embracing Crisis as an Opportunity for Growth


Classic Call – The Warrior

In this passionate discussion, Tiffany’s sister Kami motivates all of us to become ‘warriors’, engaged in the battle for knowledge, truth, and a better future. She draws from historical and fictional narratives to illustrate the importance of fortitude and vision. She focuses on the principles of monism, dualism, and polyism as belief systems framing our understanding of the universe and our place in it. She also breaks down the five levels of self-unity and talks about her personal experiences with motherhood, mentorship, and leadership. An emphasis is put on the need for a sense of purpose, resilience, and the courage to take action. Kami challenges listeners to find their own battles to fight, understand the influence of their ego, and uncover God’s purpose and calling for their lives. LINKS: No One Can Take Your Place by Sheri Dew The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson


Quest Scholars Dive Deep into “The Coddling of the American Mind”

Join us for a riveting episode as a group of Quest scholars, dive deep into the heart of “The Coddling of the American Mind” by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt with Heidi. This episode is not just a discussion; it’s an intellectual journey through the ‘three great untruths’ that shape our society, mental health, and educational systems. These scholars don’t hold back! From the challenges of hardship to the necessity of emotional resilience, these scholars don’t shy away from the tough questions. How do societal pressures and educational experiences affect our mental growth? Are we being coddled too much? This detailed and nuanced debate explores these questions and more, offering a fresh perspective on the concepts presented in the book. These amazing youth share personal insights and apply their learnings to their own lives, sparking an enlightening conversation on how these ‘untruths’ influence our decisions and outlook on life. Whether you’re familiar with the book or hearing about it for the first time, this episode promises a thought-provoking exploration of contemporary issues that affect us all. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to challenge your perceptions and perhaps, change the way you think about adversity, learning, and growth. Whether you are a parent or a mentor, this is a great opportunity to experience what a colloquium with experienced apprentice scholars sounds like. There are “devil’s advocates” and disagreements. Support and understanding. Teasing and cheering! Listen now to be part of this essential conversation! 00:04 Introduction and Participant Introductions00:41 Discussing the Three Great Untruths01:02 Debate on ‘What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Weaker’03:57 Exploring the Concept of Anti-Fragility04:44 Understanding the Impact of Personal Trials09:47 Transition to ‘Always Trust Your Feelings’10:03 Debate on ‘Always Trust Your Feelings’10:43 Discussion on the Role of Mindset in Overcoming Trials13:57 Exploring the Concept of ‘Life is a Battle Between Good People and Evil People’24:48 Understanding the Impact of Parenting and Safetyism27:27 Debate on ‘Us Versus Them’ Mentality28:23 Discussion on the Importance of Kindness and Understanding36:18 The Dangers of a Binary Mindset36:59 The Power of Forgiveness37:24 The Homeschooling Experience: Debunking Myths38:46 The Reality of Homeschooling: A Deeper Dive40:58 The Homeschooling Advantage: Protection and Exposure46:11 The Complexity of Good and Bad56:18 The Impact of Quest on Personal Growth BOOK LINKS: Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt https://www.amazon.com/Coddling-American-Mind-Intentions-Generation/dp/0735224919/ref Wild Swans by Jung Changhttps://www.amazon.com/Wild-Swans-Three-Daughters-China/dp/0743246985/ref  7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Coveyhttps://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People-Powerful/dp/1982137274/ref Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Franklhttps://www.amazon.com/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor-Frankl/dp/0807014273/ref


EDUCATION: What it Needs to be

In a world where the educational system seems to be unraveling, it’s high time we tackle some hard-hitting questions. That’s exactly what Tatiana and Heidi dive into during their candid education discussion. They’re not just scratching the surface of what education means; they’re digging deep into its past, present, and future. Join these two seasoned homeschool experts as they share gripping stories and timeless gems that can genuinely transform your child’s learning journey. But hold on tight, this isn’t your average chit-chat; things can get pretty intense! Both Tatiana and Heidi are fueled by an unwavering passion for educational principles and how to put them into practice for our kids and in our lives. Check it out! LINKS George’s Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt The Builders by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Modern Miss Mason by Leah Boden Language of Freedom Classic Call on LEMIWorks!


Courageous Connections: Unveiling the Power of Community

Embracing a sense of community can be quite the challenge. For homeschooling parents, it can be tempting to simply drop off our kids and avoid the sometimes awkward interactions with others. But here’s the thing: being part of a community requires us to be open, to expose ourselves to the possibility of embarrassment, both from our kids and ourselves! So, what’s the driving force behind it all? Join Tatiana and Heidi as they dive into a fascinating conversation with Olivia Votaw and Katie Richins. They’ll explore the nuances between a mere network and a true community, and together, they’ll unravel the compelling reasons why investing in a genuine community is absolutely worth the effort. LINKS: Subscription Link for Recordings of Webinars “Communities Vs. Networks: To Which Do You Belong?” by Brett & Kate McKay Multipliers by Liz Wiseman Bowling Alone: Revised and Updated: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert Putnam Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert Putnam How to Educate Your Children | Jeff Sandefer – The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast Culture Code by Daniel Coyle Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by  Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson , Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Emily Gregory  Aristotle’s Politics


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