LMMP live

Who knows where this podcast is going! Crystals and energy and Hood etiquette and hip hop politics and parenting warnings and weed........join me for the ride. Sometimes I will even bring friends along!!🤔🤨

#SheaYOUnique feature episode

Episode 1 was a little awkward but episode 2 will introduce you to a plethora of natural beauty products we offer as well. Join me on my natural, spiritual journey of health and beauty. LMMP along with LMMP LIVE on so whatcha say.


LMMP live intro to the world.... I think

It’s just the beginning! I have no idea where this is going so please....... follow my random rants and feel free to tell me how you feel so I can rant more!!!👽💎🔮🎱🍿🕶👀☕️


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