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Author: League of Women Voters of Portland

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Nonpartisan information for voting and civic engagement from the League of Women Voters of Portland. Oregon voters, educators, and interested community members can listen to nonpartisan candidate and ballot measure forums, candidate interviews, and information about how governmental and nongovernmental organizations are addressing important community issues. 

224 Episodes
This fall, Portland is facing big changes. Our election system is shifting to ranked-choice voting for the first time. In January, a new form of city government will be in place. As the ballots are counted and the impacts of this election set in, our panel helps offer perspective, learning, and hope on the other side. How did we do in our city’s first ranked-choice election?What do we expect from this first crop of city officials taking office in the new form of government?What local impacts ...
This fall, Portland’s election system isn’t the only thing changing. Our form of city government is changing, too. In 2022, Portlanders voted for change, and on January 1, 2025, we are getting it. The Mayor will be running the City government, and hiring a City Administrator to get the job done. The Mayor won’t be on the Council any more – Council will pick its own leaders. The new City Council will still be adopting laws and approving the budget, and they will need to colla...
This November, Portlanders will experience a new voting method when the city introduces ranked-choice voting (RCV) to elect its top elected officials. Although RCV is not new — 43 other American cities, two states and, three counties now use it — its unfamiliarity to local voters has raised a number of questions and concerns. Are the voters and the election system prepared for this major change? Can I trust the outcome? What has happened in other cities that have instituted RCV? What will it ...
This episode is a recording of a panel discussion with League of Women Voters (LWV) members who attended the UN International Climate Conference in Glasgow Scotland in November 2021. The UN’s Climate Conference—the “Conference of the Parties” or COP—is the official meeting of member states who signed the UN’s climate treaty. Every year, the parties to the treaty, including the U.S., meet and negotiate various aspects of the treaty. Seven LWV members from around the U.S. att...
The Portland City Charter is similar to a constitution for the city; it defines how Portland is governed. Every ten years, the City of Portland appoints a volunteer Commission to review the City Charter. Over the past year, twenty Charter Review Commissioners have been considering ways to improve the way Portland's government works. They have learned from Portlanders, other cities, and numerous other sources about changes to the Charter that could make Portland's government more effective, re...
This is a podcast of an interview with Jacquenette McIntire who is running for Position 3 on the Gresham City Council. Ms. McIntire explains why she is running and how she would address Gresham's most urgent needs.
This is a podcast of an interview with Sameer Kanal, who is running to represent District 2 on the Portland City Council. Mr. Kanal explains why he is running and discusses his ideas for addressing important issues in Portland.
This is a podcast of an interview with Khanh Pham, who is currently the Oregon State Representative for District 46, but who is running to become the Oregon State Senator for District 23. (She is not running for reelection to her current position in the Oregon House of Representatives.) Ms. Pham explains why she is now running for the Senate and her goals.
This is a podcast of an interview with Joe Meyer, who is running for the position on US Representative in Congress for District 3.
This is a podcast of the Candidate Forum for candidates running for the position of Circuit Court Judge, 4th District, Position 38. Five candidates are running for this position. Three of them participated in this forum: Jeff Auxier, Jennifer Myrick, and Rachel Philips. NOTE: Information on all five candidates can be found on the League of Women Voters website, The position became open too late for the candidates to file statements in the Voters' Pamphlet. The cand...
This is an interview with Jeff Auxier, running to fill Position 38 in the 4th District of the Circuit Court. Mr.Auxier answers questions about why he is running and his goals and priorities as a judge.
This is an interview with Rachel Philips, running to fill Position 38 in the 4th District of the Circuit Court. Ms. Philips answers questions about why she is running and her goals and priorities as a judge.
This is a podcast of a candidate forum with Shannon Singleton and Sam Adams, the candidates running to become the Multnomah County Commissioner for District 2. The candidates participate in a timed discussion of the issues facing the Multnomah County Commission and how they would address these issues, if elected.
This is a podcast of an interview with Shannon Singleton, who is running for the position of Multnomah County Commissioner, District 2. Ms. Singleton answers questions about why she is running and discusses changes she would support for the programs that the county oversees.
This is a podcast of a candidate forum with Vadim Mozyrsky and Meghan Moyer, the candidates running to become the Multnomah County Commissioner for District 1. The candidates participate in a timed discussion of the issues facing the Multnomah County Commission and how they would address these issues, if elected.
This is a podcast of an interview with Meghan Moyer, who is running for the position of Multnomah County Commissioner, District 1. Ms. Moyer answers questions about why she is running and discusses changes she would support for the programs that the county oversees.