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Laced with Grace, Fully Embraced

Author: Kelsey Combs

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Hang with me here where faith meets fitness! As a mama, wife, nurse, previous online health and fitness coach now online ministry host I'm extremely passionate about helping women care for and view their bodies as Christ calls us to. It's time that we flip the script of cultural diet & exercise lies to the Truths of what God says about us, our bodies & honoring them. Exercise & movement can be such a catalyst to helping us live a STRONG life! If you're ready to grow in your faith, your fitness with some truth bombs, love, & a little sass, this podcast is for you sister!
99 Episodes
We say this a ton, especially as mamas; "Oh I would do ANYTHING for my kids & my family" butttt... Would you do ____ , ____, ____??? I talk more about things that would actually be sooooo beneficial not only for US but to the LORD and to our loved ones butttt yet we struggle to do them on the daily! This episode has some tough love & truth bombs attached but a whole lotta love for you too!! Be ready for this one haha. I love you so much sweet friend! If this episode spoke to you please as always share with someone else! I bet they need to hear it too!!! --- Send in a voice message:
As a believer who maybe has watched my content or saw my posts on social or even listened here, have you ever thought, "okay? but like why is it so vital or important for a believer to be disciplined in their fitness?" once you listen to today's episode, I hope this clicks for you! And even if you're not a believer in the Lord yet that's OKAY, I believe God has something for you today in this episode and I pray it blesses you too!! & if you need some more accountability in your faith and your fitness walk please do not hesitate to join my FREE online ministry community for daily content, encouragement, accountability and free tools and resources weekly/monthly click the link to follow to join for FREE >>>>> Design emails people love to get. ( --- Send in a voice message:
Are you wondering whyyy in the world am I stuck? Why am I not seeing results?! I’ve been working at this and nothing is changing! Check this episode out sister to find out why mentally you may be stuck in your journey currently! --- Send in a voice message:
In todays episode we are gonna dive into the real issue & the ROOT of the struggle and defeat in your fitness. Its not your body, its not your discipline or lack there of; It's actually your HEART. We're gonna work on THAT and transforming that FIRST! Also here is the link to join into my FREE laced with grace fully embraced faith & fitness ministry page! where you can get support and love and daily accountability each month!! >>>> Design emails people love to get. ( --- Send in a voice message:
today I give 5 practical tips you can apply TODAY on how to make bible time more of a daily habit!! and if you already have made this a daily nonnegotiable im soooo proud of you!! BUT I still think we can alll grow and be sharpened by these tips today!! Enjoy and be blessed!!! love you!! and for more accountability & support join the FREE Laced with Grace Fully Embraced ministry community, click this link to register! >>> Design emails people love to get. ( --- Send in a voice message:
This week's episode dives deeper in the lies of comparison. While also covering the 3 different kinds of comparison. I pray that if you are a gal that struggles immensely with comparing yourself to others negatively or even to your past self or body that this helps your heart and mindset transform and that the Lord provides TRUTH to you through this message today. --- Send in a voice message:
in todays episode was super special as week got to chat and pick the brain of IFBB Bikini Pro competitor, nutrition & fitness lover who also has a strong relationship with Jesus! We literally talk allll things fitness, Jesus, mindset, heartset, she gives insight and tips & so much WINNING energy! Just love her spunk and so thankful she spent time with us today on today's episode! I hope it blesses you!! you can find/connect with Kristine here: IG - FB email: Herpodcast: --- Send in a voice message:
Today I'm gonna share some things me and mom talked about during our little denver CO trip this last weekend, It's a little raw, a little heated, and a whole lotta grace filled though! We are going to chat about depending on & relying on HIM & His grace instead of finding PRIDE in who we are and what we do. I hope this one blesses you! --- Send in a voice message:
Ever have days or mornings or even just moments where you are like LORDDDDD this is flipping too hard! I can't do this today!! This fitness thing, this nutrition thing, this morning routine crap just aint for me today. In today's episode I'm hopefully going to encourage you through sharing some of my recent real and raw moments of my morning fails & how the Lord is using this season to grow me and how He can do this same thing with YOUR struggles in this fitness journey too! Remember our struggle produces endurance which produces hope <3 --- Send in a voice message:
In todays episode I'm going to share WHY & HOW to make fitness more of a Holy habit. I talk a lot about making sure Christ is at the center of our journey and surrendering our fitness to Jesus but what exactly does that mean and look like? today I'm doing to give all those details PLUS share some tangible tips and tricks to make fitness more Holy and "whole" <3 hope this blesses your life like it has mine!! --- Send in a voice message:
I have been asked multiple times now to share about my previous eating disorders and how I broke the cycle of binging and restricting food. I share in todays episode a little of my story with this topic and also 6 ways on how I broke this vicious cycle. I hope it helps and blesses you too! --- Send in a voice message:
Todays episode is a bit deep for being about fitness but I know so many of us have been in bondage to the lie "Ill be happy if I lose the weight" "I'll be happy if I just had the abs" "I'll be happy if I felt sexier" etc etc etc , This is a constant hamster wheel of lies that can spiral and just cause more emptiness, defeat, and discouragement instead of just finding JOY, the pure joy of Jesus in your journey . I hope this episode gives some incite and guidance on how to find freedom from this bondage of the lie "ill just be happy if___" --- Send in a voice message:
we literally have over 60,000 thoughts a day yall, and did you know 85 % of them are negative?! Its a daily repeated battle for so many of us! So today I wanna teach us a method using our best strength training tool, the bible, how to develop the habit of FIT thoughts! Also if you have yet to join my FREE Laced with Grace ministry community for more accountability in your faith and fitness journey join us here! >>> Design emails people love to get. ( --- Send in a voice message:
I got asked a question a while back & was waiting on the right time for God to provide the answer and the words to share with you but the question was, "Is God mad at me if I'm disobedient or inconsistent in caring for my body & doing poorly in my fitness." Today we are gonna chat about this and I think some hearts and eyes may be opened & softened as they hear Who God really is :) I have also linked the free registration link to my ministry community that I mentioned in this episode as well click here to join us >>> Design emails people love to get. ( --- Send in a voice message:
you may feel as though you just have always just "sucked at nutrition, always failed in your workouts, never followed through, cant be disciplined, that nothing ever works for you" Listen sister, we are no longer victims, we don't have to stay in a place we once were because WE have victory in Jesus!!! Let's fight this victim mentality once in for all through the ultimate Victor; Jesus! Also if you dont have a church home or love to listen to other church sermons, feel free to take a listen to our church, New Song, from little ol Plymouth IN on Apple podcast or from their website! --- Send in a voice message:
today we dive into how to fuel God's way with our last macronutrient FATS. We'll discuss why fats are so beneficial, tips on fats and how to fuel with them! examples and education on the kinds of fats. & the differences between man-made fats vs God-made fats. We'll also dive into how to apply all the nutrition knowledge on macronutrients we have talked about the last couple days and how to PLATE our food God's way <3 I've also linked one of my favorite previous episodes mentioned in this episode today on speaking TRUTHs over you and remembering who you are in Jesus! --- Send in a voice message:
today we are diving into more about food and doing it GOD'S way. This week's macronutrient we are talking about is protein, its role, why we need it, and some tips and trips on getting in more GOD-made protein vs man-made proteins. I hope this blesses you today, gives you knowledge wisdom & discernment but doesn't overwhelm you on the topic of food. --- Send in a voice message:
after last weeks episode and the amount of feedback I got about how much yall needed that info on GOD MADE FOODS, I thought I'd dive a little deeper this week and talk about GOD MADE CARBS! <3 If eating carbohydrates scare you, you've eliminated carbs completely, you are addicted to sugar, or you have wondered how or why to eat carbs to help with your progress please take a listen, I think God will have some wisdom for you here! --- Send in a voice message:
#83: FOOD God's way

#83: FOOD God's way


I get soooo many questions and hear sooo many struggles around food choices, meal prepping, and overwhlem from ladies trying to work on their nutrition, so in today's episode we are gonna talk alllll things food yall! all things food! looking at food in a spirit lead way & developing a healthy relationship with food but also gaining some knowledge and wisdom together around food and fueling our bodies well! I also wanted to make sure I linked this TURNIP french fry recipes I talk about randomly in todays podcast! enjoy!! we lovedddd this! >>> Air-Fryer Turnip Fries - The Delicious Spoon --- Send in a voice message:
Struggle with knowing what to pray, how to pray, whyyyyy pray? Ever wanna dig a little deeper into prayer? Thats what we are gonna do into todays episode I hope you enjoy the awkwardness, the jokes, the laughs and the true real raw beautiful idea of PRAYER and what it actually is & how it draws us nearer to Jesus! Lets get it lets go! --- Send in a voice message: