Ladies & Tangents

A community for people who hate leaving the house but also want friendship. Talking about things we find fascinating or don't understand and almost certainly getting completely sidetracked along the way with well, tangents.

Blah, blah, blah abandonment - Future Faking

Yet another term has circulated the internet and wound up in our google feed. Scientific studies and peer reviews be damned, tiktok says Future Faking exists and so do at least two articles that we chose to discuss in this episode and that's good enough for us. Remember, as always, we are two idiots who don't know dick about shit. We put some words in google and are discussing the results over sparkling gin in a can. Let's relax and have a good time, while also maybe taking several moments to reflect. RESOURCES -,of%20a%20grand%20future%20together WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Hey, I hope you get hit by a bus - Do you stand by that?

It's almost been five years since we sat down behind a couple of microphones and started sharing our conversations with the world. Two babies have been born, weddings have been had, shows have been done, moves have happened and other recent events have occurred...It is safe to say a lot has changed, but have we? We asked our audience to send us quotes or general beliefs that we've said over the last five years and answered whether or not we back our past selves or think the two little sweeties in those episodes are a couple of naive idiots. Turns out we don't recall most of what we said, but do we stand by it? Oh and remember when we said more shows for Camp Tangents may be added, WELL WE STAND BY THAT!   WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


The mistake on the lake - Cleveland's 10c Beer Night

You know, we’ve tried for a really long time to go to bat for Ohio. The rest of the world calls it the armpit of the Midwest, but we call it home and it’s where our heart is…unfortunately until recently, we were unaware of just how disappointing Ohio was. In just a quick hour, we’ll explain why Ohio probably won’t ever shake the title they’ve so rightfully earned, the mistake on the lake. Also I’d say take a drink every time we says “that’s the most Cleveland thing,” but after this episode, we won’t be encouraging anyone to drink ever again…or at least for a couple more weeks. WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


You're gay? Well, I'm a mess - Pride Stories

LOVE WINS AGAIN. This year for pride, we decided to highlight queerness by sharing your stories like we'd share any other smorgasbord of stories because WHAT?? Being gay is normal and should be treated as such...except for when it's fabulous and in those cases, we should highlight just how superior the LGBTQIA+ is!  WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


You're sick for that, Santa, you're sick - AITAH Sims

If you thought the drama was good with human AITAH's, wait until you hear the ones written about characters in a game with no rules. We're reading Sims AITAH submissions and getting everyone pregante by Kyle Kyleson like the great plumbob overlords intended. WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


In my crusty era - Mother's Day Special

You all showed up and flooded the inbox with the most incredible stories for Mother's Day and now Jeri has to sue you all for emotional damages. While she may never recover, you all made Ciara feel again- so we're categorizing this as a win. WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Don't get so hard that you forget how to be soft - Invisible String Theory

We love a tiktok psuedo-science, especially when we have a little story to go along with it. We're both proof of its existence and also part of the problem perpetuating its debatable existence. In this episode, we discuss how we're crocheted together by the universe with invisible strings. Don't believe us? Have you even tried being spiritchal? Grow up.  WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Chef boyar-dee me down - Icks

After the success of the Sims episode, we decided that we're just going to start doing what you want more often and what you've been asking for is a place to vent your icks. We're back again describing all of the things that make our faces scrunch up in disgust. Did we accidentally just focus on men doing these things and discover that when women do the majority of these, it's more of a yum than an ick? Maybe.  WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Dad, not now! I'm doing gay stuff - Sims Play

We just finished up the last leg of tour and had absolutely zero time to record a traditional episode. We've been teasing Sims content for what feels like a year so we finally used our current situation as a reason to pull the trigger and see if we could make an episode out of playing the Sims. For warning, this was recorded on a cell phone in a hotel. If you like this, we will definitely properly record next time! Thank you for being gentle on us this week while we get ourselves back together!!THANK YOU FOR AN INCREDIBLE TOUR!! WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


No one self adjusts me like I self adjust me - Mental Health Check In

We've been needing it and you've been asking for it, it's a long overdue mental health check in. Tour is almost over and the roller coaster of highs and lows is about to come to a screeeeeeching halt - see what I did there, PNW? Grab a cozy drink and get your comfy pants on while we answer some of your questions in this slower paced catch up ep. WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Now her soul is in this thrift store bathroom - Dream Meanings

We know you weirdos like to talk about dreams and so do we. The insane movies our subconscious projects on the back of our eyelids is the closest we get to tripping these days. Did we already cover some of these things 3.5 years ago? Maybe, but you know we forgot so we read some popular nightmares like it was the first time. Don't take any of this seriously, our resource was a mattress website.Now her soul is in this thrift store bathroom WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Baby’s first ouija board - Sharing your Scandals

Patreon voted for another smergashberg mashup of stories for us to share with you! You want ho-rror stories? We got'em. You want ghost stories? Got that too. Accidentally starting a cult...didn't know you wanted that, did you? But we did...   WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


You gluck on this, you'll never gluck again - Angel Numbers

If you've ever heard someone yelling ONE ONE ONE, TWO TWO TWO, THREE THREE THREE - no, you're not at an auction, it's just your spirit guides telling you some shit. What are they trying to tell you? Well according to the internet, so much. We're here to share a few of those with you today! RESOURCES - WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Alive in their garden - The Mirabal Sisters

March is women’s history month and we wouldn’t dare rob you of the opportunity to learn about a group of bad ass sisters who helped take down one of the most cruel dictators in history. Go ahead and skip your morning coffee, we’re running on feminine rage today.RESOURCES - Favorite Murder Podcast titled “High-Pitched Goodbye” WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


My mom had gotten up to go to the bathroom and she never came back - Scandals

Because we've been enjoying doing a mashup of listener submissions, we are petitioning changing our beloved Scandals episodes to Smorgasbord episodes. IYKYK... Today on the story buffet, we have ho-stories, matrix glitches and some old fashion scandally scandals. As always, we love you and hope you keep sending in your stories to for a chance to have yours featured on future eps! WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


I'm talking about Abe Lincoln being controlled by a rat - Snapple Facts

We've been on the road quite a lot recently and decided it was time to slow things down and lighten the mood with an episode about Snapple Facts. Before getting into the silly, goofy time, Jeri has some updates for the L&T fam. She has seen the questions and comments and is catching everyone while also making some requests for future comments, questions and concerns. As always, we appreciate you giving us the space and opportunity to be humans, as well as being our friend while we do it. REFERENCE WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Stop oogling my boogles - The Male Gaze

This week Ciara decided to delve deep into the history of a term that has been floating around social media for awhile now. And by delve deep, we mean she found a few articles and decided to use that to strike up a conversation about something she knows nothing about. The male gaze was a term coined in the 1970s but we know it’s actually been around for honestly, probably the beginning of time. Join us in getting mad and also inappropriate for the majority of this episode, and please come into it with an open mind and remember that we do not now and have not ever known anything. RESOURCES WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


Grieve the person you thought they’d become, and then move on - Hey Ladies

We did a Q&A a few weeks ago and heard how upset you were that we skipped the Hey Ladies questions- well we hope you're happy. We've devoted an entire episode to giving you arguably terrible, but very much solicited advice. Once again, we don't know dick about shit and don't advise anyone ever do what we say- unless it turns out well; then you tell people we told you to do it. WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


I didn’t want anything, but I certainly didn’t want a fish - Red & Green Flags

This week we dug deep in the L&T files for a highly requested episode and asked you all for your “red flags” and “green flags”. Whether it’s a romantic, familial or work relationship - we’ve all experienced that spidey sense that tells our gut whether we vibe with certain people or not. As always please take these as the opinions they are and nothing more - we have never wanted you to listen to us and we hope you never will.  WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 


What did he do to me last night to make my kitty cough so much? - Valentine's Day Special

Once we broke the tradition of our annual Valentine's Day episode with the guys, we apparently forgot completely that the day existed at all. Ciara prepared a Smörgåsbord of stories for us and Jeri tried to make them hot in honor of the day of love. It was nearly impossible to do considering two of the stories included mehrder....  WE’RE GOING ON TOUR - ladiesandtangents.comWE'RE ON PATREON - -*NEW* SUBMIT YOUR STORIES - landtstories@gmail.comFOLLOW ALONG WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA - @ladiesandtangents GAZA/WEST BANK RESOURCES- 



“Mick mousè…. Oh, MICKEY mouse… here, Mickey Mouse is earth bound.” #NewGirlForLife

07-30 Reply



07-22 Reply

Lori C.

definitely tangents ... wow

06-18 Reply

Katie Maier

20s and 30s? I've had it on and off since I was 9 😬

05-17 Reply

Stephanie O'Neill-Miller

my word of the year is honest

05-04 Reply










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