Ladies of Horror Fiction Podcast

Ladies of Horror Fiction was created to bring about a multi-dimensional way to support women (either cisgender or those who identify as female) who either write in the horror genre or review in it. This will be done via the website, the podcast, the yearly Instagram Challenge, read-a-longs featuring said authors, and other activities that have not yet been determined.

LOHF Presents Stories of Horror: Body Horror with Tracy Fahey and Gabriela

Join Toni as she reads body horror stories by Tracy Fahey and Gabriela Houston.


Ladies of Horror Fiction Presents Stories of Horror: Jungle Harvest by Chris Chesler

Join Toni as she goes into the forest with Chandra and Rand in Jungle Harvest by Chris Chesler


Ladies of Horror Fiction Presents Stories of Horror: Creature Part 1

Join Toni as she reads three chilling tales of creature horror penned by three fantastic women authors: Sonora Taylor, Hailey Piper and Alyson Faye.


LOHF Presents Stories of Horror: Luella Miller Part 2 by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

Join Toni for part 2 of Luella Miller. Will we finally know what Luella Miller actually is?


Episode 8 Diversity in Horror with a special guest

Join Toni and her special guest as they talk about the trope bury your gays and representation in the horror community.


LOHF Present Stories of Horror: Mary E. Wilkins Freeman and Luella Miller

Travel back to 1800's New England with Toni as she retells the story of Luella Miller by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman.


LOHFpod Episode 7 Horrific Motherhood

Join Toni as she discusses the intersection of horror and motherhood.


LOHF Present Stories of Horror: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Yellow Wallpaper Part 2

Join Toni as she makes her last visit to the nursery at the top of the house with the yellow wallpaper.


LOHF Presents Stories of Horror: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Yellow Wallpaper

Join Toni as she explores the nursery with the yellow wallpaper.


Episode 6 Mary Shelley and Frankenstein

Join Toni as she discusses the life of Mary Shelley and the themes that are present in the novel Frankenstein. She will also discuss her current and recent reads as well as LOHF and Horror Community News.


Ladies of Horror Fiction Present: Stories of Horror Edith Wharton's The Lady's Maid's Bell Part 2

Join Toni as she find out what happens to Alice Hartley in Part 2 of Edith Wharton's The Lady's Maid's Bell.


Santa's Horrific Sidekicks with Kira McKinney

Santa's Horrific Sidekicks with Kira McKinney by Ladies of Horror Fiction


Ladies of Horror Fiction Present: Stories of Horror Edith Wharton's The Lady's Maid's Bell

Join Toni as she gets up close and personal with Edith Wharton. In this inaugural episode of Stories of Horror Toni reads the first part of the gothic The Lady's Maid's Bell.....and wonders who is it that Alice sees in the hall?


The Evolution of Fairytales and Horror with J Lincoln Fenn

This week on the Ladies of Horror Fiction Podcast Toni talks the evolution of fairytales and horror. She talks to writer J. Lincoln Fenn about fairytales and horror as well as J's new book The Nightmarchers.


Folklore and Horror where do they intersect?

Episode 3 delves into Folklore - Join Toni as she discusses folklore and horror. And if that’s not enough Toni has a super special guest!! Finally, a recap of her current reads and recent LOHF releases round out an episode you won’t want to miss.


Ladies of Horror Fiction Episode 2

Episode 2 delves into Halloween - from its beginnings to present day. And if that’s not enough, join Toni as she discusses intriguing urban legends including Resurrection Mary ( and other vanishing hitchhikers) and weeping widows (like La llorona) . Finally, a recap of her current reads and recent LOHF releases round out an episode you won’t want to miss.


What is the Ladies of Horror Fiction

In the inaugural episode, Toni introduces you to the Ladies of Horror Fiction organization and the podcast. Take a short journey through the history of horror fiction, learn about our upcoming readalong, get some new release recommendations for October, hear what Toni is currently reading, and get some details regarding the dumpster fire that is Nocturnal Readers Box.


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